Chapter 46 : Just Couple Things

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tera milna hai uss rab ka ishaara,

maano mujh ko banaya tere jaise hi kisi ke liye

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Nikhil sat up with a yawn. His sleep cycle had gone for a toss. He heard sounds. He rubbed his eyes, grabbed his glasses and wore them. Sharanya was nestled up inside the duvet, fast asleep. She had really enjoyed the midnight mass. She was so curious, so cheerful and so excited about the traditional Christmas celebrations.

He got off the bed and walked to the glass door that led to the balcony. He drew the curtains away peeping out. It was raining. As another yawn escaped his mouth, he walked back to the bed the looking at the time. It was five in the morning and it was pretty dark outside. He slipped back into the bedcover and looked at her sleeping peacefully, until slumber took over again.

* * *

Sharanya sat on the edge of the bed staring at the sweater she had bought for Nikhil while she was shopping for herself before the trip. She tapped her feet on the carpeted floor having second thoughts as usual. She had specifically bought it as a Christmas present. It was deep greenish grey sweater. On the top portion it that a horizontal board patch of white on which two reindeers were weaved with a Christmas tree in between.

She looked up, not ready to face him, as he stepped out of the washroom. She took a minute to look at him. He wore black trousers and a plain grey t-shirt. She wondered why she thought buying him a more cheerful sweater was a good idea. She still hadn't gotten around to giving him the t-shirt she had bough him the other day after their hospital visit. She kept postponing it to later.

She caught his gaze looking at her then at the sweater she had laid out on the bed beside her. She looked at the sweater she had bought. It was cute and could definitely make a man look handsome and... in Christmas spirit.

"Uh," she got to her feet and grabbed the sweater. "I bought this for you. I uh... it's Christmas so I thought...," she shut her mouth as he looked at the sweater taking it in bus hands.

That look probably meant he didn't like it.

"You don't have to wear it. I mean I just bought it cause I liked it. Doesn't mean you like it too.. " She had gone from talking to babbling.

"No, it's um, ooo-- nice. I will wear it." Saying that he gathered it pushing the neck hole through his head. "Uh, Sharanya, I think this is a size smaller," He said struggling to put the t-shirt through his head.

"No, It's your size." She said, her hands reaching the sweater to help him push it down. In no time, the sweater had easily slipped down through his neck. He looked at her as she rolled down the sweater. "There, you look nice." She said with a bright smile.

"Thank you," He said.

Sharanya nodded pulling back her hands. What was with her hands finding ways to touch him!

* * *

Sharanya watched Nikhil as he picked out a cucumber from the salad plate and popped it in his mouth. He was acting differently since the morning. She assumed it was due to lack of good sleep. But now it seemed to be more than just that.

They had first visited the famous Buckingham Palace but only from outside and then spent time in the Hyde Park. It was a fascinating place in the heart of London. The sunshine after the morning rain had made the lush greenery even more soothing. Given that it was Christmas, the city was in great spirit. There were smiles, laughter and fun all around.

However, something dimmed Nikhil's mood despite it all.

She had never seen him so disinterested before a table full of food. They had decided to have their lunch in an Indian Hotel. The aroma of Indian spices and ghee had doubled up Sharanya's hunger but she couldn't say the same for Nikhil. She had tried asking him if everything was okay, and he had answered positively in the morning.

"Is there something that's bothering you?" Sharanya asked, carefully observing him.

"I am fine." Nikhil spoke up looking at her.

Sharanya's suspicions became stronger. "What happened? Are you not feeling well?" She asked concerned. Maybe it was the cold of the last night catching up with him. They had woken up to a rainy morning too. She wondered if he felt under the weather.

"I am okay." He said.

"You're not hungry?" She asked. For the first time he had shown no interest in ordering food too. He had simply passed the menu to her requesting her to order whatever she liked. He had then busied himself with his phone screen. As Sharanya looked at him closely, she wondered if it was something at work that had got him worried.

"Is it work?" She asked.

"No, I am okay," He said slightly agitated.

Sharanya's shoulders slumped lightly. He didn't want to tell her whatever it was. "If you say so," she said, looking down at her plate.

Nikhil watched her with a sigh leaving his lips. "It's nothing really," He tried to justify.

"Okay," Sharanya said, not trying to pry. She looked around. The interiors of the hotel has a rustic Indian feel to it. She didn't know why she felt so bad, was it just because he was not sharing what he felt with her?

Nikhil leaned forward, looking at her. "Sharanya," He said softly, trying to have her attention. He didn't like the fact that he had made her feel a little off even if it was over a small thing. He hated the way she ignored his presence and looked around. To add to the list, he was not liking the sudden disinterest.

"It's embarrassing, okay?" He murmured, looking away when she looked back at him.

"Try," Sharanya suggested leaning forward with all her attention.

Nikhil looked around in a fix. He should have just shut up and accepted her indifference but no he had to open his mouth.

"It's, uh, how is the gravy?" He asked distracting himself and her from the topic, looking at the Paneer Gravy she had ordered.

"Nikhil," she said taking a deep breath, " what is it?"

"Okay, um," He looked away and leaned more closer to the table. "I am constipated." There he said it. "I haven't pooped in past forty eight hours."

Sharanya's eyes widened and she stopped her face from showing an odd state of shock, trying to be more understanding. Not in the wildest thoughts she had expected that answer. But she was quick in understanding his situation. "Okay, that we can solve." She said, getting the attention of the waiter passing their table ordering some soup, requesting for some warm water and Indian spices.

"Soup is good for you, it is liquid plus it had fibre. And I will make a warm water solution with those spices that should also help."

Nikhil simply blinked. It was such an embarrassing thing to share. Even telling his mother something like that made him colour up and here he was at a dining table across from Sharanya telling her that. Everything was wrong. Wrong timing. Wrong place. Wrong decision.

However, she made it so easy, like it wasn't a big deal. He simply looked around while waiting for the soup.

Sharanya could read his hesitation. She'd be awkward too if she was in his shoes. Thinking of which it was really his fault, he had been eating only processed food and no real fibre. How would he get the necessary things to help his gut flush the waste out? She didn't want to police him over what he ate. He was a capable adult who could take care of himself. Besides, it was their vacation. He worked hard throughout the year he deserved a break with whatever he liked to do, eat or drink.

At the moment, blaming him also didn't seem like a good option. So she shut her mouth and enjoyed the food while Nikhil settled for the soup that the waiter had just bought.

* * *

"You know what, this won't work." Nikhil let out an exhausted sigh, pacing up and down their suite. He had consumed close to two litres water, had done all the yoga postures that Sharanya had searched online to help him find relief from his current condition but nothing was working. On the contrary, the stupid twisted body positions had forced out a fart which thankfully had no sound. If Sharanya had smelt it, she hadn't reacted. He wished he could be half as mature as she was, he would have been irritated if he and Sharanya swapped roles.

He had even had the stool softener, that they had bought on the way back. That didn't seem to help either.

This wasn't the first time he was constipated. He had faced a similar situation before, it usually happened to him when he travelled. Probably because he didn't remember to get enough water into his gut. He sighed. There was only one option now, getting the suppository pill. It worked like a charm the last time.

"Okay, I am going to go get a pill," He announced grabbing his coat.

"What pill?" Sharanya asked confused.

"It's umm, a suppository pill." He muttered, the embarrassment made him look anywhere but at her.

"You can't get that. You can end up with diarrhoea." Sharanya exclaimed with concern. "Just walk around for some more time and it.... it's going to help. Maybe you can try the pose..." Her sentence was cut short by his argument.

"No it won't." Nikhil argued. He didn't want to prolong this. The last thing he wanted was to end up in the ER room of a hospital on his honeymoon. What a tragedy that would be! No way! He had had enough embarrassment.

Sharanya made one more attempt to convince him to not go but couldn't change his mind. She slumped back on the bed as she saw him leave. She knew how to deal with the situation because her father had once been in a similar situation a year and something back. It had ended very badly, he had taken the suppository pill for aiding in emptying the bowel and had ended up running to-and-fro from the bathroom for hours. She wondered how they'd ever get to Paris tomorrow afternoon with the current situation.

Sometime later, when Sharanya opened the door, Nikhil had dashed in as though he was being chased. Sharanya had thrown a precautionary gaze down the passageway before hurriedly shutting the door and following his trail.

"Nikhil, are you okay?" She screamed standing close to the bathroom door that had just been shut as though on automatic.

After excruciatingly long minutes she heard his reply, "much better!"

She widened her eyes a wee bit, and pursed her lips looking around. Still curious, if he somehow used the pill on the way or something. Or if he had some oral pill.

After about eighteen minutes, Nikhil stepped out. Sharanya gazed at him. Honestly, she was worried. But now as he stared back at her the situation became awkward.

"I didn't have to take this," He said throwing the bunch of the pills he had bought on the nightstand.

"Great," Sharanya said eyeing those suppository pills, seated back on the armchair beside the bed. Was he crazy? He had bought around five of them. Did he know that he couldn't use more than one in twenty-four hours?

"Yeah," He said looking around.

"Maybe you should rest for a while." She suggested.

"Yeah," he mumbled getting into the bed. "Wake me up in fifteen. Don't let me fall asleep. It's just going to be a map. After that we can go shopping."

She nodded, flipping the page of the book that she had bought the previous day. She had never really read war romance before. It was a little slow but nonetheless was much better than spending time looking at her phone and seeing her younger sister post pictures. One particular picture that Akshaya had posted last night had really upset her. It was with Aishwarya with a sticker that read — Sisters Are Love.

Sharanya did everything to ignore that barbed feeling inside her chest. She hated how her mind chose to react to harmless photographs for her biological siblings.

* * *

"Isn't it beautiful?" Nikhil remarked as they watched the brightly lit up Millennium Wheel more popularly know as The London Eye. They had stood across the Thames river and watched the purple-blue lights come up as the sky darkened. The lights glimmers on the surface of water.

"It is," Sharanya agreed, as she stood close beside him, her eyes glued to the beautiful sight before her.

"Are you ready for dinner cruise?" He asked with a sparkle in his expression.

"Dinner Cruise?"" Sharanya repeated looking at him baffled.

"Yes," He said, holding her hands. "Have you ever had a proper dinner while on a vessel on a river?"

"No, really?" She exclaimed as he led her down the path along the river.

"Yes, so you see those," He pointed to the water vessels in sight. "They are like restaurants on board. So I books us a table."

"Wow, that's really" Sharanya exclaimed, looking in awe as they approached the boarding point. As she noticed people around, she felt under dressed. If Nikhil had told her before that he had planned a sophisticated dinner, she would have definitely gathered the courage to wear that black dress that she had bought along. Gargi had clearly told her to wear that for proper dinner setting.

"I thought, you wouldn't really be hungry," she mumbled as they took the seat at the table reserved for them. The setting was beautiful. The table had been artistically set with white and red table cloth, flowers in a vase and two tiny candles burning in glass containers. The lights on top were dim golden. The boat was literally like a huge floating glass box on water.

Most of the tables were taken. Waiters were efficiently moving in the little space between the tables. Sharanya's gaze fell on the couple in the adjoining table. The man was handsome. He had a proper suit on, chestnut brown hair and a dimpled smile. Her gaze then curiously settle Don his partner, she was dressed in red dress. She could only see the side of her face. But that was exactly the kind of dinner setting that movies showed. Her gaze then noticed their hands that were settled on each other's ok the table. How adorable!

"Yes, I am going to stick to soups and salad." Nikhil said, trying to forget the lasagne he had seen the waiter carry to a table when they had walked in.

Sharanya smiled looking at him as he went through the menu. "This has some really nice stuff.." He mumbled, more to himself. Sharanya simply let her gaze observe him. They were far from perfect, yet she felt a weird comfort with him. She looked sideways at the splendid view of the city past the waters. How on earth did she get so lucky! To be there, in that beautiful place, in that beautiful setting wasn't far from being in a dream.

She had begun to form an opinion that dreams never came true. People just threw the word dream for what the success they achieved calling it that. But she was beginning to think that she was wrong. She looked at the man who sat across the table from her.

Nikhil chased his dreams. He made his dreams come true. Either he lied to himself and other or he was super blessed to have that spark in him to make dreams into reality. Sharanya strongly believed it was the second. Her husband may not be the drop dead gorgeous man of her dreams whose smile could make her heart melt or who had smooth one-liners to make her smile but he was definitely a smart man who was much more than a workaholic who was introvert. And she was beginning to have a soft corner for this man in her heart.


On the third call of her name, Sharanya turned to look at him.

"Is the view so charming ?" He asked with the hint of a smile.

"It is."

"The menu is still better," He said passing it to her. "Order away!"

Sharanya's gaze melted into his as she took the menu card. They had started doing this a lot more — looking at each other. Normally, it would make her awkward but it didn't. Contrarily it made her feel nice, sending down a good feeling down her body. And then there were few times, when she'd go back to the kiss they had shared on the bus.

* * *

The cold of the night had got denser by the time they had reached the hotel. The warmth of the room was so relaxing and welcoming. Sharanya had quickly changed out of her denims and top into a nightwear kaftan, another one of her new purchases.

She hadn't missed the long look Nikhil had casted on her when she had stepped out. She had forgotten admit, she liked that attention even though it gave her a nervous feeling that threatened to make her uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

Nikhil let out a breath entering the washroom. Maybe it was the kiss that made him look at her with a new light. Were they finally entering the phase where they could take things forward? Like intimate touches more kisses and sleeping closer. He shut his eyes, just imagining himself spooning Sharanya's body was tempting him. In the past few days, he had started to feel the attraction towards her get stronger. And even though she was dressed in the most decent nightwear he felt like she looked hot. She usually wore pyjamas and t-shirts back at home to bed, but today was an exception. He was not complaining.

He stepped out to find her comfortably nestled on the bed reading that book she had bought. He paused and simply gaze at her. How could such a simple sight be so pleasing to the eyes! It baffled him. Placing the wet towel on the hook, he walked to the bed and sat beside her with his iPad in his hand.

"How is the book so far?" He asked.

"So far so good. But I think it'll end badly," she sighed sharing her thoughts.

"What is it about?" He asked, curiosity growing.

"About a young couple who are in love during the time of the second world War."

"Why would you want to read something like that?" He spoke out his mind. The idea was ridiculous.

"Curiosity." She shrugged, looking at him, as he adjusted the pillow behind him, sitting comfortably.

"I don't see any curiosity there. They'll both probably die in the end or at least one of them will." He remarked. "You'll water all the time reading through the events just to feel sad in the end. Instead, in the same time if you read an uplifting book or a book that gives you practical tips on improving your life or anything about it, there's a chance by the end of the same time you would have a chance and mindset to improve your life."

Sharanya blinked. He made sense logically. However, how could he be so blind to the emotional aspect of humans. "But by the Ned of this book I will probably learn a thing or two about human feelings during a horrible time and probably feel blessed that I am leading a more comfortable life and be grateful for it."

"Hmm," He said unlocking the iPad.

Sharanya knew she was crossing a line with the idea she had in mind. But it only would mean she was taking a step to be closer to her husband. So she asked, "What are your thoughts on love?"

Nikhil's finger froze on the screen. Was that a trick question or something? A woman asking that question to a man had to have some significance behind it. He turned to her, "Honestly, I don't know. I mean... I haven't thought on it."

She nodded.

"You?" He quickly asked.

"Uh, I think it's necessary for humanity. And... sometimes it can be a support to someone. It can nurture. It can give hope in the hard times. And it can give pain. I miss my mother's love."

"Hmm," He responded. Why had he only taken it as though she was talking about romantic love? Perhaps because she was reading a romance.

"I thought you were talking of romantic love... you know the... kind in movies and.." He pointed to her book, "books."

Sharanya didn't want to openly admit that her question was absolutely about romantic love. But when he had thrown her question back at her, she had smartly changed the context.

"Oh," she said, turning back to the book.

"What do you think about that?"

Sharanya couldn't sense the eagerness in his voice. She turned to him. "I haven't thought about it." She lied.

"And you read a lot of romance books," He pointed don't slowly, staring at the book. That didn't make sense to him. How could a person read about a genre and not have any thoughts on it at all?

Sharanya felt like a rat suddenly trapped in a cage. "Uh, I .. I have many thoughts on it, but..." She stretched the word a little longer racing her mind. "But I haven't formed an opinion yet,"

"Okay," He said, nodding his head.

Sharanya looked at him. He didn't seem convinced but he didn't ask anything any further.

"Nikhil," she called, when she noticed he was going to open his mail. There was no way she would get his attention after he went into that inbox.

"Hmm," He turned to her. He was a little surprised to see her closer than before. Or may be he was imagining.

Sharanya didn't know why she felt so jumpy around him, like right now. She had completely forgotten what she was going to ask. "You spoke to Amma?" She asked taking in a breath finally.

"Yeah, I did. After breakfast today.." He replied. Wasn't she around when he was talking to her on the phone? Maybe she wasn't paying attention.

"Okay," she said.

"Sharanya," He spoke thoughtfully. "Did you talk to your side of the family?"

Sharanya stared at him and gulped. "No, I mean... I didn't have much to tell." Sharanya said, opening her book.

"What about Gargi?" Nikhil asked sensing the sudden gloom in her behaviour.

"Oh, that woman is like a reporter. She needs to be kept up to date on our itinerary." Sharanya smiled. Gargi's pregnancy was definitely giving her some massive mood swings. Poor Arun also texted her for help at times. If Arun had to take her help to control Gargi then the situation was definitely out of hand.

Nikhil smiled. He had come to realizing that Gargi meant so much to his wife. The contrasting expressions that her family and her friend brought to her face, baffled him. He was slowly learning so much more about Sharanya. Yet, he felt there was so much more he needed to know.

"They make a cute couple, don't they?"

"They do. They're like couple goals." Sharanya bit her tongue after those words escaped her mouth. Where was the damned mind-to-mouth filter?

"Hmm," Nikhil responded. Couple goals she said, he processed.

"Anyways, umm ,you didn't eat much at dinner today. Are you sure you're not hungry already?" She swiftly changed the topic.

"Uh, no. I wanted to keep it light." He mumbled.

"Good call!" Sharanya said, which made her the recipient of his dumbfounded look.

"You're mocking me?" He asked.

"No, I meant it. You should give your stomach some air to breathe. I think we should sleep, no?" She began pulling the duvet they shared. She was being unreasonably chirpy and the mind-to-mouth filter wasn't functioning properly tonight.

Nikhil let it pass. "Thank you," He said gratefully.

Sharanya looked at him a little surprised.

"For all that home remedy help"

"Oh," Sharanya grinned. "I think your gut did the work so," she shrugged. This time she was definitely and openly teasing him.

Nikhil managed an embarrassed smile. "Just keep it between us." He mumbled.

Sharanya smiled, as she prepared to lay down, fluffing up her pillow. "Noted."

"Please don't tell Gargi. I know you two share your life events but leave this one out please." He said, dreading the mere thought of Sharanya sharing his... situation with her best friend. It would eventually reach Arun. Boy, that was too much inside information for them.

Sharanya chuckled. "I don't tell Gargi everything," taut was half-lie.

"Glad." Nikhil mumbled. His gaze melting into hers. A good night kiss would be appropriate, wouldn't it? He spoke to himself in his mind.

Sharanya had begun to feel the anticipation. She could spot that look on his face. The look that said, he wanted to kiss. His gaze slowly lowered to her lips, just as he inched closer.

Sharanya felt her stomach knot up, her fingers gripped the soft duvet tighter and she moved closer.

Nikhil had a sudden confidence boost when she brought her face closer. He placed the iPad on the side, tilting his head slightly. His fingers made it to the side of her face just as his lips made contact with her lips.

The kiss was slow and deliberate. It was more effective than the earlier too. He loved how she opened her mouth for him and then their lips mounded into each other. He used his left hand as well to cup her face. It was easy to keep the angle right that way.

He sucked on her lower lip before letting air come between their lips as he pulled away. She looked at him with hooded eyes. She was rendered speechless and thoughtless. She just wanted that to go on. She inched closer to join their lips again but he inched away. She forced out a breath from her parted lips.

Nikhil didn't know why he teased her like that but he absolutely loved doing it. He inched closer letting their lips meet again. This time his body was also leaning towards her. He had to be very careful or he'd end up in a position that would have him crossing a line or having a sleepless night.

Damn those pair of lips that felt so good against his!

• • • • •

This chapter would've come sooner but there were a few things that kept my mind too occupied to be able to compete this chapter.

Anyways, what are your thoughts about romantic love in real life? 


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