Chapter 13: A New Family

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In the Ultra Space, Serena was resting in a bed after some quick training with her Ultra Beasts. She had a vile smile on her face.

Today's the day we start demolishing these worthless trials. Serena thought as she looked up at the endless blue world that she had already called home. She then turned her head towards Nihilego, who was laying down on the blue and white crystal ground next to her.

How's your bed? she asked in an intrigued tone.

"It's as good as ever." Serena replied with bliss.

Good. That little girl's reaction to her rat getting poisoned was totally worth it in the end. Nihilego stated with a laugh as she recalled destroying the girl's Dedenne. Serena laughed with her.

"Yeah, and was that guy really a League Champion? I mean, Guzzlord really showed that dragon wannabe what a real dragon looks like." she said with a snort while remembering how Guzzlord humiliated the man's Charizard. They laughed even harder.

Do you think the girl and Zygarde will show up? Nihilego asked curiously.

Serena smirked before saying, "I don't think so. I know so! Zygarde IS the Order Pokemon after all, so naturally he'd want to 'restore order' to the Alola region by stopping us. And the way the girl speaks telepathically to him, she's probably going to be his trainer."

'Restore order'? Pfft! Yeah, if anything, it's going to be us that restores the order all over the world! Nihilego exclaimed with determination evident in her voice. Serena nodded before she started getting deep in her thoughts.

"It sure sounded like Guzma got his ass handed to him by that boy yesterday. Beating his Darkrai in three moves? I have to say, I'm impressed." she said, clearly interested in the power of the boy.

True. Who did he even use? Tapu Koko? Tapu Lele? Tapu Bulu? Tapu Fini? I mean, those four are all part Fairy and would have made the most sense against a Dark type like Darkrai. Nihilego pointed out with rage coursing through her body. Serena shook her head.

"No, he apparently used a Greninja. And according to Lusamine, this Greninja can transform into what his friends have dubbed 'Ash-Greninja'. Weird name for such a transformation, I tell you. Also, apparently this Greninja can use Aura Sphere, which his species usually can't learn." she stated. Nihilego was left stunned by the revelation.

Whoa, sis, that's one overpowered Greninja if I do say so myself. Makes me want to test out his power myself! she exclaimed in a confident tone. Serena couldn't help but giggle.

"Now remember, unless we find a Legendary or Mythical, we're not going to battle just about anybody until the League starts. Let's just stay focused on the trials for now." she reminded Nihilego. The Ultra Beast sighed in disappointment before nodding at those words. Just then, Serena heard her tablet ring. She smiled as she took it out of her backpack and just pressed on the Answer button without checking to see who was calling. A few seconds later, Lusamine's face appeared on the screen, and she had a warm smile.

"Hey Lusamine. Say, can I call you Mom? I mean, you are my stepmother and all, so it makes sense to call you that." Serena inquired in a sweet tone. Lusamine gasped in shock.

"Let me get this straight. You want to call me Mom? Even though I directly helped your father break your heart nine years ago?" she asked uncertainly. Serena simply shrugged as she sat up.

"Why not? Dad breaking my heart was probably the best thing to ever happen to me. Without you, he probably wouldn't have found the Ultra Space and met the wonderful Beasts. Without you, I wouldn't be here today. It would be an injustice to not call you Mom." she stated as she petted Nihilego's head. The Beast cooed in affection. Tears started falling down Lusamine's cheeks.

"Oh, Serena, do you have any idea how lucky I am to have found you? Just yesterday, my own children betrayed me by siding with that damn boy! I was so pissed off at them. Now, however, you've just made me very happy. But at the same time, what about your own mom?" she asked in a curious tone. Serena became very enraged at the mere thought of her real mother.

"Yesterday, in Vaniville Town, I had Xurkitree Power Whip the heck out of my mom's Rhyhorn and Thunderbolt the heck out of her Fletchling. And you know why I did that? My mom was a Rhyhorn racing champion, and she's been pushing me to follow in her footsteps. AND I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE THE SPORT! I keep trying to tell Mom no. Dad would tell her to stop pressuring me. Did she ever listen? NO, SHE DID NOT! It got even worse after the divorce. Sometimes I just wanted to kill myself. Day after day, month after month, year after year, my mom keeps pecking me awake with Fletchling, just for some worthless training. It was the same old shit for my whole fucking life! Here, I get a new life, a new beginning, and, most importantly, a family who loves me for who I really am: a Beast trainer who's going to make history!" she exclaimed with fire in her eyes. Lusamine and Nihilego both flinched at the pure hatred in Serena's voice.

Wow. she muttered while shaking her head in disbelief. Nihilego then floated up next to Serena and nuzzled her on the cheek. She smiled as she gave her Beast a hug. Once they separated, Serena looked back at Lusamine, who had a heartwarming smile.

"Oh, if only your father was here. He'd be very proud of the woman you've become. Yes, you may call me Mom. In fact, I got an idea. Why don't I disown Lillie and Gladion and adopt you as my daughter?" she asked happily. Serena gasped in surprise as her eyes lit up.

"Really?! You'd do that for me?!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Lusamine nodded before saying, "Oh, of course I will, dear! You are the daughter that I've always wanted. A daughter who, unlike that bitch Lillie, will love me for who I really am." Serena had a wide grin on her face.

"Yes, I'd love that!" she shouted in glee. Lusamine couldn't help but giggle at this.

"Good. We'll need to go to the Pokemon Center to fill out the adoption papers. In fact, there's one right next to Verdant Cavern, so once we do that, I can cheer you on while you destroy your first trial. Does that sound good?" she asked.

"Are you kidding?! That sounds wonderful, Mom! Thank you so much!" Serena exclaimed while nodding her head fervently. She was getting more and more excited at the prospects of being adopted into a real family. Lusamine smiled before getting serious.

"Good. Now there's some things that I'd like to discuss with you in person. Why don't we talk after lunch? It will be ready in a few minutes." she stated. Serena became curious about what her new mom wanted to talk about.

"OK, Mom, I'll be over in a second." she said with a smile. Lusamine nodded with a smile back before ending the call. Serena got out of bed before sitting down on Nihilego's head. She then took out her Pokedex and pressed on the Portal button. Suddenly, a holographic map of the globe appeared.

"What region?" the Pokedex asked.

"Alola." Serena replied. The map of the globe was replaced by one of the region.

"What island?" the Pokedex inquired.

"Aether Paradise." Serena answered. Suddenly, a blue portal opened up. Serena looked down at Nihilego and nodded. She nodded back before flying through the portal. A second later, they were in front of the door to the housing side of the manmade island. When Nihilego floated inside, she and Serena could smell the delicious food coming from the kitchen. She smiled as she got off the Ultra Beast's head and skipped over there. Serena found Lusamine waiting for the oven, her back turned to her. She smirked mischievously before sneaking up to her. Once Serena was close enough, she wrapped her arms around Lusamine's stomach and put her head on her back. The Aether Foundation's president gasped in surprise before rocking back and forth with a wide grin on her face.

"Aw, Serena, what did I do to deserve this kind of affection?" she asked in a sweet tone.

Serena shrugged before saying with a pout, "I just want to snuggle my new mom. Is that wrong?" Lusamine couldn't help but laugh.

"Yep, you certainly are your father's girl. He used to do this all the time. It's such a shame that he's not here to see you using his charm on me." she replied with a hint of sadness in her voice. Serena became upset at those words as she broke the embrace. Lusamine turned around and brought her close into an embrace of her own. No words were needed as they enjoyed the warmth that the hug was giving them. They stayed like this until the timer on the oven rang.

When they separated, Lusamine asked, "Why don't you get the UB food ready? And make a bowl for my Beast as well." Serena nodded before taking the container of UB food and seven bowls out of the cabinet. With everything in hand, she walked to the dining room, where Nihilego was waiting. Once Serena filled up the bowls, she gave one to her before calling out her other Beasts. As they started eating their food, Lusamine came out of the kitchen with a pan of lasagna in her hand and another Nihilego at her side. She had a contemplative expression on her face.

"Hm, hey Serena, you should probably nickname your Nihilego. That's what your dad did when we first caught ours." Lusamine stated while putting the pan on the table. Serena was intrigued as she sat down.

"Really? What did he call his Nihilego?" she asked curiously. Lusamine gave Serena a sad look.

"Serena. Yes, your father named his Nihilego after you, sweetheart. He didn't regret breaking up with Grace, but he deeply regretted leaving you with that egotistical bitch who wanted nothing but her own desires." she answered. Serena was absolutely stunned and a little saddened by the revelation.

"Did Dad care about me more than my old mom?" she asked in a low tone. Lusamine still heard Serena as she put her hand on her shoulder.

"Not a day went by that he didn't think about you, dear. He wished you were there with him ever since the divorce. He wanted to call you every chance he got, but he never got to because then he'd be getting in touch with Grace, and he never wanted to risk that. Your father even died thinking of you." she admitted sadly. Tears started to rapidly fall down Serena's cheeks. Seeing this, Lusamine pulled her in for another hug. That calmed Serena down as she returned it. When they separated, she looked thoughtfully at her Nihilego.

"Say, how does Serenity sound to you, Nihilego?" Serena asked with a sweet smile. Nihilego perked up at the suggestion.

Serenity...Serenity...Serenity...yes, I love it! Why did you pick that, though? she asked back with happiness clearly in her voice. Serena giggled at Nihilego's enthusiasm.

"It's simple, actually. You remind me so much of me. And I wanted to honor my dad by calling you something that is similar to my name." she answered while taking a piece of the lasagna and putting it on her plate.

Makes perfect sense to me. OK then, Serenity it is! Nihilego, now nicknamed Serenity, exclaimed excitedly. Serena grinned before looking at Lusamine, who was looking quite pleased with her.

"Serenity. Now that's a perfect nickname for a perfect Beast. You honored your father very well there." she stated. Serena nodded before starting to eat her lasagna. After lunch was finished without much of a word, she stared curiously at Lusamine, who was holding a wide glass box in her hand.

"What do you have there, Mom?" Serena asked. Lusamine smirked evilly at that question.

"Serena, before your father died, he told me that he left behind four Z-Crystals that are usually not won in the trials. He said to keep them for if you, Lillie, or Gladion ever wanted to try to follow in his footsteps and take over Alola. Since those two are obviously not coming back, I'm going to entrust them to you. These four Z-Crystals will benefit the Beasts greatly." she explained while sliding the glass box over to Serena. She caught it and peered inside to see a Buginium Z-Crystal, a Flyinium Z-Crystal, a Poisonium Z-Crystal, and a Steelium Z-Crystal. Serena's eyes lit up in recognition.

"These are the Z-Crystals that I can use with Pheromosa, Celesteela, Serenity, and Kartana!" she exclaimed in an excited tone. Celesteela, Kartana, Pheromosa, and Serenity were intrigued by the idea of using the Z-Moves for one of their types this early on.

"Now remember, you need a Z-Ring, which you can get when you beat Kahuna Hala in the grand trial." Lusamine stated in a knowing tone. Serena was a little disappointed, but ultimately decided not to dwell on it.

"It's fine. At least I know every dance for every Z-Move by heart, thanks to Serenity. Akala Island won't know what will hit them once I beat Hala!" she shouted with determination evident in her voice. Serena then put the glass box in a special compartment of her backpack and looked back at Lusamine, who was smiling wickedly.

She returned it before asking, "You ready, Mom?" Lusamine nodded before getting up to do the dishes. A few minutes later, with Serena's five Ultra Beasts back inside their Beast Balls, they were flying on their Nihilegos' heads from one portal through the Ultra Space to another portal that took them directly to the Pokemon Center right next to Verdant Cavern. Before anyone could suspect anything, upon landing, they quickly returned their other two Beasts as well. The duo walked inside and straight to Nurse Joy's counter. She gasped upon recognizing Lusamine.

"Good afternoon, Lusamine. What can I do for the president of the Aether Foundation?" Nurse Joy inquired.

"Oh, don't flatter me, Nurse Joy. I'm just wondering if I could perform an adoption. Also, my children, Lillie and Gladion, have been treating people and Pokemon badly as of late. Would it be possible to remove them from the family?" Lusamine asked convincingly. Nurse Joy was utterly shocked by the revelation. As far as she knew, the family was very close to one another.

"Are you sure? You three were close." Nurse Joy stated worriedly.

"Yep, I'm positive. If you remember, Gladion stole a valuable Pokemon from me five months ago. And yesterday, Lillie threatened me in my Paradise. She brought her brother and a crazy maniac with her." Lusamine explained in a hurt tone. That was all the proof Nurse Joy needed, as she took out a sheet that basically said that she was going to legally remove someone from her family.

"Once you do this, there's no going back. All you have to do is fill out this form, and they will no longer be a part of your family." she said seriously. Lusamine nodded before putting her name where she was supposed to, then putting Lillie and Gladion's names as the people that are to be removed, and finally the reason why she was doing so. She put her signature at the bottom where she was asked to before handing the sheet back to Nurse Joy. She did a quick read over before nodding at Lusamine and signing the sheet to bind it legally.

"There, Lillie and Gladion Yvonne are no longer a part of this family. Now who is it that you wish to adopt into it?" Nurse Joy asked curiously.

"Why, that would be Serena Gabena here." Lusamine answered before placing her hand on her soon to be daughter's shoulder. Nurse Joy nodded before holding up another sheet asking for the adoption information.

"OK then, I'll need you to sign this sheet so that it can be bound. I also need your daughter and another witness to sign so that I'd know it wasn't forced." she replied with a smile. Serena and Lusamine nodded. While the president was filling out her part of the form, she looked around for a witness. Serena found one in the form of a young man. He had tan skin, spiky brown hair, and black eyes that appeared naturally closed and was wearing an orange and gray vest over a green short sleeved shirt, brown pants, and blue and white shoes. Serena smiled before walking up to the man.

"Hey, you!" she said in a sweet tone. The man turned around and abruptly stood up, his face turning red at the mere sight of the beautiful girl. Serena couldn't help but giggle.

"I know, I'm beautiful, am I, handsome?" she asked in a flirtatious tone. The man's eyes were wide open in shock as his mouth hung ajar. His Croagunk popped out of his Pokeball with wide eyes and looking like he wanted to Poison Jab himself. Serena giggled some more.

"What, you've never been complimented by a girl before, handsome?" she inquired with a wink while seductively putting her arms around the man's neck. He couldn't find his voice for a minute.

Once he did, however, the man asked, "Are angel?" Serena laughed some more.

"Who knows, maybe I am. My name's Serena, by the way." she stated.

"M-M-My n-n-name's B-B-Brock. N-N-Nice t-t-to m-m-meet y-y-you, b-b-beautiful S-S-Serena." Brock stuttered out, feeling heated.

Serena smiled before saying, "A great name for a handsome man! Nice to meet you, Brock! Say, can you help me with something? I'll give you anything you want in return." Brock finally found full control of his voice as he took her hands into his, slightly startling her.

"Sure. Anything for you, beautiful. It must have been fate for us to meet. My heart is fluttering rapidly at the mere sight of you. What do you say we go out for malasadas in the city tonight, my love?" he asked in his usual lovey dovey tone. Brock would have rambled on if Serena hadn't seen Croagunk getting ready to Poison Jab him and decided to interfere.

"Hey Croagunk, don't Poison Jab him. You don't want your handsome trainer injured now, do you?" she asked in a stern tone. If Croagunk wasn't wide eyed before, he certainly was now. Nobody had ever told him not to Poison Jab his flirty trainer before. Especially not a beautiful girl like Serena. Brock couldn't believe his ears, either.

"Croaaaa..." Croagunk ribbited out in shock. He suddenly stabbed his purple glowing hand into his own stomach and collapsed on his back. Brock just looked speechless at the scene before him while Serena was looking quite amused.

"I'm assuming Croagunk's never been told by anyone not to Poison Jab you before, eh?" she asked with a smirk aimed at Croagunk. Brock returned his unconscious Pokemon into his Pokeball, still not believing what had just happened.

"Yeah, I'm always like this. Every time I see a beautiful girl or Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny, I go into my love tantrums. Every time that happens, I usually get pulled on the ear or Poison Jabbed by Croagunk." he admitted mareepishly. Serena winced at that.

"Ouch. That must hurt." she stated in a mock worried tone, which Brock took as genuine.

He shrugged before saying, "Eh, I'm used to that by now. Anyway, I'm just joking about the malasadas. I have to work tonight. I am a Pokemon Doctor here, after all. But I can help with whatever you need. You don't have to give me anything." Serena let out a breath that she didn't realize she was holding in.

"OK then, if you say so. Follow me, Brock." she stated, very pleased with herself. Serena led Brock back to Lusamine and Nurse Joy. He gasped in shock at the sight of the Aether Foundation's president.

"Lusamine!" Brock exclaimed. Lusamine smirked at his dumbfounded reaction.

"Ah, you've heard of me, yes?" she asked. All Brock could do was nod.

After a minute of getting over his initial shock, he said with a bow, "I am a huge fan of your Pokemon preservation, Lusamine! It is such an honor to meet you, miss."

Lusamine giggled before saying, "Oh my. Nice to meet such a fan as you, Doctor Brock. I must say, I admire your work as well." Brock nervously scratched the back of his head.

"Eh, I'm not that good yet." he stated.

"Oh, nonsense. You're actually very good for a doctor just starting out. I wouldn't mind having someone like you looking after the preservation. And my soon to be daughter here seems to like you too." Lusamine replied. Serena nodded in agreement. Brock was beyond stunned as he blushed profusely at the thought of such a beautiful girl actually liking him.

"So, you're adopting Serena, I see. Let me guess, you need a witness?" he asked, nodding in understanding. Lusamine nodded back before allowing Brock and Serena to pass. She wrote her name into the box where the question "Adopted member's name (if over 10):" was before putting her signature at the bottom. Brock also put his signature in the "Witness" column of the form. When that was done, Serena handed it over to Nurse Joy.

"There we go. It's official. Now Serena, you have a choice. You can either keep your name as it is, or you can change it to Serena Yvonne." she explained with a smile. Serena didn't even have to think about that.

"Can I change it to Serena Yvonne, please?" she inquired with a smile aimed at her now official mom. Nurse Joy nodded before writing the new name into another box and signing it herself. She then paired it up with the other sheet that Lusamine had filled out before.

"All set. Anything else?" Nurse Joy asked.

"No, besides the fact that Brock's Croagunk needs medical attention after having Poison Jabbed himself unconscious because I told him not to use it on his trainer." Serena answered while smirking at an embarrassed Brock. Nurse Joy giggled before he handed her Croagunk's Pokeball.

Once she was in the back, Lusamine said, "Brock, if you do want to help with my preservation, come to Aether Paradise anytime you want. I'll negotiate a deal with you then." Needless to say, Brock was immediately intrigued.

"Sure, I'll think on it." he replied with a smile. Lusamine smiled back before looking at Serena.

"You ready, my dear?" she asked in a confident tone.

"You bet, Mom!" Serena exclaimed with determination evident in her eyes. After saying "Alola!" to Brock, the new mother-daughter duo walked out of the Pokemon Center and over to Verdant Cavern, where a man was waiting outside the entrance. He had light pink hair and light blue eyes and was wearing an earring resembling the Trial Captain badge on his left ear, a brownish vest with a diamond like pattern on it, a white undershirt, a glove on his left hand, a white Z-Ring with a Normalium Z-Crystal etched into it around his right wrist, long white pants, a blue bag strapped to it, blue socks, and brown and white shoes.

"Greetings, Captain Ilima here. Are you taking on my trial?" Ilima asked in an easygoing manner.

"Yep, and I'm here to win my first trial!" Serena exclaimed with fire in her eyes. Lusamine smirked at Ilima's momentarily stunned reaction to her daughter's bold proclamation. He quickly recovered.

"My, you've got spunk, girl! Almost reminds me of that one boy with the Pikachu. Ah, sorry, I'm rambling on. Anyway, is this your first time attempting a trial?" Ilima inquired with a smile. Lusamine scowled at the mention of the boy with the Pikachu, knowing exactly who he was talking about. Serena noticed this but paid her no mind.

"Yes, it is. But I must warn you, I'm not a rookie." she stated cockily. Ilima smirked at this.

"Ah, you sound just like him too. Say, what's your name?" he asked curiously.

"Serena Yvonne." Serena replied. For a moment, Ilima's face turned pale at the mention of the Yvonne surname. But he quickly shook it off while grabbing an amulet from the bag.

"Very good, Serena. Allow me to present to you the Island Challenge amulet. When you beat a trial, you get a wedge that goes on that amulet. When you beat all the trials and grand trials, all you have to do is present that amulet at the Alola League in order to participate." Ilima explained while handing it over to Serena. She took the amulet and clipped it on a zipper of her backpack.

"Looking good, my girl!" Lusamine exclaimed in glee. Serena nodded, not taking her eyes off Ilima.

He smirked before saying, "Now, Serena, you have a choice. You can either battle three normal Pokemon and a random Totem one-on-one, or you can battle two Totems in a double battle. If you say you're not a rookie, then I'd like to see you try to beat two Totems. But I should warn you, though, only one challenger has defeated two Totems in a double battle since I started giving that choice four months ago." Serena and Lusamine looked at each other and smirked evilly. Ilima saw it and became suspicious, if only for a second.

Serena then looked back at him and said in a confident tone, "I'd like to attempt to become the second challenger to win the double battle! Bring on the two Totems!" Ilima nodded before gesturing for her to follow. Serena and Lusamine went with him inside Verdant Cavern, where a battlefield was situated in the middle. The trainer noticed that there was only one trainer's box and set herself there with her arms crossed. Lusamine sat down on a bench, spectating the battle, while Ilima took the role of the referee.

"The Trial of Ilima begins now! This will be a double battle, which means that a pair of Pokemon will compete against each other. There are no substitutions. The only way to win is by knocking out the opposing pair. Serena, send out your Pokemon." he stated. Serena smiled viciously before taking two Beast Balls off her belt. Ilima's eyes widened in fear at the sight of them.

"No way. You have..." He trailed off.

"Ultra Beasts. Yes, I do, you pathetic worshipper of Tapu Koko!" Serena exclaimed coldly as she pressed on the white buttons to enlarge the Beast Balls.

She then tossed them up in the air, shouting, "Pheromosa, Kartana, stand by for battle!" Pheromosa and Kartana appeared on the battlefield, ready. Ilima looked even more terrified. He thought about calling off the battle so that he could pray for Tapu Koko to get here and take care of the issue himself.

As if she read Ilima's mind, Serena said in a malicious tone, "Ilima, earlier, you looked terrified at the mention of my last name. Well, guess what. You should be. I am the daughter of the man who tried to take over Alola before those blasted Guardians killed him. Like my father, I am merciless. So, if you value your life, you will not call off the battle, and when I win, you will hand me the wedge and the Normalium Z-Crystal. If you don't, kiss your life goodbye." Lusamine looked quite smug at those words. Ilima, on the other hand, became even more terrified as he nodded. Just then, a huge Gumshoos and a huge Alolan Raticate did a backflip off a cliff and turned their bodies so that when they landed, they were facing Pheromosa and Kartana, respectively. Orange aura flared all around the two. Ilima sighed in defeat before putting his arm up in the air.

"It's Pheromosa and Kartana vs. Totem Gumshoos and Totem Raticate. Let the battle...BEGIN!" he shouted as he brought it back down, signifying the start of the battle. Serena didn't waste any time.

"Pheromosa, High Jump Kick on Gumshoos! Kartana, Sacred Sword on Raticate!" she exclaimed in a confident tone.

'Heh, too easy.' Pheromosa said with a smirk as she ran towards Gumshoos with her leg glowing white.

'I know, right?' Kartana remarked with a smirk of his own as he flew towards Raticate while putting his arms and legs together and changing into a bigger, light blue sword. The two Beasts were too quick for the Totems as their eyes widened in fear. Pheromosa kneed Gumshoos in the face while Kartana swiped Raticate in the belly. The sheer power of the attacks sent them crashing into the wall. When the dust cleared, Gumshoos and Raticate were in a crater with bruises and swirls in their eyes.

Ilima flinched and hesitated before sighing bitterly and saying, "Gumshoos and Raticate are unable to battle. The winners are Pheromosa and Kartana. Therefore, Serena clears the Trial of Ilima." Lusamine couldn't help but feel proud of her daughter.

"Great job, you two!" Serena shouted with a smile. Pheromosa and Kartana smiled back before glowering at Ilima, who their trainer was walking over to.

"You have something for me?" she asked with an evil smirk. A quiet Ilima took the white wedge and Normalium Z-Crystal out of his bag and gave them to Serena. She put the wedge on the amulet and the Z-Crystal inside the same compartment as the others. Serena then gave Ilima a mock bow before leaving with her Beasts and her mom. Once they were out of sight, Ilima grabbed a walkie talkie from his bag and spoke into it.

"Hala, we have a problem." he said in fear.

Ilima waited a few seconds before Hala responded, "What is it?" He told the Kahuna about what just went down.

Once Ilima finished, Hala said four words in a grave tone: "Serena needs to die!"

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