NEW. 55. Hasta La Vista

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No time for N/A. Enjoy the chapter!

55. Hasta La Vista

The attendants found us.

And the poor souls, I don't think their holy eyes were ready to see two mates making out in the open, in plain day.
To their credit, they did congratulate us on our engagement and gave us their blessings.

After a much dramatic departure—with Casper feigning hurt at not being invited at our engagement, Ethan, Joseph and their companions giving us heartfelt congrats at breakfast, Luke and I trying and failing to have a one-on-one see-you-soon—I'm sitting in a car, admiring my ring.

Two guards sit on the seat across mine, and one sits on my left. All silent men with stone faces. I don't even try to start a conversation.
Dang it, I already miss him.

I sigh, then give my head a determined shake. No, I'm not going to act like a love sick puppy. I'm going back to Mom, to my friends. I might as well enjoy the last few days I'm going to spend in that pack.

Only a millennium later, I see the familiar streets of Minneapolis, the hustle of the city and soon, we're racing down the earthen road to the pack estate.

The car stops and just as the doors unlock, I jump out of the damned vehicle and take a deep, deep breath.

"Ms. Attwood, we have orders to guide you up to the very entrance." One of the guards says in a deep, gravely voice

I nod at him start towards the main gates, holding myself back from breaking into a sprint. Once I cross the threshold, the guards bid me goodbye and turn away.

As if a leash has been broken, I sprint forward towards through the vast gardens. Everything is exactly the way it was eight weeks ago.

No one to greet me, no celebratory preparations even though they had received word that I would be arriving today. Why is the familiar behavior making me grin?

Because it doesn't matter anymore, and I don't want to feel sentimental about leaving this place.

I reach the omega quarters, the little building makes a rush of homesickness go through me.

I take a deep breath outside the door, my hands trembling from the onslaught of emotions. I grab the handle, turn and enter.

The living room is dark, even the window curtains are drawn. Furrowing my brows, I reach for the light switch and flick it up.


I'm frozen in my , stunned by the decorated living room, all of the omegas grinning at me. Angelina is holding a huge cake in her arms.

"Elise, sweetie!"

The next moment I'm engulfed in a puff of motherly love as mom crushes me in her arms. I faintly register the tears flowing out of her eyes as she kisses my cheeks, my forehead.

"Mom, I'm okay." A watery laugh escapes me as I wipe her cheeks

"That's my girl," Morgan says, patting me hard on the back, her grin as friece as always

"I'm so happy you're okay, and even happier that you won!" Angelina squeezes me in a tight hug "You made all of us proud!"

"You, all of you, I didn't think," words betray me, those bastards and I hug mom and Morgan "I missed you all so much."

"You missed your birthday," Kassy says, coming up to me with a smile "So we thought we should make it up to you."

"Thank you," I'm saying, a little shaken by this happiness that has pounced on my so unexpectedly "All of you," I gesture to everyone in the living room "This is more than what I would've ever expected."

"You don't need to thank us," a scrawny boy says, I remember his name to be Victor "We should thank you, you've given all of us something to be proud of."
A loud clang of rings through the air, everyone is hugging me, taking pictures, giving me cards of what they think about my adventure.

You're the bravest Omega I know.

I want to be as strong and resilient as you are.

You show them higher wolves that we Omegas aren't less than anyone.

I'm still marveling at the ingenuity of this whole ordeal when I hear a familiar voice;

"Seems like you've forgotten me, Elise."

I whirl around, the cards still in my hand when I see him, still dressed in his warrior's uniform. Carlos flashes me his usual crooked grin and the next thing I know is that I collide hard with him, wrapping my arms around his neck, almost knocking him off his feet.

"How can I ever forget you, you bastard?" I ask, grinning widely

"You're still the little shit I remember you to be," Carlos laughs, ruffling my hair

"Idiot," I give him a mock glare

"Brat." He ruffles my hair

The party goes by in haze of me telling my stories, eating cake, asking how things have been in the pack, telling them about the crowning ceremony.

A few hours later, I'm curled on my bed, relishing the familiar feeling of my head in mom's lap, her hand stroking my head.

"You're hair has gotten so damaged, dear." Mom says gently "But it'll be fine. I'll mix up my herbal oil, it does wonders for the hair."

I hmm, mindlessly trailing my fingers on the sheets, mind running a thousand miles per second.

"Mom," I finally say, "I met him."

Mom's hand stops moving, I hesitantly push myself in a sitting postion, looking at her startled face. Her eyes snap to the ring on my finger, as if suddenly aware that it was there at all.

Then she seems to snap out of her stupor.

"Who? When? Where is he?"

"I cant tell you who," I give her a teasing smile "But I met him on the Hunt, he's dealing with some important stuff right now."

"Who is he?" Mom takes my hands in hers, a wide smile on her face, eyes crinkled "What is he like? Tell me!"

"You'll just have to meet him," I laugh

"An Alpha," Mom muses, I nod "What of your rank? I swear to all that is holy, if he even thinks—

"No," I say quickly "No, he doesn't care about that. He just wants us together and happy."

"So where is he now?" Mom asks impatiently "When are you two getting married?"

"He'll come to get us in a few days," I tell her "But geez, mom, the ring doesn't mean I'm getting married right away."

"We'll see." She says smugly

I narrow my eyes at her in challenge "Oh, we will."

"What does he look like?" Mom asks me excitedly, I shake my head "Come on dear, I need to know just how cute my grand children will be."

Blood rushes to my face "Mom!"

She laughs and pinches my cheek "Just teasing dear,"

I give her a brooding look, she nudges me.

"Fine, just one thing," I finally give in "He has the most hypnotizing blue eyes. There. I'm not ruining the surprise more."

Mom squeals like an over excited school girl. I cant help but smile, adoration welling up inside me. soon, I'll take her far away to New York, where she'll be allowed  she pleases.

The door knocks, Morgan peeks in "Sorry to disturb the mother-daughter time, but we need to go Juliette." 

"Where?" I furrow my brows

Mom sighs as she get off the bed and put on her shoes "We have to go shopping with the Luna, dear. You know Morgan and I always go with her."

"Cant you stay?" I ask, like a child asking her mom to sleep in the same room

"I tried to sway her," Morgan says with a sigh "But you know Fay, she's stubborn."

Mom presses a kiss to my head and leaves with Morgan, the door closes behind. I huff. I know why Luna insisted on going shopping just now, to let me know its not a big deal that I'm back.

Well, mother-in-law, I hope you can swallow your hate for me for your son.

I stretch my arms over my head when mom and Morgan are gone and then make my way towards my dresser. I find my diary right where I left it in the very back of the last drawer.

With a smile, I grab a pen and set down the write the longest entry this diary has ever seen.


"What?" I raise an eyebrow

the two warriors standing in front of me exchange a look.

One of them, a heavy set man with dark eyes, Eamon, clears his throat and repeats his statement.  

"You have to leave, Attwood."


The other one, Kyle, holds out something for me. I take it and realizations hits me. My contract.

"The Alpha says that you and your mother are to leave in an hour." He says

"But mom's not even here!" I give them a fierce look, hell, after I finished writing my diary, I'd come out of the Omega quarters to ask someone when Mom will be back

Eamon shrugs, Kyle only looks away.

"It's almost dark now," I say "Can't we just stay tonight and leave in the morning? Maybe after Alpha Luke has arrived?"

Kyle purses his lips "Alpha Jax specifically said that you should be gone by tonight."


And they walk away. A part of me wants to curse so loud, Alpha Jax would hear it in his office. I suddenly remember why the hell I wanted to leave this place so badly.

 Think, Elise! You idiot, why didn't you remember this? Maybe I can use the money mom saved for my wedding? Go with the original plan and stay in a hotel for a day or two? But it might not be safe... They promote the Hunt participants, and if someone caught the 'winner' they might be dumb enough to ask a ransom for me.

I bit the corner of my lip as I walk back inside the Omega quarters. Mom's not back. I cant contact Luke or Casper because of that moondamned ritual. Alpha or Luna won't believe me if I say Luke and I are mates...

A thought cuts through my haze of questions.

My mind made up, I hurriedly pack my bags. Once done, I write down two notes. One for mom, explaining where I'm going and how she can reach me. And one for Luke, which is simply;

'My unaware father-in-law has handed me my contract and told me to get lost. I'm going to Ethan's place. Don't be mad at him, I'm not either.

Love, Hazel.'

I leave Mom's letter tapped at the dresser mirror, grab my bags and then walk out. No need for sentimental goodbyes when I can visit the Omegas once all of this clears up.

The sky is almost black when I step out of the Omega quarters. Now all I need is to find Carolus and give him Luke's note. On my way towards the training grounds, since I can hear the clash of weapons, I run into Angelina.

"What are you doing?" she asks me, eyeing the bag  

"Leaving this moonforsaken place," I say "My contract, remember? I'm sure everyone knows of it."

  "Rumors." Angelina nods, her brows furrowed "But, Elise, you can't really be leaving right now!"

She looks pointedly at the night sky, then at me "Where would you even go at this time?"    

"I have a place in my mind." I show her the letter

She takes it from me, taking barely a few seconds to read it, her brows raising.

"Who's Hazel?" She hands me the letter again, then wiggles her brows "And why is she calling Alpha Jax her 'unaware father-in-law'?" 

I grin "Long story. Wait for the book to come out."

"Wait, you're going to Alpha Ethan's territory?" Angelina asks, I nod "Does anyone know you're coming?"

"Nope. I'll have to explain it to Ethan."  I tell her 

Angelina crosses her arms "Do you even know the way?"

I hesitate, then put a fist under my chin "It's in the neighborhood?"

"Goodness, Elise, you're going to get yourself killed." She does a very impressive intimation of Luke's scowl "Wait for me outside the pack residence's gates, I'll take you to Alpha Park's territory."

I raise an eyebrow "How do you know the way?"

She offers me a smug smile "When you're ready to trade information, I'll be happy to tell you."

I narrow my eyes at her, at the old game Carolus, I and Angelina have between us. Information for information, favor for favor. We're a heartless bunch, I know.

"Fine," I shoot her a mock glare "I just have to give Carolus this note, I'll be at the gates soon."

She nods, then hurries towards the Omega quarters, probably to find something warmer to wear. Right, I hurry towards my own destination. 

"Carlos!" I call as I near the training grounds 

Beta Drake gives me a glare, then he barks something at Carlos, he mutters something before quickly jogging towards me. 

"What's up?" he asks, but his eyes flicker to the bag "Elise, don't tell me you're— 

"Leaving," I nod "I have to go quick, brother. But do me a favor?" 

He nods, but the tension in his shoulders tells me he doesn't like this.  

I give him the little piece of paper "When Luke comes back, give him this."  

His eyes widen, but brows furrow "Why? What am I supposed to say to him?"  

"Alpha Jax sent me my contract. He wants me gone by tonight." I tell him "This just explains where I'm going." 

"Where are you even- nevermind," he exhales "You drag me in the craziest things."  

I grin "I'll tell you when I come back." 

"Would they let you?" Carlos asks, his voice taut  

"I'd like to see them try to stop me." I say 

"Lost your head on the Hunt, Alice?" 

I cringe as the familiar voice reaches me, slowly, not wanting to, I turn to look in the direction of the voice to see Casper's twin. Darcie's grey are eyes just like his, but lacking any of his joviality or kindness.

"Finally, we're purging crap like you." Darcie smirks, crossing her arms "It's about damn time."

I give her a passive look "Trust me, I'm the lucky one in that situation." 

"Smart talk all you want, Alice." Darcie sneers at me "But now everyone knows what you really are. A selfish bitch. People have it worse then you, but you just have to make it look like our pack has been horrible to you." 

Maybe eight weeks ago, I'd be angry at her words, wanting to prove her wrong, but right now I have too many things more important than that.  

"You're right, Darcie." I nod, mirth filled in my voice "I'm so selfish and bad, oh my, that's so horrible."

I lean forward, lowering my voice in dangerous calm "Anything you can to do about it?"

I straighten myself, ignoring the look of surprise on her face. Giving Carlos a parting glance, I turn around, ready to start a new chapter of my life. A life no longer dependent on the whims of strangers. 

But my feet stop. This isn't the ending I want this chapter to have. 

"One last thing," I turn back, a grin on my face.  

My knuckles slam against Darcie's nose. 

"It's Elise, bitch!"

That moment is forever burned in my memory when Darice looses her balance, arms failing, and falls on her behind in an ungraceful heap.  

I whirl around and sprint for the gates a she yells for the warriors, a laugh bubbles past my lips and I know they cant catch me now. The one thing I learned on this Hunt is to run.  

At the gates, I cast one final look back. Darcie's nose is swallow, she's yelling something and Beta Drake is trying to calm her down. The warriors look amused and surprised and Carolus is laughing. 

Darcie's livid gaze meets mine. I grin at her and give them all a two finger salute, before I call;  

"Hasta La Vista, assholes!"


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