Chapter 40 : Welcome back

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kaise main kahun tujhse, rehna hai tere dil mein

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Nikhil sat on the back seat of his car spaced out. He couldn't get over that hug. He had no clue how she did it, but she always made him feel special with the simplest words and actions. The day had been hard on him, he hated when things spiralled out of control. It was like whatever he had built over years with hard work, sacrifices and sleepless nights would come crashing down like a palace of cards even if one card was displaced. There was the one big client he had lost after an ugly spat and then this meeting that had come put of nowhere.

However, a little time with Sharanya had turned his day around. How was she so calm all the time? He would have a thousand issues on his mind, but when he was with her, they all faded away somehow. He smiled looking out of the window instead of reviewing the proposal draft that was waiting for his comments. He just couldn't get over that moment of closeness and stop that weird feeling that made his lips curve up and cheeks warm. The way her hands went around him, the way she softly spoke over his shoulder, close to his ear.

His smile broadened as he looked at his vibrating phone that flashed the name Sharanya. Taking a few seconds to step out of the dream like feeling he picked up the call.

"You forgot your mobile charger," came his wife's voice from the other end. A panic lining her tone.

"Relax, I have a spare one in the car." He said, pointing to the storage compartment in the dashboard in the front of the passenger seat. The driver took the cue and opened it.

"Charger," He said and the driver quickly pulled the adapter that had a wire attached, and handed it to him.

"Got it, Sharanya! I will put it in my bag right away." He said.

"Oh okay!" He heard her say, feeling the relief in her voice.

"Thank you," He said softly, the phone close to his mouth. He didn't know what words to use beyond them. No matter what words would never be enough to let her know how special she made him feel.


A brief pause filled the gap. "Good night then," He said, realizing that the silence between them triggered something in the pit of his stomach.

"Good night, call me or ... text me once you board the plane." She said.

"I will text you, you can sleep. I mean you don't have to wait up, for my call."

"It's okay," She said.

He smiled. "Bye then,"

"Bye. Have a safe flight." She said.

He smiled ending the call.

* * *

Sharanya turned and tossed in bed. Sighing she got up to see the time. A frown formed on her face. Why hadn't he texted or called? Did he forget? It was not the first time she was all alone in a house at night but it was definitely a first in this bigger house. She had left the light of the passageway on. Every time the curtain moved throwing shadows on the wall, Sharanya had to talk to herself to convince her it was just the curtain.

She didn't miss Nikhil bit she definitely missed another human around. Bravely she got up and shut the window. Walking back to he bed, she decided to call him. Maybe she'd feel a little better after talking to him. She also had an excuse. Without wasting a minute she picked up her phone and dialled his number.

"Hey," she heard his voice and instantly her face lit up.

"You didn't call, so I thought I should." She said.

"I thought you would be asleep." He spoke.

"Not yet. Was just going to bed."

"So late?"

"Uh, I was reading," she lied. She wasn't going to tell him that she couldn't get herself to sleep. "I have no clue where the time went." Lie again, she was literally aware of how slowly the time passed. With him she never knew when hours tumbled by.

"Just boarded," He said.

"Oh, okay then, you'll probably have to turn off your phone."

"Hmm, but I have another few minutes for that."

Sharanya bit her lower lip. Her dreamy self wondered if he liked listening to her.

"Is your mood better now? I am sure you would have had a strong coffee, medium size cup by now."

She heard his almost chuckle followed by, "small!"

"See, I knew it. You don't sound sleepy at all."

"I had to memorize a lot of figures, so I need to be alert and awake." He justified.

Sharanya smiled, grabbing the pillow putting on her lap. What else could they possibly talk about?

"I guess it's time for take off."

"Of course," she mumbled, closing her eyes at her stupidity. "You take care and reach safe and text me once you reach."

"No, I won't. You sleep."

"No, you drop a text message, if I am awake I will see it if not I will see it tomorrow morning."

"Makes no sense but fine. Happy?"

Sharanya smiled, "Hmm, take care bye."

"Good night, Sharanya!"

Sharanya took a deep breath ending the call. There were times when he literally pulled at the non-existent strings of her heart by just saying her name. She slumped on the bed, randomly browsing through the apps on her phone. Minutes later she was scrolling through her Facebook, which she hadn't visited in months.

Damn, Gargi was so active on Facebook.

She started scrolling through her posts. Her thumb stopping a little longer on the pictures from the wedding that Gargi had shared.

"The new love birds," the caption read.

Sharanya's jaw dropped open as she noticed the photograph that was taken when she and Nikhil were dancing at the reception. A blush crept up her cheeks. The colour on her cheeks deepened when she saw Akshu's like on it and below that, her comment, which had a heart and fire emoji.

What even? Thank God, Nikhil isn't on Facebook to see that. She mumbled to herself. And then paused a while staring at the picture, going down the memory lane to that moment. A smile drew up on her face.

Sharanya had lost track of time as she had shifted from Facebook to her own phone gallery which was filled with a lot of pictures from the wedding.

Finally letting out a yawn she kept her phone aside and decided to call it a night. She wondered what Nikhil felt about their marriage. He was always anything but expressive. She could never accurately guess how the gears of his mind worked. She longed to somehow figure out how he thought. To solve that mystery.

* * *

Sharanya was having a lazy day. For the first time since her wedding she was finally having a no cooking day. She had cornflakes and milk for breakfast and had ordered lunch. She had also not bothered to comb her hair or dress up properly. She was tired of wearing proper dresses everyday. So for a change she had worn the three fourth printed cotton pyjamas that had Christmas trees printed all over, the same one that she had sneakily packed despite the repeated please from her sister and Gargi to throw it away. The trousers were way too comfortable to throw away. She also liked the fact that she still fit on comfortably into them.

She was bored, after completing the book which was now easily one of her favourites too. She couldn't wait to tell Nikhil that she was glad he had recommended that book. She sat on the low sitting periodically pressing the button on the remote, switching between channels, as she didn't even bother plating the pasta she had ordered.

She settled for the Rom-Com channel which was running 'The Proposal'. She vaguely remembered watching the movie with Gargi. Soon the movie had soaked in her interest. She grinned watching the scene. Well, these silly movies could be a good break from life at times.

She was laughing watching the scene when her phone rang. She turned to her phone and her eyes widened. It was Nikhil.

Finally, he got time! She thought to herself.

Her smile faded when she realized it was a video call. She looked down at her spaghetti top and pyjamas. She was sure a hair looked even more ugly tied up in a bun. She decided to miss his call and then initiate a normal voice call. As soon as the phone stopped buzzing, she quickly made a voice call.



"Hi, how are you?" She asked sitting up straight. Where on earth did the awkwardness come from?

"Fine. You?"

"Good. How was your day so far?" She asked unable to figure out anything from his voice. Was he in a good mood or a sour one?

"Okay, I guess. The main meeting is at three."

"Oh, okay." She answered, her eyes on the screen. She couldn't help but let out a chuckle as a bone tickling funny scene played on the screen. A tiny dog was picked up by an eagle that the female lead was trying to rescue the dog running around in the lawn.

"Did I say anything funny?" He asked.

Sharanya bit her lower lip, pressing her palm against her face. "No, no.."

"Are you okay, Sharanya? Did you hit your head somewhere or something like that? You don't even need a joke to laugh, eh?"

Sharanya rolled her eyes, with a grin blooming on her face. "I was watching a movie Nikhil, there was a funny scene. And, I am perfectly okay."

"Shall I call later?"

"No, no. Why?" She frowned.

"You're watching a movie, right?"

"This was for time pass. You talk. I mean...we can talk." She mumbled the last part. "What about lunch? You had lunch?" She asked, as her gaze fell on the remaining pasta in the box.

"I am in the restaurant, waiting for lunch."

"Oh, what did you order?" She asked, calming down, switching off the TV lest she got distracted again.

"I am in Hyderabad and I love biriyani." He remarked.

Sharanya smiled, "Hyderabadi Biriyani it is."

"Yes, what about you? What did you make?"

Sharanya stared at the pasta. "I, uh, ordered from outside today."

"Oh, wonderful. What and from where?" He asked.

"Pasta the regular white sauce one, from It's Italy."

She heard a sound of disapproval followed by, "they have terrible preparation. You should have ordered from Street forty-five or Sunnyside. They have the best pasta in town."

Sharanya smiled, "noted, next time I will call you before ordering food from outside."

"You must!"

Sharanya smiled, again.

"Why didn't you pick up my call by the way?"

"Uh, I was here and the phone was in the room." She lied.

"Ah, okay. Before I forget, a guy will come to drop of some bank documents. It will be your cheque book and debit card along with a letter. Just verify the details on spot before sending the guy away. Last time they misspelt the name on Maa's chequebook."

"Okay, I will do that."

"He said he'll visit around three or four."

"Yeah, I am at home so no problem." She said.


Sharanya bit her lower lip. "You have a morning flight tomorrow, right?" She dreaded being all by herself for yet another night. She had literally sat up, multiple times, in the middle of the night hearing random noises from the streets. She hoped he came back tonight instead.

"Actually, I ran into Priya Jain, she's a pretty popular start-up owner. She somehow recognized me. For a minute I blanked out and stared at her thinking she may turn out to be some one in the far family that I had forgotten,"

Sharanya chuckled.

"But she gave me some context. So we got talking and she requested a meeting if I had the time. She's looking forward to partner with us. So to discuss that Sachin and I have decided to extend our trip. We'll return on Friday."

A soft, "Oh," escaped her lips.

"I will be there by Friday evening so don't worry about the dinner. I shall be there."

"Hmm," Sharanya responded. She hadn't even thought till the dinner. She was still stick at the fact that she'd only see him on Friday next.

"I shall talk to you later then. My lunch is here and I can't tell you in words how good the aroma is."

Sharanya grinned, "enjoy your lunch. We'll talk later."

"Take care, bye!"

A soft shy smile lifted the corners of Sharanya's lips, "you too, bye!"

* * *

Gargi could be cupid's assistant, Sharanya thought to herself as she got dressed in the plain black evening gown that Gargi got for her. Gargi had always hated the fact that Sharanya wouldn't wear western clothes much.

Sharanya wasn't comfortable in western clothes. She preferred an Indian dress any day. However, for tonight Gargi had other plans. She had not only come early to help her in preparing the dinner but had also bought her a dress.

Gargi knew the exact reasons Sharanya would quote to not wear the dress— it's sleeveless, it's short, it's way too body hugging. The smart woman had made sure Sharanya couldn't use those excuses.

The dress was pitch black, had sleeves that ended at Sharanya's elbow, was lengthy enough to reach her ankle although I had a slit on one side till the knee. The dress was pretty decent and didn't cling like second skin. Sharanya actually liked the dress. Somehow Gargi always knew what was right for her. Even Sharanya couldn't make as many as right choices Gargi made for especially when it came to clothes. Sharanya had a very simple taste in clothes. Gargi on the other end knew how to choose simple stuff that could look extraordinary.

Sharanya stepped out of the washroom.

"Wow, Nikhil's going to have a treat tonight,"

"Of course he is, we've made quite a lot of tasty food and DBC for dessert." Sharanya smiled.

Gargi grinned looking at her friend as she wore a dangling long earring.

"Did something happen?"

"What do you mean?" Sharanya asked, taking the second earring between her fingers. The two of them had spent two hours cooking and chatting, bringing the other up to date on their lives.

"I don't know, you are acting differently, so I thought there was some progress, I wasn't made aware of."

Sharanya turned to look at her friend.

"Did you guys, hm, get to base one?"

"No! I told you'll be the first and only person I will tell. Why does your clock get stuck at that?"

Gargi shrugged. "See, you're looking so nice. Nikhil's going to be floored." She winked causing Sharanya to roll her eyes, and turn away so that her friend didn't tease her about the blush appearing on her face.

* * *

Sharanya's heart almost froze for a moment when the doorbell chimed, before starting to get into a frenzy rhythm. She looked at her dress and quickly wiped her hands. "I will get the door,"

"It may be Arun," Gargi spoke up, who was relishing the spring rolls that were a part of the starters already.

Sharanya wondered if it was Nikhil or Arun. The watchman hadn't called to say someone had arrived, as he usually did, so she was pretty confident it was Nikhil. Excited she opened the door and a wide smile blossomed on her face. "Hi," she said looking at him. He was dressed on formals and of anything, that caused a little adoration to flash in her eyes.

"Hey," He said awkwardly.

It was only when he turned a bit, did she notice Arun was standing next to him too. How on earth did she miss him at first glance?

"Hi Arun!" She greeted.

"God, what have you ladies been cooking, the entire passageway has a n aroma that has already doubled my hunger!"

Sharanya chuckled, stepping away, giving them room to walk in.

"Mine or yours?" Gargi shouted from the kitchen.

A tongue-tied Sharanya looked between the two men.

"Both," Arun replied to his wife and looked at Sharanya. "This ice cream..." He said pointing to the bag he held in his hand that his wife had ordered him to bring.

"Let me go put it in the fridge," He said quickly, turning around and walking away.

"I will--" Sharanya was a bit late. She turned to Nikhil. He was as awkward as she was and he was staring at her.

Sharanya could feel the heat on her cheeks and ears. Did she look that bad or good? She decided to talk.

"How was your flight?"

"Uh, good," Nikhil answered blinking, looking away. It was so hard to look away. She looked gorgeous. She must definitely dress up like that often. "You look nice," He said finally gathering all the courage he could.

Sharanya blushed profusely, smiling ear to ear. "Thanks," she mumbled, tucking her hair behind her ear, feeling shy tot he roots. Her gaze hesitantly met his and she looked away when his gaze met hers, sucking in a breath.

"You freshen up," she finally spoke up, looking up at him.

"Yeah, I should," He said, turning to take his wheeled suitcase.

"Let me take your bag," she offered, her hand reaching close to his arm.

"I can take it," He said, his eyes once again meeting her eyes.

She nodded. While he moved towards the room she quickly shut the main door and followed his trail. His eyes looked at her once again.

"I'll be in the kitchen. Do you need anything?" She asked.

He shook his head in a negative. She nodded, "don't switch on the geyser there's a lot of hot water already."

He nodded.

Sharanya pulled the door to shut if halfway before she made her way back to kitchen. She had no clue how they went from comfortable to awkward again. She could still feel the heat on her cheeks.

"Hi Sharu," Gargi said with a teasing grin. Sharanya ignored her friend who was arching up her eyebrows curiously.

"How are you doing Arun? I am sure Gargi has been more than a handful, these days."

Arun chuckled, "quite literally!" In the next seconds, he was whacked by his wife on the arm.

"Ouch, it hurts, yaar!" He complained. "She's somehow become strong. Make sure you don't say anything that triggers this sort of a reaction," He told Sharanya, rubbing his arm.

"I have the power of two now. Me and the baby." Gargi said proudly. "You better watch out."

"I hope once the baby is out he gets on my team. We are going to be a handful then!"

Sharanya fried the spring rolls why the two of them went on and on. They were among her favorite people. She smiled, praying for them to always be a happy family.

"Did I miss something?" Nikhil asked entering the kitchen.

"Sharanya maybe," Gargi's reply was smooth.

Arun turned away to meet his wife's eyes.

"No, uh, I meant... the conversation," Nikhil began bumbling.

Sharanya was glad that she had her back towards the others. Nikhil should have just ignored Gargi's remark. Now the poor man would have to face more trouble.

"What, you didn't miss Sharanya?" Gargi exclaimed.

Sharanya drew out a breath and turned to offer some help.

"No, I missed her," He replied quickly, nervousness was written across his face. His gaze met Sharanya's. "I uh,"

Whatever Sharanya had in mind had found an escape. The way he looked at her made her feel giddy. His gaze was confused, soft and still his eyes passionately looked at her. Or she was just imagining it all.

"Sharanya missed you," Gargi said, "poor girl had a hard time sleeping at night!"

Both Sharanya and Nikhil turned to her. "Oh," Nikhil uttered looking at Sharanya for a sign of confirmation while she widened her eyes at her friend. It was supposed to be limited to her. She regretted even telling her.

"Let's get the party started? I am very hungry," Arun spoke up to provide relief to the couple.

"Yeah, the party needs to start," Gargi said with a wicked grin. "Arun, get the beer bottles out. I am taking these fried spring rolls out. You and Nikhil get the other things." Gargi said, making an escape.

Sharanya looked at Nikhil awkwardly. Like things weren't already awkward that Gargi had fuelled it further. "Ignore Gargi," she mumbled turning around to plate the honey fried potatoes. She quickly placed the bowls of sauces on the tray.

Nikhil exhaled sharply. Gargi made him so nervous. He wondered if Gargi was telling the truth— did Sharanya really miss him? He definitely missed her presence. He wasn't sure if anyone would miss him. But Gargi's exclamation had made him curious.

"Shall I take these?" He asked stepping forward.

She turned to the left. He stood right beside her. Their gazes met. She smiled. She had actually missed him!

He smiled, unbeknownst to himself.

"I'll take these outside," He added realizing he was acting goofy.

Sharanya grinned. Maybe she should make the first move after all, she thought to herself as he slowly turned.

"Nikhil," she said softly turning quickly.

"Hmm," He looked up at her from the tray.

She stepped forward, leaned closer and pressed her lips against his cheek, "Welcome back!"

• • • • •

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