Chapter 12: Not So Sure Now!

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Ashley woke up on the Wednesday Morning before the Friday were Dwayne and Logan will go against The Uso's, Ashley now has a good idea of where this story's going considering rumours in the backstage area, that doesn't always make them right but sometimes they are and Ashley's really excited to see where her husbands story's going.

She turned over to see if he was awake yet, she was hoping to either see his sleeping face or his awake face but instead she looked right into the face of a sleeping Milo, Ashley smiled with a chuckle as Milo's been starting to sleep in their room more and more lately, she doesn't mind but she didn't need Milo licking her face as he slept.

Ashley: Thanks baby, mommy loves you too.

Milo let out a massive deep breath while still sleeping in dream world, Ashley sighed and got out of bed finding Logan's top from last night to put on, she sleeps in her underwear, it's normal, adults wearing pyjamas is weird to both of them, Ashley would sleep naked but she's worried Logan won't let her sleep if she did.

Ashley left the room leaving the door open for Milo and started to look around for her husband, she walked past the room where Amanda and Micheal are sleeping in and made her way downstairs to where Logan is in the kitchen with Johnny in a baby seat and Logan making breakfast while on the phone.

Logan: ... Yeah, I get that...

Logan has his phone held between his right cheek and right shoulder, while looking after the baby and cooking everyone breakfast, Ashley wanted to help but she also wants to see if a man can really not handle more then 1 thing at once.

Logan: ... How's this...?

Logan asked letting Johnny eat off a spoon, it looked like some sort of sauce and Johnny's reaction made her think that it wasn't that good.

Logan: ... Not good, fair enough... What? No, I'm talking to my Nephew.

Logan said the last part going back to the cooking and Johnny saw Ashley leaning on the wall leading to the hallway, Ashley smiled and held a finger over her mouth asking him to keep it a secret and Johnny giggled to her as Logan continued to cook and talk.

Logan: ... Alright, I'll think about it. Cheers, Dany.

Logan lifted his face off the phone letting it drop to the floor but before it hit the heated floor, Logan caught it mind air before putting it on the counter and taking four plates out of the cupboard, he put them all on the kitchen island which lead to him seeing Ashley watching him.

Logan: Morning baby...

Logan turned back to the pan but stopped and slowly spun on his heels to look a her again this time with a tilted head and smile while she walked towards him.

Logan: ... Were you watching my ass?

Logan asked trying to look at his own butt spinning around like a sprinkler, Ashley chuckled to him as Johnny loved watching his Uncle act like a clown, so she sat on the stool beside Johnny giving his cheek a small tickle.

Logan: Actually, I don't blame you, I got a nice butt.

Ashley nodded to him with a smile as Logan went back to cooking, he does have a nice ass in only a pair of boxers but her thoughts went away when he gave her a cup of coffee, Logan winked to her, he knows what she needs in the morning and her coffee is one of them.

Ashley: Who's was on the phone? 

Logan looked to her after putting a couple of pancakes onto a plate, he's moved to the kitchen island now so he can finish up their breakfast's, he also answered her question, this will impact them both so he won't keep it to himself.

Logan: That was Dwayne's agent, Dany. Dwayne told me about a movie he's got coming up and said they needed a bad guy.

Logan finished with her pancakes and slide her plate over to her with a knife and fork, Ashley looked amazed at the food...

... He can still blow her mind after all this time in their relationship, she tucked in while thinking about what Logan said.

Ashley: You gonna take it?

Logan shook his head before plating his food up, it's pretty much the same as hers, actually it's the exact same as Ashley and he sat beside her with Johnny on the other side of her.

Logan: No, it's only an audition after Mania.

Ashley nodded to him, a few people have gone from the WWE to acting now, not many have actually made it but Logan's good at his job, surely he can join the likes of Dwayne, John and Dave.

The married couple made small talk while they ate their breakfast, Ashley wanted to be cute though and fed him some of her's, Logan squinted his eyes but still ate it then a small cheer and clap caught their attention and they turned to see Amanda and Micheal finally coming down.

Amanda: Oh, you guys are adorable~

Logan rolled his eyes at her while Ashley smiled and chuckled to Logan's reaction, no big brother wants to seem weak or mushy in front of their little sister, it's their job to seem big and tough not sharing food and watching rom com's.

Logan: Breakfast's done by the way. You're only... 20 minutes late.

Logan was taking the piss, there's no way he could possibly know how long they've been up there and Amanda stuck her tongue out to him walking passed them and to where the pancakes are.

Amanda: When you have a kid of your own, you'll learn to take the extra sleep when you can.

That caught Logan's attention as Ashley looked to him, she's not sure what's going through his head but when he looked to her he looked more confused then anything else.

Logan: What do you mean by that?

Amanda and Micheal looked to him as Amanda got them both a plate of pancakes they didn't watch their intake as much as Logan and Ashley does so they were able to have syrup on their cakes.

Amanda: Yeah, a baby will have you up about 4 times a night...

Logan's eyes went wide and he looked to Ashley apparently he wasn't as caught up on what it takes to raise a baby as much as Ashley is, he mouthed to her about the no sleep thing and Ashley nodded, Logan's head hit the countertop making Johnny laugh and the others look confused, Ashley knew what he's worried about.

Logan hates being woke up at the best of times, being woke up 2-3 times a night is pretty much his worst fear, Ashley rubbed his back giving him comfort and Amanda just waved it off, Logan can be weird sometimes and this is one of those times.

Breakfast was eaten and over with, Logan decided to try not to think about the sleepless nights he knows how much Ashley wants a baby and he's trying his best not to be worried about it but he is, Ashley can't tell but he's panicking inside, Logan doesn't want to destroy the kids moral or self confidence like his father did, Logan though had enough with worrying about the future and decided to live in the present.

Logan: Let's have a party. Friends and family.

Logan didn't even wait for a response and jumped off the sofa from hugging Ashley and Milo, Amanda and Micheal watched him with Johnny on her lap, they were watching Tv when Logan just suggested this, that's what makes Ashely know he's got something on his mind, he'll try and run away from it.

So Ashley followed him upstairs and walked into their room to see him getting dressed to go somewhere, she's not sure where but somewhere.

Ashley: Something on you're mind?

Ashley asked him leaning on the now closed door behind her resting her back on it, Logan walked out their wardrobe ready to head out, shirt on, jeans and jacket in his left hand while holding a pair of trainers in his right.

Logan: No, why?

She new he wasn't going to tell her straight away, again, it's his male pride it'll be the death of a lot of men in the world but Logan will eventually break he just needs to now she's listening, so she walked over to him and just sat on the bed and took his hand in hers, Logan sighed and looked to her, she just smiled at him.

Logan: ... It's this whole baby thing. I'm not so sure about it now.

Ashley can't lie and say she didn't hate hearing that because she did, she thought he was all on board for it but now apparently he's not so sure about it.

Ashley: Why? Because you won't get to sleep?

Ashley asked with a little more attitude then she meant, Logan though didn't take it to heart and stood up after putting his trainers on, something about this is clearly bothering Logan and Ashley has a feeling it has nothing to do with the sleep.

Logan: Well, yeah. Think about it do you really want to wake up 3 or 4 times a night to a screaming kid, you can't say that sounds fun.

Ashley looked down sighing and rubbing the bridge of her nose, this isn't the reason Logan doesn't feel sure about having a baby, it's just the best reason he's heard that isn't the truth and he's sticking to it.

Ashley: Do you hear how stupid that sounds?

Ashley looked up to him and he honestly did but he doesn't want to tell her the truth for some reason, he's been uneasy about this for a while now but he can't tell her, she really wants this and he wants to give her the world.

Logan: Okay, what about our career's? You'll be out of action for nearly 2 years. Becky was out for 18 months.

Logan was really trying to use these little excuses for the reason he's worried about having kids, the more Ashley watches him slowly lose his cool, the more she seemed to figure out what this is really about, Logan's never had a great relationship with his parents, certainly not his father and she thinks that it's that, that's bothering him about this.

Ashley: Oh come on, that's a weak excuse.

Ashley might be thinking she knows what it is but right now, Logan's telling her she can't have what she wants and it might sound spoilt and childish but this is something she really wants in her life, Logan freaking out about it is kinda making her freak out, he's supposed to by the level headed one, he doesn't plan much out, he kinda just wings stuff and if it works out great, if it doesn't he'll forget about it and move on, this isn't the Logan Ashley needs right now.

Ashley: What's this really about? You were all for it a couple of weeks ago...

Ashley stood up and caught his attention, Logan looked to her and she walked to him taking his face in her hands making him look to her, Logan's hands moved to hers as she didn't let him look away from her.

Ashley: ... Come on talk to me. We agreed to share everything, remember our vows?

Logan sighed and hated this, of course he could remember their vows, they made their own and he did promise to be more open about what's going through his head, he's had a problem with opening up since he was a kid, his father told him it was un manly and a sign of weakness, Logan doesn't ever want to look weak in front of the people he cares about, he likes to be seen as the level headed one and the guy people can look up to, towards for advice but opening up about his troubles isn't something he was taught to do.

Every time he would try to talk to his father, he would just tell him to grow up, he fall and cut his arm, he'd tell Logan to man up and get over it, that's what Logan's learnt from his father and he doesn't want to torture his kids the same way.

Logan: I'm going for a drive.

Logan moved her hands off his face and picked up his jacket from the bed, Ashley tried to stop him but after he got his car keys he was gone and left a worried Ashley behind, Logan can't keep on running from his father, even all that way across the sea and he's impacting Logan's life in a bad way, what can Ashley do...


(To Be Continued)

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