Chapter 2: Fan Meet & Greet!

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Quick note. Thank God Charlotte came back and beat Ronda, I'm sorry but for someone who's been in the WWE for years now, Ronda doesn't look all that comfortable with the moves or the mic. She still needs work.


It's one of the few days off the Superstars get from the WWE, not for everyone though because some work for RAW and others work for Smackdown, Logan and Ashley work for Smackdown, meaning on this basic Tuesday, they have a fan Meet & Greet, then nothing, it's a fun and simple trip from San Antonio, then to Memphis for the Meet & Greet, then to Chattanooga for the show of Friday Night.

Ashley: Are you going to be okay, today?

Logan's driving them from town to town, they enjoy the traveling aspect of their job and missed this when away in the Bahamas for their honeymoon, Logan is happy to be back, mainly because his mind can finally start to settle down again.

Logan: I should be fine. I mean, you'll be there, right?

Ashley smiled to him taking his right hand in her's, Logan's autistic and what the public thinks about him really does get to him sometimes, it's why he doesn't have Social Media, all his fans follow the others and sometimes he'll be in one of their posts, mainly Ashley's.

Ashley: And remember what Hunter said, if you feel like you don't want to be there anymore then tell someone and we'll take a break.

Logan smiled to her while kissing the back of her hand, they were holding hands in such a way that Logan's able to toy with her wedding ring on her left hand, she let him as they waited for the traffic to move.

Logan: Your too good for me, ya know that? 

Ashley gave him a cute giggle while giving his hand a little squeeze, Logan went back to focusing on the road ahead as the traffic started moving, Ashley however took a chance to take a picture of their interlocked hands, she got the usual response from their friends and family but as the radio went on, Ashley remembered what Becky said, about him needing something to work towards.

Ashley: It was nice seeing everyone the other day.

Ashely is talking about their time in San Antonio, sitting with Becky and Colby, then a few of their other friends as well, the main on Logan liked seeing was Roux, he adores that little girl.

Logan: Yeah, it was good seeing the kid as well.

Ashley looked to him and thought about her next question for a second as he moved both hands on the wheel, their about to get on the motorway and Logan's not looking to get them in a car accident, especially after the WWE set up this Meet & Greet for him, apparently his fans are buzzing to meet him.

Ashley: Is that something you think we're ready for?

Logan looked from the road and to her back and forward in quick succession till he stopped and kept his eyes on the road a head of them.

Logan: Ready? Ready for what?

Clearly, Logan didn't get the hint and needed her to explain a little more, Ashley isn't sure if it's something she really wants right now but she can't deny that the idea of having a baby isn't tempting for her.

Ashley: You know, for kids.

Logan once again started to look between her and the road trying to see if she's being serious or not about this, apparently she is and he gave off a little nervous chuckle before answering her.

Logan: God no...

Ashley didn't know how to feel about that, he was pretty much laughing at the idea of them having kids, maybe it's just because he's not ready or something, she had a weird feeling, kind of like she's relived he said "No", but also kinda disappointed, she's not getting any younger.

Logan: ... Me father a child? I'm not exactly a good role model.

Logan said with another clearly nervous chuckle, she looked at him and there is no way he could possibly mean that, Logan's impacted so many lives in his near 12 years with the WWE, he's more of a role model then most the people who claim to be.

Ashley: Really? You seriously think you're not a role model...

Logan shook his head no as Ashely couldn't believe he thought so little of himself, he never once said he was the greatest or the worst, in fact he kinda just did his job and thanked the boss for the opportunity, if he won a title great, if he lost it then he made sure it looked like he didn't go without a fight, it's why he's one of the best, he just gets to work with no arguing.

Ashley: ... Honey, there's 500 people coming to see you today...

Ashely tried to encourage him but Logan was quick to shut it down, he's not a man who likes to receive praise for doing his job, in fact, he doesn't really like to receive any praise, Ashley thinks it's because he never really got it as a kid so he doesn't want to get it now.

Logan: No, no. Their coming to meet "The Alpha". They have no interest in Logan Kenway.

This is one of the things she hates about her husband, he can be kinda stubborn and for some reason he seems to think the two are different people.

Ashley: Would it blow you're mind if I told you their the same person?

Ashley watched Logan after she asked that and more so his eyes, you might be a good liar but the eyes never lie and the little frantic movements told her that it did blow his mind, Logan has this way of becoming detached to things, it's part of the whole Autistic thing, he lacks most human emotions, Empathy's his biggest problem, it's cute when he tries though.

Logan: I wouldn't mind that. I've heard The Alpha is quite a dashing fella.

There's the joke, Ashley couldn't help the chuckle she gave out as well, he always knew her kinda humour and it's those jokes she likes the most, she doesn't like that he deflects but it's just how he is, she changed the subject though and turned it to work, mainly about him working with The Rock, Ashley can't wait to see what he gives as a promo on Friday, The Rock's one of the best at promo's, if Logan wants to beat him then he'll have to bring his A game...


The married couple arrived in Memphis for the Meet & Greet, they went to the Hotel first to check in their bags and to get washed up and changed, it wasn't difficult for Logan because he wears pretty much the same as The Alpha does anyway so he's always ready to be in Character, Ashely however wanted to look the part...

... She's now The Alpha's Queen and wants the world to know, so if she has to dress a little like him to prove it then she will, Ashley walked out the rooms bathroom and saw Logan sitting on the bed with his hands clasped together and head down looking to the floor...

... Ashley already knew what's wrong, he's over thinking things, his brains telling him the worst possible scenario is exactly what's going to happen and he's believing it, he says he tries to ignore it but sometimes the mind is just too powerful.

Ashley: Logan...

He did respond or look up from his spot so she moved her hand under his chin and made him look up to her, he honestly looked terrified, it's the same look he had on their wedding day, he thought she wasn't going to show up.

Ashley: ... Everything will be okay. Okay?

She asked moving to sit on his lap while holding his head in her hands, Logan needed to hear that and nodded to her, she smiled to him before he moved to rest his forehead on her upper chest, she pushed his hat off before putting her arms around him and rested her chin on his head rubbing the back of his hair, it's his little weak spot and helps calm him down.

Ashley: It's going to be fun. And like I said, if you need a break then just tell someone. Your fans love you and they'll wait.

Logan moved his head looking up to her and he looked so much more calmer then before, she smiled down to him before giving him a kiss for support, Logan accepted and kissed back before they both left for the place Cricket Wireless set-up his Meet & Greet, they both got into the car sent for them and waited in the back as Logan got more and more tense the closure they got to the place.

Ashley took his hand in hers both sitting in the backseat and let Logan kiss her hand, these are all her ways of trying to comfort him and it seems to be working because when they pulled up to the building Logan didn't look too worried to see the fans.

Logan: Wait here.

Ashley watched him get out and walk around the car, he waved to the fans who cheered and clapped for him, she was glad to see him back to his old self, she hates when he has those kinda moments, it's not his fault though and when he opened the door, she took his hand and the fans liked that even more.

Both Logan and Ashley spent a second outside before going into the building to get set up, Ashley sat with the rest of the Cricket Team while Logan got in the ring taking his jacket off, he was ready to meet the kids and others now so the Meet & Greet started, Logan had a great time meeting all the new faces and a lot of them wearing his merch, one guy about 21 had a tattoo on his right shoulder that looked similar to an old shirt design he had a few years back...

... It wasn't the most popular of his shirts in his 12 year career with the WWE but it certainly looked good in tattoo form, Logan singed the guys shirt and took a photo with him, he spent hours with the fans, not wanting a single break the entire time, this is the real Logan that Ashley has grown to love, The Alpha's just someone he pretends to be every week.

Logan had a smile on his face the entire time, even a few of the fans wanted picture's with Ashley as well, she was happy to give the fans what they wanted, they got asked a lot of questions as well, most about their marriage but the odd kid would ask about Logan's time growing up and he'd give a complete different answer each time, none of them the truth.

Logan never really had a good childhood, never a bad on but not a good one either, it's to the point his parents weren't at their wedding, Logan's sister Amanda was though, she made the trip but his parents didn't bother, it's not even the case that they weren't invited, Ashley sent them an invite without Logan knowing, if he did he wouldn't have been happy, so when they didn't show it just made Ashley lose hope in them, they never really agreed with what Logan did for a living, even if he is one of the best, not many can become 9x World Champions, that's not including his US title win's, IC title wins or Tag Team titles he and Duncan Blake made quite the team back in the day.

Logan: So what's you're name?

Logan asked as a little boy climbed into the ring, this kid must have been about 10 or so with his mother, either way he is excited to see Logan, wearing a Wolf pack shirt...

... And a WWE title over his shoulder with Logan's title plates on it, Logan knelt down to his level while his mom leant on the top rope, Ashley was back with the team taking a break, how Logan has been able to continue is beyond her.

Kid's Mom: His name's Elliot. He dons't talk much...

Logan looked over his shoulder to her and back to Elliot, Elliot has a smile on his face but he didn't look very comfortable, Logan already knew what it is but walked over to his mom when she waved him over, she told him Elliot's Autistic and apparently something about what Lacey Evans put on Social Media the other day has got to him, Logan know's what it is she said and isn't happy about it, Hunter's actually tried his best to keep them away from each other, Logan's not exactly subtle when it comes to this sort of thing.

Logan: Well, Elliot. Do you want me to tell you a secret?

Logan asked squatting back to Elliot's level, he nodded to Logan as Logan took his cap off and ran his hand through his hair.

Logan: I'm autistic as well...

That seemed to blow the boy's mind which made Logan smile with a nod, Elliot's mom watched with a smile as well, it's not public knowledge that Logan's Autistic, it's something he likes to keep to himself but if it helps him then, he'll try.

Logan: ... But you have nothing to worry about because your part of The Pack, and you know what that means?

Elliot nodded to him as Logan took his belt off his shoulder and signed the strap at the back, Elliot watched him with a slight smile on his face.

Logan: It means that were all only as strong as our weakest member. And I can tell that you aren't weak, are you?

Elliot now shook his head no to him with an even bigger smile, Logan grinned to him while Ashley watched the entire scene, it's nice to see her husband enjoying himself so much and trying to make the boy more comfortable with his surroundings.

Logan: That's good, because I need my Pack's help with The Rock, he's not a small guy is he?

Elliot gave out a laugh this time while shaking his head no, his mother watched nearby so happy for this, the WWE superstars are amazing at making everyone feel welcome and Logan's doing great as well, not bad for his first time.

Elliot: But you already beat him.

Elliot finally said making Logan now smile with a nod of himself, Elliot is talking to him and Logan's happy he made him feel comfortable, Logan wished he had this when he was Elliot's age.

Logan: Your right I have, but he's a big man with an even bigger temper. If he does come back, I'm gonna need all of your help...

Logan pointed to Elliot wanting to make him feel special, Logan got picked on a few times as a kid, luckily Logan was always a tall guy in his age group, by the time he was 13 he was pretty much already 6'0, so for him to be able to cheer Elliot up is making his day as much as it is Elliot's.

Logan: ... To stop him from taking my chance to face Roman at Wrestlemania. I need to win those titles. Can I count on you?

Elliot nodded so quickly that his head might have actually flow off, so Logan stood up stopping his head with a chuckle before messing his hair up a little, Logan called over to the Cricket crew and they tossed him a new shirt.

Logan: Then I want you to have this...

Logan stood in front of Elliot and handed him the new shirt, Elliot opened it up and looked to the new design...

... Logan was asked for a design and this is what he opted for, it's pretty cool, a wolf on it and a quote that will stay with you till you die.

Logan: ... This isn't even on the market yet. 

That made Elliot's day and he seemed to be able to jump over the moon, his mother was just as happy still nearby as Logan patted his back with a smile, Logan wanted to be there for this kid, he's not sure if he has a father but even if he did, Logan's proved that just because their in the picture doesn't make them good role models.

Logan: What I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna give your mum my personal phone number. If you need anything, doesn't matter if it's tickets or just someone to talk to. I got you kid. Because when you join The Pack...

Elliot's mother was so happy right now she actually seemed to be crying happy tears, Ashley can't lie, it is a pretty heartwarming sight, Elliot nodded to the idea as well before finishing Logan's little saying.

Elliot: ... Your in The Pack for life.

Logan chuckled to the smiling boy as he patted on his back, they both then posed for the picture and Logan did what he said he was going to do, he said he was going to give Elliot's mom his number and he did just that, Elliot left that place much happier then when he came, Logan did as well, after hours with his fans he was defiantly going to do this again...


(Bit longer then normal, hope you still enjoyed! Take Care!)

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