Chapter 4: A Day Together!

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It's now Monday and another one of the few days off Ashley and Logan has, they won't get many again but in their quite little home nestled in a family friendly neighbourhood, they will take them when they can...

... Ashely is the first to wake up that morning due to her phone ringing, she doesn't normally get phone calls this early, she rolled over off her husband and to where her phone is, she checked the caller ID and saw it was Hunter, so she answered the call sitting up on the edge of the bed letting her look around the room...

... It's a very oddly styled house, some rooms are designed for comfort and others for style, like the bathroom is much more modern then the bedroom is.

Ashley: Yeah, Hunter. What's up?

Ashley tried to be as quite as she can to not wake Logan up, it's still pretty early in the morning and he can be a little cranky when he get's woken up, so she just tries not to do it.

Hunter: Ashley. Sorry if I woke you.

Ashely waved it off and unlike Logan, she doesn't mind being woke up, Logan hates it so much his phone's on silent, if you call him, he will miss the call, you need to text him to call you, then he'll call you when he's ready.

Ashley: It's fine. What's up?

Ashley asked wiping the sleep from her face as she glanced to Logan and saw him still sound asleep, he could probably sleep through a storm, which by the way it is raining.

Hunter: Just a little news for you're story. You'll be taking the title from Ronda on Friday and carrying it into Mania. There will be a Chamber match to determine your opponent for then.

Ashley was happy to hear that, she likes being the champion and it doesn't matter if you love or hate her, she is a better Champion then Ronda and better for business, also people actually enjoy working with Ashley, no one's really complained about her, Ronda on the other hand, well, Hunter's head is probably getting tired of hearing them.

Ashley: I like the sound of that. What about Logan? Any change for him?

She asked sitting back into the bed, moving so her back is against the head board, she looked to Logan and he is still fast asleep, Ashley smiled to him as he looked so peaceful, people always look more peaceful when their asleep, Ashley moved her right hand to toy with his hair, Logan smiled in his sleep while she did which made her giggle to him.

Hunter: Uh, no. His story stays, a few promo's where he and Dwayne talks there trash building up to the Chamber, easy stuff for them both. I heard their already working on the match?

Ashley smiled to that, Logan went down to Miami Yesterday to train with Dwayne, when he got back he was exhausted, he's pretty much been asleep since then, his muscle are gonna ache today.

Ashley: Yeah, they wanna put on a show. 

They will, it's already been booked for the Main Event, it's also planned to be a Last Man Standing Match, that won't be made public though till the 17th after they have a face to face on Live Tv.

Hunter: I'm sure they will. Look, I need to get ready for the show tonight. Take care.

Ashley responded with the same respect before the phone was hung up, Ashley sighed and put her phone down, before looking back to Logan, this time he's awake and looking up to her till looking sleepy.

Logan: Who was that?

Ashley slide back down the bed a little and climbed back under the covers, Logan wrapped his arms around her and she let him getting comfy again before she was woken up.

Ashley: That was Hunter. He said, I'm taking the title away from Ronda Friday and holding it till at least Wrestlemania.

Logan closed his eyes again ready to go back to sleep before she said that and his right eye shot back open with a smile.

Logan: Hey, that's great. We'll celebrate after some more sleep.

She giggled to him while hugging back into him both letting sleep take back over them for a little extra sleep, it's still early in their day so they wanted to take the advantage of getting as much sleep as they possibly get...


Ashley was of course the first to wake up about an hour later, she hadn't had the crazy workout yesterday like Logan did, Dwyane really put him through the ringer yesterday, so Ashley got up and wanted to spend a little time in their home gym...

... It's not the most stocked gym but they just use it for little maintenance workout's to keep their body shape up, she could use the PC but that's a 20 minute drive just for a short workout, Ashley finished after a little while and walked back into the house and up to their bedroom, that's when she saw Logan still asleep.

Ashely wiped herself down a little with the towel thinking if she should wake him up or not, it's getting close to mid day now and the last thing she needs is for him to be up all night because he slept all day, that's an honest problem Logan has, his mind doesn't know when to call it quits and let him sleep, so she opted to give him a little more time before waking him up.

She tossed the now dirty towel into the nearby hamper before stripping down and walking into their bathroom... 

... It's a pretty great bathroom, she loves it and remembered the day they moved in here, it's been about two years now and it was a pretty run down place when they got it, a little extra money and a few weeks of work, now they have a home to be pleased with.

Ashley got washed up for the day indoors, it's raining, they won't do anything today, then she got out and throw on some fresh clothes to be comfy in for the rest of the day, she walked out the bathroom with still slightly damp hair and sighed seeing Logan still asleep, she walked over to the bed sitting on the edge at his side.

Ashley: Logan. Logan, honey wake up...

Logan stirred a little and eventually opened his eyes before turning to her, he smiled a little before resting his right hand on her lower back as she smiled down to him.

Logan: What time is it?

He was clearly still tired but he'll at least sleep tonight which he might not prefer right now but he will tonight when he's not awake at 3 am doing nothing but watching boxset's on Netflix, sometimes it's fun.

Ashley: It's time to get your butt outta bed.

Logan leant up a little and glanced to the clock on the side table, it's on her side of the bed because last time Logan was in charge of the alarm clock, the snooze button didn't work, so he politely introduced the clock to the wall, she wasn't mad at him though, he's just not a morning person and that's what happens when you wake him up before he wants to be woken up.

Logan: Did I dream that you said something about winning the title this Friday?

Logan asked sitting up, he's still pretty tired but he can't do much about it now, Ashley won't let him sleep anymore and he can't throw her, well, he could but he'd get into more trouble then it'll be worth so he decided to love her instead.

Ashley: You didn't. I got the call this morning.

She smiled to him moving her hand to brush his hair out his face, he has nice dark brown hair, long at the top with a fade on both side's and back, he combs the top back though and it suits him well.

Logan: So did I really go swimming in a pool of Chocolate Syrup?

She stifled a laugh while looking down to the bed, Logan smiled while trying to look at her face, she eventually composed herself though and shook her head to him, still trying not to laugh at him.

Ashley: No, you didn't do that.

Logan sighed looking away for a moment as Ashley looked to him, mainly his torso, she can swear he's getting muscle he never had before, he was always in great shape before but now this training with Dwayne is starting to show, what did they do Yesterday anyway.

Logan: That's a shame.

He turned back to Ashley and saw her looking at him, he smiled a little and he caught a glimpse himself, she's not exactly trying to hide those bad boy's anymore, especially at home, he stopped though before he lost control of himself, Yesterday really did a number on him.

Logan: Sometimes I hate this job.

Logan let his head fall back to the pillow and let out a nice calming sigh, Ashley finally pulled her eyes away from his body and looked to him, she loves everything about him, every single detail, especially now he's starting to believe in himself more and more.

Ashley: It's raining by the way.

Logan shot back up and looked out the window to see the rain coming down against the window, Ashley smiled to him but before she could say anything Logan moved the covers and picked her up over his shoulder making her laugh as he did.

Logan carried her out their room and down the stairs, he walked through the hallway then into their living room where their dog, Milo, is waiting for them...

... Milo got excited looking to see his mommy and daddy and hopped off the couch to greet them at the room entrance...

... Ashley got Milo for Logan on their second Anniversary, that's the one when Logan got her an Engagement Ring so Milo kind helps with a remembrance to that moment as well, it was a wonderful day for them both, so with Milo jumping around excited to see them, Logan dropped Ashley on the couch as she laughed and calmed down.

Logan: You put on the Tv and get the blanket, I'll get the drinks and popcorn.

Ashley nodded to him and Logan left to the kitchen where he'll make them both butter popcorn and two Hot Chocolates...

... Ashley turned on their Tv after shutting the curtains stop the daylight from entering the room, they've done this pretty much every rainy day since they started dating, it started after their 3rd or so date, it was raining and Logan invited her in to watch a movie and a drink.

Ashley thought it was code for sex but he meant it, he just thought it would be nice for them to wrap up warm and drink Hot Chocolate, he was right and Ashley loved it, it was that day she realised she loved him, just wanting to spend time with her made her feel like the luckiest women in the world.

Now she got the blanket they use and put the Tv on, she's not sure what their gonna watch but it'll will be good, Logan has a great ability of finding good movies, Ashley's starting to think he made them or something.

Logan: Ready?

Logan put their drinks on the table with the bowl of popcorn, Ashley scooted forward and Logan sat behind her in the corner of the couch, Ashley sat between his open legs and hugged into her man before Milo jumped up wanting to join them, Logan happily let the dog sit with them as Ashley went through the movies.

Ashley: What shall we watch?

She asked looking behind her to him, Logan stopped fussing the dog and looked from her to the Tv and watched as she pressed past the movies, eventually though she found one that Logan though might be good.

Logan: What about that one? Glass Onion.

Ashley has seen the trailer to that and watched the first one, Logan was right about that one being good so she happily trusted his judgement for this one, Ashley pressed play and they started to enjoy their day together, no one to bother them but their over excited dog but he was asleep pretty quickly, leaving it just themselves...


(Take Care!)

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