Chapter 4 : Dilemma

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~ ~ ~ ♡ ~ ~ ~

"Nikhil, why are your shoes under your bed? I have told you a million times to leave it at the shoe rack outside." 

Nikhil turned around on his chair and looked at his mother. "I forgot." Saying that he turned back to his table and his attention went back to the laptop.

"Who is going to say you're a thirty three year old man who runs a company? You can't keep your room in order."

"Maa, that's because I am running  a company." Nikhil muttered.

Mrs. Kumar sat on the bed and began to segregate the ironed clothes. "Ajji, had called last evening. She said she was missing you."


"Your remember her neighbors..."


"Their granddaughter has returned from Australia. They are looking for a groom for her. She's twenty eight. She's very pretty too."

Nikhil's finger halted midway as he heard that. He hadn't mentioned meeting Sharanya to his mother. His mother was a little old school. He wondered how she would react. It wasn't that he liked Sharanya very much, but he didn't find her annoying either. He was in a dilemma truly. 

Sharanya was mature and that mattered to him. If there was anything that irked him it was dumb, annoying women. Sharanya was quite the opposite. She had literally split the bill last night, she hadn't paid for what she ate. There was a difference. She paid for more than what she ate. She didn't make a ruckus about it. She was a vegetarian but didn't mind if he ate non vegetarian she didn't give him a lecture on why he must leave nonveg, which most vegetarians ended up doing even if unconsciously.

When she had told him about her intention of financially supporting her younger sister he felt small before her. He had siblings too and he didn't even know what was up in their lives. If anything, they didn't like him at all. Her determination to keep supporting her family in all ways even after marriage impressed him. Maybe because he miserably failed in those departments.

"She's here in Bangalore. We can invite them home, can we ?"

Nikhil momentarily closed his eyes. He hadn't even seen the woman his mother was speaking off. There would be no harm in seeing her. What if she was a better match for him than Sharanya was?

"Okay," He said and starting skimming through his inbox.

"I think this one will be a good match." He heard his mother remark.

"What does she do for a living?" He inquired.

"She's an animal doctor..uh vet."

Nikhil paused what he was doing and turned in his chair. "You mean veterinarian?"

"Yes. I know, it's a weird thing. I mean if she was getting a doctor's degree might as well should have got it in humans doctor.  But... she looks very pretty and is also from the same caste as us. That's why Ajji was persuading me to make you guys meet."

"Of course!" Nikhil muttered just to agree with his mother. He wouldn't deny, that this vet had definitely piqued his interest.

"What's her name?"


"When are you planning to invite them?" He asked.

"I will talk to Mrs. Rao, her mother. Will Wednesday be okay?"

Nikhil spun around the chair to check his calendar. "No, I have a client meeting. Maybe Thursday..."

"There's a function at Saahil's place." His mother said. 

He nodded, not caring to ask what function was at his brother's place. "Okay, Tuesday evening then?"

"I have to go to Anjaneya Temple," 

"Go in the morning. In the evening, I am free." Nikhil said.

"Fine. I will see if she agrees, otherwise I am going to invite them on Friday evening."

"Hmm, okay." He said. 

* * *

Nikhil had arrived at his house by five in the evening, sooner than he had expected. He had the time to have a quick shower and changed into a fresh pair of clothes.

His mother was not sugar coating when she said Sheetal was pretty. She was vibrant and carried herself with grace. He glanced at his mother who was giving her best sugary smile welcoming them. 

With the way his mother gave a full look to Sheetal, he could say, his mother didn't like her dressing. She was dressed in skin tight jeggings with a dressy pale pink top. Nikhil wasn't going to complain. She looked gorgeous.

"Hi, I am Sheetal!"

"Nikhil,"  He smiled shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you. My mother has been telling me about your achievements. Impressive!"

Nikhil smiled and nodded to that, glancing at his mother. He had no doubt that his mother had blown a loud trumpet announcing his business achievements. He had told his mother so many times to keep his introduction subtle and humble but her mother took way too much pride to let that happen.

"I heard from your mother that you're a vet, that's interesting."

She smiled. "It is. I love animals. The way our world has started treating them nowadays, makes my heart cry for them. I thought at least I can make a difference, however small it may be."

Nikhil nodded as she went on talking about animals while their mothers engaged in quiet conversation of their own. She was very expressive, a very confident talker. Nikhil felt his confidence slip in front of her.

"You have a beautiful home," she said looking around.

"Thanks," Nikhil muttered.

"Show her around, Nikhil," his mother said. He realized his mother was very adept at having ears on another conversation while having one of her own.

"Oh, I would love to!" She said. 

Nikhil nodded. It was so effort consuming to be in her company. However, she did light up the room. She was the kind of person who'd have the spotlight in a room full of people. Somehow she said she loved animals. He could bet she loved people too. 

"Is that a granite dining table?" She asked pointing at the table.

"Yeah," Nikhil muttered. Only last year he had got the entire house interiors redecorated.

"I must say you have an impressive choice!"

Nikhil smiled. He was glad he had hired one of the best interior designing firms. 

"Oh the curtains are so pretty. Man, are you sure engineering is your call? I have rarely seen men having such a beautiful house."

Nikhil had passed a judgment. She wasn't as smart as she looked. She was just going on complimenting him without even making sure he was the right person to be receiving them. 

"So, let's talk about the elephant in the room. Marriage!" She said seating herself on his bed, crossing her legs.

He sat on his chair, a little uncomfortable in his very own room.

"I will be honest, I like you. But marriage isn't as simple as that."

"Yeah," was all Nikhil could say.

"Look, I know our parents are little old school. But you know I was thinking about... you know, dating for a while before marriage and all. I mean we need to be compatible in so many things to enter a marriage."

"Yeah... right.." Nikhil muttered trying to register what she was saying. 

"Cool, looks like we have so much in common." She smiled.

Nikhil was balled over by the way she carried herself. She was naturally eye-pleasing and her smile was one of the finest he had seen. Somehow, he found himself constantly comparing with Sharanya. No doubt she would outshine Sharanya in a room but somehow, oddly enough, he was being resistant to her charms.

"You haven't spoken much really.." She said gazing at him.

"Well, uh, I tend to be a person with few words." Nikhil said.

"Aha, I get that." She smiled. Her smile was reassuring. Nikhil found himself at ease.

"I have just moved to Bangalore. My grandparents and parents stay in Mysore. I have no friends so far, now I have one. I hope you don't mind me taking the libertyto make you my friend."

"Not at all!" Nikhil smiled. An awkward silence fell which only grow deeper by the second.

Career was the best choice of topic for Nikhil. "So, uh, have you already decided on your regular practice here or it's still under ..."

"Actually I have. One of my friend's friend is a vet here. I have spoken to him a couple of times. He's open to having me as a doctor in his clinic. I meet him tomorrow." 


"Well, a mix of anxiety and excitement. I mean... things are different here. And.. I don't know, really. I just hope it goes well." She punctuated it with a smile.

"I am sure it will."

"So, do you like pets?" She asked. Her eyes had a spark. She definitely loved animals.

"Uh, frankly nobody has asked me that I am not sure. I mean, I haven't really thought of having one,  yet."

"Oh, you should, a dog at least. They're the best." She said. Then looking around she asked, "What's the best place to have dinner here?" 

"That depends. For non veg... it's Maya's. For vegetarian, there's Rose Sky Rooftop. The latter has one of the best ambience. Actually, every place has its own speciality."

"I am taking it that you're a foodie," she said looking at him for confirmation.

"Big time!" He replied with a grin.

"Oh then, we are totally going to gel well. I am a big big foodie. I have been off Indian food for years now and only I know I have handled it."

Nikhil chuckled. 

"Nikhil!" His mother's voice called out.

Nikhil forced a smile.  "Looks like she has some snacks ready." He humored.

She chuckled and got off the bed. "Just in time."

* * *

Sheetal had told their mothers on their behalf that they wanted to keep in touch as friends and that marriage was a far thing to even consider. Somehow he was glad she said that. He couldn't put it in more better words. He ignored the weird look his mother gave him.

"She's too modern, isn't she?" His mother asked as she set the dining table.

"I take it you didn't like what she wore." Nikhil remarked.

"Even the way she talks and all. But she's very pretty. I can already imagine how good looking your kids will be."

"Maa, you're going too far."

"Oh, you don't like her?"

"I just met her," Nikhil answered to that.

"What were you two talking about in the room?" Mrs. Kumar asked.

"She loves animals. She was asking if I liked them too." Nikhil said.

Mrs. Kumar frowned, "she wants us to own a pet is it?"

Nikhil looked at his mother. "She just asked. Can you calm down?"

"Apart from her ideas about marriage, she's a good match Nikhil. She's the second woman you've met."

Third. Nikhil mentally corrected his mother for his own satisfaction. 

"Although she doesn't know how to cook Indian food. Anyway you think over it." She said serving food onto the plate.

"Hmm," He responded.

* * * 

Sharanya walked into her room that she shared with her sister after washing utensils. "What are you doing?:

"Netflix Di." She answered making no attempt to peel her eyes off the laptop screen.

"Whose account is that?" Sharanya asked sitting on the bed.

"Simrita's cousin."

"And what are you wasting your time on?" She shot her next question.

"Uh, I was watching The Kissing Booth!"

"Seriously?" Sharanya raised an eyebrow.

"Please, don't be old school. It's just kissing. Besides it's a very cute. I mean look at both of these guys, they're adorbs. So they are brothers and this guy has...,"

"I am not interested!" Sharanya muttered bringing her sister's narrative to an abrupt stop.

Akshaya rolled her eyes. "You're boring."

"You had an assignment to turn in,  right? Are you done with that?"

"The due date is Friday. I can do it tomorrow."

"And you'll cry tomorrow complaining that two days aren't enough and burn midnight oil as a consequence of which I will have to sleep in the hall. Not happening on my watch. Come on, open your assignment let's see if I can help."

"Not now..." She pleaded.

"Madam, right now. Akshaya, get up now or..."

"Fine. If you answer my question." Akshaya gave in.


"Have you ever kissed someone?"

Sharanya's eyes grew wide. "Shh," she glanced towards the door of the room. "Are you stupid? Stop this rubbish inquiry and open your assignment."

"What about a crush, in you college days may be?" Akshaya asked with a cheeky grin.

Sharanya folded her arms, "Are you done? If you ask another irrelevant question I am going to ... cancel the Prime Video subscription I bought for you last month."

"Fine." Akshaya muttered hitting a key on the keyboard. "Keep all the secrets with yourself. I need to pee."

Sharanya's gaze drifted towards the laptop screen once Akshaya scrambled off the bed. The titles were amusing. She barely had time for watching all the drama online. One title made her eyes pop out. "Sex Life". Embarrassed she quickly scrolled the screen. Maybe her sister was right, she was too old school for her age.

* * *

Nikhil : Hey!

Nikhil restlessly waited for her reply. It was laid back Thursday afternoon. The dilemma took up too much place in his mind for his liking. Sheetal was a wonderful person, she was pretty, she was confident. But somehow he felt very intimidated by her dominating presence. He had an inkling that he couldn't spend a lifetime with a person like that. He needed someone one... who was simple, someone it was easy to be with.


He did what he thought was best— texted her. It was easier to communicate over text messages than talk face to face. He wanted to introduce Sharanya to his mother. He was scared that his mother would  push him to marry Sheetal otherwise.

Sharanya: Hi!

Nikhil: I was wondering if you'd like to meet my mother.

He could see her online but there was no response for the next five minutes. Nikhil began to wonder if he had hurried into asking that question. Maybe like Sheetal she'd want a period of dating. 

Women and their obsession for dating.

Sharanya: S


I was wondering if you can meet my family first?

Nikhil stared at the screen. The mere thought of meeting her family gave him cold feet. He wasn't much of a people person. He was maximum awkward, especially around new people. He had decided in that very moment that he was taking Arun along.

Nikhil: Yeah Sure. 

Sharanya: okay.

Nikhil felt something odd about it. They were trying to make their proposal legit. It had to be more than them messaging. He took a deep breath and dialed her number.


"Hey!" Nikhil uttered, fidgeting with the pen in his hand. "I just thought it was more appropriate to talk."

"Yes, it is," she replied. He could sense the hesitation in her voice.

"Uh, so ... I take it that you want to go ahead with this... um,... " He squeezed his eyes shut. What should he call it? What would be appropriate word?

"Yeah, actually I was thinking the same. I thought you should meet my family."

"Yes, I was thinking the same. After all it's important... I mean family is important, er, meeting the family is important." He fumbled with words hitting himself on the head.

"Yes, our families will be involved too right? Maybe you can come over to our place?"

"Can I bring Arun along? I mean, coming all by myself, seems uh...:

"Yeah, yeah, sure. In fact I will invite Gargi and Arun."

"Yes, that would be good."

"Saturday evening? Is that okay? Five'o clock?"

"This Saturday? Yeah, sure. Five. Okay. Cool." Nikhil had never been so nervous over a phone call.

"Alright then, I will confirm once I talk to Gagri and my father."

"Sure, maybe next week sometime I will introduce you to my mother."

"I would love to meet her."

Nikhil smiled. "See you then, Friday."

"Friday then!" She said.

"Friday then. Bye and sorry if my call disturbed you."

"No problem, Nikhil. It was just my lunch hour."

Unbeknownst to himself, a smile drew on his face. "Bye Sharanya!"

• • • • •

Hope you liked it. Would love to know your thoughts on this chapter.


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