Chapter 1

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In Royal Woods, a police van was heading towards the Great Royal Woods River. A van that housed three girls...Luan, Lori and Lynn who were recently disowned for attacking their brother. Only thing is...the girls never hurt their brother, they planned to apologize to him for everything that they put him through. didn't end up the way that they wanted.....


The three girls were all in their rooms when they heard that their family was going out to get dinner. After the others left, Lynn and Luan went to see Lori who still seemed pissed off for what occurred.

"Lori...Are you okay?" Luan asked.

"No. I'm grounded all because of that twerp." Lori said.

"I say that we beat him up for what he's done to us." Lynn said with Lori agreeing with her. While Luan shook her head much to the shock of the other two.

"Why aren't you agreeing with us Luan? He needs to be punished." Lori said.

"Punished for what? Punished for telling our parents what we've done to him? Look...I'm mad too, but what will beating him up prove?" Luan said.

"But...He got us in..." Lynn said before Luan cut her off.

"No. We did that ourselves by treating Lincoln like he's inferior than us. Besides even if we did beat him up...What do you think will happen? Our sisters will hate us and we could hurt our futures all because we had to teach Lincoln to shut his mouth for what we've done to him." Luan said.

"So we're apologizing?" Lynn asked.

"Yes. Besides we could've been grounded way longer." Luan said.

"Fine. I guess when you put it that way..we have been treating Lincoln like a mule." Lori said.

"And I admit that I may have been roughing him up for no reason at all." Lynn said. After she said that...the three girls hugged when suddenly a blue gas started to come into the room causing the girls to pass out on the floor. After they passed out..two men came into the room and carefully carried the girls downstairs. When a third man came in with a struggling Lincoln Loud. 

"Now that we got the girls...Let's get the party started." The first man said. 

"So how much do we get paid again?" The second man said.

"Shut up about the money. We just need to hurt the boy enough so he can't remember anything that occurred here today then we hightail it out of here." The third man said unaware that Luan could hear everything that was said. Then she heard the pain filled cries of her brother until she fully passed out. 

The rest...was history.

Flashback End

Luan's trip down memory lane was cut short by the police van stopping before the two police officers forcefully grabbed her, Lori and Lynn.

"What's going on?" Lori asked.

"You girls are going to jump into the river or else...there will be a bullet right between your eyes." The police Officer said as he took out his revolver and pointed it at them along with his partner.

"L..Lori?" Lynn said.

"DO IT." The second Officer said. Lori, Lynn and Luan were too stunned to move so the first Officer slowly walked up to them and pushed them all in. In the water..Luan managed to swim up and take a breath before realizing that her two sisters didn't come up with her. 

"Oh No. LORI! LYNN! WHERE ARE YOU?" Luan said panicked before she saw her sisters in the distance being slammed by the raging waters of the river. Luan started to swim towards them before she noticed that Lori was shouting at her.

"LUAN! STAY BACK!" Lori said.

"BUT LORI!" Luan said.

"NO. IT'S ALREADY TOO LATE FOR ME AND LYNN. YOU NEED TO PROMISE ME THAT YOU'LL CLEAR OUR NAMES AND BRING WHOEVER DID THIS TO JUSTICE." Lori shouted before a huge wave came towards her and shallowed her whole. Luan stayed put for a while and carefully swam towards the shore before she collapsed and started to cry.

Her sisters were dead. Dead because of her family sans Lincoln. Why? Why did this have to happen to them? She didn't know, but she knew that she had to figure it out. So she carefully stood up and started walk....

Walk towards a road of danger and figure out secrets that will either make or break Luan. However she wouldn't rest until she cleared her and her sisters names.

No matter what the cost.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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