46.5 Wait for me

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Hello my lovely readers! This is the first rewrite chapter! Not really a rewrite though, more like a bonus chapter!
Anyways, this probably has more fluff than the whole book combined, I hope u don't mind that!

46.5 Wait for me

✧ Luke ✧

I held up the piece of paper, running my eyes over the words.

Satisfied with how it turned out, I folded it and put it in an envelope, tossing the envelope over a stack of others.

The lights lit up the office brightly even though it was pitch black outside.

I picked up my pen again, going down to write another letter to one of the Alphas who hadn't participated in the Hunt.

I figured it'll be best if I just write them personally,  keeping in mind the temperament of everyone I was writing to to accommodate packs.

Another one goes by, then another.

After putting yet another letter in an envelope, I lean back in my chair, rubbing my eyes. My eyes stay closed even when my hand falls away.

Just a few more. Then maybe I can review that ceremony details folder. Then a quick glance at the New York HQ location...

Slowly, darkness closes in on my conscious, the silence of the office encouraging the natural shut down of my body.

I was walking through a hallway, looking around I saw blurry portraits hanging from the walls. It was dark, the single gas lamp on the wall made a yellowish glow.

The sound of my shoes on the marble floor echoed in the silence as I walked forward. Though I was moving, the lamp and the portraits remained in the same place, as if moving with me.

That's when I caught it.

An intoxicating scent that made the beast howl, rattle the chains of restraint I had on him, struggling to come out and find the source.

For the first time in my life, I found myself in agreement with this animal, quickening my steps to find the source of this divine scent.

At the end of the hallway, I catch sight of someone's golden brown hair. She sees me coming, wide hazel eyes meet mine and my heart beats harder in my chest.

A gasp reaches me, then she turns around and the sound of fast footsteps echoes as she starts running.

"Hey! Wait!"  I call after her, my own feet starting forward

The hallway starts winding, curling and spiraling. Yet no matter how fast I run, I can't see her. My heart is beating harder for a different reason.

I can still hear her footsteps, running from me. Her name comes to me in a flash, recognition fills my mind.

"Hazel!" I call, desperation taints my voice "Elise, wait!"

"Elise!" I call out again, but it comes out wrong, like the snarl of an animal

My next step hinders. The clinking of chains reaches me. My head snaps down to the shackles on my feet. I try to reach for them but my hands stop, heavy manacles weight them down.

I look up, finding the hallway disappeared and replaced by a place I recognize all too well.

The basement made almost two miles from our pack house.

To contain me.

"Wait!" I call out "the beast hasn't taken over me!"

My own voice echoes, I'm trying and failing to catch my breath.

"Father!" I shout, the chains on my arms threaten to make me fall on my knees due to the weight "Casper!"

I look up, my eyes lock on the door where I see them, pity marring their faces.

My throat burns from the air that rapidly leaves and enters through my mouth.

Why can't they understand me?

My desperate gaze lands on my hands only to still right there.

The lethal claws of a beast enter my vision.

I wake up with a start, my eyes dart over my surroundings.

A desk, books shelves, a lot of papers, the smell of ink. My office.

I lean back in my chair, running a hand over my face as my senses come back to me.

Damn it, Winters, I let out a harsh breath. Get over it already.

I don't usually remember the things that happen when I shift. But sometimes, the memory comes back to me.

I'm still evening out my breaths when the door knocks.

"Come in," I say, picking up the pen again

The door clicks open and someone peeks in.

I look up and my eyes meet familiar hazel ones.

"Hi," Hazel offers me a smile before coming inside

"You're still awake," I say, casting her a quick glance before turning my eyes to the paper in front of me

The scent of gardenia flowers and rain reaches me, calming my raging nerves.

"So are you," She says, I hear her footsteps approaching rather than running away

I resist giving my head a shake. I need to stop letting this get to me.

"I just have some work to do," I say, my voice holding practiced calm "You should sleep, Hazel. You still need rest."

She only hmms in response. From my peripheral, I see her skimming through the files in one of the shelves.

She glances at me from the corner of her eyes, I feel my mind drifting away from the words I'm writing.

Finally, I turn my face to her and raise an eyebrow in question. She simply shakes her head with an upward tug of her lips.

Then Hazel pulls out a file folder from the shelf.

"You probably have to review this, don't you?" She asks, holding it up
The file for the ceremony details.

I nod "Yeah. I'm going to do that now since I can't find it in me to find any sincerity to put in letters anymore."

"And then?"

"Then some research on the New York HQ." I stretch my arms "that's why I said you should sleep. I'm probably going to be awake all night."

I prepare myself to tackle her insistence, but surprisingly, it doesn't come.


I turn my chair around to face her completely "Okay?"

A small laugh escapes her as she walks over to my desk "Have I really made my impression as someone who always argues?"

I hold back a smile "Pretty much, yes."

Hazel narrows her eyes at me, but the gleam in them doesn't go unnoticed by me.

"Hilarious," She says sarcastically, before handing me the HQ file from my table "Come on."

"Where?" I stand from my place as she turns to the door, the ceremony details file still in her hands

"Back to our room," She motions me to follow, my feet comply before I can think better of it "We can work there."

I give her a knowing look "We?"

She grins at me. That bright, enthusiastic grin that can lighten my mood in just about any situation.

"We're partners, remember?" She bumps her arm against mine "If one of us is working, the other has to as well."

"But you just woke up this morning," I state as she opens the door to our room "You should be resting."

"I've been sleeping for the past two days," she takes my hand in her own, causing my skin tingle "besides," She gives me that grin again "I have the rank of a Luna now, I can take it."

I shake my head, but the upward curve of my lips betrays the expression.

"Climb up," Hazel says, getting on the bed and patting the spot besides her

Realizing that I won't be able to convince her out of this one, I simply settle beside her.

It's only a matter of time before she falls asleep.

A giggle reaches me when we're both siting with our backs against the headboard, shoulders touching.

"So this is what mates do in bed," Hazel says "Huh, it's more productive then I expected."

A smile tugs at my lips and I don't fight it as I wrap my arm around her shoulders "Patience, love. All in due time."

She instantly turns to gape at me "I'm the impatient one?"

"Don't worry," I say sympathetically, tucking her close  "I won't judge you, Elise."

She huffs, from the corner of my eyes, I see her irritated expression, the cute one in which she puffs up her cheeks.

Grumbling, Elise opens up her file and starts reading, making herself comfortable in this position.

I let my eyes go over the words of the papers in the file I'm holding, I turn the page once, then twice. By the time I reach the bottom  of the third page, words stop making sense to me.

The tiredness of the past two days slowly descends down on me, the sweet scent of gardenia flowers and rain soothes down my senses.

I don't realize I've dropped the hand which was holding the file, or that my eyes have falling shut until a soft chuckle reaches me from my side.

Something soft and warm presses against my cheek. I can feel her smile on my skin.


"I heard that," I mutter

Another chuckle. The file is slipped from my hand.

"You were supposed to," Elise says "You haven't slept in two days, have you?"

I wretch my eyelids open just barely to look at her.

"I'm fine."

Elise smiles, but unlike her usually contagious or bright ones, this one is softened by something I can't categorize.

Despite how tired I felt, I doubt any amount of tiredness would stop my eyes from widening when she takes my arm off her shoulders and shifts her position so my head falls on her shoulder.

For a moment, I'm completely still. Then her hand reaches my head, fingers gently running through my hair in the way I do to her when I want to calm her down.

"Just because you're fine doesn't mean I cant take care of you."

I feel something weight down on my chest, a strange feeling builds up in my throat.

I don't... remember the last time someone held me like this.

"Go to sleep," Her voice reaches me "I'll take care of this."

For a few seconds, I can do nothing but relish the feeling of her fingers moving through my hair, her scent, the warmth of her body reaching mine.

Finally, my eyes close, giving in to the utter comfort of this moment.
Five years ago, I told myself I don't need my mate. I don't need a stranger to fix me, to help me.

To love me.

Because deep down, I knew she wouldn't be able to. She wouldn't be able to fix me, help me or love me.

Love someone who became a monster every full moon, someone who isolated himself from everything and everyone because he knew they would end up being afraid, someone who didn't care for anyone, nor wanted anyone to care for him.

If you can't feel anything, you can never be hurt, afraid, alone.

But when you can't feel anything, you can't feel love either.

They say people change on this Hunt. I suppose I did too.

Because after a long, long time, I think... I want to feel.

Even if it hurts, even if it's difficult at times, even if I've forgotten how it works.

I want to feel, if it means I get to love her.



"Wait for me."

Her hand stops moving through my hair, a moment later her cheek presses against my head.

"At the end of that dark tunnel," her voices reaches me softly "you'll find me waiting for you, Luke."

And then happens what I thought was impossible, but she's made possible before and now again;

I drift off to peaceful sleep.


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