The President Is Still Evil

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Hi I'm Kate, you most likely know that since I'm the Alola champion, I'll get to the story now.

I was in Ather's paradise, with Lillie. "So.. How is your mom?"
"She's good. All healed, really... She's working on a new idea to make Pokemon and there trainers more connected..." Lillie said. "Umm... Can you please make sure nothing bad is going on with her?"
"Sure." I agreed. Running to the elevator. The lower floor was already put in all I had to do was press a button.
The elevator lowered to the lab areas. I gulped remembering when the President took Lillie.
"Oh, Kate. I was just about to come and get you." I turned around to see the President. "Your connected with your Pokemon, right?"
"Yeah, so?"
"It only works on Pokemon that are connected. How about we try it on you and your Incineroar?"
"It won't hurt, right?"
"Yes, you won't feel a thing..."
I nodded nervously. I was took to lab C, a new lab. "Just leave your Pokemon here, but have your Incineroar next to you on the black circle."
I left my Pokemon on the pokeball display. I stood on the black circle with Flare, my Incineroar, next to me. Our breathing the same.
Glass rose until we where in a glass room with no way out. Flare was preparing a Flamethrower. This was a trap! A gas filled the air. A sleeping gas. Flare and I fought it until we couldn't.

I woke up in a bed, everything about me was hurting. A nearby mirror, at least that is what it looked like, glistened in the light. I moved my leg to get up, still blinded by the pain. I walk half way to the mirror until the pain left. I felt like me, only not like me. I moved my mouth to sigh only I couldn't hear it. I gasped and then I could hear. A bunch of things like fighting.
Clearly Hau and Lillie. My anger grew, the heat around me felt like fire, real fire that wasn't hurting me. I grabbed the mirror and I saw this:

She fused me with... Flare...

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