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Jungkooks pov

I growl staring at the bones of the deer left. I look around and then huff "fucking stupid snakes again! They're back!" jiyou tilts her head "we haven't seen snakes in years kook" I huff "I know. And now they're back to piss me off"

I turn back "everyone back to the kingdom. Keep an eye out for those fucking snakes" they all nod "yes alpha" we walk back to the kingdom and I walk to the Palace.

I shift to my human form and see my eomma and appa waiting for me. I groan "what?!"  appa growls "don't talk to me like that Pup" I growl louder "don't call me pup."
My eomma sighs "oh that is enough boys! We have a bigger problem! The snake alpha is back!"

I tilt my head "the snake what now?.. Alphas are a wolf thing dumb bitch" she glares at me and I look down "sorry eomma" she nods "that's what I thought brat.. And no, the snakes have an alpha snake. The king and ruler of every reptile in the land"

I look at her "what's his name?" she sighs "Park jimin" I tilt my head "I've heard that name somewhere" appa tilts his head "where?". I roll my eyes "well if I knew that I wouldn't just say somewhere you dumb fuck!"

Appa growls and I just shove past him and to my bedroom

Park.. Jimin?..
Where have I heard that name before?

Jimins pov

I smirk sitting on my throne staring at the throne next to me and lick my lips "soon it will be time for my visit, my cute pup~"

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