Chapter 6: Valentine's Day!

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It's February 14th and Logan has a big night planned for the love of his life, it's a Tuesday and another Smackdown has gone past, only one more till the Chamber and the huge Main Event between the WWE's Alpha and the People's Champion, Ashley is excited too see what her husband can bring back to the WWE, the worlds buzzing as well the hype for the show is building more and more even with Logan delivering another impressive Promo against Dwayne on Friday Night.

Ashley: So what do you have planned today?

She asked looking up to Logan as they just woke up on the day for Love, Logan looked to his right and saw her using him as a body pillow, Logan didn't mind, her body fit perfectly against his making him love the tiny details especially her smiling face in the mornings.

Logan: Well, if I told you that then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it.

Logan kissed her but needed to get up, he has plans he needs to get into action so he sat there and pulled on a pair of boxers, they had sex last night and anyone who gets dressed after that is a mad person, Ashley watching him though as his tattoos looked great in the morning light.

Ashley: Can't you stay here a little while longer...

She whined to him as Logan turned to her with a smile, he walked into their wardrobe to get some clothes for today so he can get ready to give her a great night, he might not see Valentine's Day as a prepare Holiday but any day he can have the excuse to show the world how much he loves his wife is good for him.

Ashley: ... I just wanna cuddle.

As soon as she said that Milo came running into the room and hoped up on the bed, he was happy to be the one to cuddle, he's a cuddly dog, also loves going for jogs with his mommy or daddy.

Ashley: I wasn't talking to you but I'll take the cuddle little baby.

Milo was happy to hear that and they don't normally let him go into the bedroom but every now and then isn't such a bad thing, so Ashley hugged and petted Milo as Logan got washed and cleaned for the day, Logan walked back into the bedroom ready for the day...

... And honestly his naked wife and dog cuddled in the covers is extremely tempting to him to join them but she'll love what he has planned for her today.

Logan: I've been replaced already...

Ashley shrugged to him while sticking her tongue out to him, Logan chuckled and walked over to the bed, just like that Milo has his favorite and moved over to him, he didn't even call for him but he squatted down and started to scruff his fur.

Logan: ... You're daddy's little Prince huh...?

Logan winked to Ashley and she pouted to him while hiding a smile pretty badly, Logan stood up and leant over to her giving her a kiss that she made deeper by holding him in place, Logan chuckled into the kiss when she tried to pull him back into the bed, Logan got out of it though and gently pushed her forehead making her fall back into the bed, she laughed to him while Milo jumped around excited barking a little thinking it's play time.

Logan: Look after mommy for me.

Logan said to Milo and left after one last kiss for Ashley and a small kiss to Milo's head, Ashley didn't know what she's gonna do till then, Becky and Colby are out of town, and she's seen things on Social Media about him busting his knee up again, Logan has the same issue with his left foot, well it's his Achilles heel, he's had troubles with that over his career but nothing that has kept him out for more then a couple of months.

Then there's their other friends, Duncan's probably helping Logan with whatever he has planned, Gionna is also probably doing her own thing, maybe she's down for a gym session so Ashley took a shot in the dark and messaged her and Thea, luckily they were both free and they agreed to hit the gym for a quick session, also to spend some time with friends.

Milo didn't let her go alone though and she took him with her to the local gym that actually allows dogs, it's only because it's Logan's, Duncan's and Colby's gym, it's a wrestling gym, for those who just want to do it for exercise or aren't comfortable enough to go straight to the Performance Centre, it's also a basic gym with a monthly membership thing, it's a business run between friends...


Logan had in fact enlisted the help of Duncan to get today sorted for Ashley, now this isn't a one way thing Logan has helped with Duncan as well, he's not a complete asshole, just a slight one.

Duncan: You gonna tell me about the Chamber?

Logan shook his head to his much bigger friend, Duncan's been working hard in therapy to get back into the ring and Hunter has hopefully got a plan for him after Wrestlemania but that's still a few weeks away, no one likes to be on the side line.

Logan: Sorry mate, Hunter's orders. Only the people who need to know are to know.

Logan shrugged a little while their at the place Logan arranged for Ashley, the only downside is they gotta do the little things themselves, they do have the help of the staff but it'll get them out the house and that way Ashley or Thea can't torture the plan out of them.

Duncan: You don't trust me not to tell people?

Logan didn't know what to tell him, it's not so much that he doesn't trust him it's the fact that news always seems to get out no matter how much you try and keep it under wraps, these plans have been in motion since before the Rumble so since it's still secret is a big win.

Logan: You know it's not that, I could tell you but I'm not gonna. You'll just have to watch like everyone else.

Duncan looked to Logan and he held that cocky smile that he get's it does piss some people off but it's Logan, no one expects him to tell them things about himself because the guys a closed book.

Duncan: I hate you.

Logan let out a loud chuckle as they got back to work, it didn't take that long considering the staff's helping them as well, so after about an hour the place was set up and it left the both of them sitting down taking a break.

Duncan: You have better Valentine's idea's then I do.

Logan nodded in agreement, it's not his fault, Logan's great at coming up with idea's, he created his "Alpha of WWE" character in the space of a couple of weeks, that took him to becoming a 9x World Champion and counting, he's by far from done, these Valentine's day plans have been bouncing around his head for about a month now.

Logan: Don't feel bad, everyone's inferior to The Alpha.

Logan was just taking the piss, Duncan knew he was and chuckled, Duncan knows the plans for his future and just really wants to get back into the ring, Logan felt his phone buzz and took his phone out his jeans pocket, he opened it and saw a message from Ashley with a picture attached.

My Queen 💖👑 - I'm building a sweat without you. Just want you to know what your missing 🥰😘

Logan smiled to the message and the picture, she always does this sort of thing to him, he loves it though and his phone is full of all this sort of thing, like her's is full of him teasing her that and she'll leave her phone with him and he'll sae all kinds of random pics on her phone, nothing r-rated but random things you don't even know exists until you see them.

Logan: Right well, let's get going. You still gotta get that thing right?

Duncan nodded to him and Logan said he'll give him a ride, Duncan got dropped off her by Thea earlier before she went to the Gym with Ashley and Gionna, so they got to Logan's car...

... And he took Duncan to where he needed to go, luckily everything they need is around them here in Orlando, also Logan needs to make one more stop before sending a message to his wife.

Me - I'm on my way. Dress nice 😉😘

Ashley got a little excited after she had stepped out the shower and saw the message, she then went into their wardrobe again as Milo laid on the bed watching while Ashley went through outfit after outfit till she found one she thought looked nice...

... Ashley did ask Logan how she should dress, if it's a fancy dress sort of thing or a nice dress, Logan told her to wear whatever she wants, he was tempted to tell her to just wear a smile but opted against it, this is a time to be romantic not horny and perverted.

Logan's ready and waiting outside their home leaning on the hood of his car, he's not the greatest of dressing smart so he's hoping that this is enough for this sort of date...

... Logan put his hand into the inside of his right jacket pocket and made sure he got what he bought her there, no matter what people say but Valentine's Day isn't about him, it's a her thing, it's another day for you to make you're respective partners feel like the most special person in the world and Logan prides himself on always finding ways to over do himself.

Logan stood up with a small smile when he saw Ashely walk out the house and towards him with a smile of her own.

Logan: You always find a way to knock my socks off.

Ashley smiled to him as she wrapped her arms around him and under his jacket, Logan looked down to her slightly, even with the heels she's still shorter then him, that's something her ex's couldn't give her, it's the little things that make her love him and her having to look up to him instead of down, is kind hot.

Ashley: I'm more impressed with you...

She tugged on his jacket and Logan chuckled once, he's not the best with smart dress, she even helped him pick out his suit for their wedding day, he didn't get to see her dress though till the day and it was a nice sight.

Logan: You're chariot awaits my Love.

Logan opened the passenger side door and held his hand out to her, Ashley loved being treated like a Queen, even if she isn't one in real life, she still loves the little things here and there so she took his hand and he helped her in the car giving the back of her hand a kiss before letting it go and shutting the door.

Logan walked around the front of his car unbuttoning his jacket so he can sit comfortable before getting into the car and heading towards the place he set up for her, small talk along the way and seeming him with a target in life again has brought back the old him, Logan working towards getting into better shape and the Chamber is making him happy, he loved his time on their honeymoon but he needs something to do or he'll get bored really quickly.

Now he doesn't have that trouble as he parked the car and got her out, she hooked her arm with his as they got into the building and stepped inside the elevator, Logan defiantly set this up because they just walked in and nothing else, he pressed the top floor button and the lift took them up, Ashley waited really patiently till the lift dinged open and Ashley's jaw hit the floor...

... Logan smiled to her reaction and loved that after all this time he can still surprise her, he hired a waiter for the night and a cook who will be making their food nearby as they looked out to the city line view.

Logan: Pretty great right?

Logan winked to her as she looked to him and he took her hand taking her to the table, the waiter he hired took her seat out for her and all that cool stuff, they sat down and got their drinks, Logan couldn't wait now though and took the gift out he got for her.

Logan: I was gonna wait but I can't so, here.

Ashley took the small box from him and looked between it and him, that stopped though when she opened to box and her eyes went wide and jaw dropped...

... This isn't something she'll wear, she'll keep it safe and keep it forever but the message meant the most to her, like she say's, she likes being treated like a Queen and Logan can do that every day.

Ashley: Honey. It's beautiful.

She was honestly a little chocked up by what she's seeing, the jewelry and message combined really hit her in the feelings, Logan smiled to her as she leant forward, he met her sharing a kiss as they enjoyed the rest of their night, just the two of them and their first Valentine's Day as a married couple...


(To Be Continued)

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