30. Better a bitch than a whore

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30. Better a bitch than a whore

✧ Luke ✧

Everette leads me to her room and after dinner, she excuses herself to go and change.

I sit on the bed, calculating if everything’s ready. Only a few hours from now, Hazel and I will be out of their territory and on our way.

The bathroom door clicks open, and I have to refrain myself from raising my brows at the sight in front of me.

This is one desperate woman. Is my first thought when I see her in a lingerie. The second is that is that I really need to get out of here.

She walks towards me, or maybe stalk would be a better word. Her manicured hands come down on my neck as she settles her behind on my lap, batting her lashes at me.

“I’m just so tired,” Trust me, I am as well.
I make my lips tug upward and cock my head to a side “For someone very tired, you look ravishing.”

Rebecca drags a hand through my hair and smiles at me. Unbidden, the memory of someone else’s hand in my hair forces it way into my mind.

Hazel’s hand had been smaller, gentler but it made me feel as if someone had setup a small shock machine on my head. I had dismissed it, thinking it’s because I haven’t let any woman touch me like that. But this doesn’t make me feel anything, simply five fingers moving through my hair.

“I want an escape,” She leans forward, lips hovering over mine

“I’m sure anyone with eyes will do anything for you,” I say

The corner of her mouth lifts “You know any?”

“I’ve heard many men from your coven would die to have a moment with you,” I say smoothly

My hands slide up her back towards her shoulder blades, searching for the pressure points to numb her arms. If she cant use her wand, we can slip away easily.

“Like this Filipe I’ve heard of,” I say, leaning in just a little

She laughs at that “I know a lot of them have a soft spot for me, but Filipe isn’t one of then. He doesn’t swing that way.”


“Don’t talk about others,” she says softly “Tell me what you would do for me?”

The faintest sound of the door opening makes my shoulders tense. A familiar scent hovers towards me, I have to force myself not to break eyes contact with Rebecca. From my peripheral, I see someone take silent, determined steps forward and—

A loud metallic bang! rings in the air as a frying pan slams on Rebecca’s head.

Rebecca falls off my lap with a yelp of pain. Her grey eyes narrow at the short female holding a frying pan like a lethal weapon.

“You bitch!” Rebecca shoots to her feet

“Better a bitch than a whore,” Hazel slams the frying pan straight on her face

Rebecca’s eyes roll to the back of her head, her nose bleeding profusely as she collapses on the ground.

I watch wide-eyed with my mouth hanging open, mind blank with shock.

“Oh my moon,” Hazel turns to me, brows furrowed in concern “Luke, can you hear me? Are you alright?”

She touches my cheek and I feel a jolt in my spine. My mind snaps back to reality.

“What have you done?” I stand up, gesturing at the unconscious witch on the floor “Everyone must’ve heard that sound.”

Hazel blinks at me, her golden eyes confused “You… You’re not under a spell?”

“What?” I raise an eyebrow

“When I was in the warehouse, she was saying to someone that you’re going to be spellbound by her…” She trails off, her eyes fall on Rebecca’s attire “Oh.”

I don’t know if I should laugh at her innocence or slam my head against the wall.

“Yes, dimwit,” I narrow my eyes “You just announced to the whole house that something’s going on.”

“Wait,” Hazel narrows her own eyes at me “So you weren’t under a spell and still you— that is so gross!”

My back straightens, the note of accusation in her voice doesn’t go unnoticed “If you’ve forgotten, I’m a gentleman.”

She scoffs, waving the frying pan in the witch’s direction “Doesn’t look like it.”

“I was going to disable her, we would’ve left after that.”

She glances at the unconscious witch, then her eyes flicker to me, suspicion evident in them.

“Really, Luke?” she makes a face

I feel a muscle in my jaw jump “Get your mind of the gutter, will you?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

I open my mouth to give her a piece of mind when the door knocks. Oh fuck.

“Ah-oh,” Hazel glances at the door and then at me

I pull my shirt over my hand and ruffle my hair. I hold out the shirt towards Hazel, who mindlessly takes it, red tainting her face.

If the situation was different, I would’ve smirked.

I open the door just slightly, the girl outside quickly averts her eyes.

“Err, sorry to disturbed you sir but we heard a sound,” she says awkwardly

“Try to ignore the sounds, will ya?” I say in a raspy voice

“Of course, Sir.” She quickly turns around and walks away

With a silent breath of relief, I close the door and turn around only to have my shirt thrown straight into my face.

“Try to ignore the sounds, will ya?” Hazel mocks me

“Shut up,” I give her a look “Go to my room, you’ll find a duffle bag there. Throw it down the window.”

Giving me one final glare, she walks past me and out of the room. I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. Looking down at the shirt in my hands, I cant help the upward tug of my lips.

Now do you know what it was like for me at the lodge?

Quickly pulling the shirt back on, I open the window in Everette’s room and neatly jump down. Soon enough, a bag hits my head. Still haven’t taken out your anger, Hazel?

I put the bag on the ground and direct my eyes towards my room’s window.

“Jump down,” I say as quietly as possible

Even from here, I can see the hesitation on her face “Cant we go through the door?”

“The guards, remember?”

Hazel bits her bottom lips hard. Goddess, I need her to stop doing that before she tears off the skin.

“What are you waiting for?” I say

“I, I cant jump from here,” Hazel says, I can guess what it must be costing her to admit there’s something she cant do

“Hazel, I will catch you,” I open my arms and take a few steps forward “Just trust me.”

“I,” she looks back at the room she’s in, then at me, a hint of fear on her features

“For the love of moon, Hazel,” I roll my eyes “Just jump—

Something lands in my arms. Instinctively, I hold on to it as two arms wrap around my neck. Wide golden eyes stare back at me, I can hear Hazel’s fast heart beat, feel her short breaths on my face.

“Luke,” Don’t say my name like that

Despite myself, I lean forward “Yes?”

In three little words, she snaps my mind back in place.

“Put me down.”

Briskly, I put her to her feet and grab the bag.

“The map?” I ask her, silently she reaches into her pocket and hands me a thickly folded paper

The spotless paper that comes in front of my eyes is almost an insult to this Hunt. Regardless, it’s a map.

“We’ll have to get out of their territory before they have a chance to find us,” I tell her “Once we’re out, they cant follow.”

Hazel nods, focusing on her steps for once, rather than talking. I don’t know if its because she doesn’t want to sprain her ankle again or if she just doesn’t want to talk to me.

What is wrong with you, Winters? Stop acting like a teenager.

We keep walking and moving until finally, Hazel breaks her vow of silence and I hear the too familiar words.

“When will we stop?”

Why do I have this ridiculous urge to smile?

I look at my watch, it’s about two hours in morning, one more mile to go before we’re out of their territory. I turn my eyes to Hazel, at her tired features. As if on cue, her mouth opens in a perfect O to yawn.

When Everette wakes up, if she hasn’t already, she wouldn’t let this insult go easily.

“We have one more mile to go, then we can stop.” I say

“Oh come on,” Hazel puffs up her cheeks “What difference would one little mile make?”

“It’s going to ensure our survival.” And your safety

I take her hand in mine, ignoring the tingles that erupt across my skin and start walking, almost dragging her along.

If I have to choose between comfort and safety, the choice would be pretty obvious. Comfort won’t matter to you if you’re dead.

We walk on silently, her hand clasped in mine, fingers interlocked. Finally, we cross the boundary of their territory, Hazel bumps in my back before stumbling away and attempting to straighten herself, her expression one of supreme sleepiness.

“Are you dead yet?” she yawns again “Because I feel dead.”

“Yes, it’s time to lay in the grave.”

“By all means, lets not waste any more time.”

I’d managed to gather some food, two guns, a box of ammunition, some medicine supplies and a blanket. Though the limited supplies are bound to cause problems later, I’m too tired to worry about them right now.

When I pull the blanket out and turn to where Hazel was standing, I find myself staring into air. my eyes dart around and a moment later, I spot her curled up against a tree. Goddess, this girl wouldn’t wait for anything when it comes to sleep.

“Hazel,” I crouch down and shake her shoulder

“Fo afwy,” she mumbles her version of what I suppose was meant to be ‘Go away’

“You’re going to catch cold,” I say, shaking her again “Or get sucked dry by mosquitoes.”

Grumbling, she opens her eyes and pushes herself just enough to let me drape the blanket around her.

“And you?” she raises a sleepy brow

“I’m going to keep watch,” I stand up again

I turn around but before I could take a step forward, something closes around my hand, electricity cackles through me. I whip my head back, hooded golden eyes stare back at me.


My heart should not be beating so hard. Let go of her hand, a part of my mind yells at me. Hold it tighter, some forbidden part of me argues.

“Who’s going to keep guard?” I ask

“We’ve just crossed their territory,” she tugs at my hand “There wont be any traps in such a condensed space.”

She has a point. I look around, focusing if I can hear anything. The perimeter should be safe for another few kilometers.

Another tug on my hand.

Without giving it a second thought, I settle down bedside her. Hazel flops a part of the blanket towards me, before I could tell her its not necessary, she slides closer and leans her head against my shoulder.

Words evaporate on my tongue, everything in my mind goes haywire.

“Just relax,” A soft voice whispers to me “I didn’t know a proud Alpha cant handle sharing a blanket.”

More from challenge than from being vexed, I slide my arm around her shoulders and pull her closer so her head rests against my chest. The scent of Gardenia flowers and rain cascades over to me, her frame small against mine.

“I think you’ve seen enough proof of what I can handle.” I say, my voice quiet in the fragile silence

Her shoulders tense, just a little and if we weren’t so close, I doubt I would’ve noticed it.

“Were you really interested in her?” she asks quietly

I turn my head the slightest bit so I can take a look at her face, the soft sweep of her jaw, the pouty shape of her lips, doe eyes closed and long lashes brushing against her cheeks. Her features are slack from exhaustion, somehow beautiful still, a crease between her golden-brown eyebrows. I want to brush it away with my fingers.

I straighten my neck “I’ve seen better.”

“So you’ve had relations with other women?”


“You’re saving yourself for your mate?”

This time I openly turn my face towards her, Hazel lifts her head from my chest, her eyes meet mine. Like big, golden mirrors— bright, clear with the slightest flecks of darker brown. Both of us have flirted with others, both of us have done it for our own reasons.

“Are you?” I ask, raising an eyebrow

“Yes.” She doesn’t hesitate before answering

“You didn’t find him. What if you never do?”

Hazel puts her head back against my chest, eyes closed, breaths even. She could probably hear my heart beating.

“Then maybe I will find someone else.” She said softly

The silence that follows tells me she’s already asleep. Against my better judgment, I rest my cheek on her head and close my eyes, her words still echoing in my mind.

And after a long, long time, I find something I thought I’ll never have again;

Peaceful sleep.


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