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In the inner layers of the Multiverse Error!Sans was sitting around minding his bussines as he watched Aus from afar showing little interest in them as usual.

"With Ink having his new friends and toys around this place has become too cute, especially with that new Dream kid running around spreading all this positivity and shit, same for his annoying brother Nightmare, wouldn't be a pain if he wasn't always nagging for me to join his stupid club or whatever." Error said as he played with his strings

Error then looked over and saw Ink, Dream and another version of Blueberry!Sans. They all looked to be doing some weird team meeting thing or whatever it was, Error payed it no mind, he had destroyed 10 Aus today and didn't have to deal with ink too much thanks to that new organization known as the "Bad Sansses" going around and causing havoc. It gave Error a chance to relax and no longer worry on what was happening around him at least until Ink came around.

"Hey best buddy!" Ink smiled

"Oh Jesus kill me" Error said as he turned in his makeshift hammock looking away, he could hear Ink drinking another vial to change his emotions, Error always knew everyone looked at him like a freak and a weirdo, but why did they never question the only one without a soul or who couldn't feel any emotion?, He asked himself that question a lot.

"So the silent treatment hu? thats ok, just want you to know that if you stick your nose in any Aus again i still owe you 2 broken legs for before, Seya!" Ink waved as he ran back to his "friends". Error looked back and watched them disappear and just as that happened Error got out of his hammock and then made his way to the doodle sphere and as he got there he noticed all the aus all timing with life and sparks of energy, he then used his strings and grabbed one,It was SwapFell.

"What a waste of space, the probability under 4% shouldn't exist and yet here it is, taking up all this space with the rest of the filth here, heh well not for long" Error said as he then grabbed it and ripped it to shreds and ciphering its core code for himself, Error then began to laugh and chuckle to himself as he kept tearing apart aus until suddenly he got hit with a large thing of paint.

"Oh shit" Error said under his breath as he looked up to see a pissed Ink

"Now i owe you 5 broken ribs glitchy" Ink smiled as he then ran towards Error with his Brush

"Try and catch me squid!!" Error shouted as he teleported away only for Ink to already be there

"WHAT THE?!" Error shouted as he back up

"Come one glitchy we've done this song n dance before, i know exactly where your gonna teleport to next, there is no point in running" Ink smirked as he looked at Error with cold red eyes.

"We'll see about that shit head!" Error said as he teleported to underswap only for Ink to be sitting on a nearby tree waiting for him 

"This place again?" Ink smirked

"Son of-" Error muttered as he teleported away again and again and again and again. Ink was always there waiting for him, there was no way for him to get away, until finally Error felt a unfamiliar presence and took the opportunity to teleport there and as soon as he got there he found himself in a dark black abyss.

"What the hell is this place?" Error thought to himself as he kept walking, as he did each step sent out a ripple effect all over the place, the amount of code Error felt in this place was overwhelming, not only that, but the voices of the Anti-void he used to hear were 10x worse in this place to the point Error had to stop walking completely and block them out to focus on walking.

"...is this hell or something?" Error said with a echo

"No worse" said a voice near him in which Error jumped backwards in shock and slight fear only to see another sans on his knees in the black abyss.

"Who are you?" Error asked 

"Who am I?...i once had a real name...don't remember it all too well anymore" said the skeleton as it looked up at Error "Who are you?" it asked.

"...I'm Error, the god of destruction" Error said with a wide smile 

"Error hu?...thats a nice name, maybe i'll use that instead" said the figure as it got up revealing its face to be similar to Error's except whatever string like things on his face weren't strings, but scars.

"WHAT!? Hell no! I don't do well with that kind of oc bullshit crap!" Error said as he used his string to wrap around the figure.

"Now are you ready to admit surrender? or shall i kill you instead?" Error said with a smile "I could use him to help me get out of this weird ass place" Error thought to himself before he saw the Skeleton begin to squirm.

"...J-Jacob...H-How could you...HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEEEE!!!" the skeleton screamed out as it then broken through the strings with ease and ran to Error getting ready to grab him.

"WAIT STOP!" Error shouted, but it was too late, the skeleton grabbed a hold on him.

The moment contact was made between the two the Multiverse immediately shut down and restarted itself spawning Error and the other skeleton outside of the weird black abyss and in the anti-void.

"W-what the hell just happened? i felt like i died and then just-" but before Error could finishes he was lifted up into the air by the pale skeleton and smashed onto the ground head first causing excruciating pain, he was then lifted up again and the process repeated twelve times before Error was left dangling suspended in the air.

"This is curious, all this new life and new faces i can sense everywhere and yet my home is nowhere to be found. I'll have to start anew then, but first lets start with getting everything situated" said the pale skeleton as it walked over to Error who's skull was nearly close to cracking and had divots in some places.

"Tell me something Error do you work for anyone?" the skeleton asked

"N-no" Error said weakly "How is he so damn strong?" Error thought to himself as blood dripped down his skull

"Heheh excellent then, Since you seem to have a good idea of how this place works from what im guessing and i could use someone to show me the ropes i'll recruit you under my wing, if you refuse though i'll kill you on the spot...G O T  I T?" the pale skeleton said in a cold tone

Error looked at him with a look of anger, but he knew what was the result if he refused so reluctantly agreed.

"Good, Now then, You will now follow my orders and do as i say...Oh! and you can call me Error404 from now on" 404 said as he smirked teleporting him and Error away.

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