Chapter three.

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SCAR'S POV (continuation.) 

No, this can't happen. Anything but this. 

Relying on reflex, jumping off the bed the moment he rolls off me.

Without much hesitation I grab a whiskey bottle from the table then smatch it on his head.  

Violence. Violence. Blood.

I let the remaining piece of broken bottle slide down my bloody hands. The sickening colour giving me a sense of deja vu.

But it only lasted for less than a second.

I have to get out of here. I can't stay anymore.

Not caring about my appearance, I grab my coat then bolt out of the house, and into the woods. 

That's the only way he won't be able to find me. 

I didn't look back, even if it seems like I have been running for hours and my body couldn't take it anymore. 

I didn't stop, not even to catch my breath. 

And that's because I can't stop. There was an a feeling in the back of my mind that tells me I won't be meeting a good end of I did.

The moonlight serve as my only friend, as I drag my weak body, my mind haunting me with the thought if monsters ready to devour me. 

I shouldn't have left, no I did the right thing, maybe I should have left sooner. 

I knew it was going to happen, but I just couldn't help but wait to see maybe one day I will wake up and he is back to normal.

But now. There is no redemption.

Now am going to die, in the middle of no where. Am not even married yet. 

My legs gives up on me, and I crash on the ground. Fingers gripping on the surrounding leaves at the sharp pain it created.

Hah... My ankles hurt like fuck. 

My ears perks up at the sound of footsteps, heart picking up as blood rushed up my head in folds.

Slowly looking up, my eyes meet two blood red ones. Easily unraveling the form of a gigantic wolf.

I never knew wolves could be this big, it's almost my height. 

So this is how it all ends, am going to be a wolf's dinner, at least i'd be helping the poor wolf. 

The sound of bone cracking fills the air, and the wolf turns into a full, ass grown, naked  man. I try to keep my eyes off the no go area as I fix my eyes on his flawless face, blessed with the moon light. 

His grey eye's are the last thing I see, then it all blacks out. 


I jerk up, sweat running down the side of my face.

What a weird dream.

Rib aching, I sit up on my bed. Letting out a low yawn with both hands held up in the air in light stretch.

Even with my eyes close I could tell that something was wrong.


Sunlight, since when did my room have a window? And how did my bed get so big and soft?

And also, the ceilings are so white. What happens to the normal milkish brown colour?

Wait.... This isn't my room. 

My eyes rooms around the room, until they fall on a pair of Greg eyes staring at me. 

It's him.

The dream, No. it wasn't a dream. 

"You." I call, but it comes out as a wheeze. 

My throat feels dry, and scratchy. like it has actually generated a deserted in the moment I collapsed.

"water?' He asks, then hands me a cup. Eyes staring at me intently.

He couldn't have poisoned the water, could he?

Never mind. The worst would be me dying, for now I need water. 

I hesitantly accept the cup, then downed the whole content, stifly handing the cup back to him.

He is the same person.

Definitely the same person. I don't think I can make a mistake.

He should be that person from yesterday.

Those that means I ma going to die?

Well, if I am going to die I should at least clear doubts and have a peaceful death.

"The wolf? you?" I ask, ignoring how dumb I actually sound.

"Yes." He reply, his eyes watching me with curiosity. 

"You are the wolf?" I ask again and he nods. 

Human turning wolf. No.

Wolf turning human.

Or both. Anyone.


"So... Am kind off a sacrifice? or maybe a meal?"

"No, you are...... let's say, a special guest." He says with a chuckle, which has a weird reaction on me. 

But he does looks nice when he chuckles.

"So you aren't going to  eat me."

"We don't eat our guest silly." He reply. not going to die?

(Its kind off short. Sorry. Love yal. ADIOS.)  

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