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Ash could not believe what just happened to him.

"Serena. She just kissed me." he mumbled to himself, touching the spot on the lips where the short honey blonde haired girl kissed him. Ash looked down the escalator, where she was descending to get on the plane to the Hoenn region. Serena was blushing and giggling crazily while clutching her blue ribbon, the exact same one he gave her during the festival in Courmaine City. Clemont, Bonnie, Dedenne, and Pikachu all had red faces from embarrassment and their mouths wide open. Ash was feeling weird inside, like no other emotion he's ever experienced before.

Is he thought. When Ash now looked towards Serena's direction, it was as if he was staring at her for the very first time. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful and attractive she truly was.

Is it just me, or am I thinking like Brock does around pretty girls? Ash mused. Then he realized the big difference between him and Brock is that his best friend always flirted with the pretty girls while he never seemed to notice their beauty. Not until Serena came along.

Ash's heart was urging him to run over to her and show her how he really felt, but his head was telling him to leave her be. The truth is, he'd developed a massive crush on Serena since they reunited in Santalune City. Due to his dense brain, though, Ash was completely oblivious to the signs that she likes him too.

Why am I so dense? Why?! he pondered bitterly.

Ash must have been so deep in his mind by now because Serena had to shout, "ASH!" He glanced at her again. Serena had gone all the way downstairs and was gazing back with worry evident in her sparkling sapphire blue eyes. Ash instantly knew what he truly wanted to do. He dashed straight down the escalator. This move stunned everyone who was watching Ash, especially Serena. When he got there, they were face-to-face.

"Hey...Serena. You...forgot...something." Ash said, panting heavily from the exercise he had just done a few seconds ago. Serena peered at him, clearly confused.

"What did I forget?" she asked curiously. The siblings and Pokemon were also looking puzzled. Though, Bonnie could guess what Ash might be thinking, being the smart little girl she is.

He took a deep breath before saying, "This." In one swift motion, Ash grabbed a hold of Serena's wrist, causing her to step forward. As her body fell into his chest, he gently wrapped his arms around her waist. Serena looked up towards Ash, still lost. Then he closed his chocolate brown eyes, lowered his head, and pressed his own lips into hers.

This time, it was Serena whose eyes were wide open, but then she shut them while making out with Ash. If Clemont, Bonnie, Dedenne, and Pikachu's mouths were hanging agape when she kissed him, their jaws literally hit the floor at the scene unfolding before them. Although the matchmaker in disguise had predicted that, she was still shocked by it actually happening. After a few seconds, Ash and Serena ended the kiss with her body still on his chest. She was so happy, she looked like she was on Cloud Nine. Trusting Ash's heart turned out to be the right choice.

"I have one more thing to say to you. Go be the absolute best Pokemon Coordinator and Kalos Queen I know you can be. When we meet next time, I'll be waiting to see just how much more beautiful you've gotten." he said, flashing his trademark toothy grin. Serena's heart instantly melted from the sight of it.

"Right!" she said as a determined look crossed her face. 

A few minutes later, Serena was on the plane, which just took off. Ash, Pikachu, Clemont, Bonnie, and Dedenne were waving it goodbye until it flew out of sight. She then turned to stare at the raven haired boy.

"Wow, Ash. I didn't think you'd run straight down the escalator to kiss her back. You really love Serena, do you?" Bonnie asked in a teasing manner. Ash couldn't help but giggle.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." he said. That revelation literally shocked all of them.

"You have?! Since when?" Clemont asked curiously.

"Since I started developing a crush on her. You know, I talked to Greninja before he left, and he said that if I truly love Serena, I should do something about it before we went our separate ways. Otherwise, I might not have gotten the opportunity ever again. I'm glad she kissed me first, though. At least now I know that she loves me back." Ash said.

"Yeah, and now she knows that you love her. So...when's the wedding, eh?" Bonnie asked mischievously. Ash's whole face reddened from embarrassment.

"BONNIE!" he shouted. Pikachu and Dedenne were rolling on the floor, cracking up. Clemont stifled a snicker. After all the humiliation of his little sister trying to find him a wife, he did enjoy watching her embarrass their best friend over a potential wedding between him and the one he loves. 

Five minutes later, Ash and Pikachu were on their own plane, heading for the Kanto region. The Mouse Pokemon had fallen asleep in his trainer's lap. Ash, however, could not stop thinking about the girl of his dreams.

Serena. I hope you accomplish your goals. Just know that I'll always support you, no matter where you are. I'll always love you, no matter the distance between us. he thought before going to sleep as well.

The next day, Serena safely arrived in Hoenn and was now looking around in amazement at Lilycove City.

"Wow. This city is amazing!" she exclaimed. Little did Serena know, she was being watched by a man. He had white hair, dark eyes, black eyebrows and a purple S tattoo on his left arm and wore a black jacket with a zigzag pattern on both sides, a white shirt underneath it, some black pants with two white x's under his knees, a pair of white shoes, a golden watch on his left wrist, a black and white Z-Ring with a Buginium Z-Crystal etched into it around his right wrist, golden sunglasses with one of the glasses being bent on his head, and a locket with a yellow S surrounding his neck.

A bone-chilling smile formed across the man's face as he said, "There she is. The one that I, Big Bad Guzma, and the Aether Foundation have been lookin' for all this time." He then took a digital camera out of his pocket and shot a photo of Serena.

Guzma let out an evil laugh while saying, "Enjoy the rest of ya time in this world, Serena Yvonne."

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