The Altars of Alola

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Snowjoke was reading a magazine when the Audino came in. Behind her, he saw the anxious face of a Froslass.

"Move aside already!"

The Audino, unable to keep her back any longer, moved aside. Ibuki floated in hurriedly. 

"Oh my god, are you alright? Are you hurt? Why am I in here? You need to rest!" 

Snowjoke stumbled with his words. "Ibuki, calm down! I'm fine! You don't have to leave. Audino has been taking care of me."

"You gotta tell us what happened! We were worried sick!"

Snowjoke climbed out of bed. "Where is everyone?"

"Downstairs. They'll be so excited to see you!" Ibuki picked up the Bergmite and floated downstairs. The other guests were sitting around and chatting. Their conversations came to a stop as they saw the pair enter.

Flare immediately tackled the Bergmite to the floor. "Oh gods! Are you ok?"

Snowjoke heaved the Flareon off. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Tell us the story!" Ace demanded. 

"I don't remember most of it. Just the never ending water and the light of the sun getting farther and farther away." The Bergmite shuddered as he recalled the incident. "I blacked out, but Tapu Lele saved me."

"Who?" Prowler asked, cocking his head to the side. 

"Tapu Lele is the guardian deity of Akala Island," Zap informed. "It's apparently very playful but reckless." 

"There's also Tapu Koko, Bulu, and Fini," Shadow added. 

"Jeez, who came up with those names?" Prowler muttered. 

"Please don't disrespect out deities," the Audino called from her desk. "We are very grateful to them for everything they've done."

"I respect the actual gods of Alola- Solgaleo and Lunala," Ibuki said. 

"We have an altar dedicated to them both. One is on Ulaula Island, and the other is on Poni Island."

"Sounds like a tourist hotspot," Flare said. 

"Actually, it isn't. They're sacred grounds so only VIP tourists have access," Prowler replied.

"Do we have access?" Volcan asked, looking interested. 

"I want to see," IQ whispered from behind Zap. 

Prowler sighed. "Y'know what? I'll take you all there."

"How so?" Shadow asked.

The Zeraora rubbed the back of his head. "I have access since I'm a mythical Pokémon. They'll let me in. As long as I say you're with me, they'll let you in as well."


"The altar is heavily guarded by Dragon-types. They're pretty hard to beat. But we have Spalding, so I doubt they'll be trouble."

All gazes went to the Togekiss, who smiled bashfully. 

"I doubt the altar for Lunala has visitors right now, so we'll start there," Prowler said. "Any questions."

"Yeah. When did you become Mr. Know-It-All?" Zap asked. 

"I'm an Alolan inhabitant. I know this place."


"It's late. You're welcome to spend the night," the Audino said kindly. 

"That's very generous. Thank you," Spalding replied, speaking for the entire group. 

"I'll show you to your rooms. This way." The Audino turned, motioning for the group to follow. 

Ibuki approached Snowjoke and put a hand on his shoulder, startling the Bergmite.

"Sorry," the Froslass apologized. "I want you to talk to Teku."

Snowjoke looked at the Banette, who was floating along, unusually quiet.

"I want to but he doesn't seem... well, y'know..."

"I know. Just talk to him. Tell me how it goes."

The Froslass gave him one last smile before closing the door to her room. 

Snowjoke sighed and looked at the clock. It was 1 AM. The Bergmite got up and looked out into the hallway. 

Ibuki's words came back to him, and he sighed. He had to do this. Snowjoke counted rooms until he came to Teku's. At least he hoped it's was. He didn't want to knock on the door of some tired and probably irritated Pokemon. Snowjoke took a breath and knocked. 

There was silence for a moment. Then, the clicking of locks sounded. The door opened to reveal Teku. The Banette gave him a look. 

Snowjoke wilted under the gaze. "H-hi, Teku. May I come in? I just want to talk."

Teku stepped to the side. Snowjoke walked into his room. He faced the Banette as he shut the door. 

"Talk," Teku said briskly. There was no spark of energy in his voice like there usually was. 

Snowjoke sighed. "I just wanted to talk about what happened when we were surfing. It wasn't your fault."

Teku's crimson gaze bore into the Bergmite. 

"I-I'm sorry if anyone accused you of it." 

Teku was silent, his gaze looking into the night. He sighed. 

"Why were you afraid?"

Snowjoke was taken by surprise at this. How did he know? "W-well, uh, you're not exactly..."


Snowjoke looked away. 

There was an empty sigh. "I get that a lot. I'm going back to bed."

The Banette floated away. Snowjoke sighed as he left. Had he just made things worse?

The Bergmite had heard the emotions in Teku's voice. The energetic flow was gone, replaced by a monotone one that carried one emotion- sadness. Snowjoke entered his own room. 

"I'll talk to him tomorrow. Hopefully I can make things right."

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