12. Death Stare

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Emara Stone

I survived the first day in office after spilling coffee on my boss's pants. Next day I reach office early with things to decorate my table. I make sure it looks like a man's table.

I brought a hot wheel's car whose doors and bonnet can be open, a picture frame of a dog and an ash tray which I m going to use as a paper weight. Also a playboy swimsuit calendar so that I can count T-minus days until I get salary.

I see Shelly checking out my table. I smile feeling so proud- this is all done by me. I hear a gasp, I see her hand covering her mouth as she stare at my playboy calendar.

"Beautiful, I know right! Do you want one for your table? I have an extra." I ask her sincerely as I bought it in buy one get another free offer.

Her eyes became wide, she shakes her head furiously then turn her head towards her computer. She reminds of ostrich.
As I was going through the blueprint of design of my 1st project I hear Shelly gossiping with one of the co-workers "He never comes on this floor". "Is this a surprise inspection". "Is someone gonna get fired".

Suddenly the gossiping stops and people stand up from their seats. I look back where they all are staring, I see our boss a.k.a the hotty walking in corridor with Raj our department's head.

Raj looks like a match stick while the hotty looks like a match box. His shoulders are really broad, he have same angry look on his face, his hands are in pocket of his navy pants which reminds of yesterday's incident. I look back at him and see him staring at me with narrow eyes. I think he remembers me.

He looks something behind my shoulder and walks in my direction. I see him stop at my table looking at my things, his eyes becomes wide and mouth opens a little when he sees the calendar hanging beside my computer.

He stares for too long, so I break the silence saying "I have an extra if you like it this much". His head slowly turns in my direction, very slowly.

His eyes are throwing daggers. I stare back at him, it's like a death stare competition. He narrow his eyes at me, but I get distract by someone calling him.

"Sir, your morning coffee." Rita says with a 10 megawatt smile on her face. I look at her black stilettos, tight pencil skirt, fitting blouse with first two buttons open then at her face, again her lipstick is out of her lip's line. Hoe.

"Oh, Hi Ethan. How was your first day?" She asks me sweetly while batting her fake eyelashes.


"Umm. I m still learning to adapt" I answer her politely like a gentleman does. She giggles then say "You will learn fast, you are really smart".

"Rita you are very sweet" I reply her back. Before she could speak we hear a throat clearing sound from our boss a.k.a the hotty. I look at him, again he is giving me the death stare.

Does he wants to play- you stare at me I stare at you game.

Maybe he likes Rita and he doesn't like any male talking to her. Maybe they are dating. I feel a little sad with that thought.

"Drake! " He calls someone still staring at me. He don't blink or what!

I see that hot guy from yesterday who I think was sexting outside the hotty's cabin. That's his personal secretary.

"Bring the coffee in my office" Hotty gives me a last stare then turn to leave. Drake looks at me from head to toe, takes coffee from Rita and walk after Ryan.

We all look at each other as if asking answers to what just happened. Rest of the day goes by, in the evening the telephone on my table rings, "It's Raj, you are asked to meet on 7th floor in CEO's cabin rightnow" with that he keeps his side of phone. I look at the telephone wondering if I am in trouble. Maybe I should have apologised the boss for that coffee spilling.


I knock at the door outside hotty's cabin. I hear a 'Come in', I walk inside I see hotty on the chair behind the table and on the right side I see Drake on couch staring at me as if I shaved his head. And his eyebrows.

Hotty tells me to sit, so I chose the seat that is far away from Drake. He is still staring at me from head to toe.

"I want you to pack your things from Design and Analysis departmental floor and shift on this floor as Damison Groups Ceo's Secretary. Here are your transfer order, go take sign from Raj and give it to Drake." He says while giving me some bunch of papers.

"That means your secretary as in personal secretary?" I ask him shockingly.

Hotty forgot the coffee incident or he wants more.

Hotty gives a small nod before saying "You will get the rules and behavioral details tomorrow. Drake will help you in shifting. Now get out" with that he start typing on his laptop.


Me and Drake walk out of the cabin. Nobody said anything yet. I finally decide to speak "Are you fired? ". He looks at me and shakes his head in a no. "I am shifted to 'P' building." He says while walking to my table.

But nobody from this office has ever been transferred there. Drake's lastname is also Damison maybe he is a close relative of hotty's that's why.

Drake start to put my things in a cardboard box, he takes the calendar in hand and say "Hey Buddy! You said you have an extra. Can I have it?"

I look at him and give a 32 teeth smile "Sure."



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