Chapter 4

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Though it was a kid's voice, Anna didn't trust it. Her mom's creepy boyfriend had used a kid's voice and tricked her once, so Anna wasn't taking any chances.

It had all started when her dad had left without saying goodbye. He had just disappeared. Anna didn't know what happened.
Her mom then on would hardly even speak to her. When she asked her mom to please call dad so she could at least say hello, her mom just said, "He isn't coming back. Anna didn't like coming home from school. Every day, all she did was homework, and then eat dinner in silence.
One day, Anna got off the bus, and her mother was at the front door waiting to greet her. She looked happy for a change. "Hello." Her mom said. Come and meet my boyfriend, Michael." "What?!" Anna said. "You're replacing dad with him?! What if dad comes back and finds Him?!" "He's not coming back." Her mom said.

That night, dinner was a little bit better, because there was conversation. It was at least better than the silence they had had before. After dinner, Anna went right to bed.
The next day after school, Michael asked many questions about what happened at school and everything. He seemed very interested in what Anna was doing. That night, Michael asked, "Do you want to play princess?" " uhh, sure." Anna said. So they went up to her room and Michael made a funny kids voice imitation. Anna laughed. "I'm Chrissy." Michael said in the kids voice. Anna laughed again.
Michael brushed her hair. Then she went to bed. The next day after dinner, they played princess again. They played princess every day after dinner. Anna played princess of the north, and Michael was the princess of the south. They were supposed to be best friends.
One day after dinner. Michael said, "Let's play princess." "Okay." Said Anna. They went up to Anna's room and Michael started stroking her hair. "Oh, such beautiful hair." He said in his regular voice. "I thought you were supposed to be Chrissy." "Oh yeah." He said in the girl's voice.
Then Michael gave Anna a big hug. It was a very long hug. She could smell his cologne. It was making her feel like throwing up. "Let me go." Said Anna. He didn't stop. "Let me go." She said again. He kept on. She had to say "Let me go!" Again until Michael finally let go. "We're best friends." Michael said in the kid's voice.

The next day after dinner, Michael asked, "Do you want to play princess?" "No." Said Anna. "Do you want to play princess." He said in a serious tone. "I said, No!" Anna snapped. Michael looked very annoyed, even angry.
From then on, Michael kept staring at her, and it was the creepiest thing.
The next day, Michael kept trying to get close to Anna and touch her hair, when she didn't want him to. Anna had enough of that, so she went to the bathroom, got some scissors, and cut her hair all the way. When her mom came, she said, "Anna! What did you do?!" "I cut my hair." Anna said. "But you look terrible!" Said Anna's mom. "Well, I like it this way." She said. Michael still kept staring at her.
That night, Anna fell asleep, but was awoken by something that felt like a weird presence. Anna opened her eyes. Michael was standing there. Anna almost screamed. Michael put his finger to his lips and walked out of the room.
Anna waited for about half an hour. She wanted to escape the house, because she had just had enough of Michael.
She quietly snuck into her parent's room. Anna's mom and Michael were both asleep. She tiptoed across the floor and grabbed Michael's wallet. Then she quietly snuck out of the room. She was ready. She was going to find her father. He worked in New York City and she knew the address of his office. She just needed to see him and she would explain everything to him and everything would be just like it was before. She just needed to get there that's all.
She walked out the front door. Then she went to the nearest bus stop. When a bus arrived, the driver asked, "What are you doing out here at the middle of the night kid? How old are you?" "Uh... 17." She said. "You don't look 17. I'm going to call your parents." Anna didn't wait. She ran away to the train station.
The same thing happened there. Anna then went to the highway. She knew that it wasn't good to hitchhike, but that was her only option left.
She went on the side of the highway. Then she stuck out her thumb. Though she thought nobody would come, a few minutes later a lady stopped. "What are you doing at the dark of night, boy?" She asked. "I want to get to New York City." Anna said. "Where are your parents?" She asked. Anna was not willing to make up an answer, so she ran down the highway. The lady tried to back up, but she couldn't because cars were coming. Then she drove away.
After about half an hour, a man pulled over in a blue Nissan Sentra. "Where you heading to?" He asked. "New York City." She said. Anna got into the car. "What's your name?" He asked. "An-dam. Adam." She said. "Wait a minute." The stranger said. "You're no boy. You're a girl!" He said.
"So what?" Anna said. He kept staring at her and started going faster and faster. He was giving her the creeps. "I want to get out!" Said Anna. Anna started to open the door, but the stranger said, "No you aren't." He kept going even faster. Anna started crying.

"I make a promise, I keep a promise, I'm taking you to New York." He said. They were almost at the George Washington Bridge, when Anna saw blue and red lights behind them. Then the cops pulled them aside. "Don't you say a word." He said as the policeman approached the car.

"What seems to be the problem officer?" He said in a perfectly natural tone. "You know what you were doing." The cop said. "You were going at 90 mph. Who's that?" "Oh, that's my daughter." Anna was in the car listening to all of this. Should I tell the cops? Anna thought. No. Because then he would get me and kill me. Then the stranger turned his head away from her. This is my chance she thought. She opened the door and dashed out of the car. She ran as fast as she could, not looking back. She ran towards the town away from the highway, away from the creep, away from the cops, she wanted to run as far away as she could. She was very tired, so she sat down on the bench to take a break. There was no way he could get her now. Just as Anna was thinking that, a car pulled up next to her. It was the Nissan Sentra. At first, Anna sat there frozen in shock. When the creep got out and started walking towards her, she snapped out of her paralysis and bolted away. She ran as fast as she could and sprinted around the corner of a building. She saw a dumpster, the stench was awful but she had nowhere else to hide so she dove into a pile of boxes behind the dumpster.

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