Chapter 2

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Hey guys so ready for some action..😉.Okay So who do you guys think win Austin or Nick?? Austin's a newbie to this match while Nick had been fighting since he came into this prison.

This chapter will be in third person POV.This chapter is dedicated to my musketeers

Okay no more delay.Let's go on to chapter ~~


Austin was practicing in his and Dez cell.He was punching the wall and was jumping around like a kangaroo.Dez was deep in thought.Austin looked at him,

"Hey buddy are you alright??"

"Yeah!!just thinking"



Austin gave him a look which said "yeah I believed you"but still he didn't question him.He will say when he's ready.Diggy came and informed them it's time for his match.Austin was pumped up for his match.

Every prisoners started gathering in the private chamber where all their singles match would take place.None of the prison officers knows about it.If they did then let's say they're doomed.Only one officer knows about it but they paid him to keep his mouth shut.

Right now everyone had gathered and betting took place.Most of the betting was on Nick but Austin didn't care about it.Diggy was the referee for this particular match(yeah like they need one😂)

"Okay Boys let's begin this match... before that let's discuss what winners will get? If Austin wins you all should stop messing with us.So what about Nick?What will you guys get if you win?" Everyone looked at him expecting him to say something.

Terry looked at them,"Deal!! And about that we'll say after we won"

Diggy,Austin and Dez rolled their eyes at this.Austin pulled his shirt and throwed it away revealing his well build body.He flexed his muscles and punched the air twice and started hopping.

"Okay Let the Match begin!!"

Nick and Austin started rounding eachother.Nick ran towards him and and face punched Austin.Austin fell back.Before he can get up Nick shin kicked Austin making him to fall back and hit his head on the concrete.

Dez couldn't bear watching his friend getting beat up.He bowed down his head.Terry laughed at him and Mick went near Dez,

"Hahaha...If you're feeling bad for your friend then you shouldn't have allowed him plus you clowns don't belong here"

Suddenly they both heard "Ohhss" They turned to see Austin getting up and upper cutted Nick making him to stumble back.Nick again tried face punch him but Austin ducked in time and tripped Nick making him to fall onto the floor.

Dez smirked at Mick,"What did you say..yeah I maybe a clown but he's not..We should also have done something to come to prison right? And let me tell you what we did" went near his ear and whispered

"We Murdered".

Austin was hopping in one place he motioned Nick with his hand (come get me)motion.Nick ran and tired to gut punch Austin but Austin jumped back in time and face punched him.He jumped in air and gave elbow jab to Nick's nose and kneed to his gut making him to fall on his knees.

Nick fell on his knees and a drop of his blood fell,and the yell of victory rose in air.

"YEAHH!!Austin won!!!"

Diggy picks up Austin, on his shoulders.Everyone starts praising him.Dez was dancing around them.Terry glared at him,"You may have won against him but you can't win against me I challenge you to fight with me Austin"

Austin smirked at him,"You know that I never backs up from a challenge"

"Okay we'll have our match after three days later"  "Deal I don't care beating you up even now"Austin said while laughing at him.

Terry glared at him and went away from there.Diggy laughed at them,"Haha who cares about them our Austin had won!!!Let's celebrate"...

Everyone starts dancing like crazy around Austin."yayyy!!!Praise Austin 'coz we're free now"

Austin,Dez,Diggy hugged eachother and were laughing.They were so happy.


Yayyyy!!AUSTIN won!!😍😍So let's see what's going to happen next...sorry for short chapter I'll make it longer next time!!

Thank you all for reading...

Remember that I love you guys so much😍

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See ya!!

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