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Kylo Ren and Calista arrived back at the the Star Killer Base later than everyone else; distracted by one another, they lost track of time. Eventually they jumped the light-speed and reached the planet that would soon contain the power of a sun and could eliminate any planet that dare defy them. Calista was seeing it for the first time, this beautiful planet stunning, and she couldn't believe it was actually a weapon of mass destruction. 

But weapons of mass destruction sometimes didn't need to be used, but only created to keep fear in peoples' hearts, to keep them from rebelling. Calista wasn't sure where she stood in regards to the Rebellion that had lasted decades, and the rise and fall of the Empire, the First Order. All of it was noise to her, words, fights that happened on planets that she had never heard of. But now she was thrust right into all of it, chosen a side although she didn't really know what she was siding with.

All she knew was that she would be on the side of Kylo Ren, the side that plucked her from her life on Canto Bight and gave her something more. Who lived and died, none of that mattered to her. 

"So, this is the weapon my home planet has been funding for.. how many years?" She asked.

"Too many," Kylo Ren replied, his helmet off. 

"Well, may the funding never cease," she told him, then leaned forward in her seat. "It's a beautiful planet, was it inhabited before?"

"No," he replied, although it sounded like a lie. Calista heard lies her whole life, she never cared, but she didn't appreciate Kylo Ren lying to her. 

She turned her head to look at him, watching as he put his mask back on. "Why do you wear it?" 

Starting at her through the mask made a chill run through Calista's spine. She shrugged it off, but didn't like how cold Kylo Ren suddenly was. Perhaps it was the killing, facing someone who knew him before he became a Knight of Ren. She understood that death hardened people, but not before it broke them down and remoulded them into something different, something sinister. 

She wondered how she would change if she killed Naren.

Would she lust for blood? Or would she never be able to wash her hands clean?

"May I ask you something?" She shot a glance at him, staring right back through the mask.

"Of course," he replied, his tone softening now. 

"Is Ben who you were before this?" 

A silence filled the cabin of the ship, only the mechanical whirring of engines and turbines moving made any noise. Kylo Ren was landing the ship in a dock bay, people guided him along, looking tiny with little glow lights in their hands. After he finished the smooth landing, he looked at Calista again. 

"It's not important," he replied. 

"I knew you as Ben before I knew you as Kylo Ren; you were hiding who you were from me, but I think you were showing me another part of you. Tonight I saw that, on Jakku, that maybe there are conflicting sides within you. I think we all have that, deep down." Calista stood up and brushed her hair from her face, just a stray that she deftly pinned back without much thought. she had to be careful about what she said, for she had orders from Snoke, and she didn't want Kylo Ren to be privy to them immediately. If she was to help him come over fully to the dark side, she too had to join him. So if she kept the focus on herself, Kylo Ren would be influenced by her. 

She continued before Kylo Ren could reply, "I want you to help me."

"Help you to do what?" he asked, interested, curious. 

"Take me back to Canto Bight. I need to kill Naren."

Although he was wearing the mask, Calista suspected he was grinning, smirking behind it. He reached out his gloved hand, extending it for her to take. Without hesitation, she did just that, firmly taking his hand and letting him guide her through the small ship and out to the planet that was the Star Killer Base. A sweet scent of trees reached Calista's senses for the first time in ages, it was refreshing to feel real nature. But it was cold too, a nip to the wind that blew gently. 

"I have work to do," he told her, placing his hand upon her cheek. People were around, people could see it, and she reveled in it. Having always been front and center stage, always having eyes on her, this was nothing new. However, it felt different when it was someone who cared about her, who wanted her safe and yet also wanted her to take risks and understand the truth of the dark side, it was thrilling. They walked down the docking bay and down a long series of hallways with twists and turns. 

Once again Calista worried she would definitely get lost. 

"Wait for me here," Kylo Ren unlocked a door and it opened vertically. 

Calista looked in the room, taking a few steps. It was significantly larger than the room on the ship they spent the last few nights on. She glanced over her shoulder, then reached her hand up and pulled her hair out. Pins clattered to the ground, and her long blonde hair fell loose around her shoulders and back. The waves were natural, but enforced and exaggerated by being pinned up. She then took off her jacket and tossed it to the ground. 

Kylo Ren watched her the entire time, standing in the open door. 

Anyone could walk by and see as Calista continued to undress, no longer looking at Kylo Ren as she removed every last layer. 

She glanced over her shoulder at him when she was nude and smirked. "I'll be waiting."

Lame ass chapter, sorry guys. 

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