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"Princess, you can't be running around like that!"

I rolled my eyes at my lady-in-waiting's shouts that came directly from behind me, continuing to run around the corridors. Once in awhile, I passed by the butlers and maids as they seemed to speed right past me. Their faces morphed from netural to instant shock as they glanced at my current state.

As I continued to tease my head maid, I'm pulled to a sudden stop when a voice I recognize booms out, "Titania! Why are you running around in your undergarments?!"

'Yeah, human. Why are you running around in your underwear? Your jungle might be showing.' My wolf, Lorelei growled.

'Ugh, shut up. I'm kinda busy here!' I resorted, focusing on my mission.

'What kind of mission involves running around half naked? What are you? A stripper?'

Ignoring her question, I continue running.

My lady-in-waiting that had chased me around quickly came to a halt, bowing as she stuttered, "Y-Your Majesty! My apologies for the how improper the princess currently looks. She just refuses to put on this gown."

Oh fuck...

'Now you've done it.' She snickered in my head.

I blocked her, now focusing on what was ahead of me.

He raised his hand in the air, dismissing the maid back to my chambers. To bows once more and hurriedly heads back. Not a second after, his eyes soon darts towards me, lips tight in a frown.

"Father, I can explain--"

"You explain nothing! Titania, as future heir and princess, you must start acting your age. You are twenty-one years old, yet you act like a mere child! Who would want to marry you if you behave in such a way?" He scowled, glaring down at me with his aged eyes.

My shoulders sagged as I looked downwards in shame, "Yes, I understand that, but I don't enjoy how itchy these dresses are. Not to mention, the corset is ridiculously tight! It's going to crush my intestines! I was just on my way to get Fay!" I complained, seeing to reason with him.

He crossed his arms in a disapproving manner, shaking his head in disappointment. "You were going to see Fay dressing like that? Titania, I expected better of you. You are a prime example for Fay! She looks up to you! As for the corset, it exists because it trains your torso into a shape you desire. Isn't it a bonus if it makes you have a bigger bottom or smaller waist?"

"Fay doesn't care what I look like! Besides, this is not who I am, father. I refuse to wear this corset. My figure is perfectly fine with the diet I've been put on since I was just a pup." I argued, cocking a brow.

Father soon closes his eyes momentarily, inhaling deeply. "No use in having a disagreement over it any longer. If you don't wish to wear the corset anymore, then you have no need to." Excitement coursed through my being as I was about to let out a victory screech until he held up a finger in the air. "But?" I asked.

"You will wear the corset for tonight." He acquired, smiling to me as he settled his hands on my shoulder, patting me.

I groaned, rolling my eyes once more. "Must we go to this event?"

He chuckles, his hands leaving my shoulders. "Yes, we have to. This event only occurs every other decade. As royals-"

"-we have to attend to keep the temporary peace treaty." I interrupted, having this lecture over a thousand times during my lessons. "I know, dad. I just... wish our two kingdoms didn't have this surging war. It wasn't their fault that-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence... he had no excuse!" He said, rising his voice as his eyes turned to to the color of charcoal. I immediately clamped my lips shut, knowing that it was a sensitive topic that should be rarely spoken about.

He cleared his throat, putting on a fake smile to ward away the awkwardness. "Now, why don't you fetch Fay to get ready as well? I'll see you girls at 8:00pm sharp."

I nodded, still surprised over him raising his voice at me. Dad smiled apologetically before straightening his form, his smile disappearing as he walked away from me and into the the main hall.

'Why is he always on his period when we see him?' Lorelei asked, scratching her ear.

I rolled my eyes, reluctantly replying, 'He's a king, Lorelei. You know this better than anyone. He has his reasons.'

'Reasons of why he shouldn't be taking it out on us, perhaps?' She said, cocking a brow.

'Why are you so sassy? Better yet, why aren't you on your period yet?'

'Hey, I'm you. I would be careful if I were you. Don't make me be in heat. You'll regret it!' She growled, swishing her tail back and forth.

A sigh left between my lips as I blocked her and paced myself back to where Fay's chambers were.

I felt ashamed for doing this to my father.

After so many years, his hurt, anger, and pain are clearly hidden well behind his smile. Yet beneath that smile, lays a man broken and crying out. Just for someone to notice and help them.

Yet the only thing that can help them is the return of what they lost.

Back to the beginning.

I closed my eyes briefly, taking a deep breath. Frowning, I curve my lips into a fake smile. Wanting Fay to not notice the slightest change in the atmosphere or what went down.

Today would be a great day, just as father wanted.

Reaching Fay's chambers, I knocked on her doors gently. "Fay, open your doors please."

I heard some ruffling in her bedroom before the door  opened. Her small head peeped out, looking in both directions before motioning me inside with her tiny hand.

My body automatically relaxes as I found a smile making its way on my face. I swear, being around my little sister was a way to escape reality. I was able to enjoy myself and release tension.

In my thoughts, I didn't notice Fay had taken steps closer to me. Pulling my arm into her room and shutting the door behind me, she softly spoke, "Did daddy yell at you again?" Fay blinks innocently, her eyes sad.

My heart clenched. I didn't like exposing Fay to the negativities in life... but I knew it was something needed to shape a person. To bend and break their will, personality, and basically their being.

It was just yelling, not that deep, right?

I forced a smile and crouched down to her level to the best of my abilities. Damn this corset! I really cannot believe I have to wear this for tonight's event! Straining my grin, I spoke softly, "Yes, but I needed that lecture. I am going to be Queen someday, so father had every right. Besides, if he didn't say anything at all, it would show he didn't care!"

What took me awhile to understand was the lectures. At first, I believed it was because the adults hated me. It blew my self esteem for quite sometime, but then... I realized that they cared. That's why they said something. They wanted better for me. If they didn't say anything at all, it meant they didn't care for what happened to me.

After my comment, Fay nodded with understanding before stepping away from me and twirls her dress. "What do you think? Is it pretty?"

"I think the dress is beautiful, but I believe what shines most about the dress is the person wearing it. You look adorable, Fay." I comment, touching her cheek.

Fay grins, happiness showing through her.

Before I could say anything else, a loud knock appears on her door. Both our heads snapped to the sound, curious of who was knocking.

"Come in." Fay spoke, her voice small but commanding.

The door opened slowly, before one of the maids popped in with a grin. "Princesses! There you are. The king would like to meet with you at once."

"What for?" I asked.

"Why... for your wedding!"

"My what?!"  I shouted, in shock.

A/N: Surprise! I had been wanting to publish this book for quite sometime. What do you guys think? Constructive criticism is allowed!

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