Chapter 29 : Uncomfortable Experiences

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Sorry to keep you all waiting. This chapter may be a little uncomfortable. You're warned!

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Chakke jo do saath chalte hai thode to
Ghisne ragad ne mein chhilte hai thode
Par yun hi to katte hai kachche kinare

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Nikhil had always hated seeing doctors. Being the introvert kind he always kept away from conversations with strangers, and particularly hated to share private details with a stranger, including a doctor. He remembered falling off a bicycle as a child. He had nasty bruises all over his arms and legs. His father had rushed him to the nearby health clinic. He would probably never forget how the nurse had tricked him. Asking him to look at the pictures in a book, she had given him a tetanus shot on his backside.

The memory was embarrassing too.

Growing up Nikhil avoided doctors. By God's grace there was never a need to visit a doctor except the three to four times when he had viral fevers and once a light jaundice.

After asking them wait up, the nurse had led them to different rooms for physical examinations. The doctor who was in his late forties spoke very formally and asked questions about his previous medical history. He then got off his chair with a stethoscope around his neck.

Once he was done, he asked Nikhil to unbutton his shirt explaining the procedure to look for any abnormalities. Up until then Nikhil was cooperative. But when he was asked to strip off his pants Nikhil had stared at him wide eyed, wondering if he was allowed to demand that. Perhaps the doctor had experienced dealing with hesitant patients which is why he had explained the importance of a physical examination to look for abnormalities.

Nikhil had no clue he would have to go commando before a doctor. He was scarred for life. In that half an hour, inside that room, he felt like he had shared his life's deepest secrets with the doctor. He had never imagined to be touched like that by a professional and have his manhood measured.

Nikhil's tension only eased when he was asked to dress up and the doctor informed him that everything was normal. However, his tension sprung back with a bang when the doctor started asking questions about his private parts; it would be euphemism to call them intrusive. No matter how much the doctor tried to convince him that it was normal to have a conversation like that with a doctor, Nikhil couldn't stop feeling abnormal about it. He answered the doctor's questions as promptly and earnestly as he could, wanting the session to be over quickly.

If Nikhil thought stepping out of that room was the end of his troubles, he was wrong. He was led to an adjoining room that had small cubicles and handed a cup in his hand with a sheet of instructions. He was asked to collect his semen.

Presently, Nikhil walked towards the common waiting area. He'd never forget this day. It had tainted his memory forever. He tried his best to appear normal. He was stupid to assume a blood sample and blood pressure was all they'd require to determine everything from platelets count to fertility.

He spotted Sharanya from a distance, as she sat on one of the waiting chairs reading what looked like a brochure. He made his way towards her, glancing at his watch. It had taken him a great deal of time to get himself to produce a sample, thanks to his nervousness and unfamiliar environment.

"Hey," He greeted.

"Hi," she looked up with a smile.

"You're done can we leave?" He asked.

"No, there are a few more tests," she said, as he settled on the metal seat beside her. "There is uh, urine, ECG, pulmonary tests and consultation. What the nurse had told me."

Nikhil looked away letting out a breath. He was done for the day. How many bodily fluids they needed!

"You're hungry?" Sharanya asked sensing his disappointment.

"Very!" He answered, his lips pulling into a tight smile as the nurse walked up to them. She requested Nikhil to come along for a urine sample. Nikhil nodded not bothering to look at Sharanya. Once inside she instructed him to collect a urine sample into a small cup which had a lid. Issuing a chain of best practices she asked him to have water and walk around the room if required. She excused herself out of the room.

Nikhil stared at the cup which was almost similar to the one he had filled with another body fluid a few minutes back. Nikhil got off the chair and walked towards the water dispenser wondering if Sharanya felt as awkward too.

Sharanya waited quietly. She was informed to come back after her periods for a few of her tests. She had finished her physical examination. Nothing new came out of it. The doctor said the same thing, loose weight and a few inches. Sharanya glanced at her phone's screen.

She had avoided Gargi's call yesterday and her messages too. She didn't have to guess what Gargi wanted to talk about. She had almost dialled her father's number to ask him why he accepted Aishwarya's apology. Was an apology enough for whatever was the consequence of her actions?

But she didn't. She backed out. Her father always had a soft spot for Aishwarya, always. If she had thought that she had replaced her elder sister to be the apple of his eyes, she was so wrong.

* * *

It had taken Nikhil more than thirty minutes, and over a litre of water to finally produce the sample needed. He had found Sharanya just where he had left her. Either she was quick in giving the sample or she didn't have to give one.

"Can we go eat?" He asked, almost sounding desperate to step out of the premises.

She offered him a small understanding smile, nodding she replied, "yes."

"You want some water?" She asked as she picked up the bottle to put it in her bag.

"No," He replied dreadfully and waited for her to move along with him.

"Do you have any preference?"

"No, as long as I get some decent food I am okay with anything."

"Cool then, there's a popular restaurant at a ten minute drive from here, it's called ParatheWala. The reviews were pretty good." He had put some into research while waiting for his body to produce urine.

"Okay," she said.

"How did your tests go?" Sharanya asked, as he drove. Time and again she found herself thinking about her sister situation. She needed a distraction.

"Okay I suppose." He answered cautiously. "Yours?" He asked glancing at her for a brief moment, keeping his hands still on the steering wheel.

"Same old."

"You have taken all these tests before?"

"Yeah, more or less."

"Hmm, isn't it awkward?" He asked generally, trying to test the waters before diving into it head first; the last thing he wanted was the conversation to be another uncomfortable experience.

Sharanya smiled with understanding. "You're talking about the, uh, urine sample, I assume."

That and more, a voice in his head said but he nodded keeping his eyes on the road.

"No doubt it's awkward. The first time I had it was when my doctor suspected I had contracted a UTI I was in high school back then. But Amma was there, so it wasn't that hard. She had very patiently told me that it was okay and I didn't have to be embarrassed about it. Humans fall sick and it's just a way to detect what's wrong with a person's body."

Nikhil nodded in agreement, that was sound advice. It made him think what her mother would be like. Maybe Sharanya was more like her mother. She definitely didn't share traits with her father, except the upper half of her face.

"I hated doctors and nurses since I was a kid," He shared.

"Let me guess, you were afraid of the injections or the bitter medicines?"

"Injection!" He admitted sheepishly.

"It's okay. I was scared the first time too. Now, it's just a regular things so I don't bother even thinking about it."

Nikhil's smile faltered a bit. "How often do you go for check ups?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Once in four or five months," she answered.

"We are here," He said, bringing the car to a halt. He bent and turned to look at the restaurant from the window of the passenger seat. "Oh great, it has valet too." He added. "Come on,"

Nikhil stepped out of the car. He was glad that their destination had arrived just in time. He didn't know how to react to what she had shared with him. He wondered if she felt the struggle too. However, her response was somehow always on point, so he doubted.

* * *

An hour later they were back at the hospital, this time with filled stomachs. The receptionist had told them to wait for at least half an hour before the other tests. Sharanya and Nikhil had decided to spend some time in the nearby mall instead of sitting and waiting.

"Well, we can shop for our trip, maybe?" He suggested.

"I am not a shopping person as such. I usually tag Gargi along. She has an excellent taste when it comes to clothes. Almost half of my clothes are what she selected." Sharanya spoke looking around. She was glad she had bought her debit card along. She didn't want Nikhil to spend on her. As it is, he had been the one who was paying for everything everywhere.

"I need some t-shirt and shirts. Maybe we can start there. Is that okay?" He asked.

"Sounds like a plan." She smiled.

"Great," He remarked, pointing to a premium men's store. Sharanya nodded taking steps in the direction, he fell in step with her.

Sharanya was amazed as he engrossed himself in looking around for what suited him. Occasionally, he'd turn around to ask her opinion or make her choose one out of two. For once, she felt nice being involved in someone else's shopping. He had a pretty decent taste. He usually stuck to solid colours instead of patterns. He preferred collared t-shirts over round neck. Sharanya came across a pale pink round neck t-shirt with a few buttons on top. She could already imagine him in it. It would really suit him.

She was about to reach for it when she stopped. He probably wouldn't like the colour. She hadn't seen him wear anything like that too.

"Sharanya," he called and she turned to him.

He showed her a complete black t-shirt and another one which had a slanting patch of grey. They looked almost similar, given the grey was of darker shade. She took one hanger from his hand and asked him to hold the other t-shirt over his neck. She then handed him the second.

He looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"This one," she said, immediately picking the one with grey.

"Okay," He said dumping it is his shopping bag. Sharanya looked at the bag. He had already put five garments in it. He was the fastest shopper she had ever come across.

"Why don't go try them?" She suggested.

"Uh, they're all my size."

"Yeah, but the fitting may not be right, no?"

"I usually buy stuff from here, they always fit."

"Okay," she shrugged.

"Fine, I will try them." He muttered defeated and walked towards the changing rooms. Sharanya blinked, trying to understand what just happened. She sighed glancing back the dull pink t-shirt. She bit her lower lip. Should she gift him that?

What if he didn't like it? One voice in her head said.

But it would make him feel special, wouldn't it? Said another. He gifted you chocolates Sharanya! You should gift him this. The voice added excitedly.

Exactly, he gifted you something you like. You ought to gift him something he likes, if at all. Not something you like. The other voice reasoned.

At least try, what if he likes it? The second voice pleaded.

Taking a deep breath, she walked over to the hangers. She shuffled for the right size and quickly had a close look. After glancing towards the changing room to make sure he was not out yet she dashed to the billing counter. Luckily it was free.

She quickly asked the man to bill the t-shirt while she dove her hand into her bag to retrieve her purse. She requested him to pack it quickly and let her carry it as it was a gift for her husband. He smiled with understanding and quickly tapped the keys on the keyboard. "Four thousand and ninety-nine," He said.

For a moment, Sharanya's hand stilled. She had totally forgotten to check the price. She wondered if exchange would be allowed if Nikhil didn't like it. Gathering her wits she asked the man her query.

He nodded reassuringly telling her that they had a fifteen day return policy. Sharanya smiled and handed him the card. He quickly swiped it on the machine handing it over to her to punch in her pin.

Sharanya entered the numbers meticulously. She had never spent so much on a t-shirt before. This could be a disaster. She took a deep breath reminding herself that there was return policy. Still spending that much on a single shirt was stupid. But the way Nikhil grabbed the clothes it seemed like they were on flat seventy percent sale.

Smiling she accepted the bill and her card. The man asked her to get the bill stamped by the guard and then put it in her bag so that there wouldn't be any issue while stepping out. Sharanya nodded and did exactly as she was told. She had to make the guard understand why she was going to keep it in her bag and go back in. Fortunately, the person who had issued her bill came forward to explain the situation.

So much for buying a gift!

That was the quickest gift she had ever bought. She prayed Nikhil liked it, if not, at least he didn't dislike the gift.

* * *

Sharanya hadn't really bought anything for herself. By the time they were done with Nikhil's shopping, an hour had passed. He had bought a few over coats and sweaters too. That had reminded Sharanya that she had to buy some warm clothes too. She literally had no solid winter wear. There was just this black warm jacket that did just fine for all occasions and the coldest weather of their city.

They were back at the hospital for the remaining tests.

Nikhil was back to feeling uncomfortable in his own skin when they had attached the electrodes to his body for an ECG. He mentally made a note to never accept health check-up gift vouchers even if they were worth a lakh.

It was one by the time they were done with all tests and were lined up for the final consultation for the day. The place seemed to be very popular health check-ups in particular. Nikhil observed many people around following the same process. Some were corporate health check-ups.

"It was my first time with an ECG." Sharanya spoke up.

"Mine too," He said.

"It was uncomfortable but I enjoyed seeing my heartbeats in the graphical form." She added, trying to make conversation till they waited for their turn.

"I like how you put it." He said with a smile. He could still feel the irritation on skin at a few spots where the electrodes had stuck. "I am glad it's over!" He added.

"Maam what are you waiting for?" The nurse asked, interrupting their conversation, looking confused.

"Uh, the final consultation," Sharanya said pointing to the file where the box had not even ticked.

"Maam that is only after the reports come. You can come in the evening or tomorrow."

"Oh," Sharanya said glancing at Nikhil who looked pissed.

"Okay, thank you," she said quickly and the nurse walked away.

"I am sorry, I assumed we'd have this one also today." She spoke up.

"It's okay, let's go." They walked over to the reception to handover their files.

The lady behind the counter took their files, opening it, she frowned. "You didn't meet with the doctor?"

"We have to have our reports for that, don't we?" Nikhil asked, coming off as blunt.

The woman behind the counter looked offended and gave a curt nod. "When should I book the appointment for?" She asked staring at her screen.

Nikhil glanced at Sharanya, "today evening?" He asked softly.

Sharanya nodded.

"Will all the reports be available by today evening?" He asked.

"Yes, sir. By six thirty seven."

"We'll be here at that time then." He said.

As they walked towards the exit, Nikhil expressed his thoughts about the poor system and lack of basic communication between the staff. Sharanya simply nodded in agreement while he went on to point out the need for good staff and customer satisfaction.

* * *

After a relaxed afternoon at home where Sharanya had a quick nap in the guest room and Nikhil worked, typing away incessantly on his keyboard, they returned to the hospital in the evening. They both look equally weary of the surrounding.

Nikhil stared at the two women who sat across the table from them. A general physician and a sexual health expert apparently, as they introduced themselves. Nikhil was already regretting driving all the way back to the hospital for this. The day didn't seem to end. He was exhausted. He just wanted to go back home, have a quick dinner and sleep.

"So," the general physician spoke up looking at his reports. "MR. Kumar, you have Vitamin D deficiency, cholesterol just on the borderline between normal and high, and just on the borderline of pre-diabetes." She read out, flipping through the pages, her eyes quickly scanning the report.

"Mrs. Kumar," she said drooling up with a smile as she picked up the second report. "Deficiency of vitamin C, everything else looks okay here." She flipped. "Uh, PCOD?" She looked up at Sharanya to confirm.

"Yes," Sharanya answered.

"Do you have regular periods?" She asked.

"More or less regular, sometimes it's three to four days earlier, sometimes late." She answered, her cheeks colouring up as she glanced at Nikhil. He sat still staring at the report. Maybe it was embarrassing for him too.

"You're on your second day?" She asked to confirm.

"Yes," Sharanya answered, grasping her dupatta in her right hand.

The woman took a pen and began making marks. "DHEAS levels are on the higher side too. Prolactin and Testosterone are just on borderline." She frowned looking at the other doctor.

"How is the flow during your periods?" The other woman asked, jotting down something on a prescription paper.

"Normal. It's umm," she hesitated, "light on the first day, heavy by the third and light on the sixth and seventh day."


"Uh, lower abdomen, back and legs generally hurt during first three days."

"Do you take any pain killers or pills?"

"No," Sharanya answered.

"History of conception?"

"No!" Sharanya answered, her eyes widening a bit and cheeks colouring up.

"Any pain during intercourse?"

Sharanya's cheeks were now flaming up. "Uh, no." She answered.

The doctor looked up carefully, hearing her almost squeaky voice, switching her look between the couple. "My bad. Are you sexually active?"

Sharanya shook her head in embarrassment.

"Not yet," Nikhil answered, more concretely, keeping a straight face.

"I understand," the doctor said. "Recently married?" She further asked looking at their hands, with a small smile.

"Yes," they both ended up answering in unison. Sharanya glanced at him hesitantly. He looked at her through the corner of his eyes.

"Is there anything you'd like to ask me?" She said looking between them.

"Nothing as such," Sharanya answered.

"Alright. I think all your fertility tests are just fine. At this point, I don't really have anything more to offer. But like I recommend to very couple I see, it's best to have an open conversation around this touchy topic." She smiled. Then she added, "I need to be somewhere else at the moment, but before leaving I would like you to step aside," she said looking at Sharanya.

Sharanya nodded feeling the tension in her every fibre. The doctor led her to the bed on the side and asked to lay down while she pulled the curtain.

"I'd like to examine your breast, since your prolactin level is on the higher side." She narrated.

Sharanya only hoped that Nikhil didn't hear that. She hesitated before raising her kurti. The day couldn't have been any worse. And just as the thought crossed her mind, she was asked to undo the clasp. She wanted to disappear. But more than that a worry set in. Did she have yet another disease?

"Do you experience any heaviness or pain?"

"No," she answered honestly, staring at the woman's face as she began pressing her fingers.

"Any discharge?"

"No," Sharanya answered timidly.

She bit her lip in tension as the doctor felt her breasts and squeeze her nipples. Sharanya wasn't expecting that at all. She squeezed her eyes shut, curling her toes at the pain.

"Okay, nothing to worry." The doctor said with a smile. Sharanya quickly sat up, fastening the clasp and straightening her kurti.

She got off the bed and took a breath of relief. As the doctor pulled the curtain away her eyes met Nikhil's. He looked worried.

"All normal," she told the other doctor, whilst Sharanya made her way back to the chair.

"I will take leave. Here is my card in case you'd like to consult in future." She said handing a business card to Sharanya. After signing the paper she had been writing on, she smiled and made her way out of the room.

"Right, so, would you like to point out each other's unhealthy habits?" The woman said with a cheerful smile.

They both stared at her wondering if they heard it right.

"I am sure you would have noted some unhealthy habits in your partner by now. Look, staying healthy is necessary. It's always best when your family supports your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Go on, give me at least one."

"She's generally very healthy." Nikhil spoke up. "Just that she makes a lot of yummy food. And she has a thing for chocolates." He added the last part without thinking much.

The doctor smiled as did Sharanya. She looked at Sharanya expectantly.

"Uh, he drinks a lot of coffee I guess."

"Okay. I am assuming in near future you both would be looking at family planning. If yes, then I would suggest both of you to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Mr. Kumar what's your daily caffeine consumption?"

"Just four to five cups a day."

"Okay, that's quite a lot. Maybe you can cut down on that. Mrs. Kumar I hope you watch your consumption of chocolates?"

"Yes, I just have dark chocolates. Hardly a gram or two a day." She answered a tad bit defensively.

"Alright." The woman smiled. "So my recommendation to both of you would be losing weight. Both your BMIs are on the higher side. Mrs. Kumar, I think you can continue to track your periods and keep a watch on your diet. Avoid processed food, fried food and maybe you can try cutting down on rice too. Drink lots of water. Get some exercise or yoga or whatever form of workout you prefer. Walking is good too. Brisk walking. I wouldn't recommend high intensity workouts for you, keep it mild."

Sharanya nodded. Every time she visited a doctor it was more or less the same thing she was told. Maybe she should seriously consider getting back into her old habits, climbing stairs, morning yoga and no rice diets.

"You can come for your remaining tests whenever your period ends. I have commented here, to have a follow-up in a week. You can book an appointment at the reception."

"Okay," she said softly.

"Anything else?" The doctor quizzed looking at the two of them.

"No, I guess." Sharanya replied looking at Nikhil.

"Yes, nothing else." He said, happy that this one of a kind experience had ended.

As they walked out of the consultation room, Nikhil couldn't keep his curiosity to himself. What was going on behind that curtain? Was she okay? Was there anything to worry about?

"You're okay, right?" He spoke up hesitantly.

"Huh?" Sharanya mumbled looking at him.

"I mean, she said a lot of things about your hormones and all, and pain, and uh the check-up and all, you're okay, right?"

A small smile floated across her face, "Yes, thankfully, everything is okay."

"Great! I am done for today!"

"Me too!" 

• • • • •

Okay, I tried to write about the unspoken stuff. A little bit of personal experience and a whole lot of research. I would love to know your thoughts on it.

Next : Fri/Sat


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