NEW. 58. Toilet Plunger

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Literally just wrote it😁

New. 58. Toilet Plunger

I open my eyes to the dark.

A groan escapes my mouth as I pushed myself in a sitting positing, my head ringing with a dull ache.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I take in my surroundings.

And there isn’t much to take in, considering that I’m in a dark room with walls made of stone. Its completely bare of furniture, and has no windows, hence the dark. A hulking metal door is against one wall, no doubt locked.

The events that led me here swim in my head and the acrid feeling of anxiety washes over me.

Where’s Angelina?

And where the hell am I?

I stand up, my vision lurches for a moment before restoring. My eyes fall at the ring in my finger, I quickly pull it off and tuck it in my pocket.

Damning caution to hell, I bang my fit on the metal door, the sound echoing.

Moon knows who went to enough lengths to kidnap me— of all the people— and why the hell, but its obvious they want something other than to kill me, so I might as well just ask.

And figure out where Angelina is.

“I’m awake!” I yell out “And I’m hungry! Who the hell kidnaps someone and keeps them starved?”

Yeah, that’s sure to attract someone’s attention.

And as I expected, the door rattles and I quickly take a few steps away. The same men I’d for pack warriors enter my vision.

“Bold of you to make demands,” The blond one says

All thought of my previous words leaves my head, my eyes narrow to slits.

“Where’s my friend?” I ask, my heart beating fast enough for them to hear

Alive,” The other one, with darker hair, tells me “And exactly where you left her.”

I watch them warily, gauging my options of running, wondering if they’re telling the truth. I can only hope they are, otherwise, I’m going to kill them any chance I get.

“Interesting,” I say, keeping my breathing calm “Why am I here then?”

“Settle down, Attwood, you’ll figure out soon."

And the door slams shut.

I hear the sound of they’re feet, which fades away at about the twentieth steps. Where ever I am, it’s a big space.

I pace around the room, thankful for its less than small size so my brain can function.

What is my captor hoping for? Ransome? Well, Alpha Jax would disappoint them.

But Luke…

My heart sinks to my stomach. How long have I been here? Is Luke back? Has Angelina returned to our Pack? Have my captors sent them any messages?

I imagine how all of them might be worried, my own thought causing panic to rise in my head. I need to get out, I have to try something.

I bang the door again.

No one stirs nearby.

So I bang it again, and again and keep banging at it until it opens and—

“What?” the blond guard snaps

I give him an awkward smile “I, uh, I need to use the bathroom.”

He shoots me an annoyed look “Use a corner.”

He’s about to close the door when I leap for it, holding it open with my hands “No wait! You don’t get it! I, well, I had lots of beans for dinner and the atmosphere would wail if I use this place, the stench will reach everywhere and—

“Don’t care,” he tries to pull the door free of my grasp but I hold trighter, squeezing myself half out

“You should!” I grit out, holding as strong as possible “It wont just be my nose that suffers!"

“What is going on here?” the other guard approaches, eyeing me and his companion with confusion

“She’s being a nuisance!” the blond one says

“Excuse me!” I try to push the door open further and fail “Haven’t you ever had to go to the bathroom?”

The other guard pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs “Derek, let her out.”

With an eyeroll, Derek lets go of the door. I stumble forward, out of the room.

“We’ll escort you to the bathroom,” The smarter guard says “And if you try anything, I wont mind dispatching you again.”

“Clear, Sir.” I nod somberly

The flank my sides, leading me ahead through the dark hallway. I notice the doors, all made of heavy metal, just like mine.

Realization hits me like a brick. I’m in a dungeon.

I open and close my sweaty hands as we walk and walk and walk, my mind racing. My eyes snag hungrily at the structure, the ins and out and I find a staircase, the open door showing light outside. It has to be daytime.

If the bathroom has any windows, or an opening, I can make it out. Then I can find the nearest phone owner and call the pack house. Someone is bound to come for me, right?

Finally, we reach a bathroom and they stand outside, shoving me in.

I resist stomping my foot.

Not even a hole. Who the hell built this place?

I sit down on the toilet lid, head in my hands. What the hell am I going to do now?

I knock on the door from the inside.

“What?” an irritated voice snaps

“There’s no toilet paper.” I call back

“Oh, for the love of everything,” Derek groans

Then a sigh in heard “You stay here, I’ll go get it.”

“Fine,” Derek grumbles at his companion

I wait until I cant hear his footsteps anymore. Then I wait some more.
Then I open the door.

Derek’s head whips in my direction.

I shove the toilet plunger in his face.

And since it’s wet, it sticks.

“Wha tha fuc?!” he starts pulling at it

And since I’m a good person, I save him the embarrassment of facing anyone like this.

By shoving him inside the toilet.

I slam the door shut after, hoping it’ll be somewhat rigid.

Blood rushing in my ears, I race back towards where we came from. Towards the staircase I saw.

Taking two at a time, I rush upstairs. The bright light is blinding for a second as I climb out, closing the door behind by instinct.

Then I can make out the brightly lit hallway, the expensive showpieces placed strategically around.

My eyes find a window, and a rush of adrenaline goes through me. I’m in front of it before I can blink.

I’m overcome with relief as I realize I’m on the ground floor, it was probably the basement I just come out of. 

I open it, ready to sprint out when—
Someone grabs me by the back of my shirt and yanks me back.

I stumble into a very pissed off Derek— an angry red lining around his face— and his equally pissed off friend

I swallow thickly as he slaps his hand at the back of my neck and steers me forward, away from freedom.

Crap. Crap. Crap. Is all I can think when they walk me past the basement door and towards a room. An office of sorts.

I’m not allowed to see much of it before the pressure on the back of my neck forces me to my knees, my head down.

The sound of footsteps fills the air.

Calm, casual footsteps.

Something hits me in the ribs.

I cant help the scream that escapes my mouth instinctively. Hands grab me by the arms, holding me in place. The thing that hit me, someone’s foot, takes its time doing it again. And again. Ad then some.

By the time it stops, tears are streaming down my face and my ribs are howling in pain.

For a few moments, only my ragged breathing echoes in the air, each breath more painful than the last.

Finally, the hand at the back of my neck and the arms holding me, let go and its all I can do not to fall on the floor in a pathetic heap.

Someone grabs my hair and tugs my face up. I turn my watery gaze to the asshole who decided to have their fun.

The face that comes in view is awfully familiar to one that I’d already associated with bad vibes.

Alpha Zoya Goldstein looks down at me, smiling.

“How you like me customary welcome, darling?” She asks

Bitch, I hold back the growl in my throat, stinging eyes narrowed at her.

“Very generous,” I rasp out “To what did I owe the pleasure?”

She smiles wider, and tightens her grip on my hair, I refuse to wince.

“I like her,” She says to her guards “What a shame we’re on opposite teams.”

I keep staring at her as she lets go of my hair and walks towards her desk, sitting down on it and crossing one leg over the other.

“What do you want?” I ask, trying and failing to ignore how much my ribs hurt

She cocks her head to a side, watching me with cold grey eyes “A confession.”

My confusion must’ve showed on my face since she gets off from the desk and walks around it, settling in her high back chair.

“You see, you’re partner murdered my beloved brother.” She says calmly “Or did you forget already?”

Ignoring the urge to curl in a ball and groan, I straighten myself, breathing as slow as possible.

“You want me to confess he did that,” I say, more of a statement than a question

She flashes me a grin, it looks like a wolf baring its teeth.

“That’s part of it, yes.”

I cant find the energy to ask what else. She answers me anyways.

“You stayed with Winter’s during the full moon, yes?” Zoya Goldstein says “You must’ve seen what he is.”

And realization dawns to me.

She wants me to claim that not only did Luke murder his predecessor, but he’s also unstable to rule.

“Is it all for your brother’s love, Alpha?” I ask, proud of the sarcasm that edges my voice

She howlers a laugh “Oh, I do like you. You’re amusing, little pet.”

And I’m wondering if she surpasses her brother in madness.

“As the rules claim, if the Alpha Supreme dies, the rule would fall in the hands of his mate or children,” Goldstein tells me “But as fate would have it, my poor sister-in-law and nieces were met with a horrible accident. And so,”

She grins as she stands, the sunlight from the windows behind her castes her face in shadow.

“Once everyone knows Winters in unfit for his title,” She says “I’ll be the one who sits on the throne.”

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