Chapter 19: Back On RAW!

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It's time for Monday Night RAW in Denver, Ashley and Logan made it to the arena, Logan knew about the new titles coming into the business, he'd have to being the new WWE Champion and what not but what he didn't know about was the design.

Logan: I'm actually going to miss this design.

Logan held the WWE title in his right hand after dropping his bag in the locker room, Ashley smiled remembering when the Rock reveled the new design back in 2016, Logan was rather fond on the spinner belt, even if he did only win it twice.

Ashley: You'll say the same thing when they swap out the next one.

Logan couldn't argue with that, he can kind of get attached to things fairly easily, it'll happen with the next one which he'll apparently be awarded with tonight as well ass get himself a new challenger for the next PPV, Backlash, only he has no idea who it's going to be, they wanted Logan to be surprised and get his full reaction which makes him think it's a returning Superstar, maybe even a Hall of Famer.

Ashley: I'm gonna go find Becky.

Logan nodded to her before they shared a kiss and Logan waited by the curtain, his WWE title over his right shoulder for one last time as Adam Pearce is already out there, opening the show with the ceremony for the new WWE Title design, Ashley left him behind while finding both Colby and Becky waiting at catering for their turn on the show, Ashley's a little disappointed she's going to miss so much time in the ring but she's also excited about the new adventure their going to be taking together.

Becky: Hey, how was England?

Ashley smiled while sitting down and told them both everything that happened, from Robert apologizing to them having sex in his childhood bedroom, although she did leave out the fine details, Colby and Becky are happy for their friends about finally taking this step, Roux's the best thing that's happened to them, although she was a surprise, that doesn't take away the impact she's had on their lives.

Colby: ... Thought of any names yet?

On the screen was Adam talking away what he needs to do, about to introduce Logan to the crowd in Denver, before all that though, they were joined by Bianca Belair, Asuka, Candice and Johnny all happy for the Queen but everyone in the locker rooms knew about it, it's why Gionna's Smackdown Women's Champion again, although apparently not for much longer since they want Demi to hold the belt for a little while.

Ashley: Yeah, Prince for a boy. Luna for a girl.

They are unusual names but they seemed to fit the couple, she's the Queen so calling her son Prince makes a little sense, as well as Logan being the Alpha Wolf, so Luna's a fitting name for a girl, the girls all continued to ask more and more questions as Colby and Johnny were just zoned out, looking up to the screen as Logan's new music hit getting him a nice reaction from the crowd, the man who defeated Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania...

... Logan walked out in his casual attire, he's got a match later on tonight but this is just to sell the moment, jeans, trainers, white shirt with his usual black jacket over the top the WWE title wrapped around his waist under the jacket as he walked tot he ring, high fiving and fist bumping his way down, Logan climbed into the ring as Adam and Mike Rome clapped for him, that was until he dropped to the mat off the middle turnbuckle and his music cut off.

Johnny: I prefer this music to his old stuff.

Colby as well as the girls nodded to him in agreement before going back to watching the show, Logan took the belt off his waist while another sat on the pedestal, covered in a black cloth, no one, not even Logan knows what the new title looks like, only Adam might.

Adam: Logan, you did something unthinkable at Wrestlemania. Something that no one thought could be done. You beat, Roman Reigns and bought the WWE Title back over to Monday Night RAW!

The crowd cheered for Logan and doing that as RAW was missing a top mainstream Champion, it was getting a little stale but now things are all back on track with two titles on each show, one major and one other.

Adam: So with this being said. I, Adam Peirce. On behalf of the rest of the WWE official's, would like to gift you this, a New WWE World Heavyweight Championship!

Logan only stood there waiting with the WWE title in his left hand as Adam put the microphone down, then tugged off the black clothe letting the crowd and world get a good look at the brand new design for the WWE title...

... Logan actually really liked it, the globe, signifying the World and even the gold eagle at the top, kinda reminds him of the old Winged Eagle belt from years ago, it's one of his favorite belts of all time so seeing what might or might not be a small nod towards it was a nice addition.

Logan happily handed over the old title then took the brand new one with his side plates already on it, looking it over for a second before lifting it as high as he can to show the crowd as the cheered for the Alpha and his new award, even the guys and girls backstage liked the design.

Colby: Wow, I'm actually a little jealous.

They all chuckled to him as everyone is ready for their parts in the show, Logan though needed to get on with his part so that meant he has to stop showing off his new toy and picked up the mic, Adam left behind as he was already out the ring, leaving Logan to his self.

Logan: I quite like my new toy, but this will mean I need a new opponent to try and take it from me. Consider this an open challenger to anyone back there who wants to try and take this away from me...

Logan held the title over the top rope looking to the curtain up ahead, he kept a hold of both the mic and the title as they all waited for who was going to answer his quick challenge, Logan took a little longer with the celebrating then he was meant to so he had to cut his promo shorter then it was meant to be, no one was complaining though when someone did in fact answer the call...

... Logan didn't expect this since AJ was injured, no one thought he'd be back already but here he is, walking down to the ring, ready for a match, at least the rest of the OC aren't with him or that would make things more tricky for him, but Logan still has a task to do so when AJ did his pose bouncing himself off the ropes with his arms stretched, Logan went back to the mic.

Logan: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... Wait........ Wait...

AJ did wait as he was confused to why Logan is stopping the match, even the crowd started to boo him because this is a first time in history sort of thing, a one against one, The Phenomenal One against The Alpha, never before.

Logan: ... Now, hold on. Hear me out. You and me, never faced off one against one. Never before has The Phenomenal One stepped up to The Alpha. That's why this can't happen on just an ordinary episode of RAW. This is Main Event Wrestlemania stuff...

AJ nodded to him a little as Logan was doing his job, he new what to say as he was told to make it a good point to wait until Backlash for these two to face off for the WWE Championship, it'll be great because both Logan and AJ are very similar wrestler's, it's defiantly much bigger then a RAW episode.

Logan: ... But much like these awesome people, I don't want to wait till Wrestlemania 40 to face one of the best in the business for my title.

AJ nodded his thanks for Logan being respectful, it's his character, if your a Heel, Logan will rip into you like a Shark would a wounded whale in the middle of the ocean, but if your a Face, like AJ is, Logan's respectful.

Logan: Now, Backlash is just weeks away. I'm not too pleased about waiting too long but I am willing to tear that roof down if you are.

Logan moved the microphone to his left hand so he can reach out his right for a handshake, a gentleman's agreement for these two to go one on one for the first ever time at Backlash, AJ waited for a second, seeming to wonder if he could trust Logan and he got his answer when the crowd cheered seeing both men shaking hands, it was something to look forward too, that was until the moment was ruined...

... The crowd went from cheering to booing while AJ moved beside Logan as Logan held his WWE title over his right shoulder, both of them watching and talking to the other about why these guys are out here, all of them, Finn, Damian, Rhea then Dominik.

Finn: Hold on there you two. Let's not get to ahead of ourselves...

Logan and AJ stepped back a little towards the ropes behind them as the Judgement Day got into the ring, Logan wasn't sure how to feel about the way Dom and Rhea was looking at him, he wasn't a big fan of their whole little story but it's not his job to care, it's his job to slap the people who interrupt him.

Finn: ... AJ, I think your jumping a head a little. You've been out for weeks then come out here for a title shot. That doesn't sit right with us...

Logan still held the microphone in his left hand while AJ talked a little trash to Finn, Logan sighed rolling his eyes as he stopped them from getting too far, mainly by pulling AJ back into place with his right hand.

Logan: Wow, hold on you two. Let's not show Dominik how to actually do his job and embarrass him in front of all these people now...

AJ chuckled while Logan grinned, their Heels so the gloves are off, he watched while Dominik tried to seem tough but Logan isn't buying it, Dominik's too soft to seem like a Heel, Logan doesn't feel intimidated by him, he feels like he's fighting a child.

 Logan: ... Hush puppy, the adults are talking...

Logan said to Dominik as Rhea continued to hold him back, Logan didn't really care, he's just happy that Logan isn't going to be facing him anytime soon, sure the Judgement Day as a whole are great Heel's but the way Logan looks at it, they'll be great Heel's without Dom so what's the point of him being there.

Logan: ... Finn, I hear you. I do but I asked for a challenger and AJ answered, first come first serve mate.

Logan was telling the truth, it is first come first serve so to put a stamp on his part, he put his left arm around the slightly smaller AJ, showing Finn that no matter what he'll say, AJ is his opponent at Backlash.

Finn: Don't give me that, Logan. You know the only reason you won't face myself or Damian here, is because your scared. I can beat you, Damian can beat you...

Logan and AJ was facing Finn as their building for a main event tag match between Logan, AJ, Finn and Damian, only Rhea went a little off script and caused both multi time champions to snap their attention to her.

Rhea: ... Even Dom Dom can beat you.

Logan could already feel the smile on his face as he looked to see Rhea with her arm around Dominik while he had a confident smile on his face, that was until Logan and AJ turned to each other, then just burst out into laughing, Dom yelled at them to stop laughing but it didn't work, only both AJ and Logan leaning on the other, trying to compose themselves with the fit of giggles.

Logan: Okay, okay... Hold on. Gimme a second... That was good, for a second I thought you were being serious. Dom you got your ass kicked by Rhea twice, then became her puppy dog, how'd you think you can beat me.

The crowd loved the digs at the duo while Logan and AJ actually managed to control themselves, but Logan then got an idea, creative isn't sure what to give him from this week on to Backlash, so Logan made something up himself.

Logan: But I hear you. I'm a fighting Champion, I'm willing to give each and every one of you, a shot at this title...

The crowd boo'd while Finn, Damian and Dominik seemed pleased with them getting their own way but weren't too sure where he's going with it since this wasn't part of the script, Logan doesn't have a script to go by but more so guidelines, so what he said next was pretty out there.

Logan: ... On one condition, tonight. Finn and Damian, face myself and AJ. You two stay in the back...

Finn and Damian nodded to each other as Logan spoke while looking to AJ, he nodded to the idea, he cam out here for a fight and he's about to get into one, Rhea and Dominik didn't seem to like being told to stay out of it but if they did, there'd be repercussions.

Logan: ... If we lose because of you two getting involved, the match's aren't going to happen. There's 3 RAW's from here to Backlash. Seem's I'll have my hands full, huh...

Logan tossed the microphone done with his job now and walked through the Judgement Day as a power moment, it worked because they parted and AJ followed, the tag match was made official which they were going to lose by AJ being counted out after Rhea got involved without Logan knowing so he now has weeks of the Judgement Day sniffing down his neck, then AJ Styles at Backlash, it's not going to be an easy few weeks for The Alpha...


(To Be Continued)

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