59. Animal

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Emara Stone

I open the door and meet the darkness.

The room is dark like I entered a black hole that emits dark vibes, something feels so different. It feels like I am walking inside a deadly cave or a lion's den. Or maybe a wolf's.

The only thing I can see in the room is the illumination refracting from the decorated lights on the windows, and Ryan's glowing eyes. The mild gold light from his eyes is looking like fire. Forest fire in the night.

"Ryan, what are you doing there in the dark?" I ask him perplexedly as I witness his silhouette standing by the window in the corner from across me. His hands are folded on his chest making his shoulder look broader like a bulldozer.

My heart thumps loudly as Ryan doesn't reply to me, he is still standing there like a mannequin and starkly staring at me. The light behind him illuminates his figure, muscular silhouette made of rigid lines and defined curves. The glow from his eyes suddenly gets brighter as the gold burns intensely in them.

I gulp down nervously as Ryan takes a dangerously slow and silent step towards me, his voice echos in the room as he commands in a thick hoarse yet chasmic voice,

"Close the door."








Intotal 10 extra chapters + the unexpected plot twist at the end!

Emara turning into a wolf plot available on patreon + Read this book which got banned for its mature content

Please support the artist 🙏

Also, I will update the smut chapters here on Wattpad once I reach my 10k followers goal. So stay tuned ;)



My eyes open up to the sound of birds coming from the outside, my body aches as I shift a little. Oh god, it pains soo goood. I quietly stand up and look around, pillows are on the floor along with my and Ryan's clothes. I turn my head to my sides and see him sleeping soundly like he has lots of money and no work in the world.

I pick his black shirt from the floor that still smells like him and wear it, I cautiously take each step as my hips and my vagina painfully stings a little as I walk. I slowly open the bathroom door and walk inside. Standing in front of the mirror I see my condition.

My hair is messily puffed up screaming that I had sex, the lips stick is gone but its red stain is still present, my lips are swollen and so is my neck. There is a print of fingers in bright pink color on my neck along with numerous bite marks here and there.

I squint my eyes as I tilt my head to my right to see a fresh fang mark on my left shoulder. A beautiful mark. I hiss in pain as my fingers rub on it. Suddenly the door opens wide revealing none other than my mate, Ryan the hotty. Naked.

His hair is ruffled to his sides while his eyes check on me. In a few strides, he stands behind me facing the mirror. He pulls the collar of the shirt aside to look at my skin, he clenches his jaw in anger as he gravely stares at the bright pink handprint and bitemarks, "I am so sorry, Emara for being so careless and hurting you." He shakes his head in regret as he stares on my swollen neck mark. His jaw is still clenched.

"Hey, it's okay. I loved it." I tell him as I turn around and caress his cheeks. His eyes enraged, runs down on the art that his mouth did on my skin last night, "This is not acceptable, you look awful." I look down and see the bite marks all over my breast, cleavage, stomach, shoulders, and smile, "But I liked it, I think yesterday was really great." Yeah, so fucking hot.

Ryan's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, "Really? Was it better than the first night?" Our first night will be always my favorite as it was very sensual and emotional. Whereas yesterday it was more rough and raw, something that excited me to another level. I blush like a lunatic but Ryan seems to look serious like he really wants to know it. "Yeah!" I mumble slowly as I don't want him to regret what he did to me in excitement last night, I didn't dislike anything from yesterday.

Ryan's eyes get darker, his nostrils flare in anger as his eyes shoot burning meteorites at me. He looks dangerous like he will uproot all the trees in the jungle as he ferociously stares at me. Did I say something wrong? Ryan's chest upheavals as he growls, "I can do you better."

I laugh out loud at the red Ryan in front of me who looks angry like a wild Rhino, "Of course you do." I kiss on his cheeks as I praise him.

I internally laugh at my silly mate as he stands in front of me with pouted lips, "I am not kidding, I can do you better than last night." I couldn't help but kiss him. He is so cute.

Though Ryan is damn hot, sexy and a freak, Dakota is longer. And thicker.

Ryan hugs me from back and kisses on my cheeks, "Emara, do you wanna go meet Ethan today?" I look up to him in shock, did I woke up in an alternate universe? "Really?" I asked surprisingly. "Yeah!" He says exploding my limited edition brain.

Who is he? He is not Ryan. What if he hit his head in real this time?

I am still in shock. Ryan takes a sniff as he mumbles, "Ew smack su gu." I try to decode what he just said, but my IQ fails me, "What?" Ryan lifts his head as he says, "You smell so good. You smell of me, little lavender, little vanilla." He says as he leaves soft kisses on my neck.

"Ryan, you really mean it about me going to meet Ethan?" I ask him still in shock, he nods as he shrugs casually and snuggles in my neck. "Why?" Why he suddenly changed?

Ryan lifts his whiskey brown eyes at me, his eyes starkly staring at me through the mirror, "Didn't I tell you, I would change for you." And he smiles. He smiles genuinely like he really means it. I smile back.

Oh god!! He grew up. Ryan finally became a good boy.

Thank you... Thank you, god.

*Satan smirks*



Will upload 2 more chapters, then the book is completed. See you in His Evil Ways

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Manvi1204 , ApaPraise , Dahlia_gold

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