4-The Bubbler pt1

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"Welcome to the house TO THE HAUS OF HOLBEIN JA!!!" I say in a terrible German accent with a lolipop in my mouth and start drumming my fingers to the beat


"Ja?" I take the lolipop out of my mouth and look towards my laptop. There on the screen is my best friend Nathaniel looking really annoyed

"Aren't we suppose to be studying history? Not drawing guys beating each other up while listening to musicals "

"I am studying history" I put the lolipop on my mouth, cross my arms and look away with a smug grin

"FRENCH history! Not British history" Nathaniel says

"Same thing, they're both history" I pop the lolipop out of my mouth and shrug

"Hana come on"

"Besides, I'm also taking a small break 'cause as you can see" I hold up my hand showing him my wrist brace "my hand is killing me" I put the lolipop back in my mouth

"I know, that's why I took half of your workload so that we could study for our exam which may I remind you is tomorrow!" He exclaims

I stare at him for a while "dude chill"

"Ugh let's resume" Nathaniel opens his notebook while I go back to drawing

"Marie Antoinette was tried by the Revolutiona-"


"OH MY GOD WHAT NOW?!" Nathaniel yells

I look towards my phone and see that it's a message from Marinette in the girls group chat

"Oh it's nothing" I put my phone down and motion for Nathaniel to continue "please carry on"

"Sigh by the Revolutionary Tribune in 17-"


"In 1793 on Oct-"


Nathaniel puts the notebook down, presses his hands together and inhales "Would you like to get that?"

"Fine" I sigh, put down my drawing pen and open the messages app on my phone

The 3 amigas

Guys! I just finished Adrien's present!

Lady Journalist
Omg! 🤩
It looks awesome! 👍

What if he doesn't like it?
What if he hates this shade of blue? Or he doesn't like the fabric?

Mari it's fine
I'm sure he's gonna appreciate the gift

Fine?! It needs to be perfect!
I can't just give him a 'fine' gift!
I need to give him a gift just as perfect as him

"Oh my god" I sight and rub my fingers against my temple

"Everything okay?" Nathaniel ask looking somewhat worried

"Yeah it's just Marinette" I wave him off

"M-Marinette? Did something happen? Is she okay?" Nathaniel frantically ask questions through the screen

I narrow my eyes at him "Yeah... she's just freaking out over Adrien's birthday present"

"Oh..." he seems to deflate "when's his birthday anyway?"

"Google it. He's famous enough to be on Google" I tell him

Nathaniel starts typing and clicking stuff on his computer "Woah it's tomorrow!"

"Yep" I pop the p "And she's freaking out because I quote 'I need to give him a gift just as perfect as him'." I do finger quotes

"Oh so she uhh likes Adrien" Nathaniel says sounding sad. I look at him suspiciously

"Well I wouldn't call it 'like' more like obsessed" I put down my phone and look at Nathaniel seriously "Hey are you okay? You seem kinda down"

"Hmm? Oh yeah I'm totes okay" Nathaniel says with a fake smile

"Oh my god you just said totes! Something's wrong" I gasp

"Dammit" Nathaniel mumbles and sighs

"Talk to me girl" I cross my legs and put my hands together in front of my face

"You look like an evil therapist" he chuckles

"Doesn't matter. Now spill"

Nathaniel sighs and runs his hand through his messy hair "It's nothing just- Ugh I don't know how to say this" he takes a deep breath "ImayhavedevelopedasmallcrushonMarinette!" He speaks quickly but luckily I'm able to catch what he's saying

"YOU LIKE MARINETTE?!?!" I yell and slam my hands on my desk

"Hana! Is everything okay?!" I hear my grandpa yell

"Yeah grandpa I'm fine! Go back to watching your show!" I yell back "you like Marinette?" I whisper

"I think so...maybe ugh this is so embarrassing!" He covers his blushing face with his hands

"Look Nathaniel, you're my best friend and I love you and only want the best for you... but I don't think it's gonna work out." I tell him sadly

"Yeah I know... I just don't know how to stop feeling this way. She's beautiful, kind and has the brightest eyes in the sky" Nathaniel says with a smitten smile

"Look I know why you'd like Marinette. Hell I'd date her but please hear me when I say it's better if you just move on. I mean she really REALLY head over heels obsessed with Adrien and I don't want to see you get hurt"

"Yeah you're right Hana but still..." he trails off

"Maybe you should distract yourself. Keep your mind focused on something else"

"Liiiiike studying for our history exams?" He waves the notebook and sheeply smiles

"Ugh!" I slam my head on the desk while his laughter echoed through the computer speaker

~~~ The next morning~~~

I'm currently eating my bowl of cereal while scrolling through my Instagram feed. Keeda and Wayzz are eating their fruit and Grandpa is reading the newspaper as usual.

Suddenly he puts down his newspaper
"Hana, we need to talk" he looks at me very seriously

"Uhh okay.... what did I do?" I put down my spoon and drink some orange juice

"Nothing nothing" he chuckles "I was just thinking... maybe we should start your training today"

I almost spit out my juice. I heard Keeda cough several times most likely from choking on his food

I swallow the juice and cough a little "What?"

"Master... are you serious?" Wayzz flies up to him with wide eyes

"Yes I am."

"Will you excuse me for a second" I stand up and walk out of the kitchen. When I'm in the hallway I make sure I'm a t a good enough distance.

"YES! YES YES YES YES YES!!!!" I scream

I go back to the kitchen and sit back down "Please continue" I drink some juice

He chuckles then continues "After school your training will begin"

"What are we doing?"

"Well I was thinking we can work on your combat skills today and later on Wayzz, Keeda and I can teach you about the history of the miraculous" he explains

"Wait I gotta be involved too?" Keeda flies up to grandpas face

"We'll of course! You are a kwami and besides your history is.... quite fascinating" he responds

Keeda grins flashing his sharp fangs "Hehe well I can't argue with that"

I finish my breakfast and clean the dish. "Well we better get going. Come on Keeda!" I put on my backpack and Keeda flies into it.

"Have a good day Hana" Grandpa waves goodbye

"I hope you learn a lot of stuff at school!" Wayzz says

I wave back at them and leave


I'm currently leaning against the wall at the top of the stairs of the school entrance playing games on my phone while waiting for Nathaniel to show up. While in the middle of playing Temple Run I hear someone call out my name

"Hana! What up dudette?" Nino approaches me with a fist bump and we do our special hand shake

"Not much really. Just here waiting for Nathan" I look behind him and see Adrien

"Hi Adrien. Happy birthday" I greet him with a smile

"Thanks Hana. Unfortunately it's on a rough start" he says


"My father's not allowing me to throw a birthday party today" I looks down on the ground sadly

"Dude, seriously? Has your dad always been such a downer? You'd think he'd remember what it was like to be young and wanna party a little." Nino says as he takes out a bubble bottle from his backpack

"No, I'm pretty sure he was a downer back then too. Well, at least I tried." Adrien shrugs

"Well you know what? You don't need a party" I take Nino's bubble want and blow out some bubbles "All you needs is your friends" I smile

"and maybe presents" I says and they both laugh

"Yeah maybe you're right. But it would still be cool to have one" Adrien says

"It's your b-day, dude! Insist!" Nino wraps his arm around Adrien "You know what, I'm gonna have a little convo with your pops."

"Oh my god Nino don't! You'll die!" I dramatically say while fake crying

Adrien chuckles and says "Don't waste your time. He's not gonna change his mind"

Suddenly Marinette pops out of nowhere in front of us with her hands behind her back
"Umm he-hey!"

"Hey." Adrien says surprised

I look behind Marinette and see a wrapped gift. I sudly give her an encouraging thumbs up.

"I, uh, I wanted to, umm, gift you a make-– I mean, gift you a give I made-- I mean..."

Suddenly Chloe walks up to us and shoved Marinette away "Happy birthday, Adrien!" She says acting sweet. She throws herself onto him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Mwah!"

Me and Nino gagg.

"Yeah, thanks Chlo." Adrien says while slightly pushing Chloe away

"Did you get the gift I sent you?"  Chloe asks

"Uh no" Adrien responds

I lean towards Nino and whisper "She probably forgot it was even his birthday"

"Just like she forgets everyone's birthday" he whispers back

"She'd probably forget her own if she wasn't so narcissistic" Nino chuckles and give me a pat

"ll make sure they get it to you by tonight." Chloe then gives Adrien another kiss on the cheek and leaves while humming a happy tune to herself.

I look around, checking if Nathaniel had arrived yet but instead I spot Alya peeking behind a wall

"So uhh I'll see you guys in class. Bye" I quickly walk away towards where I saw Alya. I look behind the wall and see Marinette sitting while looking at the wrapped gift all gloomy

"Mari what the heck was that?" I say referring to her attempt at giving Adrien her gift

"Ugh Why can't I just mean what I say?" She says sounding defeated

"Uh, say what you mean?" Alya corrects her

"Exactly." Marinette hangs her head all depressed

"Hey it's okay you till have 8 hours of school left. You still have a chance to give it to him by the end of the day" I say

"Hana's right. You can't give up!" Alya hypes Marinette up

"You guys are right!" Mari stands up and throws her fist up in the air "I can totally give Adrien his present!"


"I totally blew it!" Marinette yells clutching her head while dropping to the floor in despair

It's after school and Adrien has just left.... and Mari still hasn't given him his present. Me and Alya shake our heads in disappointment.


"Girl you literally had all day to give it to him!"

"I know!" Mari cries out "now what am I gonna do?!"

Alya thinks for a moment then snaps her finger "His house!" I look at her confused until I finally realize what she meant

"You can drop off his present at his house!"

"WHAT?! M-me at A-Adrien's house?! That's crazy! I can't just show up at his house! He'll think I'm some kind of stalker for showing up all of a sudden then he'll call the police and I'll be arrested and-" Mari rambles but I cut her off

"Mari! Just drop it off at his mailbox. That way you don't have to confront him" I say holding her shoulders

"And the guy's rich. He probably has a super fancy security system so you wouldn't be allowed in anyway" Alya says

"You guys are geniuses!" Marinette jumps up from the ground "Come on let's go!" She grabs our hands and start dragging us but I pull my hand away

"Sorry Mari but I have a lot of stuff to do" I explain "Good luck!" I wave and run off

I make my way to an alley and transform. I roof jump and swing all the way to the roof of my apartment building. I detransform and make my way down the stairs to our floor.

"Oh my god I'm so excited Keeda" I say jumping several steps

"Hana be careful! We wouldn't want you injured before the training even started" Keeda says frantically

"I jump rooftops for a living" I slide down the rail and make it to my floor "this is nothing"


"Grandpa we're home!" I walk in and basically throw my backpack aside from excitement

"Someone seems excited" Grandpa says getting up from the couch

"Well of course I am! I've been waiting for this moment basically my whole life" I smile

"Well wait no more my dear..." he walks towards the gramophone and takes out the miracle box. He sets it on the mat and opens it "For your training begins now"

I stare in awe at all the different miraculous jewels. I've heard stories about all the different miraculous holders and their adventures since I was a kid and to think all that was possible because of these tiny objects.

"Are you ready?"

I look up at my grandpa with a determined grin "I'm ready"

"Then let us begin"

Ok ok ok ik this might seem like a bitch move to end it on a cliffhanger after not updating for so long but hear me out

I'm sorry I haven't updated. I never would've thought this story would get that much attention. This story was just me being bored one day watching MLB and thought "what if I wrote a fanfic about this?" And tbh I was all for it at the beginning. I had all this ideas and I was so excited to start writing it. The thing was that all my ideas were for stuff for S2-S3 and I wasn't really motivated to write S1.

Writing S1 was my downfall. There wasn't much plot or VERY important events in it so I decided to try and include some stuff to make it less boring. So I added Hana's training arc, decided to give Nathan more love and adding some other ideas/characters ;). But when I actually try to write the chapter my mind goes blank. It's like I know what I wanna write but just can't convey it in words.

So I've split this into parts so that I can get my shit together. I really HOPE I won't keep you waiting for an update for so long cuz I don't wanna seem like a bitch. I'm just someone writing for fun so please understand.

Anyway vote and comment what you thought about this chapter!

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