Chapter 1

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Hello everyone, thanks for reading my first chapter. This is my first book ever and so I hope you like it. Let me know what you think in the end. Is it good or bad? If there are any spelling mistakes please let me know kindly as I am using my ipad and it doesn't have WORD.




Chapter 1

One of my favorite things to do on my free time is walking through the woods with my beloved huskies. Who are the loves of my life.

I do not understand people who can't see dogs as a part of their family. My three are my babies.

They sleep in my bed at night, go on long walks with me in the forest, and lay on the couch after drinking nearly a half gallon of water, their tongues sticking out as water drips onto the wood floor.

I've loved and wanted a dog since I was a little girl. Growing up with five older brother we weren't allowed to have pets. No money to feed or take care of them.

As I grew older, my desire to have a husky blossomed. Once I hit sixteen I worked my butt off to afford one. It took me a few years to save up a nice chunk of savings. Now at age twently-three I can say I don't regret mowing lawns and washing nearly all my towns cars during the summers months.

Picking up a piece of thawed chicken, I cut off the dangling fat and place it on the edge of the cutting board. My babies will love their lunch snack.

Foxy is a red and white five year old mama's girl. She never leaves my side. She is my big ball of fluff that has crystal blue eyes with lighting bolts.

When I got her two years ago she was up for sale from a breeder. They had used her for all her worth of pups and had no use of her. Once I saw her online I knew instantly I had to have her. Calling them up, I drove two towns over and picked her up.

For the first few weeks she was skitish around me as she wasn't used to being near humans. Now she won't leave my feet alone most of the time.

The other two are brother and sister and a year old and well lets just say they don't ever live up to their names.

Demon is black and white with one blue eye and one brown with a speck of blue on the top. I should have named him Mr. Smiley as he always has his tongue hanging out with a big o'l grin on his face. If I'm ever sad I just have to look at him and I instantly get happy.

Last but not least, is my baby girl Angel, she is grey and white with beautiful crystal blue eyes. She is the one you have to watch out for because if your not careful she will push you right off the bed in the middle of the night, even if she only weighs forty pounds.

Now if the trash can is knocked over all I have to do is look under the kitchen table and find the culprit. Her white and grey fur curled up into a tiny ball as she licks her chops lean. LItttle devil more like it.

Finishing up cutting the chicken, I place it in the zip-lock bag with all the juices and sauces I poured into it earlier. Putting it in the fridge for later, I place the chicken in the three bowls at the edge of the kitchen.

Scrapping of claws against hardwood flooring could be heard from the family room. Those dogs sure know the sound of their bowls being touched.

Cleaning the kitchen up, I wait for the dogs to finish scarfing down the chicken and beef fat. I knew my brothers would be coming over for our weekely dinner and wanted to be prepared for their starving stomachs.

Shaking my hips to the soft background music, I grab my phone off the kitchen table on the third ring. Not bothering to check who was calling me.

"Hello?" I sing. Swinging around, I do a single turn before picking up and cluting Demon's front paws as he stands up to dance with me.

He's loved dancing with me since he was a puppy. My sweet, happy boy.

"Hey Sis, its Hunter your favorite brother," his voice chuckles out of the speaker.

I could hear voices in the background. Knowing right off the bat they belonged my older brothers. They were complaining that he wasn't my favorite brother no doubt. My five brothers loved to compete to be my favorite. I could never pick one though, they were all my favorites.

Plus if one of them actually believed I didn't love him the same as the others, I would never forgive myself. They helped raise me.

Yes, we had adoptive parents who loved and charished us with all their hearts and we couldn't have asked for a better support system.

In the end, I was the guy's little sister and no one messes with what is theirs. To say I was protected in high school from bullying would be an understatement.

"Oh hey, Hunter what are you up to?" Giggling, I let Demon's paws go. Dancing with me for a few second was enough to get that boy thristy for water.

"I was just calling to let you know that your gonna need to keep an eye open while walking around the woods from now on," he sounded angry with a hint of fear. Why?

What could possibly scare my twin?

"Why Hunter? Did someone get hurt?" I demand. Shutting the music off, I sit down on the plush red could. My free hand rubbing my forehead in worry.

"No Issy, no one got hurt. We got word that about hundred-plus people will be moving in about five miles away from your house." I'm not imagining the angry I hear in his voice this time. He is pissed to high end. Why?

The big question is why would that many people be moving into our small town? It doesn't make sense in the least bit.

"Wait, what? Why? That's a lot of people Hunter. Are you sure you guys got your numbers correct. I mean there's no houses around mine for more then thirty miles, what are they moving in to?" I sit back and question. I may only be his sister, but if they are moving this close to me, I have the right to know whats up.

"Yes, Issy we got our numbers right, I am the town sheriff you know. But anyways they have a crap load of contractors coming up this week to build a small village from what we've been told. It's all been approved by the higher up's."

"No one is higher up than our brother." Being Mayor of our small town gives you the right to pretty much do anything you want. Not that he takes advantage of that.

"I don't know what to tell you Issy, he was told by someone higher up than him. He either let these people in or lose his job. So he did what any man would do, he let them in. He wasn't going to give up being Mayor to some jackass who doesn't know crap about this town."

They tride to kick him out? I do not like these higher ups one bit. Are the new comers going to be a problem for the town? I pray not.

"Do they know I live here? Are they gonna try and kick me out or something, is that what your trying to tell me? That they wanna buy my land from me to add it onto thier's? Because if you are I'm gonna raise some hell and you know I will Hunter. This is my home and I will not be leaving it without a fight."

This home is all I have left of my brith parents. Before the devistating car crash that stole them away from us, they had made out a will. In case there were to be an accident. Only if they knew that fateful night a drunk driver would take them away from us.

In the will, my parents left certain items to each of their children. The house and land were to be split between all six of us. Being the only girl, the guys decided I could have it. They knew my passion for walking out the backdoor and into the forest.

Taking a long stroll in the forest with the tall trees, muddy ground and dried up leave give a scense of calming. Its what I need after a long and busy day.

"No, Issy I wasn't saying that at all. I just wanted you to know that by the end of this week there will be people around your area and to not freak out and try and shoot them. Alright? We all know how you feel about your land, it's a part of you and we will never let anyone take it away from you."

Well that was a relief. I don't know what I would have done if they tried to take my land away and won. The forest is my home, I love it and always will.

"Yes they know that you live there and no, they don't want your land. We want you to be careful, with all these new men coming around we don't know what will happen. Me and the guys want to make sure your safe and that no men try to over step their bounds. The fact that your all by yourself doesn't help either. Sometimes we wish you lived with us."

Opening my mouth I go to rebuke him. He knows why I won't move into town. They all do.

"Though we do understand why you want to stay in that house. Being our only sister we worry about you and the fact that you aren't close to us freaks us out at times. We don't know, or trust anything about these people yet so be careful if you come across any," he sounded worried.

I couldn't hear the guys rough housing on the other end, which mean Hunter's words were dead serious. I wouldn't risk my life to go explore.

Being kidnapped or worse raped isn't my way of having fun.

"Yea, I know Hunter and I promise to keep a eye out. If anything happens I'll give you or one of the guys a call. I love you Hunter, thanks for always looking out for me." Always looking out for me.

I couldn't have asked for a set of better brothers than them. I need for nothing with their help. At times it can get a little irriating when I try to go out on a date. Which always ends in disaster anyways.

"I love you to sis, we all do. You'r our baby sister and no one gets to mess with you. That job is only for us five."

Rolling my eyes, I stand up and head towards my closet. I believe it will be nice to go out on a walk around my property. All this talking about strangers is making my skin crawl.

"Yea, and I always end up with a masive hangover the next morning. I do not know why I allow you five to corouse me into doing those challenges." Shaking my head, I strip and get dressed in jogging pants and shirt, with a purple streatch jaket incase the wind picks up.

The wind in our small town of Minot could freeze a person to death in a matter of minutes if you aren't wearing proper clothes.

I could hear him laughing on the other end. Then a grunt as if one of the others puntched him. The last time I went out drinking with him, we were nearly arrested, and he is the town sherriff! To say we didn't get a lecture from the other four would be putting it mildly.

"Anyways Issy we are changing things up tonight for our family dinner. This time you are coming to our house for a BBQ. We need to get you out of the forest for at least a few hours this week. All you've been doing is taking photoshotos and running around with your three baby's in the forest. Its time to be free young lady."

"Your making me sound like eat, sleep and pee in the forest Hunter. I do own a house outside the trees and not one inside a tree. Me no Jane," I bark out with laughter. If only they would build me a tree out, I might just turn into a Jane.

"Issy I can guarantee you that if we built a tree house big enough to hold more then one person and your dogs you wouldn't leave it," he drawls with annoyness.

Oh how he knew me so well.

Their laughter was contagious as I set the phone down and put it on speaker as I grab a water bottle from the fridge.

"Well then why don't you build me a big tree house and find out if thats true or not."

I knew they wouldn't that would be too much work. Plus with my five brothers nearly owning this town, all they had to do was hire someone else to build me a tree out. Not that they would allow anyone else on my property without one of them present.

Since I can remember, I've been protected by them as if I was a rare jewel. As I grew up it irriated me. I hated it. Then I got used to it and brush it off now.

"Crap, I didn't mean I would actually build you one." He was clearly paninking and I couldn't be happier.

"You'r all a bunch of lazy fur balls." Not one of them were furry, it was just a nick name I gave them when I was little. "I would never expect a tree house built by your own baby smooth hands.

"Awe but you love this fur ball and you know it. Anyways do you want a ride to the BBQ or gonna drive yourself? You still have clothes here from the last one and we made sure your bed has clean sheets on it already. You'r all set to spend the night if need be and considering your besties will be here and Austin loves to watch you get drunk and flirt with Sarai and anyone that comes in your path we all know your going to be spending the night here."

Does he have to remind me of my flirting ways once I have to many drinks?

"Oh thanks for that Hunter. I just love it when Austin gets me drunk. I think he does it on purpose so I'll flirt or make out with him, stupid boy. Oh and no I don't need a ride. I wanna make sure I can leave tomorrow at anytime and not have to worry about waking you all up to take me home."

Those boys know how to party and if I want to be home anytime before 7pm, I need to have my own car there waiting for me.

"Ok Issy, we will see you in a couple hours then."

"Yup, bye Hunter."

Tonight was going to be a blast as long as I didn't do anything to stupid like make out with a guy... or girl for that matter.

Shaking my head at my crazy antics, I open the backdoor wide and let my three babies out. The fresh air will do me good before tonight. Plus I wanted to make sure the three muskaters had enough run time before they were cooped up in the house for the night.


Will Austin get her drunk to make out with her?

Does he really like her like that or is it just in her mind?

Who do you think the new people are and when will she meet them?

Hope you liked this Chapter. There is a lot more to come.

Please don't forget to vote and leave a comment letting me know what you think,

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