21. Same mistakes

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Hey! No time for author's note.

21. Same mistakes

I wake up in a soft bed, cocooned in my blankets. I stretch my arms as I sit up, light filters through the gap in the window curtains.

My feet pad against the cold wooden floor as I go towards the window and open the curtains.

A smile tugs at my lips. Sunlight is scattered over the tall trees, birds are sweeping and diving through the air. Opening the window, I let the cool morning breeze brush against my face.

“This is life,” I say to myself, crossing my arms at the windowsill

“Talking to yourself, Hazel?” A deep voice reaches my ears “That’s not concerning at all.”

I turn my face towards the source and see Luke coming out from the bathroom, a towel around his neck, hair sticking in all angles.

“Of course it’s not,” I roll my eyes despite my smile “When are you ever concerned about me?”

“Not often,” He walks over to me and takes a glance at the scenery

For a moment, both of us let silence envelope us in cozy embrace, watching as the sun continues to rise.

Something wet and heavy drops on my head.

“If I start doing that,” Luke walks by me “I’ll become a blood pressure patient.”

I take the towel off my head and glare at him, he simply goes to the door.

“I’m going down to see if there’s something to eat,” He says before vanishing through the door

I take a shower and then look through my bag for clothes. With a sigh, I pick up a tank top and pair of not-so-short shorts. Why am I suddenly regretting my choice of clothes?

Don’t worry, Elise. If anyone thinks it smart to bother you, you can handle it.

I let my hair frame my face and leave the room, my shoes in my hand. The wooden floor feels nice under my bare feet.

Just as I close the door and turn around, I bump into someone.

“Sorry,” Ethan offers me an apologetic smile, steadying me by the arms “Are you okay?”

“It’s fine,” I return his smile “This hallway is too damn small anyways.”

He nods with a chuckle before stepping out of my way “Ladies first.”

“Why thank you,” I grin as I walk past him and descend the stairs

Just as I reach the bottom, I spot Adrian and Ryan. Adrian raises his brows at my attire, Ryan looks passive as ever.

“Good morning,” I smile at them as I turn towards the lounge

While I put on my shoes, I fell a dip form in the couch as someone sits down besides me.

“Going somewhere, love?” Adrian asks

I straighten myself and give him a bright smile “I’m going for a walk, being copped up in a house is not really my thing.”

“Mine neither,” he gives me a sly smirk “Mind if I join you?”

“Is there a reason I should?” I raise an eyebrow and stand up

I catch Luke’s eyes as we pass by him leaning against the kitchen doorframe, a steaming cup in his hand. He straightens himself, eyes darting between me and Adrian.

“Ah, Winters, morning coffee?” Adrian says, casually resting his arm on my shoulder

“Going somewhere?” Luke completely ignores him, his eyes trained on me

“We’re going for a walk,” I reply cheerfully “It won’t take long.”

“And don’t worry about her safety,” Adrian smirks “As long as I’m with her, she’s going to be alright.”

He puts his arm on the small of my back and before Luke has a chance to say anything, steers me away.

I look over my shoulder and see Luke’s stormy glare at the man by my side. My lips tug upwards as I wink at him, barely catching his slack expression when we turn around the hallway.

My eyes assesses the small clearing in front of me as we leave the house. I take Adrian’s arm, much to his contentment and steer him around the lodge, keeping light conversation as I scan the residence.

Hmm, no shed. No fence. Where did they take our weapons? The trees too far for someone to plan an ambush from close. Unless they have guns, of course.

“That’s one dense partner you have, love.” Adrian says, catching my attention

I sigh “My misfortune. He has no clue how to treat girls.”

Adrian leans a little towards me “I’d like to make it up to you.”

I look up at him from under my lashes, a shy smile on my face “Are you so sure you can do that?”

“Positive.” He gives me a wolfish grin

Our walk around the lodge ends and Adrian starts walking towards the trees. I brush my hand against the waistband of my jeans shorts, feeling the gun I kept there.

“Goddess, I really don’t like trees with vines,” I say, holding Adrian’s arm tighter “They are so creepy.”

“Don’t worry, love,” Adrian says “I’ve got you.”

I lean forward, noticing how his eyes dart to my lips for a second. I resist the urge to smirk; what an easy kill.

“You’re so good at this,” I say softly “Luke is always stumbling over the ground.”

His other hand moves towards my waist, I’m quick to place my hand on his arm. If he notices the gun, we’re probably about to be eliminated.

“I’m good at a lot of other things, love.” He leans forward, our faces too close for my liking

“Oh, I’m sure you’re better than Luke.” I say “You must be so far ahead from us.”

“Yeah, we’re moving towards the south west,” Adrian smirks, his eyes shining, pleased to be called better than someone “You’re probably looking at your future Alpha Supreme.”

I swiftly pull away, a rueful smile on my lips “The future Alpha Supreme is even farther from my reach than you, Alpha.”

With a sigh of misery, I cradle myself in my arms and start walking forward, leaving a blinking idiot behind.

“Hey, Elise!” Adrian catches up to me fast “Love, you’re misunderstanding me, I’m not like others.”

I look at him with a sad, sad smile “I know you’re not.”

The look on his face. Goddess knows how I stop myself from laughing.

“I don’t understand,” he says, eyebrows furrowed “Did I do something wrong? Just a minute ago, you, we were about to…”

Oh moon, just how desperately does this strip of an Alpha boy wants to get laid?

“Oh my moon,” I say, feigning innocence “Do you think I was going to… to seduce you?! how could you think that about me?”

His eyes widen “No, I didn’t mean—

“No, I get it,” I sniffle “Of course you would think that about a little omega girl.”

“Elise, love, I didn’t—

I run off to the lodge like a heartbroken princess. When I enter, the lounge is empty, much to my relief. I quickly go up the stairs to lock myself in my room before that poor idiot can catch up to me.

When I go inside, I quickly turn and lock the door, catching my breath.
When I turn around, I see Luke sitting on the bed, the map open in front of him.

He notices my breathless, red face and the next moment he’s standing in front of me.

“What happened?” he asks as his eyes scan me for injuries “Are you alright? Did Woodsmen cross the line—

“No, no.” I exhale “I just came up the stairs really fast.”

Luke raises an eyebrow “Didn’t the walk go as planned?” Sarcasm drips from his voice

I grin at him “Oh no, it went splendidly.”

Just then, the door rattles. Then someone knocks.

“Love, open the door.” Adrian says

Luke gives me a suspicious look, I only gesture at him to stay quiet by putting a finger to my lips.

“Go away, Adrian.” I say in a wretched tone “Leave me alone.”

“Love, I didn’t mean to upset you, please open the door.”

Goddess, forgive me for enjoying this so much. And the fact that Luke looks beyond surprised doesn’t make it any less amusing.

“I… I’m not upset, just, let me be for a while.” I say, sniffling “Please.”

A moment of silence passes.


I wait until his footsteps vanish before I burst out laughing. He fell for it! He bloody fell for that little play!

Someone coughs, my laughter subsides and I turn to Luke. He crosses his arms and gives me a hard look.

“An explanation.” He says, leaving no room for argument

“Adrian wanted some company, I just made it a little dramatic.” I grin and tell him my little play

“Oh, he told me something.” I take a startled looking Luke’s arm and pull him to the bed

My eyes skim the map before I realize which path Adrian was talking about. The shortest route.

“They’re taking this path,” I point it out to Luke

Luke raises an eyebrow. Then shakes his head in disbelief.

“I cant believe he told you that,” he says

I shrug, a smirk playing at my lips “The woes of male lust.”

“There’s no way Woodsmen can pave this route,” Luke traces the line, ridden with crosses only a short way from here “I’d tell him to reconsider, but well,” he shrugs “He never told me, did he?”

My smirk fades away, leaving a small lump in my throat.

“Are they,” I hesitate “Are they going to be okay?”

Luke raises an eyebrow at me “You’ve been playing around with him and now you’re asking if he’ll be alright?”

“He asked for it,” I huff “And I’m not heartless, I don’t want anyone to die.”

“Too bad that’s not possible.”

My shoulders slump, I give Luke a glance that will tell him exactly how much his pessimism is appreciated.

More like realism.

Luke sighs “Hazel, if you tell him its dangerous, he’s not going to stop. It’s his own choice.”

I worry my bottom lip, feeling a bit disturbed. I know he’s a lusty asshole, but Adrian and Ryan are still people that are important for others.

Everyone matters to someone.

Someone ruffles my hair, my eyes snap to Luke as he walks past me, the map in his hand.

“Don’t stress yourself for things that aren’t in your control,” he says

“You’re right,” I shake my head “I’m going to get myself something to eat.”

I go towards the door, my hand closes around the handle when I hear Luke call me. I look over my shoulder and catch his impassive gaze.

“Don’t fool around with them again,” He says

I grin “No promises.”

I walk inside the kitchen and grab an apron from the hooks behind the door. I feel myself smile as I tie it around myself. Its been so long since I did some cooking in an actual kitchen.

I make myself an omelet and a cup of tea. I sigh in bliss as I take the first bite. Damn, I’d forgotten how good of a cook I am.

Once I wipe my hands on my apron after washing the dishes, I see Adrian come inside and I’m instantly reminded of my talk with Luke. So much for not stressing.    

“Hey,” he closes the distance between us “Are you alright?”

I give him a small smile “I’m okay. I think I over-reacted.”

He grins, relief clear on his face “So, would you like to continue where we left?”

I raise an eyebrow, he quickly holds his hands up in defense “I mean the walk.”

I bite the corner of my lip as I take off the apron and set it aside. Maybe…

“Sure,” I finally say

He takes my hand in his and we walk out of the house again. Our walk is silent this time, Adrian holding my hand in his own but unlike what I experience with Luke, I don’t feel my skin tingling. Its just his hand around mine. Nothing more.

“Hey Adrain,” I begin softly, he hmms in response “Don’t you think that path you’re taking, its too dangerous?”

He laughs. The bloody fool laughs.

“There’s nothing like too dangerous in my dictionary, love.” He say winking at me, I hold back a sigh

Soon enough, we reach a little stream. I cant help my fascination as I see the crystal clear water.

“Its so pretty,” I say in awe, watching my reflection on the fleeting water

“Yeah,” Adrian says, but I can feel his eyes on my face rather than the stream

I feel his hands on my arms and he turns me to face him.

“Elise, I really didn’t mean to upset you.” he says, he’s so close to me. Too close.

He starts leaning forward, eyes closed, lips puckered. I roll my eyes and do what any pure little maiden would.

“Oh my,” I shove him away, turning my face shyly


I gasp, Adrian comes to the stream surface, drenched completely. I  have to hold back a bark of laughter, almost chocking on it.

That gave you the cold shower you needed, didn’t it?

“Oh my moon, are you okay?” I help him up

“Perfect.” He says, a sour look on his face

“Come on, we should get back.” I say, he nods

Adrian goes to his room with a sullen look. With a snicker, I sink down in a sofa.

“You seem pleased.” My eyes fly open to see Joseph

He offers me a lazy smirk before he waltz towards me, leisurely settling down besides me. I stiffen and shuffle a bit away, watching him warily.

“I’m not going to try anything,” he says, rolling his eyes

“What are you?” I raise my brows “A mind reader or just creepy?”

He straightens himself, an offended look on his face “I am not creepy.”

This time, I roll my eyes “Sure you’re not.”

“If you’re referring to last evening,” Joseph says “I was just messing around. I’m already mated.”

“What?” I almost jump from my seat “You have a mate?”

“A very loving one,” he says

“Then why did you even bother acknowledging my presence?”

“I was teasing Winters.”

I give him a look “That doesn’t make sense.”

“We can test that right now, Winters is probably going to come looking for you in a moment.” His lips tug upwards at that

After a few minutes of awkward silence, I hear someone descending the stairs.

Joseph takes a sniff of the air, glances at me before he quickly goes behind the sofa and puts his hands on my shoulders, leaning down so his face almost brushes mine.

Not a moment later, Luke enters and his eyes fall straight on us. His jaw clenches, the storm in his eyes goes livid and he steps forward. I feel a lump forming in my throat. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea…

“What are you doing?” he gives Joseph a death glare

“I’m just giving her a massage, Winters.” Joseph says casually as he pulls away

“You should really try this, Luke.” I say, trying to act just as casual “Joseph’s hands are magical.”

“I’ll pass,” Luke narrows his eyes at Joseph

“Fine.” Joseph shrugs and, shoving his hands he looks at me "See you later, Elise."

Before he disappears in the hallway that leads to his room, he looks back at me as mouths ‘See?’

“I really can’t leave you alone for a moment,” Luke says to me

“Why?” I feign innocence “What did I do?”

He narrows his eyes to slits and all but bites out “Nothing.”

Then he storms towards the stairs again. Goddess, that is one protective man.

With a sigh, I push myself up from the sofa and go out of the lodge. I lean against the wooden wall, staring at the trees ahead.

Why is Luke always thinking I’m some damsel in distress? Some weakling omega? Why cant he just trust me and know that I can fend for myself?


I jump, snapping out of my thoughts to see Ethan behind me.

He walks up to me and leans against the wall, right besides me. I hold my arms, and offer him a small smile.

“Not really,” I shrug “Just tired after the long day I guess.”

“Tired on a break?” He raises his eyebrow

“I guess I became a workaholic,” I grin

He chuckles softly “Seriously? That’s concerning.”

I look at him thoughtfully, words fall out of my mouth without permission.

“Why do you care about me so much?”

Ethan’s blue eyes snap to mine, for a moment he doesn’t answer. I almost think he wouldn’t but then he says;

“My brother’s mate was an omega.”

Was?” I raise an eyebrow

Ethan nods, turns his eyes to the trees in front of us “She was treated very badly by her pack. By the time she met my brother… she was too afraid, even of him. No matter how much he tried, it just didn’t work. She was already too broken. It broke him too.”

I stare at him, holding my breath “Where are they now?”

“Six feet under,” A strained smile tugs at his lips “Both of them.”

I swallow the lump in my throat “What happened to them?”

“Celeste had a heart attack,” he says quietly “My brother attempted suicide. I was 15.”

Silence descends around us. Neither of us move. Neither of us say anything.

Finally, I say “I’m not broken, Ethan.”

He glances at me then, his lips curve up in a smile “Maybe that’s why I like you so much.”

Unbidden, my cheeks heat up. Did he just say he likes me? As in like likes me? As in a guy liking a girl like?

“If only Celeste had been strong like you…” Ethan trails off. He shakes his head, as if trying to get rid of a pestering thought “After this Hunt, I’d like to know you more.”

“I…” my eyes dart across the place, trying to hold onto something innocent “I’m not sure that would be possible.”

Ethan raises his eyebrow “Why?”

I open my mouth to say something, but a loud voice interrupts me.

“Anyone wanna play cards?” Freddie peeks from around the wall. How long has he bloody been there?! “We found a deck in one of the drawers.”

“Me!” I say and quickly follow him to Adrian’s room, where him, Joseph and Ryan are already seated.

Though I focus on the round we play, mom’s voice kept ringing in my ears.

Don’t make the same mistake I did Elise.’

Sneak peek!

"What is this?" I hold up the tiny bottle

Luke snatches it from my hand and tosses it back in his bag. Zipping it up, he throws it over his shoulder.

"We're moving on." He starts walking

Quickly, I catch up to him "Why do you have wolfsbane?"


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