Chappie 1

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Here's the first chapter.........


Haysville; a town where we lycans live in a pack, and our alpha is the most powerful alpha in the country, and many fear him allover the country, due to he so powerful, and any pack, who has tried to attack our little town, has met an untimely death by his hands, because he protects our pack that lives here along with humans.
Lycans and humans live peacefully in this town I was born in, that Hayden my older sister raised me in after our parents died in a fatal car wreck.
But our Uncle Andrew sees me as a disgrace; due to I cannot shift into a lycan, and he is a rich conglomerate; and when he has always told me I was a worthless cur to our family, and my only usefulness was giving birth to a child for my mate, and nothing more, so he only sees me as a broodmare, and not a person at all.
My sister lost her mate years ago, him dying by a rogue killing him, and she hasn't found a mate since then, and since she's in her thirties, and I'm still in highschool, she still takes care of me, because she promised Mom and Dad she would at their funeral.

I truly never met our alpha; and I hope to hell I never do, yet sadly the yearly party he will throw to try to find his mate is coming up, which is tomorrow, and I know that my Uncle Andrew will force me to go, and I truly didn't want to go, because I am in heat today.
It's shameful I go into heat like any other lycan, but cannot shift into a lycan form.
I'm often bullied for not being able to shift by other teenagers, but my best friend Paige Nixon never bullies me, neither does her boyfriend she's mated to Silas McKinney.
I just hope if I'm forced to go; that the alpha doesn't pick me as mate material, because I don't want that at all.
I want the alpha to pick someone else, and I'm hoping he does pick some other poor sap to be his mate.

Like any other day; I had arrived at school thanks to Paige, since she picked me up from my home, and my stomach was full with a hearty breakfast, but as usual when my heat is upon me, I turned the usual heads of male students, them probably scenting out I'm in heat as usual too, and it annoys me, me giving them all a glare to look away from me, and like usual they look away.
My light brown short hair was styled up in some styling gel, and my eyes were a silver color, a rare eye color, and I was indeed chubby, with a slight pot belly, and since I'm insecure about my chubby body, I dress in men's clothes, and I wore a purple and black Purple Rain shirt, and black sweatpants that had Godzilla in chibi form on one leg, and I wore black men's boots, that had men's black and gray socks on my feet.
My skin was pale as snow, and my blue veins showed prominently upon my pale skin, and my lips were thin too, my round cheeks upon my face showed prominently around my lips, my jawline was masculine, and my neck had a double chin, and I had chubby kidney areas, but a tiny butt, and I had chubby upper arms, thick thighs, as well big breasts.
I had bushy eyebrows too.
I felt more comfortable dressing as a boy, and styling my hair that way.

I felt the need to go to the bathroom, so I walk towards the bathroom, and Paige followed me as usual, and we enter the bathroom, and I go into a stall, and used the facilities, and finished up, then I washed my hands.
"You feeling okay Dawn?"
Paige asked me.

I dry my hands and say.
"I'm fine.
Just in heat and it sucks as usual."

"Did you take your suppressants?"
She asked me.

"Yeah I did."
I tell her.

"That should help."
Paige says to me as she was painting her thick full lips with a light purple lipstick.
"And it'll pass soon."

I look away from her, me grabbing my bookbag and my phone I sat on the counter, me sticking my phone into my right big sweatpants pocket.
"I doubt it'll be that easy to go away."
I tell her as we left the bathroom.

"I know; but you'll be fine."
She pats my shoulder as we walk to class.
"By the way; the yearly party is tomorrow for the alpha, so are you going?"

"I don't want to go, but I doubt I'll have a choice, because of my uncle."
I sigh an annoyed sigh at her, me giving her a look I'm fed up with how my uncle treats me.
"I mean my uncle hates me because I can't shift, so why would he bother forcing me to go to that fucking party?"
I say to her, me frustrated about the matter.
"I mean really; why care if he sees me as a disappointment to the family Paige?"

"For one; that I can't answer.
Number two; who cares if you can't shift, and number three; you are beautiful as you are without being able to shift, so fuck what he says."
Paige tells me.
"Worry about the now."

"Hello girls."
Silas walked up to us, him bouncing his eyebrows at us; the skinny swim team captain smiled warmly at me and even warmer at Paige....well since she's his mate.
Silas was a dark haired guy, with sun kissed tan skin, and dark brown eyes, and he's nineteen, the oldest in our senior class of 1A, and Paige is eighteen as well as I'm eighteen.

"Well you're just as handsome as ever Silas."
Paige giggled at his greeting, the perky slim perfectly toned red head, with bountiful curls in her hair that she curls herself every morning with her curling iron, bounced as she giggled at him.
She had deep ocean blue eyes, and freckles allover her pale as snow skin, even her cheeks had those freckles.
Her outfit as usual was pink inspired, her wearing a pink tank top with a rainbow on it, and her bootie shorts were pink too, and she wore pink rain boots, and knee high rainbow colored tights, and wore a sleeveless blue jean jacket.

"Thank you milady."
Silas took her hand and kissed the top of it, and she giggles more, and I shook my head at his mischievous ways.

"Get a room you two."
The principal complained as he walked by us, him glaring at me, the way chubbier gray haired man always has loathed me, and it shows by that glare, and I ignore his glare.

"Let's go to class."
I tell both Silas and Paige.

Paige says to me; and Silas looked annoyed he couldn't tease Paige anymore thanks to the principal told the two to get a room.

We walked into class, the classmates of ours chattering to each other, and I sat at my usual seat next to Paige on her right, and Silas sat to her left, and the bell rang, and the teacher started to talk about the assignments.


To be continued......

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