Chapter 1: Drawing friends

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The sun was starting to set as you laid your self down on your carpeted bedroom floor to color a little before bedtime! Your six year old hands were clumsy with the black crayon as you drew a suit, but you were having too much fun to care! All throughout dinner you had kept on telling your parents about this really tall man who didn't seem to have a face that you had seen at recess. He seemed to be talking to a girl or something... you thought he was her dad because she didn't come back to class afterwards, but your parents didn't seem as excited as you about this story.

"Sweetie, you have such a creative imagination," your mother commented with a smile as your dad nodded his head.
"Y/n, I am sure you saw someone but I think your eyes were only playing tricks on you."

You knew that this must have been the case, it had happened before, but he was the tallest man you had ever seen!

Your little hands worked on drawing the man you remember seeing, the version of him without a face. But, after you drew him, you realized how sad he looked all alone on the paper. Somehow, even his blank face seemed sad, but with a quick swish of the black crayon put a smile on the faceless man and soon balloons, candy, and kitties surrounded the smiling stranger. You had to be there too, of course! Standing right next to him with a big smile, holding a kitty!

You sat back to look at your masterpiece, grinning widely, "This is perfect! It's me and Mister.... Roger! Me and Mister Roger in the best place in the world!" Quickly, you scribbled his name and yours above each of your crayon likenesses and placed the prized drawing on your desk before your parents knocked and came in.

"Honey, its bed time," your father spoke softly as you pouted.

"Do I have to daddy? Can I stay up just a little longer like you and mommy?"
This made your mom smile as she kissed your forehead, "Y/n, when you are a little bit older, you can stay up with us. Only as long as you obey the curfew rules now." She winked as you jumped into bed, closing your eyes, "I'm already asleep!" The two of them laughed and kissed you once more before heading off downstairs and holding your kitty stuffed animal close, you fell asleep, entering the world you drew with Mr. Roger there and everyone was happy.

The next day was a beautiful sunny day! You couldn't help but smile and dance around the house as you got ready to go to school. The picture of Mr. Roger and you was in your backpack as you were determined to meet him and find out if what you saw was true! Most of school was a blur as you patiently awaited recess. As the bell rang to go outside, you sprinted out with the drawing in hand, excited to make a new friend, even if he was an adult!

You spotted him after searching almost the whole time, standing under a tree. Your little legs couldn't run fast enough to go and meet him, "Sir! Sir!" You called out happily, but you got no reply in return as you approached, noticing that he really was faceless and extremely tall.... you nearly had to look straight up as waved your drawing for him to see, "I saw you yesterday and decided to draw you because you are so different! See? I drew you, but you looked sad so I drew a smiley face on you to make sure you were happy! I also gave you some candy and kitties and balloons to make you happy! Oh, also that's me smiling next to you! I'm y/n!" You babbled happily about your drawing, proud of your drawing and almost having no clue what you were actually saying.

You were just so excited to meet the man, and that he would get to see what you made him! His long skinny arm reached down and carefully took the paper and brought it closer to his face to... see? Suddenly, you realized that he probably could not see what you had drawn, "You are wearing your black suit in the picture and I'm wearing my f/c dress! We are both smiling because we are having fun and I didn't know your name so I just put down Mr. Rogers, I hope you don't mind."

He didn't answer as he continued.... staring? Or something like that, at the paper before nodding, letting his arm drop to his side while still holding the paper.

'Thank you, my child,' resonated a deep voice, but you couldn't tell where it came from, it couldn't have been the man because he doesn't have a mouth. He patted your head before turning around and walking away as the bell rang and off you went back into school.

As Slenderman walked away, he thought of the little girl, 'Y/n, she wasn't scared of how I look... this drawing, it's so... sweet.' Was his heart of stone really melting over this drawing? He was growing soft if all it took was some horribly drawn picture to make him spare a child's life. But the way she spoke of it, she was so proud of what she had drawn and yet she still gave it to him as a present? Slenderman sighed as he walked off into the woods, trying to forget the whole thing, but kept the drawing close to him to keep it from getting ruined.

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