chapter 2

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Next day
"Its so annoying"Y/n said while examing her tattao infront of the bathroom mirror she cannot understand what is happening around her finally she though of telling this to her friend gayoung.

"What?"gayoung said when Y/n told her everying thing(they were sitting in a park around there school)"I dont know what to do?"Y/n said while crying.

"Please dont cry"gayoung said being worried about Y/n"but now what should I do it cannot be removed?"Y/n asked while worring"lets go to an astrologer" gayoung said having a hope.

"Astrologer?"Y/n said being confused"yes an astrologer now lets go"gayoung said and hold her wrist and started taking her to the astrologer.

At astrologer room
"So this is it"gayoung told all the story to the astrologer"I think you have a mate girl"astrologer said confidently"who is the mate"Y/n said being confused

"An alpha"astrologer said"what?"Y/n said"he is the prince of wolfes when dark orbs dangerous,strong and powerful" astologer said"so what should I do"Y/n said being scared"just go!go!go" astrologer said agressively"lets go now Y/n"gayoung said and take her away

"I think this astrologer is crazy I mean wth is mate prince alpha lets just go home"gayoung said annoyingly"hmm"
Y/n hummed while thinking about something deeply

"You are home"Y/n mom said when she saw her coming inside"yes"Y/n said being clueless"are you fine"her mom said when she saw Y/n in her own thoughts
"Yes mom I am totally fine"Y/n said hidding her worrying

"Okay if you said so"her mom said"I am going to my room"Y/n said and ran towards her room

On the other hand

"I know princess you are very curious but dont worry I will take you with me"taehyung said while looking at her every move through his magical mirror

Then he heared a knock on door"come in"he said and then a maid came and said"alpha prince king is calling you"
"Okay I am coming"taehyung said and started walking towards his father room

"You called me?"taehyung asked cluelesely"oh you are here"his father said and started talking about his marriage"but dad she is only 18"taehyung said

"Remember your mother was also 18 when I married her and this is the rule"his father said"I know that but I just give her sometime"taehyung said"and wanting your enemies to attack her"his father said

"no dad I just want her to confortable around me"taehyung said"listen son you are going to meet him and you have to marry her you have only 1 month do as I say or I will replaced your mate"his father said furiously

"Okay dad"taehyung said being lost by his dad wish"that my son now go and sleep its already late"okay dad" taehyung said and left for his room

Next day

At night 8 pm

"Y/n dear take care of you"her mom said as they are going to some relatives house
"Mom I can stay with Y/n"her sister said worriedly"no I can stay alone you people can go"Y/n said"are you sure?"her sister asked"yes"Y/n said "okay take care"

Her family left leaving her alone now she went to her room and took a shower and change her clothes into pajamas she went to living room as she forgot her phone at kitchen

But when she came inside her room someone pinned her on the wall she was about to shout but when she saw the face of the person her breath hitched but she came back to her senses"who are you?"she said being scared from the peron who is in front of her

The person have a perfect face with dark orbs wearing black  clothes and his eyes are black with a tint of red

"I am taehyung kim taehyung"he said "but how you enter here and why you are pinning me"Y/n said being clueless"
"Oh actually you dont know me but I know you"he said while smirking

"What?"Y/n said"you got a beautiful tattao on you collarbone dont you"he said and the nervousness on Y/n face was clearly visible

"I am you mate kim taehyung the prince of wolfs and an alpha"taehyung said
While Y/n is surprised that all the thing that told by the astrologer was true

"But how can?"she asked"your parents didnt tell you?"he said being "how?and did they know about this?"Y/n said being confused"obviously cause it had happened before"he said "before?"Y/n said"this is the question to ask your parents"he said and disappeared

"Wth just happened does my parents really know about this tattao I will ask them when they will get back"

Chapter 2 end (854 words)

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