Chapter 17: England! We're Here!

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Todays the day, the flight is booked and the bags are packed, then again their only going for two days, but they are going straight to Denver from London for RAW on Monday, luckily Logan once again just has a promo, this time with his next challenger for the WWE title, Logan knows who it is and so does Ashley, this time he did share with her.

Ashley: Are you sure about this?

Ashley asked standing on the door step of Amanda's house, Logan's beside her while, they asked for Amanda to take care of Milo, Amanda likes dogs, she's like Logan that way and was happy to do it, Ashley was just going to miss her baby.

Amanda: Yes, trust me. After looking after a baby, Milo will be a piece of cake.

Micheal's not here right now, he's away on business or something so Amanda will be alone with baby and dog, Milo does like quite a lot of attention and he's never been in the same house as a baby, other then when Amanda, Micheal and Johnny came to stay with them for a few days but Milo was rarely in the same room as the young boy.

Logan: We'll be back by Wednesday. You can handle things till then right?

Logan was taking the piss, out of the two of them, she's the only one that seems to have her life all together, a great job, that she enjoys, a man who seems to make her happy, Logan might kill him otherwise and a family of her own, something Logan's hoping to be able to have after this little trip.

Amanda: Don't make me slap you in front of your wife. I'll make those muscle look pointless.

Logan laughed and side hugged her being careful of the baby in her arms, Logan didn't test her, she probably could kick his ass as well so he left it at that, Ashley now said goodbye, a longer one to Milo then expected, he's going to be without his mommy and daddy for a good few days, this is the longest they've been without Milo in the just over 2 years they've had the bulldog in their lives.

Ashley was eventually able to leave the dog alone and they went to the car, Logan smiled to her as they both sat there, seeing her worry so much for leaving Milo behind makes him see how much she is actually ready for kids, Logan does love Milo but he's just a dog, imagine what she will be like when the kid does actually get here.

Ashley: Don't say a word.

She demanded as Logan chuckled to her, it was nice to see her like that, that's a side of Ashley the WWE World doesn't get to see, sure she's a Face now but for most her near 10+ year career, she's been the Heel, this is the better side to her, the caring side, the side that Logan and their friends love to see.

Logan: Don't worry. It's adorable.

Ashley smiled to him and leant over resting her head on his shoulder while Logan drove them towards the airport, their going to pay for parking till they get back from Denver, so as soon as Logan got them there, he parked and paid for the 5 days it'll be here, he had to pay for a week though, they don't do day to day tickets here.

They then took their bags out the car and made their way through security, something they've done for years and years now so it's like walking for them at this point, although Logan's bag always seemed to get called for checking, at this point he feels like he has to pack drugs just so all of this shit isn't a complete waste of time.

After a while they were able to sit by the gate, just sitting there enjoying each other's company, Ashley was surprised that Logan isn't actually more worried about this, if half the things he and Amanda has told her about their parents is true, then she'd be bricking it, although she can't judge, she hasn't exactly got the best relationship with her father either, Ashley looked up to Logan though after she heard him take a picture.

Ashley: What are you doing?

She already knew what he did, he just took a picture of them in the airport, her leaning on his shoulder while going through her own phone, it was a cute picture and he posted it online, getting a pretty decent response for the new WWE Champion.

Logan: Taking a snap for the album.

Logan put his right arm around her and held her close to him, kissing her head as he did, Ashley really does love this man, he's hands down the most caring and loving of all her past relationships, him being so affectionate and loving makes him the perfect guy for her, she's just annoyed it took her this long to find him.

Eventually their flight was called and since their in business class, they were one of the first on the plane, if you can pay for comfort you might as well use it, so they did, sitting beside each other, Ashley taking the window seat because Logan's a good guy and he'll spend most the flight with his eyes closed, he hates flying.

Ashley: Did you take the pills?

She asked looking to him after they settled into their seats, she's talking about the sleeping pills he has to take when they fly, the engines aren't even on yet and he's clutching the arm rests for dear life.

Logan: No, I forgot them.

He's never done that before, there normally the first thing he packs this time is different though, this time their not just going to another town, their going to confront his parents and hopefully get some reconciliation from his childhood, Ashley though also packs a back up just in case and took them out her bag, holding them out to him.

Logan: Oh, I love you so much right now.

Logan didn't even care what they are, she could have giving him X for all he cares, just as long as he can sleep through this near 10 hour flight, they've tried to time it so they get to England in the morning, if they've timed it right, they'll get there at around 10 am, Ashley is planning to sleep as well, it's just easier for her to relax then it is for him.

Ashley: I don't blame you.

Logan leant over to kiss her after asking the flight attendant for a bottle of water, he got one, then took the pills, he was able to relax a little more and lucky for him the pills kicked in pretty much right away, letting him fall asleep before the plane was even packed up.

Ashley however stayed awake till the plane was above the clouds, it was now her turn to take a few snaps for her Instagram, one was the sky outside the plane and the other was of her and Logan, him resting his head on her shoulder, since Logan started using Social Media again they have really been on top of their couple game.

The comments from the post were mainly just people trying to guess where their going, most thought they were going to Denver early but they were wrong, Ashley smiled to her sleeping husband before joining him in the world of dreams till the plane touched down in Southampton Airport.

This is new for Ashley, the only time she's been on the South Coast of England was on the UK tour but she only went to Brighton, she's never actually been to Southampton or even heard of Portsmouth till she met Logan, that just makes Ashley more excited to see where her husband grew up.

Logan: Come on, we'll get the train.

It's been a while since they both took a train anywhere, it's either driving or flying, Logan's too tired to drive and neither of them actually have a license to drive over here, Logan has avoided coming south of England, well, he's been to Brighton but that's still a fair few miles away, so once they got out the airport, they managed to get a taxi to take them to the closest train station.

Driver: You guys aren't from around here are you? American, right?

Logan sighed and let his head hit the back of the seat, he's still tired and the last thing he wants is a conversation, he's not really a talker when he's tired or just woke up, Ashley though didn't mind and answered him.

Ashley: I am, he was born around here.

Ashley pointed to Logan as he sat to her left, Ashley's behind the driver and their bags are in the boot, the driver seems like a nice guy so Logan's going to try and be civil, although that still doesn't really amount to much.

Driver: Oh yeah, where about's? Anywhere I know?

Logan wasn't going to tell him, he was going to say he was from Crawley or something, instead Ashley beat him too it and told the driver the truth and where their going.

Ashley: He's from Portsmouth.

As soon as she said it, Logan turned to her with a "Really?", look on his face, the driver however looked to them in the rear view mirror letting out a couple of chuckles and "Wow's", Ashley wasn't sure what she said but the drivers response seemed to  explain it.

Driver: I wouldn't go yelling that out around here. You might not make it to the station.

Ashely was clearly confused by this and asked, so the driver and Logan worked together to explain to them that theirs a rivalry between both southern city's, it started hundreds of years ago, with the navy but then football came to town and the South Coast Darby knocked it into the atmosphere, sometimes those games ended bloody.

Ashley: So, it's all over a soccer game?

Logan nodded as he's got used to them calling it soccer, he honestly doesn't mind what it's called, he enjoys it all the same, he's even gone to the odd MLS game during his spare time, especially since Charlotte FC have made it into the top tier of American soccer, the driver however was happy to have a friendly argument with her about why it's called football and not soccer, Logan chuckled as he's on neutral grounds here so he just watched till the taxi stopped outside the train station.

Logan: Cheers mate. Keep the change.

The driver thanked them as Logan isn't sure how much he gave the driver, he kinda just put his hand in his pocket and took out whatever change he had left, Ashley and Logan walked into the station with their bags and got their tickets, their in luck because the train is already waiting for them to take them half an hour away, so they got on and found their seats.

Logan: I'm so tired.

Ashley smiled to him with a little chuckle as she actually sat opposite him, a table between them, Logan had his feet up on the seat beside him while Ashley got comfy, trains are kind of fun to travel on, kind makes you feel like your an extra for Harry Potter.

Ashley: Then get some sleep. I'll wake you when we get there.

Logan smiled to her, he really liked that idea and let his head fall back shutting his eyes, Ashley semi knew where they were going so was able to wake Logan up after the 30 minute trip, he seemed a little more refreshed as well, a win win.

Ashley: So this is where you grew up?

Logan smiled up to her when they walked out of the train station, it's just outside the highstreet but there isn't much to do there, people mainly go to Gunwalf Quays instead, that's near the dockyard though, they kind of have to go past it to get to the hotel he booked for them, their only going to be here for the night, leaving to Denver tomorrow.

Logan: Looks like shit huh?

She chuckled to him as he took her free hand in his and lead her towards where the taxi's sat, they then enjoyed the trip to the Queens Hotel on Southsea, Logan is just hopping his parents still live where they lived when he left, it was nearly 15 Years ago, the odds aren't in his favour...


(To Be Continued)

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