8. Choke

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Emara Stone

I should have chosen the front row. It would be like watching him in 3D.

After he left, other board members start giving their speech, explaining about the company's policies and employees benefit.
MayDay MayDay I m falling asleep.

"You know Ethan, Damison Groups had hightest share rates last week on stock. I think you should totally invest in them" Rita speaks in a whispering tone. I wanted to shout that I m not interested but then I think to gossip a little.

"Rita, how is Ryan Damison as a boss?" I try to sound in a non-stalker way.

"He is very... neat. I have never seen him improperly dressed. Although he look intimidating, his behavior is polite. He always smile at me. I think he doesn't like touching other people. He maintain a strict professional distance and prefer keeping his hands in his pocket. I think-"

This dumb fangirl is beyond help.


"Rita, I mean as a boss." I specify on the last word.

"Oh! He is very strict with deadlines and is highly punctual. He is a neat freak, he likes the office and compound area to be clean. He have already fired many gardeners, cleaners and his personal secretaries in past. I have heard he always hire male secretaries because he believe females are clumsy and careless." She say the last line like she is revealing Narnia's address.

"Clumsy and Careless" I say unconsciously digesting all the information.

Well, I could prove him wrong if he appoints me as his personal secretary. I can rock his world. Up and down.

"Yes, also he doesn't allow entry of employees from 'O' building to 'P' building. The security area of 'P' building is quite strong compare to ours." She say in a serious tone.

"Pee building? Security for Pee building?" I chuckle. Is this guy nuts.

She nods. "Probably some secret documents or lockers be in there. Nobody here knows about it. And nobody has ever been there from here."

Ohh okey.. this guy sounds mysterious to me. My interest level in him have reach mars.
After the session, Shelly that friend of Rita takes me to 3rd floor to the department I am assign to. Design and Analysis.

She show me my table which was right beside hers. I see her table have flowers, pictures in frame with god knows who, a candy jar. I wonder what I should keep on my table.

A bong or may be a gun so these bitches stay away from me.

"You are Ethan, right?"

I turn around to see a thin guy with over size shirt and over size frame on his small face.

I nod.

"Hi I am Raj, your department's head. The boss wants to be acquainted with the freshers, so he has arranged a meeting where they will personally meet him. Your number is 9." He say in a monotonous tone.

A personal meeting with the hotty?? Ohh shit! I can see him within my radar like 5 feet close. Fuck yes!

I nod again. I get seated on my chair and the first thing I do on my computer is to search Ryan Damison on google. I see pictures of him in magazines, interviews, press conferences, opening ceremonies.
He really is something. I search for his social media accounts so I can stalk him better but other than company's official pages I couldn't find anything. Just a facebook fan made page of Ryan Damison, thats it.

I. like. him.  I LIKE HIM.

A man who is busy in making money have no time for petty fame or social media.

My interest in him have reached Jupiter by now.
Around 5, when I am almost done with work, telephone on my table rings.

I have my own fucking telephone. So cool!

As I pick up, he start speaking not waiting to hear my hello "It's Raj, you are required on 7th floor in CEO's cabin rightnow" and he keep his side of phone without hearing me say bye.

I reach 7th floor, I see to my right is a small cabin, a model type guy was laughing while typing on his phone. He looks at me "Ethan, you are next" he point towards the dark brown door on my front.

I look back at him I see he is biting his lips while typing on his phone very fast.

I bet he is sexting. Wait, he is hotty's personal secretary. He is also hot.

I walk towards the door, my heart is racing fast like it is getting late to reach somewhere. I remind myself that I m Ethan rightnow not Emara.

I knock twice on the door. I hear a loud "Come in".

As soon as I open the door my eyes get lock with whiskey brown color eyes. Fuck! His eyes are so fucking beautif-


OMG! Hotty start to choke on his coffee. He spit coffee back in his mug and cough more.

I can't let a hot man die. Not him.

I grab the water bottle from his desk and walk around the table to reach him. "Are you okey Sir?" I ask him offering the bottle while I pat on his back.

He jerks my hand away from him like it's a spider, the bottle from my hand fly towards the table and hits the coffee cup spilling it all over his pants.

Hot coffee on hotty's dick.

He abruptly stands up from his chair. I can see the coffee dripping from his pants to the carpet. The area where coffee was spilled turn into a darker shade on his pants. I look further down and see the grey color carpet turns into dark grey.

"GET OUT" he shouts at my face. I flinch back. His chest us doing that up-down up-down thing.

I was trying to help you. You were choking like a cat.

He close his eyes and say something like 'fuck me moon', I couldn't catch it completely. He walk past me and storm out of his own cabin.

After spending 37 seconds with him I can be sure of one thing, that he is a piece of shit.



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