Chapter 15 : Just The Beginning

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Off schedule update! My wanderlust is at it's peak right now.🥺

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chhotaa sa fasaana, kisi ko pataa naa, isse kya bataana

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Nikhil didn't like lying to his mother. However, he had blatantly lied to his mother, telling her that he had to travel for a business trip to Chennai. Now in retrospect he felt guilty about it. But if he had told her that he was going with Arun, Gargi and Sharanya, to Ooty; he was sure she'd have something to say that he wouldn't like. He was almost certain his mother wouldn't like the idea of going on a trip with his to-be-wife. Somehow his mother was more conservative when it came to him than his siblings, or so he thought. 

Or you like staying in her good books! A voice in his head whispered.

Honestly, there was a part of him that really wanted to be a twenty-year-old guy, make friends and have fun. He wanted to catch up on all that he had missed because he was too busy making his career, making a namefor himself  in the industry.

When Arun had proposed the idea of the road trip to Ooty over the weekend, he was tempted to say no. Like he always did to anything that required him to step out of the zone of comfort and confidence, he had built for himself over the years. It was easier to stay behind the screen review code, improvise strategies and evaluate performances, heck even desing proposals for possible clients.

But something Arun said made him reconsider. Arun had made sense when he said it was a good way of spending time with Sharanya without being concerned about what others would say. Frankly, he wanted to know Sharanya, wanted to spend time with her. It would help him be assured that he was making the right choices.

He glanced at the bouquet of flowers — gerberas only. They were a combination of white, pink and purple ones. With a box of chocolates— dark chocolates; he had found out from Gargi via Arun that she liked those. He had requested the florist to scribe the message— Happy Birthday Sharanya on the message card. She didn't have to know that his handwriting wasn't pleasant to read.

He was restless. All of this—buying flowers, gifts— was so stupid. He had mentioned the same more subtly to Arun and the man had laughed saying he would just get used to buying gifts. He sighed, looking out of the window.

He had never imagined he'd be preparing himself for a road trip early on a Friday morning instead of bracing himself for a series of review meetings. The day was one of a kind.

* * *

"Hey, birthday girl is here," Gargi had greeted her opening the door.

Sharanya smiled reciprocating her quick hug and then pulled in her trolley bag. "I still feel guilty for denying Akshu and Harshit's pleas to come along." She said, leaving her travel bag by the wall.

Earlier on Sharanya wasn't even ready for the sudden weekend getaway to Ooty. But Gargi had very cleverly done, what she was best at— manipulating her mind.

Nikhil would come too.

In mere twenty minutes, Gargi had given her all the reasons for making this trip. First and foremost being, she hadn't travelled for a long time. Second, they had never got around to making a trip together since the past three to four years. Next, Ooty would be a perfect place to visit in this time of the year. Further, this was her chance to know Nikhil more.

Gargi made valid points. How was she going to stay with him under the same roof if they didn't increase their communication—which according to Gargi was the utmost important thing in a relationship and was at minus one for the two of them.

Sharanya had almost chuckled when Gargi had said that, this was the best possible and closest she could have at a DDLJ romance.

Sharanya sat on the sofa looking at Gargi, knowing another piece of lecture was on the way.

"Take them on your honeymoon, okay?" Gargi tried to humour.

Sharanya rolled her eyes. The word honeymoon briefly sent shivers down her spine. She ignored that and focused on the present.

Gargi went on to say, "You only mentioned that Akshaya has internal tests from Wednesday. She has to prepare for them. And Harhsit is on a new job. Taking offs in the first month of joining isn't exactly going to make a good impression. Stop taking yourself on a guilt trip. Be excited for this road trip like I am."

Sharanya took a deep breath.

"Being selfish is good, in your case. Or think of it as a birthday gift to yourself," she said.

"Why aren't you.... ready?" Sharanya asked, glancing at Arun who had come out of their bedroom asking Gargi where his mobile charger was.

"Hi, Sharanya!" He greeted with a smile.

"Hi, good morning!" She smiled.

"You were charging your phone at night, Arun. Must be on the nightstand."

"I looked everywhere... oh, the nightstand drawer." He realized, thinking out loud.

"Why aren't you ready?" Sharanya asked again when Gargi looked at her.

"I am getting ready." She said, moving around towards Arun. "Make yourself comfortable," she added.

"Are you sure you're okay with traveling it's going to be a long trip?"

Sharanya's ears caught Arun's whisper. She didn't really want them to know she'd overheard but she couldn't contain her curiosity and turned around to look at them. At the same moment, Gargi was indicating Arun to keep quiet.

"Is there a problem?" Sharanya asked, looking at Gargi suspiciously.

"No, nothing," she tried to brush away her doubt.

"Are you sick or something?" She questioned, looking at Arun for some clue. He only looked at Gargi tight-lipped. "Arun?" She prompted him to tell her if there was something.

"I am fine."

Sharanya looked at her unconvinced.

"I am really fit and fine," Gargi repeated, moving her arms up and then outwards, to convince her.

"Arun, what is it?" Sharanya asked still unconvinced with Gargi's answer.

"She threw up in the morning," Arun spoke up.

Gargi was quick to speak up after that, "Actually, on Sunday, it wasn't Arun who was not well. It was me. I didn't want you to worry so I lied."

Sharanya blinked, puzzled. "You're still unwell?"

"Yeah, no. I just...acidity. Yeah, the acidity burp. It was that. Not the literal throwing up." Gargi explained.

Sharanya looked at her carefully. "I am unconvinced, try again." She turned to Arun contemplating whether to ask him.

"I will go switch off the geyser," Saying that Arun made a beeline to his bedroom.

Sharanya got off the sofa and walked around it towards Gargi. "If you are not well, we can do this some other time."

"No, I am okay,"

"I don't know why I feel you're still lying. Anyways, let's do it some other time. I am sure Nikhil will understand." Sharanya said.

Gargi sighed. "No, we are going. It's just... morning sickness, I am pregnant," she said, a smile forming on her face.

Sharanya's eyes widened as her gaze remain fixated on her friend's face. "You're what?" She piped.

"Pregnant, " Gargi answered, this time with a broader bright smile.

"Oh my God!" Sharanya gasped, holding on to her friend's shoulders.

"I know," Gargi grinned, her cheeks turning pink.

"Why didn't you tell me? And how long has it been?" She said glancing down at her friend's belly to find some clue.

"I didn't tell you, because I thought I would have a more dramatic revelation than this and it was your engagement, so I thought I would wait. And it's only been over eight weeks."

Sharanya quickly reviewed the timeline of events in the light of the news she has received. "That dinner night, it was to tell Arun?" she guessed.

Gargi grinned, nodding her head in agreement, "not bad."

"You've known it since then and haven't told me. I am disappointed!"

"You know now," Gargi muttered.

"Why are we traveling then? Shouldn't you like rest?"

"Sharu, once the pregnancy advances, I am going to have lesser chance of traveling. Arun will call Mumma to come stay with us. And you know my mother-in-law, she is going to make me sit the whole day and feed me. I was a little selfish when planning this. It's a win-win for all of us. Arun is going to get some time off from work. I will get to travel. And you two will get a chance to spend time with each other and get comfortable around each other."

Sharanya couldn't argue. "I am so happy for you." She said with a broad smile.

Gargi grinned, pinching her on the arm, "same pinch!"

Sharanya smiled opening up her arms to hug her. They had barley hugged when the doorbell chimed.

Gargi sighed, pressing her cheek against Sharanya's. "What a timing your fiancé has! I swear if this Nikhil is going to come between us, I am going to put all my evil ideas into action."

Sharanya let out a chuckle. "You're being dramatic!"

"And you're already taking his side huh?" Gargi teased, pulling away from her.

She hurried to the door, "And Sharanya, this is a secret," she patted on her stomach, "remains among the three of us. We want to wait for a few more weeks before letting people around us know."

"Sure," Sharanya said nodding with understanding. She smiled, walking around the sofa.

"Hey!" Nikhil said as soon as the door opened.

"Hi, Nikhil." Gargi greeted, "come in, make yourself at home."

Nikhil followed her in, glancing at his watch. It was exactly seven thirty, the time they had decided to meet.

"Give us a few minutes, we are running a little late." Gargi said, "Sharanya is here too," she added, throwing Sharanya a wink and a smile.

Nikhil smiled as he glanced at Sharanya.

She was dressed in a greyish blue tunic which had loose sleeves that almost covered her elbows. Her hair held back in a pony. "Hi," He greeted her, leaving his overnight travel bag by the door. He held the bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates in his hand.

"Hi," she said with a smile. He wore a black turtle neck t-shirt with denim trousers. He looked nice, she thought.

"Sharu, can you pack the sandwiches for the way." Gargi said, as she made her way to the bedroom. "The filling is prepared, just assemble and pack them, please."

"Sure," Sharanya muttered.

"You won't mind helping her right, Nikhil?" She glanced at Nikhil.

Sharanya grimaced internally at Gargi's lame attempt at whatever she was trying.

"Uh, sure," Nikhil answered politely, walking towards the sofa. He wondered what help he could probably be.

"Thanks, " she muttered disappearing into the room.

He glanced at Sharanya. She smiled. He forced one on his lips too.

Wish her, a voice in his head prompted, as they gazed at each other awkwardly.

"Uh, happy birthday," He said extending the gifts he had bought for her.

"Thanks," Sharanya said, hesitantly taking the bouquet of flowers. Her gaze switching from the beautiful bunch to his hand that held a box.

"You didn't have to," she said trying to be modest. Her heart was swooning over the gesture. The fresh flowers were lovely and even if it wasn't exactly a romantic moment, she was moved, wondering how he had managed to find an open florist shop so early. There bouquet was definitely freshly made, the wrapping wrinkle-free and sprinkled with scented water.

However, it was the dark brown box of Bournville that had got Sharanya's heart. As a kid she loved chocolates, all sorts of them— sugary ones, jelly ones, ones with wafers and pure milk chocolates, of course. However, adult-ing was hard. To keep her weight in check she had to eliminate most of her favourite things from a regular diet, chocolates being one of them. Dark chocolate had come to her rescue, it was bitter but she loved it anyway. Presently, it was one of her favourites.

She took the box of chocolates, glad that Akshu wasn't around to claim a share. "Thank you," she said.

He smiled. "Learned from Gargi you like them." He said, satisfied to see the wide smile on her face.

"Oh, I love them. More than these flowers." She said.

"Noted." He said, slipping his hand into the pockets of his trousers.

Sharanya placed the box down on the table, remembering Gargi's request.

"This way," she said moving towards the kitchen, admiring the bouquet. She thought it would be rude to ask him to wait alone.

Nikhil followed her, looking around. He had been to Arun's place only once or twice, before.

Once inside the kitchen, she washed her hands and moved to the counter. He watched as she retrieved a vase from one of the upper cabinet and then went on to find a new home for the flowers.

Nikhil was growing uncomfortable now. He didn't know the 'C' of cooking. "Not sure, how I can be of help here," He said. He didn't want to come of as rude by just standing and watching, neither did he know what to do to be of help than otherwise.

Sharanya glanced at him as she once again washed her hands, wipes them on the hand towel. "Kitchen is not your place to be, is it?" She asked.

"Uh, not unless I am hungry." He answered.

She grinned, "you must know a life-saver recipe at least?"

He gazed at the slices of bread. "Does bread butter, jam, cheese or ketchup count?"

"You have ketchup with bread?" she asked, shocked, glancing at him.

He shrugged. "It's not bad."

"What do you do if there's no bread at home and your mother isn't around?" She spoke aloud her curiosity.

"There's generally something or the other to hog on. Or I just order food. There are times when she makes food and stores it if she's going to be out or I am going to be late. So I just heat it in the microwave."

"Okay," Sharanya said. Nikhil was just like her brother when it came to the matters of food— only interested in eating and zero interest when it comes to making.

Nikhil wondered if it was bad to not know cooking at all. If he had the money to buy it why would he waste time making it?

"I can do this," He said as she began applying butter on the bread slices.

Sharanya refrained herself from even making a sarcastic comment in the head. "There's hardly anything to do, it should be done in minutes." She said, agilely moving her hands getting the sandwiches ready.

The silence was becoming uncomfortable for Nikhil. His gaze switched between her hands and face. He could tell she was conscious of his gaze. He looked around and then back at her hand. His eyes catching glimpse of the engagement ring. He noticed she had worn it on her right hand. The older ring she wore was gone. The little thing moved his heart.

His mother had not liked the fact that they had exchanged platinum rings instead of gold ones. She had expressed relief that she'd be the one selecting the wedding ring.

Nikhil felt the need to end the silence. "So how do you usually celebrate your birthday?"

"Nothing elaborate, just a simple cake cutting at home. Gargi and Arun come over."

He nodded.

"You?" She asked sparing him a glance. His eyes looked at her from behind his lenses.

"Mom takes me to temple for some Pooja and ..." His voice trailed off as he noticed Gargi rush in.

"Sorry, for the delay guys," she said, grabbing a few empty bottles from a cabinet.

"Relax, this is almost done," Sharanya pacified her as she packed all the sandwiches she had assembled in a big box.

"Nikhil, can you fill these," Gargi said, not waiting for his reply, handing him the water bottles, pointing up at the water purifier to give him the hint. She rushed to the refrigerator picking out fruits.

Even his mother had never made him fill water bottles since he had grown up. Nikhil held the bottle at the mouth of the tap turning the knob while the women fussed about the packing of the food and what they should carry. Weirdly, he didn't feel odd, on the contrary it felt nice to be a part of something, of a group. He didn't feel like a fish out of water.

* * *

Nikhil had loaded the luggage in the boot of the car. While Arun was giving the windshield a quick wipe. He walked to the side of the car, wondering if Sharanya didn't want to place the bag she held in her hands behind in the car.

"You don't want to put that behind?" He asked.

She looked at him and answered, "No, this has food so we'll keep it in the back seat."

He nodded.

"Let's get going," Arun announced.

"Arun, come here. Let's take a picture to mark the beginning of a wonderful trip." Gargi said, angling her phone. "Sharu, Nikhil!" She called.

Nikhil stood beside Sharanya a little behind her while she stood immediately next to Gargi. Arun on her other side of her.

"Nikhil, lean a little, your face is getting cropped." Gargi said, smiling at the screen.

Nikhil did as he was told, his face floating over Sharanya's shoulder Sharanya smiled, looking at the phone screen, particularly at Nikhil. He should smile often, it made him look better.

Albeit they started minutes later than they intended to, they were out of the city in around thirty minutes. Gargi sat in the front passenger seat biting into an apple while Arun was behind the steering wheel. The two chatted about some trip they had been to before.

Nikhil and Sharanya had already exchanged three awkward smiles as they sat on the comfortable back seat of the car, each on one extremity of the seat.

The weather was pleasant, there was a warm sunshine in the breezy morning. Nikhil looked out of the window. For the first time, road travel felt easy, felt leisure. He had suggested Arun they take the flight to Coimbatore and then hire a car from there to Ooty but the man to save time had rejected his suggestion without a thought, calling him silly. He had said it would beat the point of a road trip.

"Nikhil, have you been to Ooty before?" Gargi turned from the front seat to ask.

"When I was a four yor five year-old kid. Does that count?"

Gargi chuckled, "Same like Sharanya." She glanced at her friend.

"What kind of music do you enjoy?" Gargi asked looking at him, when Sharany simply looked out not giving any response.

"Instrumental mostly, rock sometimes."

"Sorry, you won't get that on this trip. Sharanya, Arun and me are big time Bollywood buffs. So apologies in advance," Saying that she turned to the front to play some music.

Arun craned his neck to meet Nikhil's gaze through the mirror. Nikhil turned to look outside again. The journey had just begun. He didn't know what to expect. But he felt nice as the car moved away from the morning hustle-bustle of the city to the quieter highway.

• • • • •

Would love to know your thoughts! We are at chapter 15 already. 🤩

Next update: by next Thursday/Friday.

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