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Kylo Ren returned with Rey, the girl who had caused so much trouble -a girl who had lived in horrible poverty, without anything but hope to live on. He could feel it radiating off her, he could feel the change in who she was- she was trying to understand it, and he realized he could help her understand. But there were more pressing matters he had to attend to; it was clear that this girl had power beyond what she even knew -without mentors these powers usually went unnoticed. Kylo Ren had to get the map of his own mentor.

It was in her mind, she had seen it somewhere along the way, and Kylo Ren needed it out, no matter the cost, no matter the pain. 

While Rey was being hauled into the interrogation room, Kylo Ren went to fetch Calista; he wanted her to see what he could do beyond what she already had seen. She wasn't in the room, where he expected her to be, and a cold chill ran down the length of his spine. It was rare that he felt this kind of fear, and he understood it as a weakness -should he lose Calista, he would not react well. It was one of the reasons why he had, until now, refused to allow emotional attachment. Having severed ties with his entire family had been the first detachment he made, and upon being part of the First Order there was no one worthy of his attention and affection.

How Calista managed to sneak her way in, Kylo Ren wasn't sure. 

But now that she was there, somewhere deep inside his heart he felt a strong connection to her, Kylo Ren would not let her go unless it was her choice to go. 

There would be blood spilled if he lost her. 

He contacted Hux immediately, "Where is she?"

"Who?" Hux played dumb just to make Kylo Ren angry; since they were speaking over long-distance communication, Kylo Ren could do nothing to Hux.

He growled in return, "You know exactly who."

"Ah, her," Hux replied slowly, drawing out his words just to make Kylo Ren wait. "I believe she left the base two hours prior."


Hux scoffed, "It is not my job to babysit her. Perhaps if you didn't have such folly attachments more work would be completed on the base. We are under a time restraint, and your desperate attempts to find Skywalker are enough trouble as is. Must you distract yourself and delay the completion of the project any more? Truly, Kylo Ren, she is nothing but a nuisance."

"You'll pay for that comment," Kylo Ren replied with an almost playfulness to his voice. "In due time."

"I am sure I will," Hux replied, sounding irritated. "In due time, we might finish what we started."

Kylo Ren shut off the conversation, not giving in to wanting the last word. Not when he had no idea where Calista was, and if Hux was lying about her leaving the safety of the base. He racked his brain thinking where she might go, and then he remembered that she was fascinated by the nature; from the moment they walked along the beach together, from her surprise to see so much greenery on the Star Killer Base, he narrowed it down to where she might go.

There was more than one exit on the base, of course, but he located the one closest to where their room was. From there, he could sense her location and pursued that direction. Through tall trees that were sturdier than he was, he found the cliffside that overlooked where the massive sun -one that would soon be destroyed- was hanging high. A few clouds scattered over the skyline, but it was otherwise blue sky.

And Calista was there, seated on the edge of the cliff, legs dangling, hair gently blowing in the breeze.

"You gave me a scare," Kylo Ren replied. 

She didn't turn and look at him, but he knew she was smiling when she replied, "Me? Scaring the most dangerous man in the galaxy?"

"I hope you do not see me that way."

She turned this time, eyes soft but changed since she killed her brother. "In the best sense. There are many kinds of men in the world, from altruistic, to vile, to evil. You're none of those, no, you're something else entirely. And I can't quite put my finger on it."

"Is that a compliment?"

"Maybe." She grinned, wiggling her shoulders ever so slightly. 

"I needed to ensure you were safe."

"Are you pleased?" She asked.

He nodded, then joined her on the cliff side. He brought his hand to brush back a strand of long blonde hair, pushing it back so it was not billowing in her face. Somehow, right there on that cliff with Calista by his side, he could forget everything else that was going on. He knew deep down that Hux was right; Calista could distract him on so many levels. She could entice him, she could lure him in with a simple glance, she could break his heart if she so desired. 

It felt good to feel, but it was dangerous. 

"I want you to see-"

"No," she replied. "I don't need to be there when you work. I know you wish me close, to ensure I will be safe, but I have been fighting my entire life. This is the first time I feel free, and the first time I feel truly safe. I'm content here, and I will make my way in when I wish to be. For now, you do what you need to do, and do not worry about me." She turned, pulling her legs from the cliff and kneeling in front of Kylo Ren. She kissed him, deeply, passionately, filled with something that might have been love.

She didn't say it, though.

But Kylo Ren could feel it through every synapse of his brain, every neuron firing and telling him to say the words. 

He did not say it either.

Just one chapter left! What do you think will happen?

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