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A long time ago,

on Canto Bight

Calista let the ashes of her parents slide through her pale fingers, leaving behind a gristle of grey on her palms. She stood on a cliff overlooking the great ocean of Canto Bight; she used to swim in there, but she knew her days of leisure were over with. Money was tight, both her parents worked in the casino but were grunts compared to the big shots who spent money there. At fourteen, Calista couldn't support herself without going straight to slavery. 

Her other option placed his hand on her bare shoulder, Naren's voice was like honey. "I've liquidated their assets and sold the apartment. This will cover your cost for a few months, at best."

She glanced up through lose blonde hair, the wavy locks messy, tangled and hiding her beauty. A look of confusion etched into her youthful features. Naren brought his hand to her hair, brushing it back behind her each; his fingertips were gentle against her cheek. 

"You didn't think you could live with me for free, did you?" Naren asked with mockery filling his eyes. How could his sister be so stupid? So naive to how the world works?

"I'm your sister..." she whispered. 

"Everything comes at a cost, Calista," he said with a smile. Rising to his full stature, Naren towered over his sister, seven years his junior. He was young, handsome, and had his hands in a dirty business. Having broken free from their parents at the young age of sixteen, he started in the business of sex workers, swiftly weaseling and snaking his way to the top. Now he ran the Creatures of the Night, the most well-renowned sex workers. 

Calista lowered her head, refusing to say anything. She bit her lip to prevent herself from letting out a sob, but tears managed to slip and drop from her eyes, landing in the soil below her feet. Not caring that Naren could see how weak she felt in that moment, her parents not three days dead, she realized what was fated for her.

"Come on now," Naren said calmly, tilting her chin up. "I'll get you on your feet, and it won't be until you're ready. You'll mentor under Melina, you'll love her, Cal."

She winced when he used their father's nickname for her. Her father never would have subjected her to this life, but she took Naren's hand because she understood that her options were limited. Together, they walked with their backs to the windy oceanfront, their parents' ashes blowing in the wind. 

"Naren, oh sweet Naren," a busty woman who filled Calista's line of sight said as they entered Naren's large condo. "This must be your sister, my goodness, you're right she is absolutely stunning. Oh, she'll make the men go wild!"

"Won't she?" Naren asked, looking between her and Calista, who nervously stared at the glistening tile floors. "Calista, this is Melina, be polite and say hello."

"Hello," Calista didn't glance up. Before Naren could scold her or even do something worse, Melina pulled Calista away from him and wrapped her arm around her shoulder. She was suffocating in her grasp, but was thankful to be away from Naren. 

Melina brought Calista down a long hallway with many doors, some of them opened with lacey curtains hanging from them, some wide open with a half nude woman within. Some shut, and Calista knew what went on beyond closed doors in her brother's line of work. A nervous knot made it's way into the pit of her stomach and didn't leave for many years. 

"Honey, I see how scared you are right now, but don't you worry! Naren treats us well, and you'll train for many years, be a dancer -the men love a young lady dancing for them, teases the fantasies they don't get to act on -at least Naren doesn't let them act on it, I can't speak for the others..." Melina made a face. "Anyways, that's besides the point. Tell me, did you ever take any dance?"

"Yes," Calista replied. "A Ballet style."

"The most seductive, they love that, oh Calista you will go so far in this world."

"You mean in the world of the sex trade? I'll never even leave this city..." she realized with a great dread, the need to escape and leave the planet starting to fill her. 

Melina made a face, "With that attitude you'll be on the streets begging for men to sleep with you for money. Here, you won't be touched by anyone who you do not approve of first, you will earn far more, you will never be harmed, and you'll be in full control of your life."

Calista looked into Melina's brown eyes and wondered if she was telling the truth. With how firm her words were, how much she supported this work and how she defended Naren, Calista began to feel regret for doubting her brother. Sex work happened all around the galaxy, there was no avoiding it; but if Naren made it safe, and she could truly be in control, Calista began to see Melina's side of it.

"But what if... What if I'm never ready?" 

"My girl, you'll be ready before you'll be allowed to be. Trust me, Naren won't let a man touch you until you're eighteen, but you might be eyeing up some men already! Feelings will be stirring inside of you by now, growing as you grow, and the more integrated into this world you are, the more exposed you are to how... thrilling it can be.

"Tell me, Calista, what makes your stomach twist and your legs shake?" Melina asked.

Calista flushed bright red, but she knew the answer. "Someone who can take me away from here."

Melina sighed, "You are going to make men swoon and beg for you on their knees, and you're certainly going to make your brother tear out his hair."

Calista laughed lightly at the image of Naren with chucks of hair missing from his scalp. "I want to be the one to choose when it happens, I want to pick the person, I want to feel something more than lust."

"In this line of work, all you get is lust."

"Maybe," Calista replied with a smile. "But maybe someone will come and sweep me off my feet, take me far away, make me a queen. Maybe one day I'll be on top of the galaxy..."

Calista believed it then, and she was starting to believe it again now.

Comment your thoughts! I just cranked this chapter out over like 20 minutes, but I wanted to show more of her past, and to show a bit more of Naren. Please please let me know what you think! Originally this was going to be a 25 chapter book, but I want it to be longer, so there may be more flashback scenes. 

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