Chapter 26: The Queen, The Alpha & The Boy!

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It's moving day for Logan, Ashley, Milo and now Elliot, he agreed to stay with them once the women from Child Services gave him the choice between that or going into care, Elliot chose to stay with Logan and Ashley which of course made them happy but Elliot just wanted to go home with his mother, it seems to have sunk in that he's never going to see her again, her funeral is in a couple of weeks, the Wednesday after Backlash actually, so Logan and Ashley are going to take him to see Backlash live, then the following RAW and then back to Charlotte so he can say his goodbye's to Claire, they will be able to as well.

Duncan: So your adopting the kid now?

Everyone is here to help them move, Duncan, Colby and Johnny, Ashley did help but she was mainly keeping an eye on Elliot, they took him back to his place the other day to pack up his stuff so they can move, they didn't bother unpacking though since they'll be heading to Orlando now.

Logan: No, he's just staying with us till they find him a home.

They obviously told Elliot that, he didn't seem to care too much though, he's honestly not said much in the past few days he's been with them now, Ashley's getting a little worried about him but Logan is more understanding when it comes to this sort of thing, boys just don't talk, it's how their built.

Johnny: It's still a cool thing you two are doing.

Colby agreed, they've all had that one fan that they connect with the most, majority of the time it is a kid that they bonded with at a meet and greet but none of them have formed a bond like Logan has to Elliot, it's not that Logan doesn't want Elliot here with them, he does, he just doesn't want Elliot to get taken away from another place he got comfortable in, like he doesn't want them to come to them in a year and say that Elliot needs to leave, that won't be fare.

Logan: I just hope it don't end badly.

Logan's already told them his one worry about this and they understand, Logan does care about Elliot, he hates the fact that he gets bullied just because he was born different from others, imagine getting bullied because of that, it sucks, Elliot can't control who he is, he does have Logan now though so it'll be easier for him, Logan wished his old man was this understanding when he was a boy, Logan needed to hide it as best he could or he'd have been sent to a loony bin and have had 20,000 volts shot through his brain, it wasn't all that long ago they stopped doing that to be fair.

Ashley: Hey, honey...

Logan, Duncan, Colby and Johnny stopped whet they were doing for a second to see who it was, as soon as they saw it was Ashley, they continued but Logan didn't, he gave Duncan the box then went over to his wife as she looked a little worried about something, he's hoping it's not something to do with the house because that won't be good fortune.

Ashley: ... It's Elliot, he's not doing anything, just sitting in the car.

Logan sighed as he used to do that when he was a kid as well, only when he was upset he used to push his dresser in front of the door so no one could get to him, it's the same scenario so Logan told her he's talk to him, she thanked him then went back to the girls who are unpacking, the guys are moving and the girls are unpacking, it's a quicker way to deal with all this stuff.

Logan: Hey buddy. What's on your mind?

Logan went over to Ashley's car where Elliot is sitting inside, he's in the backseat all alone and just looking off into the distance, Logan climbed in beside him as he didn't break his eye line, he did answer him though, which is good, Logan told him he can talk to him about anything and he meant it, their here for him no matter what.

Elliot: I miss my mommy.

That was pretty much what Logan and Ashley expected, he's been in their care for about 2 or 3 days now, depending on if you count the couple they were with him in the hospital, he hasn't really been that happy since they left and they aren't expecting him to be, the one person who was there for him, protected him and made him feel safe, is gone, so Logan tried his best to make him as cheerful as he can.

Logan: Well, she's not really gone you know...?

Logan asked him which broke him out of his trance for the first time since they left Charlotte a few hours ago, they drove here and tried to talk to him as much as they can, even Roux tried to make him smile by playing "Eye Spy", Becky and Roux came with Ashley and Elliot, Colby got a ride with Logan in his car, his car's smaller then Ashley's.

Logan: ... You may never see her again but as long as you keep her in here...

Logan pressed his finger to his forehead making him smile a little, not laugh or chuckle but that just shows the boned these two have, Becky, Roux nor Ashley could get more then a word out of him the entire drive here, a few minutes with Logan and he's already smiling, not that he doesn't like Ashley, it's just Logan and him already have a lot in common.

Logan: ... And here...

Logan moved his finger from his head to his heart making him smile some more, this time looking down to his chest, it's cliché but it's what he needs to hear right now, Elliot needs to know that she's not really gone and if they knew Claire as well as they thought, she wouldn't leave him behind anyway, he meant too much to her.

Logan: ... She'll be with you forever.

Elliot smiled with a small sniff, it really can't be easy to feel like you haven't got anyone, he does though, Elliot has Logan, Ashley, Roux, even Becky and Colby have done as much as they can for the boy, Duncan and Thea as well, their all here for him and he just needs to get used to that, he'll never be alone again.

Elliot: Thanks Logan.

Logan smiled as he reached over and hugged him, Logan was quickly getting used to being a role model, it's amazing that all of this came from his first ever Meet & Greet where he met this wonderful boy, now he's in his care and looks to him to keep him safe, Ashley was right, he's got this in the bag and there was nothing to worry about.

Logan: Come on. Let's get unpacked then we can go to Disney or something.

Elliot really liked that idea, Claire didn't have much in terms of money, she worked two jobs and had crazy payments, mostly medical bills for her son, now that's not an issue, Logan and Ashley are two of the most well paid WWE Superstars in their respective field, put their income together and they probably bring close to $10 million a year home, including all bonuses and what not of course, that's not what's important though, what does matter is Logan's words worked and the girls watched him run around with Roux, playing all kinds of games.

Ashley: What did you say to him?

Becky, Thea and Candice wanted to know as well, Candice wasn't going to be able to help because of Baby Wrestling but she thought "Screw it" and brought him with her, so he's sleeping right now in his little carrier while his mommy and daddy helped, their more interested in what Logan said to Elliot though to change his mood so much.

Logan: The truth.


... Ashley and Logan kept their promise and took Elliot to Disneyworld, Logan's got a lot to deal with lately with this whole baby stuff, now Elliot and on top of all that he has The Judgement Day breathing down his neck for his WWE Title, Logan's not going to let them have it though because he's enjoying his time at the park, Elliot has gotten more comfortable with them since they moved a couple of days ago, they've even started looking into getting him in a school, they can't teach him what he needs to learn, plus it will be good for him to make a new start.

Elliot: Huh, Logan this one has your name on it!

Ashley and Logan were just walking hand in hand as they kept an eye on Eliot, this whole thing actually hasn't been so bad for them at all, sure they miss their friend but they feel like their doing what she would have wanted and giving Elliot a happy home to live in, Logan's smile faded when they both looked to him running over to them with a Disney hat, it has his name on it and Micky Mouse ears.

Logan: Uh, I dunno buddy. I'm not really a hat guy...

Ashley, Becky and Colby looked to him, yeah they joined them today, Ashley and Logan want to get Elliot more used to hanging around kids so Roux's become his friend, they were playing hide'n'seek in the new house the other day, it was really adorable and nice to see Elliot smiling again, however, Logan's lying through his teeth, he's worn hats before, which is why they didn't believe him.

Ashley: Oh come on. You'll look cute, besides it's his day, you really gonna say no to him.

Logan looked to his wife of nearly a year now and she smiled up to him, Becky and Colby watched before turning to their own child, seeing the two getting practise is actually good, Becky and Colby went in blind and sure it was easy with the both of them but it'll be easier with the practice Logan and Ashley are getting with Elliot right now.

Logan: Alright fine.

Elliot smiled as Logan took the cap from him and put it on, he felt like an idiot but the others seemed to think it was funny which in turn made him laugh, they've all been having fun today, Logan hasn't really gone onto the rides though, not because he's scared, he just doesn't like them, he has helped Elliot with the arcade stuff though, he's good at that and won the kids a lot of new toys and stuff.

Elliot: I found one for you too.

It was now Logan's turn to smile as Elliot pulled out a headband from his little bag and showed it to them, it too has Micky Ears, only these as twinkly and a nice bow in the middle of them, Becky Colby and Roux watched while Ashley looked between them and the boy, seeing her back peddling was so funny but Logan wasn't going to let her get away with it.

Logan: Oh, come on. It's his day.

Ashley looked to him with a death glare for using her words against her, she then looked to Becky and Colby when they started to giggle, Logan just stood there with the hat on and a massive smile on his face, she hates him sometimes but loves him majority of it, so she sighed and took the gift from him.

Ashley: Thank you. It's beautiful.

It did look nice and Elliot was very happy that they both liked the gifts, the adults watched as the two kids went to sit on a bench nearby and started to compare the different things they have, Logan smiled over to them before watching Ashley put the band on her head, she didn't want to make the boy feel bad, not ever really, neither did Logan which is why they sucked up their pride and wore the hats.

Ashley: Come here.

Logan looked to her but couldn't do much since she pulled him into her and her phone out at the same time, Logan tried to escape the humiliation he's about to endure of being "The Alpha" and wearing a hat like this but it was too late, Ashley got the picture of him trying to scherm away from her, she had a smile on her face though...

... Ashley let him go then posted it as well as tagging him, Logan then got more and more notifications about people commenting seeing "The Alpha of WWE" in a Micky Mouse cap, Becky and Colby went off to leave them on their own, they joined the kids while Logan got his own back by tapping her ass, Ashley hates it when he does that around strangers, friends and co-workers is different, she knows them and knows they won't judge, plus this is a kids park.

Ashley: Behave. 

Logan grinned to her as she looked to him with a pointed finger, almost as if she was telling Milo to be good, jokes on her because he loved when she told him what to do so he moved behind her, wrapping her in his arms and kissing at her neck, Ashley liked it, how could she not but this is not the place so she spun out of his arms and took his hand in hers.

Ashley: Wait till we get him. I'll show you the real "Happiest place on Earth".

Logan liked the wordplay and nibbled his lip while she walked backwards a little towards their friends, Logan followed her and couldn't wait to get home now, they needed to stay for the fireworks show though, that's pretty much the entire point of coming to Disneyworld, it's certainly not for the hour long cues, that's for sure.

They went back to their friends and family and just enjoyed the rest of the day, they got something to eat, Colby asked Logan how things are on Smackdown, sure he missed working with Colby but he's got Allen now and he's no Seth Rollins but he is pretty Phenomenal at what he does, they also asked about the whole baby thing, Logan and Ashley told Elliot that they are trying to start their own family a little while ago, sure they left out the details but he seems to be happy for them, it was now getting late and that meant it was time for the fireworks, the down side it, everyone comes here to see the show.

Elliot: I can't see.

Elliot's holding Ashley's right hand in his left as Logan is on her left, Colby, Becky and Roux on the other side of him, she looked to him though as she looked around for a way to help him, she couldn't think of anything though and got Logan's attention, the show hasn't started though so they aren't missing anything.

Ashley: Elliot can't see.

Logan looked to her then past her to the boy, he too tried to think fast but then he saw something in the distance and it gave him an idea, Logan moved himself through the crowd, going behind Ashley till he was behind Elliot, Ashley moved over beside Becky while they all watched as Logan squatted down.

Logan: Ready?

Elliot nodded then let Logan lift him up and place him onto his shoulder, Logan held him by his legs so he didn't fall while Elliot's hands rested on his head, Ashley smiled to them while Becky and Colby smiled to each other, they've been friends for years, they know how much they wanted a family of their own, Becky's even certain that they won't let Elliot go anywhere, even if they do find a new home for him, they won't let Elliot go anywhere.

Elliot: Thanks, Logan

Logan nodded to him, obviously not to him as such but he said it was "No problem", Ashley though loved it and leant into kiss his cheek, Logan smiled to her before kissing her forehead, it's been a weird few weeks for them so they really needed this break, they honestly had no idea they'd have as much fun as they have, it was just a way to make Elliot more comfortable here in Orlando with them, it's an adjustment their all going to be making together...


{To Be Continued!}

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