Chapter 8: Getting Prepared!

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It's building more and more for The Chamber and the past couple of weeks with The Rock and Logan talking trash has really kicked things off, the fans are excited and the advertisement for the match looks great, Logan and Dwayne face to face, Dwayne wins and he joins the Main Event of Wrestlemania night 2.

But Logan's not gonna make this easy for The Rock, he's no push over, Dwayne has been doing this for over 20 years now, Logan has been doing it for 15 years, that's a lot of experience in the Main Event of The Elimination Chamber and both Logan and Dwayne can't wait to get back into the swing of things.

Dwayne: Let's do it again...

Logan agreed, Logan shut the doors to the gym today so he and Dwayne could work in peace and keep the bumps on the down low, they've been going at it for about 4 hours now just wanting to get it to perfection.

Logan was happy to go through the bumps again as Dwayne is a much bigger guy to him, if Logan makes a mistake during this match then he could seriously hurt Dwayne or himself so trying to get this perfect is what he's working towards, Dwyane could respect that in the kid and after a little while they took a break.

Dwayne: ... So what you doing after?

Dwayne asked Logan and he just seemed to look like a deer in headlights, Logan hasn't ever really thought about it, he's been doing this since he was 17 and never once thought about doing anything else, he doesn't really plan too far a head, this whole baby thing with Ashley is the biggest thing he's planned in his life, well, and the Wedding but he wasn't really that involved with that, he just wanted Ashley to have what she wanted for the day.

Logan: I uh, I've never actually thought about it before. Why?

Dwayne shrugged a little with a over joyed smile on his face, this man happiness is really contagious and it's rubbing off on Logan, Dwayne has got something for Logan though but only if he wants it of course, The Rock's not gonna force him into anything.

Dwayne: Well, I got this movie coming up and they need a bad guy.

Logan looked to Dwayne from his bag after taking his bottle and towel out, you can really build up a sweat while doing this kinda thing, people seem to forget that even if you don't want to do it for a living, wrestling is still a great source of exercise. 

Logan: They need a bad guy?

Dwayne nodded to him still with that smile on his face, Dwayne got his own gear out his bag and was impressed with the gym's equipment and it should be, the three owners have a combined 40 years of working out between them, regardless of the wrestling aspect of the job.

Dwayne: They need a bad guy.

Logan looked to Dwayne and thought about it, he is technically the bad guy at work, he's registered as a heel but the crowd seem to love him, so being a bad guy isn't such a difficult thing to him but he's never been in a movie before, most people in the WWE start their acting career in the Marine movies but their not being made anymore.

Logan: What kinda movie?

Dwayne liked that about Logan, he never backs down from a challenge, it's a pretty big movie, Hobbs & Shaw 2, Dwayne told him about it and that seemed to make him even more ready for this, Hobbs & Shaw was a good movie so a sequel is pretty much guaranteed, Dwayne told him about the ins and outs, also that auditions aren't till after Wrestlemania, that's giving Logan a little while to think about this, till they had to call it quits, their both needed in Portland, Maine for Smackdown where the match for Sunday will be turned into a Last Man Standing Match...


It's Friday Night and the show hasn't even started yet, Logan is in Portland ready to film the spot where he and Dwayne go face to face with Kayla Braxton asking the questions, it's the first time they've gone face to face since the Friday after the Rumble, for the past few weeks they've delivered promo after promo on each other and the tensions are high between the fans, so for them to go face to face only a few days away from the big fight, it's gonna be something.

Kayla: You ready?

Logan and Kayla have been friends for years, they even dated a few years ago, it didn't last long though, only a few weeks at most, so they opted to just stay friends and have been ever since, tonight she's going to be in the middle of the Great One and Logan while they got prepared for Tomorrow night.

Logan: What do you think? I'm the Alpha. Even Dwayne can't stop me.

Logan was clearly taking the piss and Kayla smiled to him, he's always the joker and one thing is he can always make people smile, Kayla did notice that Ashley isn't here though and wondered why.

Kayla: Where's Ash?

They got ready as Dwayne joined them, Logan has so much respect for this man and he has taught him so much over the past few weeks, even with Logan's experience there is still room to improve, there's nothing wrong with being better then the best.

Logan: She's already up in Montreal. I'm heading up there as soon as we're done here.

Ashley doesn't have anything here tonight, all she has is Shayna tomorrow and it'll be a win so she doesn't have much to do, she is advertising the PPV up there but that's only a internet interview, a few minutes at best.

Dwayne: Alright, let's get to work.

Dwayne wants to get going as well and Kayla's a little nervous, there isn't a script for her to follow with these two, she's gonna have to wing it as well, so once the camera crew was ready, the scene started with Kayla on her own and the two guys standing off to the side.

Kayla: Ladies and Gentlemen, with the Chamber just around the corner. Please welcome my guest at this time, The Rock...

This is when he crowd will cheer as Dwayne stepped into the camera shot, obviously the camera had to take a big step back, Dwayne's a full foot and a half taller then her, it's kinda funny.

Kayla: ... So, Rock. What's your game plan for Kenway tomorrow night...

Dwayne is in full The Rock mode and it's clear to see when he stopped Kayla by slowly taking the microphone out of her hand, Kayla let him and took a step back leaving The Rock and the camera on their own letting him talk to the People.

The Rock: Before we talk about a boy who wants to play god calling himself an Alpha wolf when in reality he's nothing more then The Rock's little puppy dog...

The Rock waited a second staring into the camera wanting it to seem like he's talking to the fans, this is where he lets the insult sizzle and the crowd will give a small reaction.

The Rock: ... You all want to know what The Rock has planned but you're not ready for what I have planned, you might not be able to get it but you sure as hell can smell it! 'Cause finally The Rock has come back to Portland...!

Logan and Kayla watched from nearby as The Rock did what he does best, the hype this man can build and the trash talking is second to none, Kayla looked up to Logan and Logan has a smile on his face.

Kayla: You might have bit off more then you can chew here, Wolfie.

Logan looked to her and she has a point, Logan's easily lost the battle of words between him and The Rock over the past couple of weeks, Logan knows that but it's not something that normally happens, Logan normally wins in the trash talking fight but The Rock is something else.

Logan: Maybe, but I like the challenge.

Kayla admired him for that, a lot of people did, Logan doesn't take challengers lightly, he takes them and overcomes them, it's one of the reason's Ashley can't get him to slow down, he seems to always be trying to prove his parents wrong about him and his career, Kayla knows that, she's met his parents, their pretty toxic.

The Rock: ... You wanna know what The Rock's gonna do. He's gonna open up a can of whoop-ass on this jabroni puppy dog...!

This is Logan's turn to come into the shot and stepped slowly in front of The Rock, he stopped and looked to Logan as the camera moved to get them both into the shot, Logan looked down with his arms across his chest, The Rock tilted his head up a little and looked down to him before Logan spoke, the sound mic above them picking up his words.

Logan: You know you really do talk a lot...

Logan looked up to The Rock and looked him in the eye, barely any space between these two as the tension between them is obvious, Kayla and a few others now watched from nearby as these two are the talk of the Company right now.

Logan: ... So why don't you put you're money were you mouth is, let's change the match for a simple one on one to something a little more... Extreme...

This is where the crowd would give their reaction so Logan waited a second, The Rock nodded a little seeming to like the idea as Logan laid down the challenge.

Logan: ... You think I'm that easy to beat. Maybe but it's easy to keep you're opponent down for a 3 count, can you stop me for 10?

Logan asked and once again this is where the crowd would give their reaction, Kayla and the others liked this, the WWE hasn't had this sort of rivalry since 2012 when The Rock came back and went to war with John Cena.

Logan: I know I can beat you. You think you can beat me, that's the difference between the two of us, you call yourself the Great One but I prove I'm the Great One. I'll see you Tomorrow Rocky.

Logan left walking out of camera shot as the camera got a shot of The Rock's face as he looked into the direction where Logan walked off, it seemed that The Rock was unsure of himself making Logan win this round, the camera cut and that was it, Dwayne and Logan are done and can get ready to leave, Logan came pretty much empty handed, his plane landed her a few hours ago and the one taking him to Montreal is leaving in a couple more so he needs to get to the airport, so after saying bye to his friends he left to the airport...


So after nearly 2 hours and Logan's flight landed in Montreal, Canada, Logan got off the flight and went towards the hotel he didn't have any luggage because that came up with Ashley and the others, Colby and Becky traveled with her, only Becky's performing tomorrow though with Colby's injury, so Logan didn't just leave his bags with Ashley, he's not an asshole.

Colby: That fight will be good.

The trio are in Becky's and Colby's room as Roux is watching her god father on Tv, Ashley is holding the girl in her arms kind of excited about the future with Logan, she can't wait to have a baby of their own, she hasn't told anyone though, their no where near that stage yet.

Becky: Dwayne's one of the GOAT's, I'm surprised Logan was even able to keep up with him.

The others agreed, they knew that Logan was good at his job but The Rock just has this way of turning your own fans on you, Logan has been able to keep up though, The Rock's still won but Logan certainly didn't lose.

Ashley: His flight must have landed by now so he should be here soon.

They just finished watching Smackdown and the promo between the two was at the end of the show, it was exactly what you'd expect from the two, Dwayne working the crowd and Logan making it seem like he's being underestimated, The Rock of course is underestimating him though, all the way through the past few weeks, The Rock's referred to him as a boy or a kid, it's all part of the plan that will unfold tomorrow...


(To Be Continued)

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