Chapter 3: Hello, Human

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It has been almost a week with you just laying in Slender's room, resting and healing. Only Slender came to see you, bringing food, mainly waffles, and some cheesecake closer to bedtime. He would stay while you ate and ask you about your family, friends, home, almost anything! It was nice to talk to him since the rest of the hours were spent in the quiet of the room with a ongoing commotion you could barely hear from the rest of the mansion. You would ask Slender almost everyday about what the rest of the mansion and the other people who lived there looked like. 'You will meet them soon enough, I promise.'


Slender came out of his room, everyone looking over at him for a moment to see if he would make an announcement, but he didn't and instead headed straight to his proxies. Toby nudged the other two to alert them of the approaching Slender and all turned to greet their boss. "Hello, Slender. Do you need us for a job?" Masky asked as the other two appeared to be a little nervous.

'I want you three to be the first ones Y/n officially meets, I want her to slowly meet everyone here to help her adjust,' Slender explained. Hoodie spoke first, before Toby or Masky could object, "Of course, sir. We will do our best to make a good first impression." Toby was panicking behind him and Slender sighed, knowing this was going to go... horrible at best. Hopefully, by some miracle, they will be able to pull this off... and there went Toby, panicking.

'Look, you are my proxies. I trust you to do a good job, just be yourself, but for heaven sakes don't terrify the child out of her mind,' Slender uttered before walking away, questioning his own judgement of those three meeting her first.

Masky patted Toby on the back as he worried, "Tobs, it's going to be okay. You heard Slender, just be yourself. Everyone loves you." But he shook his head, twitching, "T-that's n-not what I'm w-worried about. I-it's my stutter, what i-if she thinks i-it's weird? The o-only time I have h-had to interact w-with sane h-humans for the p-past few years was w-when I have been k-killing them."

Hoodie went to his room and the two waited for almost ten minutes before their friend came back with a handful of notecards, "Here, maybe if you try and read these, you will stutter less. They are already in the right order so just read away." Toby took the cards and looked over the first one for a moment before trying, "Hello, I-I am Toby. Niiiiice to meet you." Masky shrugged, "It kind of works, might as well try it. Now, we should probably leave our weapons here, so we don't, as Slender put it 'scare her out of her mind'?" Reluctantly the three placed there weapons in a pile and went to Slender's room.

Toby was the one to knock as they all agreed he looked the least threatening, at least, they hoped. "Come in!" Y/n called, believing it to be Slender coming to check on you, but you were surprised to see three new faces step nervously into the room. A smile broke out on your face, "Hello! You must be some of the other people who live here, Slender has told me a little bit about you all." They relaxed a little and came closer. One was a bit scary... he had glowing red eyes and a glowing smile the same color. You couldn't see any other part of his face, that was it.

Toby was shaking a little, not sure he could do this, talk with a sane human being after all these years of killing what ever way he wanted. He looked at the cards, clearing his throat, "H-hello, I.... ugh, a-am Toby. N-nice to meet you." He flipped to the next card, Y/n watching with amusement, "But I a-also I like waaaffles? I think I-I missed a card. Wait..... this i-isn't working." His hands were shaking as he put the cards away, Y/n's face becoming crestfallen as the room went silent.

"Well, I am Masky, this is Hoodie, and Toby introduced himself. We are proxies of Slender," Masky stated, his mask hiding any emotions he might have had. "Proxies?" You asked curiously, having never heard the word before. Was that a common word around here? She had never heard her parents use it before... "It means that we three work for Slender and help him with whatever he needs," Hoodie explains.

It didn't really clear up any questions for you though, like why they all covered their faces and why Toby seemed to be so nervous... maybe he needed a hug? Y/n heroically got out of bed and went straight up to the nervous twitching creepypasta and hugged him, causing him to jump. He didn't expect her to be so... loving to them. She went on to hug the other two who accepted the hug much like Toby, in astonishment. She was younger... maybe she had no clue who she was hugging or where she was, the significance of it. The danger.

"Why do you hide your faces?" Y/n pipes up, looking to each one with curiosity, all of them drawing a blank on how to explain this the best way they can. "W-well... ugh... when a m-man and woman love e-eachother..." Toby starts, Masky slapping him, "Toby!" "I panicked!" He yelled back in his defense as Y/n just stood there, giggling at them.

There was a knock at the door as the three proxies descended into a comical argument which ceased as soon as they saw Slender enter the room. 'Well, seems like its going pretty well so far.' You grin brightly, nodding happily, "I really like them! They are funny." He looked at each one before nodding, 'Funny in many ways... my child, I wanted to show you a surprise. All of us have been working on it all week.' You put your hand in his and he led you down a long and winding hallway with the three boys following you.

This house was huge! So much bigger than yours... was... before your parents.... you tried to remain happy, weakly smiling as the journey through the giant house led you to a f/c door. 'Go ahead and open it, see what's inside,' Slender coaxed, the proxies watching intently as well as you turned the knob and stepped into the room. It was gorgeous! The walls had what looked like fields of flowers, all different colors! And there were a couple of lambs playing among them! And there was your bed and the more you looked, the more stuff of yours found, even most of your clothes!

"We wanted to make sure you felt at home here, so we got some of your stuff from your home," Hoodie explained, "We hope that you will like this room while you stay here." Masky opened up a door, "This is your own bathroom, since this house can be confusing, we made sure you were able to have one nearby." You just took it all in, this was amazing! You didn't know what to say! Thank you so much for giving up so much time to give me such a nice room?

As you hugged Slender, only one thing was actually said, "Thank you..." you couldn't help but cry against him, it was such a nice gift and it was truly beautiful. After you had calmed down, the four left you to let you get settled into your new room. You had a window?! There was a beautiful view of the surrounding forest covered in... snow. Christmas... it already
passed. You didn't get to celebrate your favorite holiday...

You spent the next few hours, staring at the snowy forest, imaging all the things you would have done with your family if nothing bad had happened to them and you used your hands to try and muffle your sobs as your cheeks were stained with tears.

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