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Two months passed, and Isaiah felt like he was in heaven. During that time, he learned more about Alyara, her hobbies, and her family. If everything went well, he would eventually have to meet her family. Isaiah still hadn't told her about his identity, and he decided to bring up the issue in a few days.

What bugged him was what his guards informed him about Marco; he was a hunter. His suspicions were confirmed, and he had to be alert. Hunters and werewolves didn't have the best relationship in history; they killed one another. However, both sides were tired of the killing and had a truce. Hunters could only kill werewolves that threatened the hunter and human society. Isaiah's pack had a peaceful truce with the hunters; he ensured his members behaved. 

Now, he was with Alyara, and that is what mattered. He decided to take her to one of his cabins in the forest. He informed her they would not be alone and that his good friend Darren and his wife Emilia would join them. Alyara relaxed. At that moment, the two were together in his car, driving towards their destination. The cabin was in a forest in Big Bear, and they were on the road for an hour. "You have been quiet, Alyara. Are you okay?"

She looked at him. "I'm okay. I'm..."


Alyara nodded.

"I understand, but we have been dating for two months, and I would like you to meet my best friend and his wife. I've told them about you, and they are excited to meet you. I know you will like Emilia; she is a sweetheart.

She smiled, and the two kept talking until Isaiah turned to a nicely built dirt road that led deep into the forest. Then, a large house was made of wood and stones. It had a modern-cabin-like appearance. It was big enough that it could fit two families. There was also another car that was parked. "We're finally here!" The two got out of the car. Then the door to the house opened, and Darren stepped out. Behind him, his wife Emilia also stepped out. She had dark skin, brown eyes, and long, curly black hair. She wore dark blue jeans and a turtle-neck long-sleeved red shirt. Her little pregnant stomach was hardly visible.

"Isaiah, you made it! Emilia and I were worried that you would have gotten lost since you haven't been here for a while!" Darren laughed as Isaiah rolled his eyes; Alyara smiled.  

"This is one of my homes, Darren. I remember where it is."

Darren chuckled as Isaiah motioned Alyara closer. He and his wife's eyes were on Alyara, who looked shy. "You must be the famous Alyara! Isaiah never stops talking about you! This is my wife, Emilia."

The young woman stepped forward and smiled. "Alyara, it is so nice to meet you finally! I am so happy that you are here. It does get tiring not having many friends around. I hope we can be friends."

"I would like that very much." She motioned out her hand and shook each other's hands. 

"Darren started the barbecue since the meat takes a while to cook. I'm going to start making the salads."

"I can help you, Emilia. I was tired of sitting all day." Emilia nodded, and the two women entered the house while the men went to get the luggage. 

Darren sighed in relief. "Well, that went well. I knew she would take a liking to Emilia."

"I thank you both for coming. I want her to get used to seeing you both."

"It's not trouble, Alpha. Emilia has been a bit restless since she was pregnant. Her hormones have been all over the place. Although, I can't complain in the bedroom compartment; Emilia has been taking charge, though."

Isaiah chuckled, as did Rafael. "I would mind our mate taking charge once in a while."

"By the way, did you tell her of your identity?" The two men walked upstairs to the balcony where the grill was cooking the meat.

"Not yet. After all of this, I will tell her the truth." Isaiah got more meat out and put it on the grill while Darren put the cooked ones in a pot. The men heard the women inside the house talking and giggling. "I-I guess I'm afraid that she will not accept me."

"It's understandable, Alpha. However, I sense that she is a strong woman. By the way, you said she's Native American, right?"

The Alpha nodded.

"I heard that Native Americans have legends of the skinwalkers. I know skinwalkers don't have a good reputation in their legends, but since she knows more about you, she will see you're a good person."

"I almost forgot about that. Although, you're right. I am showing her that I am a good person to her and that our kind is not evil."

 Darren nodded. "Yes, but I am also worried about you know who."

Isaiah rolled his eyes. He knew who Darren meant: Rafael. At the moment, his wolf was content having Alyara on their side, but he was getting more desperate to mark her. Rafael was stubborn and quick to temper. He was surprised at himself for containing him for such a long time. 

Then the door opened. Emilia and Alyara joined the men while holding trays of pasta and vegetable salads. "So, how's the meat coming along?" asked Emilia.

"Well, darling, the meat is almost ready. Your hubby here is the god of BBQ."

Isaiah raised an eyebrow. "God of BBQ? If I remember correctly, there were a few times when you almost put my cabin on fire."

Alyara and Emilia laughed. "That's true! Isaiah was there to put out the fires on time! Alyara, you should have seen the look on Isaiah's face when he thought he would watch his house burn to the ground!" The women laughed. Darren cleared his throat and looked a bit embarrassed.

"Anyway, we're starving. As for me, I have two to feed!" Emilia put a hand over her stomach. Darren went to her and gave her a quick peck on her lips. "I will give you what you both want."

Everyone served themselves, and once their plates were filled, all four began eating.

Alyara couldn't deny that she was having a wonderful time, even if only the four of them. She also had a warm feeling watching Darren and Emilia. They looked pleased, especially since they would have a child together. They all made conversations, and Alyara was asked many questions, and she would answer. Hours went by, and night came. "Well, look at the time! You ladies go and rest; Isaiah and I will take care of everything."

The women helped take the trays and plates into the house while the men also put things away. Isaiah then smelled a scent coming closer to them; Darren also caught on. Their eyes glowed black; they growled. "You got to be kidding me! Now of all time!" growled Darren.

Isaiah sent a mind link to his pack members who were out and about. The nearby pack members were told of the situation and immediately started going their way. He knew he and Darren were alone and had to keep the women safe.

"Damn, rouges! They're here!"

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