Chapter 4

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The pathway darkened as the pup traveled farther and farther into the tunnel of trees and weird plants. None of his friends have ever traveled this far into the forest, but since his own trainer went there during a forest fire and survived it! He thought that I'd be just fine.

Yet the trail got deeper and deeper into the earths dark secrets and more narrow to where it was just two wolves long. Timber started breathing heavily as he heard a twig. Then his heart stopped.

What was that! He knew it, he could sense someone around. Every power had a different filling to it, like fire felt warm, ice cold, and healing felt as if it were giving you strength and power. Yet, this was unlike any other.

I should turn back, he thought and right away turned on his tail. Just then he heard the trees whisper as their leaves ran into each other. It wasn't even windy.

"Who- who are you?" An powerful, determined and a little bit shaky voice said. "Why are you on my land?" Timber jumped up with fear, his heart thumping his mind racing and his lungs were trying to catch their breath.

When he turned around he noticed only but one thing, and that thing was the mighty willow tree itself. "Where are you? Show yourself! This is our land!" Timber then showed his teeth but he still knew no little one year old would threaten a warrior with this much power.

There was silence as he stood in the battle position he saw most warriors use. "Show yourself!" He repeated. Just then a beautiful white wolves head popped out of the bundle of leaves on the willow.

Timber then somewhat relaxed realizing the wolf was about his age. "What are you doing in that tree? Why are you intruding our land?" Timber was quite startled by the fact that an enemy wolf was hanging out in a tree.

"Why what do you mean?" She then responded and Timber noticed her voice lost its shakiness.
"I lived here my whole life," she seemed quite confused. "And I am not from one of those tribes, now you have to leave." The white wolf then stuck her head back into the tree.

"Your from mountain tribe aren't you! Your intruding your land! Well I might as well go tell my trainer Rubyflame to hunt you down you little intruder!" He yipped, snarling with his teeth once again.

Just then, almost instantly her head showed up again, just this time filled with curiousness. "You, you know my mother," then Timbers eyes widened.

Who the heck is this! He thought getting very confused. "How do I not know you?" He questioned, letting the snarl die away. "I know all of my trainers pups, we're best friends. And why are you in that tree?"

"Well, it's a long story, my names Willow by the way." She then glanced away in embarrassment. "I never talked to a wolf before, besides my mother that is. I don't really know anything about this world but all I know is that I different..." Willow then didn't know what to say but she remembered. "My mother adopted me, and kept me here, well... I think that's all you should know." She left again, into the maze of leaves.

"My mom told me never to go near this place. Is it because of you? How are you different? Why are you kept away from other wolves?" Questions after questions raced into Timber's mind causing him to get a headache.

"I bet it is," she said looking down. Then a tear dropped from her eye and Timber felt a sudden emptiness come from him. "I don't know wolves because I was kept away. I can't tell you why though. Now leave before others come!" Her voice raised as if it really meant something.

"Oh ok," for once Timber took this seriously knowing this wolf must of meant something not of his knowing. Rubyflame was a good wolf and if she ever did keep a secret, I'd need to be important. So he turned around and started to walk back to camp. But he knew he wanted to learn more about this soon.

As his tail got out of sight from the Willow tree he heard someone call him and he recognized the she-wolves voice. He trailed on back and looked up into the tree. This time her head was sticking out a little bit farther revealing a weird blue fleck of fur on her neck.

"Look I always wanted to meet a wolf and all so I just wanted to know a little bit more about you," she said simply yet didn't make eye contact.

Timber sat down and glared up at her. "So, what you wanna know?" He asked, "I'm just an above average one year old wolf," he kind of smirked knowing all his strengths.

"Your name," Willow said and Timber felt as if he completely forgotten about that part. He stood up awkwardly and shook himself.

"Timber," he answered. "Of the Forest tribe." Then he noticed a nervous look growing on her face and for a few seconds all was silent.

"Timber, yearling of Forest tribe," she addressed to him formally. "Can I trust you?" She said full of some kind of hope.

Timber seemed shocked, some kinda so called "different" wolf chose him to keep a secret. So instead of saying no he questioned back. "With?"

"I wanted someone to know the truth," she said and then lightly flew to the ice cold forest floor.

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