Chapter 6

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How is everyone doing?

So tell me what is the stupidest/funnest joke you've ever heard?

Enjoy her little break down!!!

Oh and if I've spelled a word wrong please let me know as wattpad mobile doesn't catch evertying. :)


Chapter 6

Wiping the flowing tears away, I ignore the cold wind surrounding my body. The instant shivers course down my skin and attack my bones.

Who are they? If we aren't blood related then who are they? Who am I for that matter?

Was I kidnapped and held against my will as a child? No, thats not possible. I remember mom and dad as a child. The laughter in the house as my father chased us around the furniture.

Unless that was all a lie too. Did the only parents I know kidnap me? Was I a missing person?

Sobbing the tears flow with rigorous force. Who am I? I know for a fact, I'm not a werewolf. If I'm not then how did I get to this town. How did my so-called brothers become my brothers?

Placing my forehead against the cold soggy ground, I pound it with my fists. The anger and desperation surge through my heart and soul.

How could they have lied to me all these years?

Nothing makes a lick of sense.

"Issy,' I hear Hunter whisper in the breeze. He sounded desperate. Why? Worried I would run from them?

Ignoring him, I curl into a ball as the rain starts twinkling down from the star filled sky. When had it gotten dark out? It was mere minutes ago when I ran. Wasn't it?

"Oh, Issy please stop crying. It's breaking my heart. We hate seeing you broken and destroyed. Your brothers and I never wanted this to happen in this manner of fashion."

Manner of fashion? How else do you come out and tell the girl you kidnaped that her fake brothers are werewolves? I honestly don't believe they have a course in high school for that lecture.

Welcome to werewolf history, where you will learn who in your family is a werewolf and why they kept it all a secret from you. Oh top of that you will have a mouth watering buff dude stride into your brothers backyard and inform you of how your life now belongs to him.

Oh yes, they definitely offer that freakin course in high school.

Lifting my head up, the water crashes down on my limp body. I open my mouth wide and scream at the top of my lungs. Pain, betrayal and utter confusion surround my heart and mind.


Rolling over I plop down on my back, the mud making a plopping noise with the sudden weight. The feeling of mud soaking through my already drenched clothing doesn't faze me one bit.

"Issy, it's me Hunter. Will you say something?"

Swooshing my head to the side in the mud, I come to see Hunter sitting cross legged a few feet from me. A frown plastered his face as if he was worried for my well being. How is that possible? He kept a dark and dangerous secret hidden deep within his mind from me.

How can a loved one keep vital information about your own-self under lock an key, then expect to be forgiven in the blink of an eye? That's if I believe them in the first place.


Ha...yea right!

It's all a big fat joke. Yea, they are playing a big fat joke on me.

"Shift into the wolf," I stutter out. Unsure of how to go about requesting such a thing.

"Are you sure Issy? It won't freak you out and send you into a fit? You've been outside for nearly seven hours. If you continue on, we fear you will catch a cold." I could hear his hesitation clearly in the tone of his voice.

"I'm waiting," I snap harshly. He wants to show me one minute then next he questions my sanity?

He steps out of the line of my vision for who knows how long. Probably having the imposters pull the wolf suit over his body. Yea, thats how they did it before. I must have looked away for a few minutes when they first pulled the prank.

Feeling the pitter patter of the rain drops on my face, I take in a deep breath. The crisp night air, wet grass and mud sink into my already fuzzy mental state. Swishing the this fake information around until I have no idea whats truth or lies.

Why would my brothers pull such a horrible prank on me? Is this because I've ignored them during the week these past few months? Are they seeking revenge?

This isn't revenge it's torture to a loved one.

A near silent whining brings me out of my mental musings. Turing my head towards the direction of the noise, I see the grey and white wolf laying down on his tummy, massive head laying on his front paws.

I wonder how much it cost the guys to buy this extremely realistic costume. Did they use real fur? It sure seems like it.

Rolling over in the slick mud, I place my hands and knees firmly on the ground.

It's time to find the zipper to this massive fur-ball. Once I do, I'm never forgiving my brothers. Talking to them will be thrown out with the trash. Never to see it again.

Padding my way to the quiet wolf, I hesitate for all of a second before my hands are attacking its fur in desperation for the metal zipper. Not finding one on it's back, I push the wolf over onto its side. My fingers run through the course fur franticly when I realize there is no zipper on his belly or side. It has to be on the opposite. It has to be.

"Dammit where the hell is it," I yell out. "Where did you hide the damn zipper Hunter! I know its here somewhere."

Pulling the fur, I try to rip it out in my fragile mental state.

A loud snarl snapped me out of my circle of thoughts. Pushing away from its underbelly, I focus my attention on it's face. Pulling his snout in front of my crazy looking eyes.

My hands reach inside and pull his mouth open. It has to be here somewhere. In my desperation, I try each tooth in hopes of one of them forcing a hidden compartment to pop open and revile my twin.

He would jump out and yell, 'Surprise' before my fist meats his jaw with all my might.

"Isabelle, he is a real wolf." A voice penetrates my crazy haze. "All your brothers are."

Lies....All lies.

The voice is speaking utter nonsense.

Shaking my head, I try to block it out of my mind.

"If you do not believe me look for yourself," It demands this time.

No, I didn't want to look. I wanted to fall asleep and wake up to this morning. Where instead of going to a BBQ at my brother's place, they will be coming over for our nightly family dinner.

"Isabelle, I will not tell you again. Look at your brothers!" The voice demands with authority unlike nothing I've ever heard or felt.

My body listened to him, ignoring my own command to stay put and find the missing zipper.

Fighting with my remaining might, I feel my strength leaving my body. Why is it listening to him?

My body turns around facing away from the fake wolf. My eyes blink a few couple hundred times to drink in what I'm seeing in front of me.

Not possible.

Stumbling back on my bottom, I push myself away from the on coming wolves. Everywhere I look, I see one. Black and white, grey with streaks of black, grey with splats of white.

This isn't happening right now. My mind is playing a trick on my brain. It has to be.

Standing up onto wobbly feet, I fumble throughout the trees. Tears falling down my cheeks in waves, mixing with the drenching water.

If I reach my house, all I'll need to do is crawl into bed and fall asleep. When I wake up this will all have been a horrible nightmare.

"Isabelle, this is all real. You'r not dreaming." The voice tries to tell me.

All I can do is shake my head as I dodge on coming trees. Stumbling here and there, I feel the branches cut into my skin, forcing blood to trickle out.

"Go away," I scream.

My hands holding my head as if his voice could be shut out. Closing my eyes, for a split second, I try to block it all out. The voice, the memory of the wolves, the lies my brothers told me, the strangers showing up and disturbing a peaceful evening.

Not watching where I my feet were fumbling, I feel the slippery mud slide out from underneath my bare feet. The whoosh of air hitting my body as it free falls registers my mind too late.

Unable to brace myself, I feel a stabbing pain in my skull before the stars disappear the voice in my head becomes silent at last.


Let's play 'How well do you know your characters'?


Will Issy believe her day was a nightmare when she wakes up?


Which character will be speaking to her once she wakes up?

Thanks again for reading guys. :)

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