Chapter 6

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Chase began trailing off towards the tree, a snarl written on his yellow-brown face. "Show yourself!" He growled into the darkness of the night.

The mighty willow stood tall and proud, deadly and evil. Timber nervously rubbed his paws together. "Chase, you should really stay away from that tree, remember that it caused the fire?" The brown wolf reminded.

"That was only once, a year ago," he answered while standing by the base of the tree. "It's when we were newborns, I bet it's just a fib to make us stay in our dens," Chase argued, "or are you still a yearling Timber?" He joked.

Timber raised to his full height and let out a small growl. "Take that back Chase, don't go near that tree!" Chase then turned around and looked straight into the wild eyes of Timber. Twilight and Celestia were both trembling as Chase made the warning threat by lifting his tail up and curling back his lips to show those sharp teeth of his.

"Your hiding something from me!" The yearling noticed. "What is it that your all hiding from us? Is it the mountain tribe? Are they hiding something in that tree? Is there dangerous weapons hidden within its leaves?"

"No! There's... I mean..," Timber hesitated. "I don't know what's up there but Goldenfreeze said it was bad!"

"Why trust your mother?" Snapped Chase.

"The Queen said so too, and the warriors all follow that rule too!" Timber defended, backing away from his companion. "And if you don't believe me..," he said while showing his teeth back to Chase. Then he pounced at Chase, the wolf who used to be his friend.

They started fighting, just to protect me? This fighting doesn't need to happen!

Timber bared his teeth into Chase's flesh, yet not enough to cut through. Chase howled in pain, it was a lot stronger then the play fights they had.

"What's your problem Timber?" He yelled and then clawed his back. "I just wanted to see what's in the tree you fool."

"Your the fool, going near the tree!" Timber pointed out, but Chase didn't listen. Using his speed, he rushed back toward the trunk of the tree. Timber tried bitting his leg but slipped.

Chase began clawing at the tree rapidly, howling, "who's there!"

Willow began to tense more, slowly making her way further into the heart of the leaves. Would I be able to stay hidden? If it weren't for the summer, the leaves wouldn't even cover parts of me. Her wings rustled against the leaves and she noticed that Chase flinched.

"Who's up there? I know I heard you!" Just then he let out a battle cry, a howl used only in the start of wars and fights. It was high pitched and tended to shake the earth and scare away birds. Yet Chase didn't recall how close he was to the Mountain tribe.

Just then the call repeated itself, stronger and louder, the howl of a warrior. The sounds of multiple paw steps came from where the forest ended. In first sight was a tall, red and black wolf followed by the brown colored Mountain tribe queen.

They were in a small group around four wolves, one fire, two earth, and a healer just in case. Because the battle cry was obviously from a yearling, they didn't really bring much.

"What are you doing beyond our borders," commanded the queen. Though the fire wolf was in attack position, the others stayed calm. "You'll scare the whole tribe with that mighty howl of yours, yearling."

"Your tribe is on our borders!" Yelled out Chase and Twilight thought it was cool to join in and say "ya!" His black fur raising off his back. His sister on the other hand was stunned. She was told about the battle cry, but never actually heard a real one.

Chase then noted toward the tree, and the healing wolf then flinched, tucking her tail between her legs.

"That tree," he pointed out. "Is something of yours in that tree?" Then he noticed again the healing wolf pinning her ears back and making all those afraid gestures. She then stepped forward and Timber noticed she was only young, probably just turned five. After wolves got there powers they normally lived up to a hundred years if lucky, but most fights take them away.

"Our tribe has noticed that too," she admitted talking in a whisper. "They say a danger so strong is living in there," the queen then shook her head in agreement.

"You younglings need to stay away from that tree," she instructed. Then she adjusted her golden armor around her shoulders. They showed of a crown. All the wolves of the five tribes wore armor to show there rank, first pinkish stars, and after five of those they moved onto the silver, then the gold. Five gold star warriors were the most rare and tended to be the queens best weapon.

"Ugh," Chase complained, "that's the same thing Forest tribe tells us!" He then turned around and sat, ears back. "Well it's just a tree, doubt anything will be wrong with it," then he charged back into the forest.

The fire wolf sank back into a normal stance and the Queen scowled at the fake call.

"Well we must get going then," said the red wolf. The queen then turned around and trailed off, the other three following closely behind.

"Wow," said Celestia who stayed quiet the whole time. Her navy blue eyes were wide and her paws trembled with both adrenaline and fear. "I can't believe he did that howl! He'll be in big trouble at home!"

"Yes, yes he will. And hopefully that will forbid him from traveling out of the yearling's clearing for awhile," Timber added on "he'll need that." Timber sighed with relief that Chase was gone, for now.

The twins looked around for a bit then looked back at Timber as if asking what to do now.

"We should head back to camp guys," he said, and the twins agreed.

On there way back, Celestia didn't make it that far before she asked, "It did seem like you were hiding something from us though Timber, do you know something that your keeping from two whole tribes?"

Timber could sense the hair rising off his back again, "well no, I mean..." he was cut off again, but this time by his younger more friendly siblings. What am I going to say? What am I going to do? I'll fail the poor air wolf. Just thinking of the word air made him feel off.

He stared out into space, the words were took away from him, he stand there speechless, looking into their identical navy eyes. Then out of a sudden nowhere, he felt hope. There was a feeling of power rushing through his veins, one that he felt before, but now knew what it meant.

The twins stood there huddled up in a ball, "what was that?" Celestia asked Timber, she had heard a noise coming from the leaves behind them. As the morning sun began to rise the saw a shadow of something coming from behind them.

Timber knew who it was as he noticed the large, bird like extensions on the shadows back. It was Willow, and she was away from her tree.

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