Chapter 14

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It means the world to me

Chapter 14

We were finally on our way to the club. The owner of said club did not have a very big imagination because it was called the "Night Life". It was the only club in this town and the only thing my brothers didn't own.

We had picked up Sarai a couple minutes ago and where now pulling into the parking lot of the club. Since it's the only one here it was packed already, being a Saturday night helped a little bit.

Being the sister of the men who own this town, I always get in for free and so do my besties. We slide in front of everyone and walk through the front door.

I'm instantly hit by the sound of wolf whistle's.

Looking around I see tons of towns people, but also warriors from Dmitri's and Conner's packs. I bet they are here to keep an eye on me. Oh well I'm gonna ignore them all night. Tonight is my night to get fucked up.

"So Austin what you buying me first?"

"Anything you want babe." He whispered.

"How about a couple of shots of Jose Cuervo? Those are my favorite, they go down smooth with some salt and a lime."

"Coming right up babe. Sarai do you want the same thing?"


"OMG, Issy look at those guys, they are so HOT. If I was touching one I think I would smell they are so hot." She was staring at them with twinkles in her eyes it was so funny.

"Well after we down these shots why don't we go over to them and dance? I think they are from Dmitri's pack. I wanna make him a little jealous tonight. I have no doubt in my mind that him and Conner will find out everything that happened tonight before our heads hit our pillows."


"Issy, Sarai get your butts over here and lets do these shots. We got hotties to dance with." He yelled from the bar.

We walked up to him, downing all five shots. As a human; that gave me a instant buzz, them being werewolves; it didn't do shit to them. I hate them sometimes. Not really, but you know what I mean. Right?

"So Sarai which one you calling dibs on? I think that one with the blond hair is sexy, I think I'm calling dibs on him first."

"The one next to him; the guy with the spiky hair."

"What about you Austin you find a hottie to grind on?" I could tell he was looking at the same group of people, they had a couple of women with them.

"Oh hell yes, she is the one standing next to spiky."

"Great then lets get this show on the road." We all walk up to the group, me walking center. We go to the ones we picked out.

"Wanna dance big boy?" OH ya that was so original.

"I'm not sure If I should sweetheart don't get me wrong I would definitely love to, but we all know the Alpha is your mate and he would be extremely pissed off if I danced with you." He was smirking as his eyes looked up and down my body making me shiver.

"Oh I already told him to fuck off tonight, its my night to grind on anyone I want to and he knows if he punishes any of you he is in the dog house; pun intended." Winking at him before dragging his sexy ass out on to the dance floor.

30 Minutes later....

"Good lord women you do know how to shake your ass, I might have to take you to one of the backrooms to punish you a little for torturing me so much." The blond guy whispered in my ear.

I could tell he was having a lot of fun, but so was I. This guy really knew how to make a girl hot and bothered. If I didn't have two angry pissed off alpha mates back home I would definitely try to have a one night stand with this man. Well that is if I'm allowed to anyways. Stupid brothers.

"I would love to let you punish me, but that might be taking it to far. I think I couldn't stop Dmitri from killing you if he found out about that. I've noticed he is a very possessive man when it comes to me." I was still grinding my ass up against him as his hands slid up and down my body.

"Yes he is, I'm surprised he even let you out of the house looking as hot as you do. If I was your mate I would take you right back up stairs and strip you down and have my way with you. Forgetting all about going clubbing. "

"I bet you would, now shut up and dance."

"Yes ma'am"

We danced for another half hour until another chick came up and stole blond dude away from me. It was ok though because I got two new guys and boy is it fun being sandwiched together. Their hands making shivers run through out my body. At one point in time I started to make out with the guy in front of me while the guy behind me was kissing my neck. I'm pretty sure I was gonna have a hickey there in the morning. It felt so good though so I didn't care.

They dragged more like carried me off the dance floor and into a private room, the whole time I was still making out with the guy in front of me. Lets call him Zac and the one behind me shall be Noel. Ok well Noel sat down it the middle of the bed while I was placed between his legs. Zac thought it would be ok to start kissing me lower then my lips, which at first I was ok with until he was headed towards my core.

Zac lifted my dress up to my waist as Noel untied my top bring it down. My mind was snapped back into reality. They were gonna have sex with me and I was gonna let them. What was I thinking.

"AUSTIN HELP ME, AUSTIN HELP." I screamed at the top of my lungs. Nothing came out after that as a hand covered my mouth with a white cloth. I was fighting so hard, but I was being pulled down, why? WHAT WAS ON THAT CLOTH?

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Austin screamed at the two guys. In a second I was torn from there hands and pulled up against Austin's chest. "If her two mates were here you would be dead already. I would do the honors, but I have to take her home now since you have ruined the night."

Austin turned around carrying me out the door, but not before I saw five guys from Dmitri's pack walk into the room. I knew that those two wolves would not be coming out alive.

He carried me to a chair and sat me down." Are you ok Issy? Here let me fix your dress. If Conner or Dmitri see you like this they will freak out." He pulled my dress up and tied it in the back and I pulled it down so it covered up my bottom. "Issy are you ok? Your not talking to me? Do you want me to get Conner for you?"

"No, I don't want Conner and Im fine really, all they got to do was kiss me nothing else. They weren't expecting me to scream. But they did put a cloth over my mouth like they wanted to knock me out. I was scared they were gonna kidnapped me at first, but then you showed up like always and saved me. Your always the one to save me. Now that I think on it, every time I needed someone you were there, or when I hurt myself you were there. Were you following me?"

He looked sad and I couldn't tell why. "Issy the reason I always followed you was because I was in love with you. I was told by your brothers that I could never act on my feelings though. If I did I would have to leave town and never return. I understand now why they said that, but back then it killed me to know I couldn't further our relationship. I wanted to be the man who held you at night, the man to kiss you good morning and the man to make your belly grow with our children. I love you so much Issy and It kills me that I wont be able to be with you."

Wow, what can I say to that? I've always known that we had a speical bond, but never would have guessed that he loved me so much.

Without thinking I pulled his face towards mine and kissed him. He kissed me right back after the shock wore off. It wasn't soft at all, it was demanding, he had been holding back for years and it all came crashing down on us. I wanted to give him everything, but deep down I knew I couldn't. So I gave him my all right now, not holding back so at least he had something good to remember me by.

"You to might want to stop sucking face, Conner and Dmitri are on there way here and are pissed as is, because of those two guys trying to rape and kidnapped her," sighing she sat next to me.

Pulling away from Austin I leaned my head against the wall taking deep breaths."Your right, how many of there people saw us making out?"

"All of them, ever since you screamed they have had there eyes on you just in case someone tried to do something else. It's weird those two guys aren't from here or Conner's or Dmitri's packs and they aren't rogues. We have no idea what pack they belong to." She was shaking now.

"Ok well lets go home, this night has ended anyways."

We walked outside the club and headed to Austins truck. I didn't make it that far though as we turned the corner of the club to were no one could see us a white van pulled up to me the doors being thrown open as five guys jumped out.

It all happened in slow motion, two of them grabbed me as another one put a cloth over my mouth. Before I blacked out I saw one man shoot Austin in the chest five times and the other shoot Sarai four times.

I couldn't do anything though, my body was already falling into the darkness. My last thoughts were hoping that they would both live. I don't know if I could go on if my two besties died. They were my world. If they died I would die. Closing my eyes I fought the darkness but it took over in the end.

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