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The week went by, the planet kept turning, the wars still raged throughout the galaxy, and for Calista, everything went back to normal. Days came and went, and Calista was back into her routine, forcing thoughts of Ben into the back of her mind. Compartmentalizing was a very important skill for someone like her; the things she heard the First Order supporters speak of were not for her to repeat, she was nothing more than the dirt on their boots. She was there for one reason, and one reason only, to offer them a release that they needed.

Seated next to a plump but young man, clearly he had overindulged and had no intentions slowing down, Calista crossed her legs in her seat. They were watching a dance, and they had first row seats. The Twi'lek woman twisted and contorted, danced and offered the crowd forlorn yet seductive looks. Calista could see people adding credits to her account, like they were bidding on her, but she would not be bought, just paid.

The man beside Calista slid his arm over her bare thigh, and she glanced up at him, smiling pleasantly but wishing nonetheless that he was someone else. Leaning back in her seat, which was a soft leather and was sleek against her bare skin on her back and shoulders, Calista watched the woman dance so eloquently, so flawless in her movements. She knew that she had been taught and trained since the day she could walk, she was born and raised to be exactly where she stood. Just as Caslita had her destiny set out for her as well.

The dance came to an end, the stage blackened and everyone in the room was completely dark for a brief moment. The music faded out, and then the applause followed. It was not a standing ovation with abrasive clapping, the rich did not applaud like that. When the applause came to an end at the right time, the man rose then  reached his hand down to Calista, and she took it, allowing him to assist her to her feet.

Exiting the private and exclusive seating, the fresh air was welcomed by all. Crowds and lighting filled Calista's senses, and she found herself overwhelmed for just a moment. The limelight faded, and she knew where she was heading next. The man did too, and he guided her towards the big elevator that would hold over fifteen people comfortably.

He was kind to her, and did not feel the need to be too forward; she had that effect on people. "Shall we get a drink at the bar first?"

"Whatever you would like," she replied, a purr to her voice.

"A drink it is," he pushed the floor for the bar and casino.

The casino floor was where the cheering came into play, laughter and enjoyment filled the space as Calista and her client made their way to the bar. She let him order whatever he wanted for her, and found herself surprised when the drink before her was exactly what she had been craving. A sour martini with a bright red berry placed within the glass with a clear skewer.

"That's not what I ordered," the man grumbled. "The price of these drinks, you would think I would get what I ordered!"

"Oh, it's alright," Calista smiled.

"Actually, that's because I ordered it for her," Ben's voice made something swell inside of Calista.

Behind her current client was Ben, towering over the seated, plump man. The man turned to see Ben standing behind him, too close to him for what his masculinity allowed. He rose from the seat, only to be completely emasculated by the taller man.

"Excuse me, but I'm going to have to ask you leave. I've paid for an evening with her, and I intend not to be disturbed," the man said as he straightened his suit, as though it would make him taller or seem more intimidating.

Ben made eye contact with Calista, who fought hard not to smile knowingly at him.

"You've been reimbursed," Ben told him. "And then some."

The man pulled out his device and checked his credits in his account. His eyebrows shot up, and he glanced up at Ben, wondering just who he was who wanted Calista so badly that he would pay so much extra for her. He cleared his throat, then glanced over his shoulder at Calista. With a shrug, he apologized with his eyes for having to pass up an opportunity with her, but wasn't going to turn down the revenue he had made off of her.

"I hope she is worth it," the man mumbled.

"She is," Ben replied.

Ben took a seat beside Calista, and she eyed him suspiciously. "That was not very nice of you."

Ben laughed, "Perhaps not, and perhaps I have stepped over a line?"

"Oh no," Calista replied. "I must admit I have not been fought over before, and I could get used to that feeling."

He smiled, it reached his eyes.

"So, you have come to terms with what I do?" she asked him. Her slender fingers reached for the skewer in her drink, she pulled it out of the liquid and shook the excess off. Then she placed it between her lips and pulled the berry free from the skewer. Swallowing the bright red berry that was strong with alcohol, she raised a questioning eyebrow towards Ben.

"We all do -or have done- something that others might not agree with. This does not mean that we are in the wrong, and it certainly doesn't mean we have to change to fit the mould that others perceive as right."

"I'll take that as a 'yes'." She then raised her glass and it met with Ben's.

After they had both sipped their drinks and placed them carefully back on the white counter, they looked up and met each other's gaze. Calista twisted her glass in her fingertips, the liquid sloshing within and threatening to spill, but never truly daring. After studying him for a moment, she dropped her gaze and laughed lightly.

"What is so funny?" Ben asked.

"Nothing is funny," she explained, looking back up at him, as though he might disappear if she looked away too long. "A week ago I thought I had truly screwed things up, I felt so bad about what had happened. And now here you are again, sitting next to me and having a drink just like last time. What made you come back?"

"What do you think?" he asked the rhetorical.

She blushed, something she hadn't done since she had last seen Ben. Something that before then, she hadn't done in years. Not since she was a youth, only dipping her hand into this strange world, learning the way it worked. It seemed like so many years ago now, it was hard to recall the day she truly became a Creature of the Night, but she had always known that it was going to be where she ended up. After all, the business ran in the family.

"I have a question for you," she said, fingering the stem of the martini glass.

Ben took a swig of his drink, "Alright."

Calista finished off her own drink, then waved at the bar tender in order to get another one. It had really hit the spot, and gave her a warm feeling throughout her body. Ben had somehow ordered the very drink she was craving, and she wondered how he could have known, especially since it was not the drink she'd been having when they first met. There was definitely more to him than she was aware of, and she couldn't wait to peel those layers back to finally reach the rest of him. They had skipped right to what she was good at, which was physical contact, but she had enjoyed their time spent together more than she had with any other client. She knew it was because he was interested in her because of her, not because she was a Creature of the Night.

"Who are you, really? I'm not going to beat around the bush, I'm just going to be outright when I say that my employer was very keen on the fact that I win you over -his words. Which means you have money, and influence. And yet, I just know you as Ben. Just Ben."

"Can't 'Just Ben' be enough?"

"For now."  

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