Chapter 48: Split Personalities

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Inside a Pokemon Center in Heahea City of Akala Island, Paul was sitting on a couch with an unusually cold expression, even for his standards. His hands were balled up into fists, and a scowl seemed to be permanently engraved on his face.

Team really went and did it again, huh, you bastards?! Paul thought angrily. He had been like that since the news about Shamouti Island came out. Though, it was nothing compared to the anger Paul was feeling towards the people involved in the kidnapping and brainwashing of his little sister.

You all are pretty pathetic. I am looking forward to the day I get my payback for everything you've ever done to my family. Especially Serena. he brooded. Paul then sighed as he thought back to the times when his family was actually a happy one.

"That felt like a damn long time ago, huh?" he asked himself bitterly. Paul's thoughts got interrupted by an intercom speaker blaring.

"Paul Gabena, your Pokemon are fully healed up and ready to go!" a Nurse Joy called out cheerfully. Paul stood up and walked over to the counter, where she was holding a tray filled with six Pokeballs. He picked them up and placed them on his belt.

"Thanks." Paul mumbled to Nurse Joy. He turned around and went towards the door. However, he stopped upon overhearing something.

"I hear that Beast bitch is going to be battling against Olivia soon." a man stated. Paul tensed up when he heard that.

Another man let out a low chuckle before saying smugly, "Well, she's not going to get far. Two of Viren's assassins are going to kill her on the spot. The Revengers will be hailed as Alola's heroes!" Paul gasped in horror before getting increasingly angrier. He stormed back to the table where the two men were laughing. One of them was dressed in a Magmar costume while the other guy wore black and yellow wrestling tights and black boots.

"Oh man, I can't wait to hear the news singing praise about us tomorrow!" the Magmar guy exclaimed giddily.

"Praise? You idiots? Pfft, right." Paul hissed out venomously. He suddenly grabbed the guy he recognized as Mad Magmar by the mask, catching everyone off guard.

"Hey, what the-WHO ARE YOU TO CALL THE REVENGERS IDIOTS?!" the other man shouted angrily. Paul shot a snarl towards him, making him flinch. He then slammed the guy he was holding face first on the table, which knocked him out cold.

"Who am I? Funny, I should be asking you who this Viren idiot thinks he is, calling for an assassination of this 'Beast bitch'." Paul replied viciously. He and the man stared each other down intensely.

"Hey now, no fighting in the Pokemon Center! Take it outside if you must!" Nurse Joy hollered authoritatively. Paul actually scoffed.

"Next time I hear you badmouthing Serena, you better watch your back. I don't forgive any kind of shit that's being said about her. And if you're taking action against her...well, prepare to face the consequences." he growled while cracking his knuckles. The people in the know froze at the mention of Serena. The man winced in fear. Paul swiftly turned around and ran out of the Pokemon Center. He quickly grabbed a Pokeball off his belt and pressed on the white button to enlarge it.

"Talonflame, stand by for flight!" Paul shouted, throwing it forward. The Pokeball opened up, revealing a Talonflame. He let out a loud squawk and instantly knelt down.

Just as Paul was about to climb on, the man from earlier called out, "You think you can pull a fast one on Mad Magmar and escape Mr. Electric's wrath that easily?! Think again! Now that I know you're working for them, I'm not letting you go! Electivire, Wild Charge!" Paul smirked inwardly as he took another Pokeball and made it larger.

"Wrong. Torterra, stand by for battle!" he exclaimed while chucking it ahead. This Pokeball opened up, and a Torterra emerged with a loud bam. A smirk crossed his face when he saw Electivire charging straight for him with his body surrounded in yellow electricity.

Mr. Electric flinched and yelped in a panicked tone, "Stop that attack!" But it was too late, as Electivire rammed into Torterra. It proved to only damage the user, who lost the electricity while the Sinnoh Grass type starter just stood there like it was nothing.

Paul finished getting on Talonflame's back before shouting, "I'M NOT WORKING FOR THOSE ASSHOLES! SERENA IS FAMILY TO ME, AND I WILL PROTECT MY FAMILY! TORTERRA, FRENZY PLANT!" Torterra's body became outlined in green as he slammed his front two legs into the ground. Giant roots with spikes on them shot out towards a dazed Electivire.

"Electivire, DODGE!" Mr. Electric hollered desperately. However, the Frenzy Plant struck Electivire hard, sending him flying straight into his trainer. The doors slid open, and the duo crashed on the floor with swirls in their eyes. Everyone stared at Paul, utterly terrified.

"Does anyone else have a damn problem?!" he asked angrily. The people gulped and rapidly shook their heads.

"Good. Nurse Joy, heal up those pathetic idiots. Come on, Talonflame, we're going to Konikoni City!" Paul stated sternly as he returned Torterra back into his Pokeball and put it back.

However, before Talonflame could take off, they heard a voice call out, "Want some help, Paul?" Paul swiftly turned his head, and his eyes widened at the sight of two Pokemon flying above him and two people on their backs. A certain Pokemon was perched on a trainer's shoulder.

Paul then smirked while saying, "Sure thing...Champs."

While they were speeding their way over to Konikoni City, the greatest enemy of Paul's sister refused to stop training. The forest on Poni Island was silent at this time. The only sound was the swinging of a silver blade through the air. Jason continued to swing a sword expertly around him in a truly mesmerizing sight. It was three feet long and had a black leather wrapped handle, a silver blade that was emerald green in the groove down the center, and a one-inch diameter Peridot at the bottom of the handle. To the Titans, the name of the sword was Valcuna, which translated to "Vanquisher".

Sweat poured out of Jason's body as he swung his sword some more. He had long since taken off his shirt, hoodie, bandanna, sunglasses, Mega Amulet, gauntlet, and Z-Ring. The forest was totally isolated from the general public, so no one would be able to find Jason, let alone see his scars. Suddenly, he dropped to one knee while clutching his left hand in his right hip and groaning softly. Jason stayed like that for several moments before he started roaring in pain. Valcuna fell from his right hand and landed about three feet away from where he was. Deep purple energy began to swirl around Jason, slowly picking up speed and becoming denser every moment. Then, after a couple of minutes, it stopped, which left him heaving on the ground. Jason slowly looked up to see the purple energy condensing into a shape. He quickly rolled to the right and grabbed his sword, holding it in front of himself. Jason slowly began to stand in a battle position as the center of the blade started to glow.

"Well, well, well, it's been a long time...I was beginnin' to think I'd never get a chance to say 'Hello Jason, how have ya been? Oh, wait, I already know. Seeing as I'M here, ya gotta be doin' pretty fuckin' shitty, mate!' But I have, and now I can finally get what I deserve: true control of ya body! Seeing as I'M the TRUE Jason, not the so called 'Dark Jason' everyone refers to me as." the purple energy, which had now condensed into a glowing purple duplicate of himself with red eyes, proclaimed.

"...I've told ya before, and I'll tell ya now. Ya ain't takin' control of my body. Ya take pleasure in harmin' others, unlike a TRUE Titan. Face it, ya are what they call ya. Ya are 'Dark Jason'! Ya are nothin', ya fuckin' Drakuna!" Jason retorted angrily as he rushed ahead.

Dark Jason roared in anger, charged forward, and, with two hands, formed and swung a massive purple machete at his left side. Jason quickly held up his left arm and blocked the blade with an emerald green shield. He slid back several feet with the machete pushing him backwards until he stopped and suddenly stepped forward with his right foot.

"Ya are formed from all my negative emotions and able to go full throttle with no care for ya physical injuries. Yet ya ain't all of me, and that's why ya will always lose." Jason stated firmly. He stabbed Valcuna into Dark Jason's chest, earning a piercing scream of pain from him.

"I'm more than just my Darkness, and I'm more than my Light. Just like how I'm not just a Warrior or just a Guardian. I am both my Dark and Light. I am a Guardian and a Warrior. I am Jason Roy Silva. I am Kamoso." Jason added fiercely. As he finished his statement, Dark Jason started to glow green from the inside before he slowly began to disintegrate.

"Ya won't ever get rid of me. I AM A PART OF YA, JASON!" Dark Jason yelled out as he finally fully disintegrated. The dark purple energy started to flow back into Jason.

"Ya are a part of me, but ya ain't all of me." he muttered sadly while it all went inside him. Then Valcuna slowly began to stop glowing. Jason twitched his right hand as emerald green energy flowed out of the sword and into it. Valcuna shrunk down until it was only a plain silver ring on his middle finger. Jason stared up at the sunny morning sky while breathing heavily.

"Ya know ya couldn't have hurt him. Ya tried in the past, so why did ya pull out an arrow, brother?" he suddenly asked, turning and looking toward the woods to his right. There, barely visible, was Phoenix, hanging upside down on a thick tree branch. He had begun to relax as he put an arrow away.

Wasn't thinkin' bout that. Just wanted to help... Phoenix responded telepathically. He bent his legs and started shaking side to side.

Um...Jason, I kinda clawed my feet too deep into this shitty branch I'm on, and now I'm fuckin' stuck. Can ya help a brother out? Phoenix inquired, sounding embarrassed. Jason shook his head, causing his long messy hair to fall in front of his face.

On my way, bro. he replied with disbelief.

By the way, we ain't ever gonna speak bout this. I'll never hear the fuckin' end of it. Phoenix said.

I ain't gonna say shit. But Disso will find out because of the whole mental link. He'll for sure tell'em all, so ya better find a way to fuckin' bribe him out of it cause that ain't gonna be my job. Jason responded while walking over to him.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Jason. Now can ya please hurry? That way, I can concentrate on bribin' Disso out of sayin' shit bout this. Phoenix stated, slightly panicked.

Jason started to help him get free while saying calmly, It's 'ight, brother. I gotcha.

Meanwhile, an Ultra Wormhole had just opened up near Konikoni City. Blacephalon, who was carrying Tierno by the waist, flew out first, followed by Serenity with Serena sitting on top of her.

The Beast trainer had a vicious smirk as she said, " are next."

'Yes, she is. Time to exterminate Tapu Lele's chosen one.' Serenity responded nastily. Serena nodded before frowning.

I want to ask her why she chose to save me instead of letting Kiawe kill me. Why would she side with me, a Yvonne, over the people of Akala Island? Is Tapu Lele even an enemy or not? she thought. The group landed in front of the entrance. While Tierno returned Blacephalon back into his Beast Ball with thanks, Serena jumped off Serenity's head and went right on ahead. This caught the two of them off guard.

"Hey, wait up!" Tierno shouted as they rushed towards Serena. However, she didn't stop until she reached a jewelry shop. Serena walked inside and went over to the cashier.

"Excuse me. Is Olivia here?" she asked the guy reading a newspaper.

"Yeah. Olivia, someone wants to see you!" he shouted absentmindedly. A short silence ensued before the door to the manager's office opened. To Serena's surprise, Mallow and Tsareena came out first, followed by another woman. She had dark skin, dark brown eyes, and black hair that reached to her shoulders and was wearing pink crystal earrings, light pink lipstick, a crystal necklace, a light pink midriff top, many bracelets, including a brown Z-Ring with a Rockium Z-Crystal etched into it, on her left arm, teal nail polish, a crystal ring on her right hip, dark pink shorts, many anklets around both ankles, and light pink sandal heels.

"Wait, Mallow?! What are you doing here?!" Serena inquired in a confused tone. Mallow couldn't help but smirk a little bit.

"Well, Olivia asked me to be the referee for your next Grand Trial. Kiawe, who usually does them, wouldn't be suited for this. And Lana didn't want to do it either, so you're stuck with me." she replied sassily. Serenity and Tierno, who had both caught up with Serena, groaned in annoyance.

Great. Why do we have to see that filthy Trial Captain here? she complained inside her trainer's mind. She chose to ignore that remark, instead staring down Olivia.

"Olivia...I have questions...and I want answers before I destroy you." Serena stated sternly. Tierno and Serenity both looked at her, confused. However, a slight smile crossed Olivia's face.

"I think I already know what you want answers to. Very well. Come in." she replied, gesturing for Serena to come into her office.

"Uh, Serena-" Tierno got interrupted.

"Shut up, Tierno. You too, Serenity. You two wait out here." Serena retorted as she went in. Tierno and Serenity both flinched, but didn't get a chance to respond before Olivia slammed the door shut behind her. Serena sat down on a sofa and noticed a framed picture of a muscular dark skinned, bald headed, black eyed man.

She cocked an eyebrow upward while asking, "Say, isn't that Shaq?" A tear fell down Olivia's cheek at the mention of Shaq. Nonetheless, she proceeded to sit down in another couch adjacent to Serena.

"Yes, that is my husband. He was one of the casualties caused by your father eight years ago." Olivia answered sorrowfully and bitterly. That made Serena tense up.

Olivia then sighed before saying, "Serena, did you know Hala was planning to kill you when you got to his first Grand Trial?" Serena quirked an eye.

"No. Though, I would have thought he'd do something by now. Why are you telling me that? He did lose his family to did you. And I am Calem's daughter, so I thought that alone makes me a target. Everyone surely wanted me gone, right? But then why is Tapu Lele, your guardian, protecting me from Kiawe?!" she asked curiously.

"Simple. The Tapus made a deal with someone. And I have a feeling that, deep down, you know who it is." Olivia responded cryptically. Serena's heart skipped a few beats as she held her head in pain.

"Wait, the Tapus made a deal with...Ash?!" she screeched out, being careful not to be too loud. A slight smirk crossed Olivia's face.

"Yes. Ash Ketchum, the son of the man who saved us from your father's reign of terror, asked Tapu Koko to not kill you until after the League. And after beating Hala so badly in a battle, he was inclined to make the deal. So, you won't receive any harm from Trial Captains or Island Kahunas. If any of us does try to attack you directly, the island's Tapu will come and protect you." she explained. Serena's jaw dropped.

"Impossible...There's no way...The Ketchums and Yvonnes are supposed to be enemies. And yet Ash had already done so much...including facing Jason Silva with no fear whatsoever. All! Why would he go this far for me?!" she uttered, completely dumbfounded. Olivia frowned.

"I don't know why Ash is so fixated on you, but the fact remains that he chose you. He chose to protect you from the dangers that having a full team of Ultra Beasts would put you through. He sees something in you that we don't. Now I'm not going to question his loyalty since his actions show that he clearly is not going to turn his back on you simply because you are a threat to the region. My gut feeling tells me that he will stop at nothing to get a chance to battle you at the League." she answered. An uncomfortable silence filled the office as Serena thought back to the two times Ash had saved her. She was especially thinking about the battle between him and Jason and the words he said to her.

"So...Jason didn't know of the arrangement?" Serena questioned Olivia sternly.

The Kahuna shook her head before replying, "No. Though, even if he did, I doubt he would listen. I mean, this is Jason we're talking about here. He won't stop until he eliminates the Ultra Beasts. Even if it means eliminating you." Serena stared at her suspiciously.

"Why are you even telling me all of this? I am going to become your Champion and take over my father was supposed to. You and Tapu Lele do realize that, don't you?" she inquired. Olivia sighed and stood up.

"I suppose that this is Tapu Lele's way of saying "Screw you!" to your fake mother. Ash's too. They are the ones protecting you from harm's way after all, not her. Anyway, let's have a good battle, yeah? And just so you know, it's a double battle." she responded confidently. Anger was building up in Serena from the snide remark towards Lusamine. However, before she could respond, they heard three distinct voices call out from outside:

"Inferno, use Inferno!"

"Blastoise, Hydro Cannon!"

"Weavile, Ice Beam!" Serena froze upon recognizing the first two voices and the name "Inferno".

"Which side are Red and Blue on, the protecting side or the killing side?" she asked uncertainly as an explosion rang throughout the city. A sly smirk formed on Olivia's face while they ran outside. Serenity and Tierno were glaring at the dustbowl that had formed around a certain point, with the former shaking in rage. The entire city was also staring too.

You heard that too, right? That's definitely Red and Blue! Serenity shouted viciously into Serena's mind. The dust settled to reveal a Charizard even bigger than Ash's, a Blastoise wearing a black ring containing a Blastoisinite on his left cannon, and a Weavile standing tall over three unconscious black clad ninjas with the red Revengers logo on their chests, a Poliwrath, an Alolan Muk, and an Alolan Golem. Red, with Voltage, Blue, and Paul stood behind their partners.

"What the hell?!" Serena exclaimed, clearly stunned and more confused than ever.

Paul turned his head to stare into her eyes and said caringly, "Hey there...Honeycake."

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