57. Ceremony

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Emara Stone

The venue for the ceremony is situated in between the dark forest, the crescent moon is right above the head surrounding grey clouds. There are a lot of people dressed up in traditional clothes, the area is decorated with lamp lights, ancient decors of animal skin and bones with flame lights and fire lamp. It looks more like a huge feast than just a tiny ceremony.

Everyone stops whatever they were doing and turns around to look at us as we stand at the entrance. There is a path made in between the crowd which leads to the center where two thrones are placed. "From here, you go alone." Daniels whispers softly in my ear then disperse in the crowd.

I gulp down nervously as everybody's eyes fall on me. I slowly take my steps as I cautiously lift my white net dress that glows in the dark night like a bright moon. People stare at me, my hair and the long dress that is transparent from my thighs and is moping the floor behind me.

I see a huge throne that is decorated with pearls and flowers like Tuberose, Casablanca lily that is gleaming in the night. Beside it, there is another throne a little smaller than the pearl one that is simply decorated with colorful gladiolus flowers. Those are the thrones for Alpha and his mate.

Ryan is standing beside the throne, dressed simply in a black loose shirt and jeans, looking very casual. His eyes sparkle as they stare back at me like I am a unicorn. His favorite unicorn.

Ryan walks in my direction, his gaze is intensely and sensually focused on me. There is a big smile on his face as he adorable looks at me, oh damn his dimples. One day, I am going to lick them. I mentally make notes.

"My Luna, you look more beautiful than the moon tonight." Ryan purrs as he forwards his palm in front of me. Oh, my heart! It just got lost. I can't believe any of this! The ceremony, my dress, these people and good Ryan. It's a dream. Everyone does 'Awwwww' as they look at us and record our moment in their phones.

I place my hand in his warn rough large hands and he guides me to the center where the two thrones are decorated. I blush like a carrot as he holds my hand firmly and makes me sit on the bigger thone studded with pearls and he himself sits on the lower one beside me.

I sit there confusedly, all his pack members are staring at me without even giving Ryan a glance who is their Alpha. Drake comes over with a fire lamp and keeps it beside me, the warmth from the fire comforts my chilling skin in the night.

The sound of drums gets louder as people around us start to dance to its beat, the whole scene is so mesmerizing, something so natural yet wild. Suddenly I feel spark as Ryan runs his finger on my arm.

"Are you Pikachu? Coz I feel a spark."

I hear Hotty's husky voice near my ear. Oh god, his pick up lines.

I lean towards him as I perplexedly ask, "Why are these people dancing?" As I look towards the crowd tripping on their toes. "They are showing their happiness and approval of you joining the pack as their Luna. They like you." Ryan says as he merrily stares ahead. An effortless smile appears on my face as I see him happy and content.

He looks beautiful when he is not a maniac.

There is a tent to my left where all the delicious looking dishes are adorned, the smell coming from there made me taste my own saliva in my mouth. I am hungry, I am tired and I am sore.

"Did you come from hell? Coz DAMN you are hotter than it."

I turn my head towards the voice's owner, he looks happy, like I did his homework. "Ryan, you can stop with your pick up lines." I whisper slowly as I know these shady werewolves can hear everything.

"Right. Why not I just pick you up instead of using pick up lines" He winks giving a sly grin while licking his lips. A red tint of blush appears on my skin as I remember what his mouth did to me yesterday. Get out of my head.

I shake my head and enjoy the view in front of me. People celebrating and welcoming their arrival of Luna. So beautiful. A woman comes and offers us a plate full of chicken lollipops and roasted thighs. I smile politely and grab the whole plate. This Luna is fucking hungry.

"Are you Japanese?"

I turn my head, the chicken is still in my mouth as I perplexedly ask him, "Huh, wha?" Ryan smirks as he leans towards me and purrs sultrily,

"Are you Japanese, cause I want to get into JApanties."

Everything stopped... the music, the dancers, the people as they all look at us. The chicken from my mouth falls back into the plate as people kittenishly stare between me and their Alpha while passing wolfish grin. Oh shit! They heard us.

Ryan straightens up as if nothing happened and casually looks ahead, and suddenly everyone looks at me. My face feels heated up, the red tint brightens on my face as I feel being the center of attraction.


"Emara" I hear my name spoken sweetly, I look back and see a woman who has brown eyes and a beautiful smile on her face with dimples. She is holding a bronze antique cup with gold carving in her hands, "My name is Erina, I am Ryan's mother." She smiles politely.

Oh, she is Ryan's mother. She is so beautiful and looks so young.

She forwards me the antique cup as she seemly tells me, "This is a sacred cup of our ancestors that is used in worshipping Moon Goddess from time to time." I carefully take the cup in my hand, it contains some dark red liquid. "May moon goddess bless you two and endows you with healthy children. May the shower of happiness be always on you and Ryan." She prays for me and asks me to drink from the antique cups.

I nod my head and take a sip, the liquid is thick and tastes a little salty and metallic. "What is this?" I ask bewilderedly as I drink it. "This is Ryan's blood." His mother replies. My stomach turns and I instantly spit back in their antique sacred cup. The cup that is used in worshipping moon goddess.



I cough non stop, my throat gets clogged on the thought that I was drinking Ryan's blood. I look over at him and see him worried, he pats on my back as he asks, "Are you okay?" Am I okay after drinking his blood? I don't think so.

Erina takes the cup from my hand as she rubs my back slowly. I noticed Ryan has no cup in his hand, and as far my memory is related, nobody took my blood. "Where is your cup?" I ask him curiously. Ryan shakes his head as he says, "Tonight is all about you, this whole celebration. I'll have my way later." He says soberly. Huh? What does he mean?

The night gets darker, Ryan introduces me to his pack members one by one, they bring gifts for me and compliments me delightedly. I even met Alpha Ken and Luna Barbie, they were so pleased to meet me. I never felt so special in my whole life. Delicious dishes come one after another and I couldn't help but taste them all.

"What are you wearing inside?" Ryan purrs in my ear, "Shut up." I scold him as I gup down the muffin. "What color?" He again whispers as he plays with the hem of my dress, pulling me towards him. I slap his wolf claws away from my delicate dress. He is so irritating.

A man with a bulky body and broad shoulders walks towards us, a thick animal's fur coat is loaded on his ripped body, probably of a bear's, A real bear's. He smiles at me showing his sharp canines, "Hi Emara. You look more beautiful in actual than Alpha Ryan described you." His dark eyes shift over to Ryan who is starting right back at the man, there is something about him that even made Ryan passive.

"Thank you." I mumble quietly, I couldn't help but feel the intense dominating vibes emitting from him, the scars on his chest shouts that he is a warrior, a dangerous breed warrior. "Oh, I am sorry, you might don't know about me. I am Alpha Brad, Ryan's father." His voice thick and influencing. Of course, he had to be an Alpha. I smile and nod.

I have heard about him a lot from my family, from Daniel, basically from everyone. The ruthless father of ruthless Ryan. "I am glad you finally accepted him. We were worried that Ryan might end up with Daniel." His father chuckles softly. I couldn't help but laugh along with him at Ryan. His father is cool.

Ryan rolls his eyes as he sternly says, "Father, you wanted to talk." Alpha Brad nods, his demeanor suddenly changes into a severe one as he says, "Yes, whenever you are free." Ryan immediately stands up, "After you, Alpha." Before turning away, Ryan leaves a kiss on my cheek as he says, "I'll be waiting for you in the room." And walks away after his father. I awkwardly sit with a plate full of desserts, eating alone. Huh?

Erina, Ryan's mother gives me company along with Rose and introduces me to her friends. We all sit by the bonfire and talk about how they met with their mates and how stupid they were. After a while, Erina asks me to come with her to walk.

"I hope you enjoyed the event, I tried to arrange everything today itself, I am sorry if I left out a few details." She says softly as we walk inside the deep forest with two other warriors walking behind us. "I think everything was perfect. I can't believe you did this in one day. Thank you for the beautiful ceremony." I reply merrily.

"Oh, no. It wasn't the ceremony, just a celebration." Erina replies as she holds my hand and guides me on the muddy path. "What? I thought this was a ceremony?" I ask being baffled. "The ceremony will start now." She says as she halts, I see we stopped in front of the courtyard of a large wooden cabin that is decorated with lights between the forest.

Thick trees hover above the cabin, hiding it completely making it look like a secret hideout place. "Normally mating ceremonies happen openly in the forest, Ryan insisted to build a room." I look towards Erina with a questionable face, I thought that all this was a part of the ceremony.

She pats me slowly on my back as she encourages me to walk forward as she whispers in my ear, "Go, Ryan is waiting for you inside."


Person I am looking for: Saima iffath from India,
Please message me :)

For the BDSM chapter, please mail me with a screenshot who already bought the book. Deadline 31st December. I'll soon start writing it.

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Shoutout to these lovely readers for showering Alpha with votes. ❤️
Nizaruz , HopeSpinetta , Alice_santiago_02 , sbfkbs , sweetbelle800 

Vote ⭐️ fast to get the next chapter sooner ;)

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