Surprise Surprise

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She beat me, not only that, she smoked me!

I sat on the ground just staring at her in shock as she walked up, whipping her ponytail out of her face. She was panting but smiling.

"Good game." She held out a hand to help me up, but I cleared my throat and got up myself.

"I was just going easy on you ya know." I told her as I brushed off my butt. She blinked at me in surprise before I saw her crack a smile as she snickered.


I found myself smiling in reaction before looking away. What was wrong with me? Why was I legitimately reacting? I was supposed to be frowning and embarrassed, not happy!

"So I get to ask you a question." She said putting her hands on her hips.

A hum escaped my lips at that. "Did I say that?" I asked raising a playful brow.

"Well are you going to answer honestly?" She asked also raising a playful brow. I nodded.

"I suppose I have to, what's your question?" I asked. The red head thought about it before shrugging.

"I dunno, I'll just save it for later I guess."

That's not something that happened often, but it had happened. I nodded.

"That's allowed, but you can't save more than one free question." I told her and she nodded.

"Alright." She agreed when someone ran out from around the house.


I looked over at them curiously. The boy was around the Alpha's age, but had muddy brown hair, his eyes were a dull grey and he was covered in freckles.

"Henry?" She asked raising a brow as the boy ran over quite quickly.

"Miss Amelia's got some trouble."

The Alpha tensed at that and started after the freckled boy as he lead her somewhere. Still curious, and not really having anything else to do, I followed.

A gasp sounded from Red when we saw the problem.

Miss Amelia's small orchard had been burned to a crisp. I spotted a tuff of white and red hair stuck off of a fence post.

I was the only one who seemed to notice it, so I grabbed it, putting it in my pocket.

"Rouges." The Alpha growled, almost making me flinch.

"This close?" Henry asked as the blonde woman cried softly over her lost trees.

"What did you grow here?" I asked her and she looked over at me.

"Oh I grew a variety of things even in such a small space. Plums, apples, pears, even some strawberries." She gestured at a side of dirt that had burned roots and plants.

I shut off my emotions before anger rose. I couldn't get mad at Phoenix for this, she was doing it for a reason. The sooner this place fell, the sooner this woman could have even more room to grow her orchard.

"This plot is rather small to be growing all of these things." I pointed out to her.

"Oh but it was all I needed." Miss Amelia told me. I blinked at her somewhat surprised.

"Oh Luna Everly knew just the right amount of ground that I wanted when she helped me find this house." She smiled at the memory while I noticed Red crouched on the ground near one of the trees.

I rose a brow as I approached her slowly.

"Uh. You ok?" I asked when she stood up suddenly and turned to Miss Amelia.

"We'll do what we can to get you some new seeds. Would that be alright?"
The blonde smiled.

"Oh yes of course. Though I'm afraid it's too late to plant the seeds now, Summer is already here."

The red head walked up to the lady and held one of her hands.

"I'm sure that next year you'll be able to plant them in very fertile soil then."

"Oh yes! The ash will hopefully clear out by then." The woman smiled. Still, I found myself following the Alpha back to her house a little closer after the matter had been dealt with.

"Were you, attached to one of those trees?" I asked, to which her gaze snapped towards me. She was frowning, her eyes cold.

"I believe you need to beat me at a game to know the answer to that." She told me and I formed a smirk.

"Well then, care for a match of Chess?" I asked. Her frown deepened for a moment before she nodded.

"Fine, just let me fix this little mess. We need to get the ash out of Amelia's garden."

"What's her rank?" I asked making Red frown at me again.

"Does it matter?" She shot back and I stared at her confused.

"If it didn't there wouldn't be a rank system."

"The rank system was made by our ancestors as a leader chart, not a guide line of whose better than others." She told me before walking faster down the hall.

I stopped, and watched her go before glancing behind me. The blonde in the bun walked down another hallway, humming gently. A frown pulled at my lips, but I kept myself calm, almost stagnant.

I went back to my room to change, my shirt was getting even more itchy from my sweat and I needed out of it.

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